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LifeFuel My BBC Three interview was today



May 20, 2018
So I just finished my interview (it was for research purposes)

ANYWAY it went incredibly well. Questions about the community, our viewpoints, feelings about ER and the such.

And before I continue I'd like to reccomend anyone low inhib enough to talk on the phone or even appear on video if you're 0 inhib to contact them at
[email protected]

After our conversation I actually have faith in them to not paint us as totally evil. And the interviewer was shocked to find after speaking to a few of us how rational and mature we can be.

I know you guys dont trust them (and I didn't) but this is actually a chance to paint us in a good light for once. A chance to normalize our plight.

Anyway it was basically a q&a about all things incel. The blackpill. Inceldom and mass killings. Jack Peterson. About the appeared only negativity of the forum. About @uninstall (who I think would represent us great tbh) and how to normalize incels aka acceptance of us and to humanize us in the eyes of normies. And how we arent all violent misogynists who are pro murder

In conclusion he asked no leading questions. Explained how the documentary will be conducted.
Really hammered down they just want to hear from us.

If we can get some intelligent well spoken incels to talk to them they cant make us look bad. Only themselves if they try to make calm intelligent guys look bad.
I'm sure you just was yourself,bro:soy:
Great job! Did they say anything about when the documentary will be released? Also, are you allowed to publish your recording before the release of the documentary?
They act nice only to make us think they will put inceldom in a good light. It was the same with the report by (((RAI))) about Italian incels, interviewers acted all nice but then they depicted us as retarded dumbshits showing only interviews they did to the most fakecels and retarded members of our community.
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Great job! Did they say anything about when the documentary will be released? Also, are you allowed to publish your recording before the release of the documentary?
It should be a few weeks to my understanding.
He didnt say, but I'll only release it if I'm misquoted or something like that. But I do have it just in case they try to fuck me over. Which I doubt at this point tbh
I actually have faith in them to not paint us as totally evil. I know you guys dont trust them (and I didn't) but this is actually a chance to paint us in a good light for once. A chance to normalize our plight.
They act nice only to make us think they will put inceldom in a good light. It was the same with the report by (((RAI))) about Italian incels, interviewers acted all nice but then they depicted us as retarded dumbshits showing only interviews made to most fakecels and retarded members of our community.
In the interview situation themselves, they are always nice and professional. This is part of their job, after all.

In the interview situation themselves, they are always nice and professional. This is part of their job, after all.
I can only speak from my experience
After our conversation I actually have faith in them to not paint us as totally evil.


You are too gullible boyo, you have been fooled, just like thousands of subhumans get fooled by stacies and roasties every fucking day.

Anyway, hope that it turns out good.
What do you think you would have done or said differently?
Good man. Op. God bless you mate.

I envy your confidence tbh.
well done! do you know where/when i can find this interview online?
well done! do you know where/when i can find this interview online?
It's for a documentary they're making. Should be available in a few weeks
oh man everybody excited for that BBC action
I wish I wasn't an accentcel and high inhib like you guys.
I thought they only wanted British people?
Theyll talk to anyone. I think they originally wanted British people
My biggest fear is my work finding out I did an interview about being an incel and losing my job and license over it.
My biggest fear is my work finding out I did an interview about being an incel and losing my job and license over it.
As of now they're conducting research. Nothing will be aired at this phase
u got played like a fiddle mate
mark my words
You are like a child. So naive. Kinda makes me jealous, remember when I was young and naive.

Of course they are super friendly pre-production
of course they will tell you they'll be fair and unbiased.

I feel like this will be jackbud v2, where you go on apologist rant like he did. Didnt talk about any of lookism, apologized for 10 mins throughout the interview. "we are innocent shy mentalcels"
im expected another jack peterson who is probably a failed normie like jack was to come out the woodwork.
They act nice only to make us think they will put inceldom in a good light. It was the same with the report by (((RAI))) about Italian incels, interviewers acted all nice but then they depicted us as retarded dumbshits showing only interviews they did to the most fakecels and retarded members of our community.
Aaaand that's why i don't watch television anymore. It's bad enough we have to pay for that shit JFL.

Also, hello cucktears lurkers.
im expected another jack peterson who is probably a failed normie like jack was to come out the woodwork.
Whoever goes on camera will likely be the next jack tbh
You are like a child. So naive. Kinda makes me jealous, remember when I was young and naive.

Of course they are super friendly pre-production
of course they will tell you they'll be fair and unbiased.

I feel like this will be jackbud v2, where you go on apologist rant like he did. Didnt talk about any of lookism, apologized for 10 mins throughout the interview. "we are innocent shy mentalcels"
Not at all. I spewed the blackpill and explained inceldom
u got played like a fiddle mate
mark my words
Wasnt even recorded for the documentary. They talked to me for research purposes
Wasnt even recorded for the documentary. They talked to me for research purposes
Good thing you recorded it.. hope they don't take your words out of context.. which they probably are so be ready. Confidence in the (((BBC))) is not good confidence to have, specifically because they will have a feminist view. Plus they could be profiling us.
do u know how long the documentary will be?
Whoever goes on camera will likely be the next jack tbh

Wasnt even recorded for the documentary. They talked to me for research purposes
really? so you wont even be in the documentary? if thats the case you should prolly upload the recording you took
do u know how long the documentary will be?
really? so you wont even be in the documentary? if thats the case you should prolly upload the recording you took
Idk how long itll be.

I could go on video but I dont want doxxed
Hmm not sure how I feel
you cannot possibly think that any sort of media, let alone the smelly sack of shit called BBC could offer anyone "a chance to normalize our plight". they are out to push their own agenda, which is "the 'incels' are a white nationalist terrorist group that have taken responsibility for the isla vista and sandy hook killings along with a couple of plane hijackings". that is wishful thinking at best.
you cannot possibly think that any sort of media, let alone the smelly sack of shit called BBC could offer anyone "a chance to normalize our plight". they are out to push their own agenda, which is "the 'incels' are a white nationalist terrorist group that have taken responsibility for the isla vista and sandy hook killings along with a couple of plane hijackings". that is wishful thinking at best.
Tbh I agree. But if we make ourselves look good they can paint us however they want. If whoever goes on video doesnt spaz out people cant do shit tbh
I think you'll regret it when you see the final product. They act nice on the interview, but they add background sounds and commentary where they say all the negative shit they actually think about you.
I think you'll regret it when you see the final product. They act nice on the interview, but they add background sounds and commentary where they say all the negative shit they actually think about you.
Still. If we dont represent ourselves positively itll be far worse
Tbh I agree. But if we make ourselves look good they can paint us however they want. If whoever goes on video doesnt spaz out people cant do shit tbh
ya well ultimately it doesn't matter cuz if it weren't people from here they would have just found someone else anyway. better that than the other i suppose
ya well ultimately it doesn't matter cuz if it weren't people from here they would have just found someone else anyway. better that than the other i suppose
If i wasnt scared of being doxxed I'd go on video myself
Bull shit! They're going to spin it. We're taking about Main Stream Media. There job is to push certain political agendas. Not provide a fair and rational assessment of a subject. Lets say they do show us in a good light, the Beta White knights (Cucktears) and feminist will go crazy.
They’ll probably misquote you, or if they deem necessary, leave you out entirely. Your intentions were good but the media is not to be trusted especially by those they call terrorists
They’ll probably misquote you, or if they deem necessary, leave you out entirely. Your intentions were good but the media is not to be trusted especially by those they call terrorists
I still try my best. And I hope for the best from them.

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