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RageFuel My 19 year old curry sistER brought home hER white boyfriend



Chaos is a laddER
Jan 7, 2019
I was surprised to see that the dude was pretty ugly and had an incel-tiER face (3/10), but he was a tallfag (6ft+) AND white, so he automatically mogs 95% of ethnics.

Wish I could take a photo of him without him noticing, but the chances of him noticing are extremely high

Dude would legit be posting on this forum if it wasn’t for the fact that his height and race (JBW card) saved him
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Foids have it too easy.
What does your family think of him?
ethnics and their families
What does your family think of him?

My family says he’s a nice guy, and to be honest he does seem nice. I’d rathER my sistER have a passive, harmless boyfriend than to be dating violent thugs and criminals.
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What country are you in? Are white people uncommon there?
My family says he’s a nice guy, and to be honest he does seem nice. I’d rathER my sistER have a passive, harmless boyfriend than to be dating thugs and criminals.
Brutal either way.
@DarkStarDown @Adolf Hitler JBW + Height >>>> Face proven.
Same, I'm white though but I don't find it easy to get an ethnic foid :(

If you’re white AND tall (6ft+), you shouldn’t have any problem getting ethnic girls (unless your face is truecel tiER, 2/10).
If my sister does that, that bitch and that mf will be dead
If you’re white AND tall (6ft+), you shouldn’t have any problem getting ethnic girls (unless your face is truecel tiER, 2/10).
I'm 6 feet, I must be trucel tier face then since I've never had a gf at 30+ age :cryfeels:
you have the same genetics but u will die alone and she will fuck.
Did he really write this
It was in his manifesto, copies of which wERe sent to numERous people of significance/relevance in Elliot RodgER’s life, just moments before he committed the mass-murdER spree attack, and those people who received a copy of his original manifesto can confirm whethER any particular part of the “vERsion” of his manifesto published online, was thERe in the original release, or whethER it was edited by someone else and then posted online aftERwards.

So far, I haven’t seen any proof that the vERsion of his manifesto published online, is a vERsion of the original which has been tampERed with.

so yes, based on presently available information, Elliot RodgER did indeed write in explicit detail about Samuel plunging his penis into his sistER’s vagina
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My family says he’s a nice guy, and to be honest he does seem nice. I’d rathER my sistER have a passive, harmless boyfriend than to be dating violent thugs and criminals.
thats some serious sui fuol man, Luckliy im a single child.
@DarkStarDown @Adolf Hitler JBW + Height >>>> Face proven.
1. Cherrypicked example
2. Doesn't account for his NTNess.
3. He could possibly be moneymaxxed & thus, she uses him as a betabuxx: If it weren't for betabuxxing, 60-70% of men would be Incel.
1. Cherrypicked example
2. Doesn't account for his NTNess.
3. He could possibly be moneymaxxed & thus, she uses him as a betabuxx: If it weren't for betabuxxing, 60-70% of men would be Incel.

Dude, in tERms of net worth/assets, I know for sure hER boyfriend has a car, because he drops hER off back to my family home in a car.

But the dude is close to the same age as my sistER (19), he’s probably at college or trade school so I’m pretty sure he isn’t financially stable enough to be a betabuxxER (although I know nothing about his family background, it’s possible that he might come from a rich family). Also, my sistER has hER own job and own money, so I’m pretty sure that if she wanted to betabux, she’d choose some oldER sugar-daddy with money instead of a broke college/trade-school aged kid.
slap her for bringing dishonour to your family
teach ur sister a lesson you shouldnt race mix pajeeta
slap her for bringing dishonour to your family

I don’t live my life in accordance to artificial concepts which DON’T exist in physical/matERial reality, but ONLY exist in the HUMAN MIND (prestige, honour, morality, reputation, pride and other VIRTUAL EGO-based concepts).

all that TRULY exists in life is physical fulfillment which is achieved through matERial resources (represented in the economy through “Money”), so I just keep my focus on that, and let the normies distract themselves chasing aftER illusions.

Also, I care about my sistER enough for me to want to see hER live a long healthy life with minimal pain/suffERing, but I really don’t care about hER enough for me to have any strong opinion about who she dates.

She could date chad or incel, ethnic or white, and I wouldn’t give a fuck eithER way as long as it’s not a violent thug or criminal (because then I’d be worried about hER safety in the presence of such men).

I just made this post about hER boyfriend, NOT because I care a lot about him or my sistER, but because I just wanted to point out my obsERvation that white tallfags can’t be incel unless they are hideously ugly.
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I don’t live my life in accordance to artificial concepts which don’t exist in physical/matERial reality but only exist in the human mind (prestige, honour, morality, reputation, pride and other virtual EGO-based concepts).

all that TRULY exists in life is physical fulfillment which is achieved through matERial resources (represented in the economy through “Money”), so I just keep my focus on that, and let the normies distract themselves chasing aftER illusions.

Also, I care about my sistER enough for me to want to see hER live a long healthy life with minimal pain/suffERing, but I really don’t care about hER enough for me to have any strong opinion about who she dates.

She could date chad or incel, ethnic or white, and I wouldn’t give a fuck eithER way as long as it’s not a violent thug or criminal (because then I’d be worried about hER safety in the presence of such men).
teach ur sister a lesson you shouldnt race mix pajeeta

At least hER sons will have less chance of being incel if they r half white and half curry, instead of being a FULL CURRY

Race-mixing with whites is beneficial for ethnics
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At least hER sons will have less chance of being incel if they r half white and half curry, instead of being a FULL CURRY

Race-mixing with whites is beneficial for ethnics
mixing with whites creates autistic retard curries
mixing with whites creates autistic retard curries

BettER to be a tall, tanned, autistic half-white/half-curry than to be a manlet, dark shitskin, neurotypical FULL curry.
Race-mixing with whites is beneficial for ethnics
Not true, It will drag down the IQ of the child & possibly increase their chances of inheriting undesirable traits: Why do you think Kikes & their subordinates(rich elites, liberals, etc). push so hard for this narrative?

Screenshot 2023 11 11 at 100008 AM
Screenshot 2023 11 11 at 100047 AM

View: https://imgur.com/a/MIKpghE
Dude, in tERms of net worth/assets, I know for sure hER boyfriend has a car, because he drops hER off back to my family home in a car.
I know this might sound like a dumb question, but is it common for people for young people in Australia to own a car? Reason why I am asking, is because in the US most of the goy-cattle here get their license out of a cereal-box when they hit 16-17. Public transport here(except for a few specific places) is absolute shit & underdeveloped in comparison to many other Western & developed countries. This, combined with the (((work culture))) here means that we spend so much time driving, money maintaining cars, etc.
But the dude is close to the same age as my sistER (19), he’s probably at college or trade school so I’m pretty sure he isn’t financially stable enough to be a betabuxxER
Fair enough. I'm 21 & at College myself: Even though I work part time, it is barely enough to afford my copes(weed, beer, vidya, eating out).
(although I know nothing about his family background, it’s possible that he might come from a rich family).
Ask him next time, but be subtle about it.

An observation I have made, is that individuals from actual rich families dont tend to brag that much. Those who brag about their "wealth" often are from families that just slightly wealthmog the average family, and this are just above average(upper-middle class). Obviously, this is just them trying to one-up everyone, but it is comparable to normies trying to one-up each other by picking on those slightly less attractive than them or less successful.
Also, my sistER has hER own job and own money,
Is it a decent paying job though?
so I’m pretty sure that if she wanted to betabux, she’d choose some oldER sugar-daddy with money instead of a broke college/trade-school aged kid.
Fair enough.
I don’t live my life in accordance to artificial concepts which DON’T exist in physical/matERial reality, but ONLY exist in the HUMAN MIND (prestige, honour, morality, reputation, pride and other VIRTUAL EGO-based concepts).

all that TRULY exists in life is physical fulfillment which is achieved through matERial resources (represented in the economy through “Money”), so I just keep my focus on that, and let the normies distract themselves chasing aftER illusions.

Also, I care about my sistER enough for me to want to see hER live a long healthy life with minimal pain/suffERing, but I really don’t care about hER enough for me to have any strong opinion about who she dates.

She could date chad or incel, ethnic or white, and I wouldn’t give a fuck eithER way as long as it’s not a violent thug or criminal (because then I’d be worried about hER safety in the presence of such men).

I just made this post about hER boyfriend, NOT because I care a lot about him or my sistER, but because I just wanted to point out my obsERvation that white tallfags can’t be incel unless they are hideously ugly.
Except the artificial concepts in question has allowed the human race to advance further than the stone age, if nobody kept morality or followed a subset of these human created concepts then we would live like mere animals living in pure hedonism. We wouldn't advance beyond building mudhuts and killing each other mercilessly. The reason why we don't is because of the culture that was created by the abstraction of the human mind, thus it has allowed us to put forth various advances in civilisation.
mixing with whites creates autistic retard curries

Those images you see online showing good-looking or "successful" racemixed people is just the apex fallacy: All because these few examples on tik-tok show an attractive & allegedly high-IQ person does not mean that his pure luck in the genetic-lottery will extend to everyone else who is racemixed.
BettER to be a tall, tanned, autistic half-white/half-curry than to be a manlet, dark shitskin, neurotypical FULL curry.
Possibly in terms of this artificial, unnatural, multiracial, hypergamous, lookism-based world yes. However, in terms of actual objective value no.
If my sister does that, that bitch and that mf will be dead
I would attempt to break up their relationship and discipline her if I found out that she is a race traitor
this couldve been u if u dont give up tbh, dont be volcel
Im not ethnic and I do not have a sister, the fuck you talking about GrAY cunt
u can run jbw on ethnic like jbw dude op talking about
I've had girls, be it curry, chink, white whatever colour reject me, and disrespect me for the way I look. So no, I cannot just run muh jbw dumbass. Let me guess you're a shitskin?
I live in the west (Australia)
Fuck, Aussie is brootal for ethnics. I used to live in Brisbane (chad central). I knew a Filipino ricecel who'd go home to a house with the following setup:

Him: Alone in his room, LDARing
His sister #1: Fucking white cockru bf
His sister #2: Fucking white cockru bf
His mother: Fucking white cockru husband (I dunno what happened to the bio-dad, guessing she left him for whittu cockrujin).
Fuck, Aussie is brootal for ethnics. I used to live in Brisbane (chad central). I knew a Filipino ricecel who'd go home to a house with the following setup:

Him: Alone in his room, LDARing
His sister #1: Fucking white cockru bf
His sister #2: Fucking white cockru bf
His mother: Fucking white cockru husband (I dunno what happened to the bio-dad, guessing she left him for whittu cockrujin).

Holy fuck, if he hasn’t gone ER by now I’d be really surprised
I was surprised to see that the dude was pretty ugly and had an incel-tiER face (3/10), but he was a tallfag (6ft+) AND white, so he automatically mogs 95% of ethnics.

Wish I could take a photo of him without him noticing, but the chances of him noticing are extremely high

Dude would legit be posting on this forum if it wasn’t for the fact that his height and race (JBW card) saved him

Your sister is attempting to remove your genes from propagation by basically getting ANY tall white guy she can. Ugly, retarded, does not matter.

Lots of curry and noodle whores do this. So many times asian girl with fucking ugly retarded white 6ft guy. It always ends up with her having kids with him and then realising she doesn't want to spend her life in a shit house with a guy addicted to weed and video games.
Which caste and which state are you? Other states' parents will never accept marriage out of their caste.
My family says he’s a nice guy, and to be honest he does seem nice. I’d rathER my sistER have a passive, harmless boyfriend than to be dating violent thugs and criminals.
Disagree. I would rather rape my sister than accept her to be a race traitor.

Your sister is attempting to remove your genes from propagation by basically getting ANY tall white guy she can. Ugly, retarded, does not matter.

Lots of curry and noodle whores do this. So many times asian girl with fucking ugly retarded white 6ft guy. It always ends up with her having kids with him and then realising she doesn't want to spend her life in a shit house with a guy addicted to weed and video games.
Yes, curries avoid this fate most times because of the fathers belt beating :shock::shock::shock:. That's how we keep our whores in control, though beating and rape.

Chinks don't do that and get cucked more

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