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Blackpill Must see: Black Pill: Philosophy of a Victim — Chad spouts insane bullshit and gets slaughtered by everyone in the comments section.

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May 6, 2021

The like/dislike ratio says it all, quite surprising for a video with almost 100k views. Almost 1.600 likes to 4.060 dislikes. JFL
He's completely oblivious to other people's lives and conditions, completely expected of someone that overdosed on Copium too early in life and dived in his delusions of parallel reality of living as semi-chad or whatever people consider him as.

Some comments worth highlighting.

As we say in Russia: "the well-fed will never understand the hungry

Imagine being this wrong. It's like a millionaire saying money doesn't matter.

I love how the whole comment section blasted this ignorant chad into oblivion.

I wish I could turn people like this guy into balding 5'1 currycels and see how they like it and see if they're still just as positive.

Replies, including the fucktard that made the video:

• Like I'm leaving my room at all lol

[UWSL]• You will be one in your next life.[/UWSL]

Damn, imagine if this guy was born a 5'4 jawless manlet. He'd have a very different (black pilled) perspective on life.

[UWSL]Just be yourself, it's enough[/UWSL]
[UWSL]- 185cm tall guy with natural sixpack without working out, blue eyes, strong jawline and a rich dad[/UWSL]

In this video, Chad tells you that looks are not too important, whilst he tells you to read books; predominantly psychology books, ignoring the fact that modern psychology is in support of sexual encounters for pleasure, and, as it so happens, looks are incredibly important for this.

[UWSL]Chads (like the guy on this video) feel extremely threatened by the black pill, it hurst them to realise that whatever success they enjoy in the dating game is predominantly because the genetics they were born with.[/UWSL] [UWSL]The dude in this video provided zero evidence of his claims. Even the alcoholic guy on the comments below was at least able to provide some tinder data.[/UWSL] [UWSL]The truth is that Sexual Attraction is dependent on physical attraction, improving your job or status will take you as far as becoming a friend to that woman, not a boyfriend[/UWSL]

This is on par with a rich person saying "money doesn't buy happiness." You never see them giving that money away, or them trying to be poor.

Being a guy that completed college, joined the military to become a nurse, and other accolades I realized dating never worked out for me. It's not insecurities or having to prove yourself. Sometimes the game is rigged and some people get dealt a losing hand.


• Exactly. Personal development treat a societal problem psychologicaly.

• Stack your money and forget the West.

• [UWSL]go to the east women there want you at least[/UWSL]
[UWSL]for the money[/UWSL]

Oh wow, an attractive man just explained that looks didn't matter, all of our dating problems are solved now.

accepting the truth (looks are very important) does not make u a victim, just a realist

Replies, including the fucktard chad that made the video:

[UWSL]• I do accept that too, but the fact "looks are important" can be interpreted drastically different.[/UWSL] [UWSL]Person A: accepts that looks are important and moves on, continues living his life, continues to participate in social activities even though he knows that his looks may be a hindrance.[/UWSL] [UWSL]Person B: accepts that looks are important, but makes the conclusion that his entire life has to be miserable because he is not looking good, he retreats from social interactions and starts whining about the cruelty of life on earth[/UWSL]

• [UWSL]you have it backwards. Case A is actually the result of blackpill. He goes out and lives his life not receiving any attention, but feels at ease, since he knew better than to expect any in the first place.[/UWSL] [UWSL]Case B is what happens when you convince him that he ought to be having genuine fulfilling relationships and that failure to find one means he is defective as a person. He sinks into depression as he fails again and again.[/UWSL]

This is the world we live in. Rich chad tells us that looks are not important and we just have to be ourselves, read books and "improve" (you already knows what this means). Improving is bullshit and giga cope if you are bottom of the barrel in looks and genetics. No fucking therapy for you face, no fucking therapy for your traumas, no fucking therapy for your genetic recombination.
It's like all the billionaires saying that money doesn't matter and doesn't buy happiness, mind they give someone all their billions? Oh, what, no? It's important to them then? What a shame.

Those who have it easy and can have what they want in this fucking rigged game in their favor will never get what people go through in this shit where everyone and everything is against them. This is no victimising, this is objective reality.


The data is out there, a search away, countless studies, graphs, researches and interviews, all kinds of data, yet they will find a way to cope out of it and deny everything with a straight face.
We are being excluded and the data shows, we are radicalized and the data shows, we are lesser humans in NPC's eyes and the data shows.

If you are being radicalized by data, you are being radicalized by objective reality, meaning that everyone else is being lulled by falsehoods.
Didnt read a single word
JFL i open this video and its already disliked by me :feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh:
It's good to see comments like that, I guess some people can see through the bullshit.
Here we fucking go again. I'm done posting anything on ID.
It's probably a troll/edgelord, just ignore them or put them in your ignore list.
It's like all the billionaires saying that money doesn't matter and doesn't buy happiness, mind they give someone all their billions? Oh, what, no? It's important to them then? What a shame
Yeah that's the most pretentious shit ever :feelskek: if money doesn't matter and doesn't make you happy then they should give a homeless ugly dude a million dollars and watch how happy he'd be :feelskek:
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:redpill: Just become happier bro. :redpill:

I'm glad so many commenters have more than 2 brain cells and a lot of people have disliked that shitty video. Even a foid admits it:
Looking good definitely matters. You are very attractive so you don’t have to deal what it is like to be constantly rejected by women. As a woman I’m not going to sit here and lie by saying personality is what I notice first about a man. His “looks” is what I notice first; personality second.
Hallelujah, some god damn honesty for once.
i dont think money doesnt buy happiness is wrong.

i mean its like drugs :feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD:

ever heard of drug tolerance? alcohol tolerance? they all feel good when you first take it :panties: but soon you get used to it and it loses appeal :feelsdevil: and u want more and more.....

i think moneymaxxing might be the same thing :lul: and partially the reason why its a cope and not a solve-it-all though it does solve lots of problems :feelsdevil:

i think on a personal level, its far better for one to be born rich and stay rich, than born poor and become richer. you can never re-buy your childhood :feelsdevil:
I'd rather be a depressed millionaire than a depressed inkel :society:
Privileged beyond his understanding.
He's not entirely wrong we should all be looksmaxxing (provided you have the money), even if it doesn't drastically improve your SMV it will improve your quality of life. :feelsUgh:
Read almost every single word, this guy is a complete tool.
Read every word. Holy fuck those comments are based. :blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill: People either take for granted what they have, or as one comment pointed out, are completely in denial because they want to feel as if they earned the good lives they have, and it doesn't just boil down to the way you're born, or both. Honestly, people like that are retarded, cancerous, and the bane of learning, gaining new knowledge, and are an embarrassment to a species that is supposed to be the smartest on earth.
Dude many normies are already blackpilled they just pretend to be not since it is just a social stigma too know that shit.
Dude many normies are already blackpilled they just pretend to be not since it is just a social stigma too know that shit.
Yes, it is an actual stigma to know human nature. Say anything slightly blackpilled in public and see what happens. Cucks, holes, sluts, simps, whiteknights will attack you to no end with every name of every language.
Just be born as Chad bro, earn money bro like i did due to my looks halo.
chads dont like the Blackpill. it ruins their business. the chad is dishonest and he should be fed to the pigs.
I hate chads almost as much as foids. Can’t even bear looking at them. Im not watching that vid brocel, but jfl at those comments:feelshaha:
Couldn't watch it to the end.
But he also makes the mistake of thinking that women are some kind of higher beings.
They don't need you to look good bro
If you are ugly just stay home bro and read a book bro

Isn't it strange that if an ugly guy starts to realize the truth, the only advice they give is an advice that will remove the ugly guy from around women, and society?

If you ugly = STAY HOME and read a book
Strange huh?:feelsseriously:
Couldn't watch it to the end.
But he also makes the mistake of thinking that women are some kind of higher beings.
They don't need you to look good bro
If you are ugly just stay home bro and read a book bro

Isn't it strange that if an ugly guy starts to realize the truth, the only advice they give is an advice that will remove the ugly guy from around women, and society?

If you ugly = STAY HOME and read a book
Strange huh?:feelsseriously:
Any kind of so called "improvement" or "activities" are mere excuses and alternatives to saying "stop thinking about being ugly, there is no cure for genetics, just go distract yourself and cope to death". Fuck this guy and fuck anyone like him. Those who win by merely existing don't have to improve or "work on themselves", they have their entire life and way already decided at the moment of conception. Motherfuckers get everyone drooling over them even if they are criminals, repeated offended and in prison, but women will always the detect the dangers the personality of "creepy dangerous guys" (we all know what that means) and stay away.
Youtube comments tend to be based, it’s one of the better communities
While it's hard to listen to chad tell me that looks aren't everything, and the fact that he won't admit how much it matters is infuriating, in his defense though trying to focus on becoming successful isn't necessarily bad advice. But it ultimately depends upon what you want. There is nothing that I can do to travel back in time and experience youth as an attractive male, I'll never know what it's like to have people actually lead me to believe that anything that I do will be rewarded, that they value me at all, or that the see me as anything more than vermin. I also don't have a high sex drive, at least not at this point. The one thing an excessive amount of money could get me is a lot of sex, yet what would most likely happen is that I'd be so disinterested that I'd rarely want it, which is how I feel now anyway.

But no, looks aren't everything. I would say that the two biggest advantages in life are being born attractive, and being born into a rich family, probably in that order. In both cases it has nothing to do with what one does or doesn't do. Most of the other things I could list are also related to one's development, but suffice it to say that people don't realize how much you're either set up to succeed or fail based upon a combination of genetics and the environment in which you're raised.

Also, yes it's true that one can actually be above average and still struggle with women. However this is often a case of having good looks but doing basically everything else wrong while probably having severe mental issues. On the other hand, if you're 3/10 you can do literally everything right but it simply won't matter.

And tbh this guy mogs me to another dimension, easily more than double my PSL.
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Yes, it is an actual stigma to know human nature. Say anything slightly blackpilled in public and see what happens. Cucks, holes, sluts, simps, whiteknights will attack you to no end with every name of ever
That guy is just very dishonest or at the peak of blue pilled delusion.
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The like/dislike ratio says it all, quite surprising for a video with almost 100k views. Almost 1.600 likes to 4.060 dislikes. JFL
He's completely oblivious to other people's lives and conditions, completely expected of someone that overdosed on Copium too early in life and dived in his delusions of parallel reality of living as semi-chad or whatever people consider him as.

Some comments worth highlighting.

This is the world we live in. Rich chad tells us that looks are not important and we just have to be ourselves, read books and "improve" (you already knows what this means). Improving is bullshit and giga cope if you are bottom of the barrel in looks and genetics. No fucking therapy for you face, no fucking therapy for your traumas, no fucking therapy for your genetic recombination.
It's like all the billionaires saying that money doesn't matter and doesn't buy happiness, mind they give someone all their billions? Oh, what, no? It's important to them then? What a shame.

Those who have it easy and can have what they want in this fucking rigged game in their favor will never get what people go through in this shit where everyone and everything is against them. This is no victimising, this is objective reality.


The data is out there, a search away, countless studies, graphs, researches and interviews, all kinds of data, yet they will find a way to cope out of it and deny everything with a straight face.
We are being excluded and the data shows, we are radicalized and the data shows, we are lesser humans in NPC's eyes and the data shows.

If you are being radicalized by data, you are being radicalized by objective reality, meaning that everyone else is being lulled by falsehoods.

Its the same delusional mindset that foids possess. They tell us that getting partners is all about 'personality'. Yet said personality consists of 'facebook' and 'tiktok'. Not to mention they literally sit there and wait for men to ask them out.

I am sick and tired of gaslighting and I learned to stop asking women's opinions on dating long ago the hard way. Chads are the same.
Turn people like him into manlet currycels
can they just fuck off to ANYWHERE else? the world is their oyster why waste that on making us feel like shit and giving false hope? for female validation and to be seen as progressive I guess.
completely in denial because they want to feel as if they earned the good lives they have, and it doesn't just boil down to the way you're born, or both. Honestly, people like that are retarded, cancerous, and the bane of learning, gaining new knowledge, and are an embarrassment to a species that is supposed to be the smartest on earth.

The like/dislike ratio says it all, quite surprising for a video with almost 100k views. Almost 1.600 likes to 4.060 dislikes. JFL
He's completely oblivious to other people's lives and conditions, completely expected of someone that overdosed on Copium too early in life and dived in his delusions of parallel reality of living as semi-chad or whatever people consider him as.

Some comments worth highlighting.

This is the world we live in. Rich chad tells us that looks are not important and we just have to be ourselves, read books and "improve" (you already knows what this means). Improving is bullshit and giga cope if you are bottom of the barrel in looks and genetics. No fucking therapy for you face, no fucking therapy for your traumas, no fucking therapy for your genetic recombination.
It's like all the billionaires saying that money doesn't matter and doesn't buy happiness, mind they give someone all their billions? Oh, what, no? It's important to them then? What a shame.

Those who have it easy and can have what they want in this fucking rigged game in their favor will never get what people go through in this shit where everyone and everything is against them. This is no victimising, this is objective reality.


The data is out there, a search away, countless studies, graphs, researches and interviews, all kinds of data, yet they will find a way to cope out of it and deny everything with a straight face.
We are being excluded and the data shows, we are radicalized and the data shows, we are lesser humans in NPC's eyes and the data shows.

If you are being radicalized by data, you are being radicalized by objective reality, meaning that everyone else is being lulled by falsehoods.

man i really wish i looked like him, i will be fucking pussy all day. he is an ignorant fucker
I ate him i consumed his spinal fluid. hes banned in this world
Read every word. Holy fuck those comments are based. :blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill: People either take for granted what they have, or as one comment pointed out, are completely in denial because they want to feel as if they earned the good lives they have, and it doesn't just boil down to the way you're born, or both. Honestly, people like that are retarded, cancerous, and the bane of learning, gaining new knowledge, and are an embarrassment to a species that is supposed to be the smartest on earth.

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