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Blackpill Muh wahmen's autonomy

  • Thread starter ReasonableResolver
  • Start date


Dec 5, 2018
The most common and the most braindead argument against restricting femoid hypergamy is that for some reason, femoids should be able to do whatever the fuck they want, because of muh autonomy. Well guess what, fucking retard, no one has %100 autonomy. Unless you're living all alone in some amazon jungle in buttfuck nowhere, everyone faces several different types of constraints, whether it is social,legal, financial or religious. The government tells you to not commit murder, right now. Every single law prohibiting crime is a constraint on people's autonomy. It is fucking braindead to claim that people should be able to do whatever they want all the time. In fact, this is the same braindead argument "pro-choice" people use. "Muh government shouldn't tell muh precious wahmen wat to do" well it is already telling them what to do, in many areas of life. So the idea that any restriction on femoid sexuality is wrong on the basis of muh autonomy is fucking stupid. The argument for banning murder is simple, it is for the good of the society to make murder illegal, the government doesn't give a fuck how you feel about it, if you commit murder your ass is done for, period. The same argument can also be made for restricting their hypergamy, as we've seen so far all it caused was turn the society into a backstabbing, immoral shithole where all social cohesion is thrown out the window in order to obtain material possessions and superficial pleasures.

Femoids have proved beyond any doubt that they are incapable of carrying the responsibility of the freedom they were given by men. And I say given because none of them did anything worth a fuck in the history.All philosophers, scientists, generals, free-thinkers,artists,great authors and poets are men. If men wanted to keep foids under the boot, they would most certainly have kept doing so, and they should've by all means. Because men were bluepilled cucks in the past, we have to suffer from inceldom, which didn't even fucking exist for most men just a few decades ago.

As I was saying, just take a look at the current state of society. The concept of family unit is brutally murdered by femoids. The average man can't start a family without having to comply with the absurd amount of conditions imposed to them by femoids, which are mostly of financial nature. "Buy me this ring, don't you love me enough?You don't have a well-paying job, a car, or a house?Don't make me laugh!"

I am yet to come across a femoid that doesn't have unreasonable financial standards. A wedding costs 100k liras (give or take) in Turkey, and nobody fucking sees what's wrong. It's fucking "expected" not only by the femoids but by the society. Minimum wage is about 2k liras a month, so an average guy who works minimum wage. would have to save up for 10 years or so, and even then he wouldn't have enough money unless his parents help him. These ruthless whores don't care about loving or being loved in the least, they expect to be given everything despite not having any redeeming qualities about themselves aside from having a vagina. Seriously, unless his parents have considerable financial assets, your average Turkish guy is absolutely FUCKED. And that's not it. you're expected to have your own car, have your own house, have a well-paying job. But if you ask them, they would have the gall to pretend that they are somehow better than escorts. At least escorts are honest in what they want, they tell you how much they want straight-up, they don't pretend to be that good girl that applies to cucked men's bluepill fantasies in order to fool them into giving them all their resources.

Oh, and I almost forgot. Until you meet their financial criteria, they won't give you the time of the day, especially when you are young. You're expected to live up to fucking 30-35 years of age as an incel and then people expect you to be fucking normal. I fucking hate how the society completely disregards my needs. Society expects me to live as some sort asexual eunuch, and I refuse to be some cuck who goes through all that and then folds to some foid who would fucking laugh in my face when I was younger.

Of course, if you have the looks, you can fuck whoever you want.

I'm so fucking tired of this clown world. The least I can do is deny these merciless,cruel animals from my resources. They would divorce-rape me and cheat on me anyway. Despite what I've been through and what I'll go through, at least I can go to my grave in dignity. I don't give a FUCK if that makes me volcel. I'm not letting these whores take advantage of me.
High iq post. Too bad you posted it during a time on which not many users are online.
-Remove child support
-Remove alimony

Those 2 alone will help tremendously. Otherwise, females are free to ravage men's resources with no recourse.

Personally I don't want to control women... but right now we have no control and there's no consequence either.
-Remove child support
-Remove alimony

Those 2 alone will help tremendously. Otherwise, females are free to ravage men's resources with no recourse.

Personally I don't want to control women... but right now we have no control and there's no consequence either.

We should make no-fault divorce illegal on top of those. I've heard of/witnessed many people getting divorced, and its always for frivolous reasons. Divorce should be an extremely rare thing granted in only the most extreme of conditions. Otherwise children will have their families broken apart, and single motherhood(which is cancer) will increase.
Make being a single mom illegal.
Women will have to commit to a guy
You're expected to live up to fucking 30-35 years of age as an incel and then people expect you to be fucking normal.
This really goes to show that these people are absolute bastards who don't care about us at best and hate us at worst. What we have to deal with never crosses their minds because ugly men are conditioned into taking it lying down, we do not matter, only what we do and don't do is relevant to anything. We really are asexual slaves. When women end up accepting something that society has burdened them with, even if it is something incredibly important like having to have multiple children, white knights suddenly rush to their aid and can't stop calling it a flaw in our culture as they demand we bend over backwards to help a gender of mental children put less and less effort into existing.

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