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Venting ''muh male privilege''



Feb 9, 2023
The women-are-wonderful effect is the phenomenon found in psychological and sociological research which suggests that people associate more positive attributes with women compared to men. This bias reflects an emotional bias toward women as a general case.
JFL, This is ofc water but still JBW (just be woman) confirmed once again. being a woman is a scientifically proven halo, almost everything a woman does will be seen in a more positive light then when a men does it, but this despite this I have to go through my entire life hearing how difficult it is to be a woman. How do I cope with this shit it is making me go insane. I have to hear this all the time from my family especially my father who always tells me to be super respectful and mindful of woman bc they have it so much harder then us men do. When I was still in school this shit was also really bad, constantly having to hear my feminist teachers talking about how hard woman have it whilst simultaneously seeing all the foids in my class get better treatment from them and from the other teachers. My entire life I legit see woman get treated better everywhere I go and still I have to listen to this fucking bullshit of how man have it so much easier and that we need to be mindful of our privilege. I swear if I hear one more idiot say something like this I will punch him in his dumbass face. ''muh the wage gap'' if you actually account for the fact men choose different careers and such the difference is not nearly what people make it out to be and according to LinkedIn statistics woman are 16% more likely to get hired so it evens out imo.

regardless here are some other statistics/facts that '''prove male privilege'':
men are 4 times more likely to kill themselves
most people who are lonely are men
Most people who are in jail are men in fact men get 63% longer prison sentences for the exact same crimes as woman even when you control for criminal background so if a woman get a 10 years sentence a men would get a 16.3 years sentence for the exact same crime. The court system is inherently biased towards woman
99.9% of people who die in wars are men
men typically do far worse in school
71% of homeless people are men
men are far more likely to be a victim of a violent crime
majority of addicts are men
Men have lower life expectancy
3 quarters of all adult who go missing are men
87% of people who have sleeping problems are men.
men on average report lower levels of life satisfaction

And the funny thing is if any of these statistics were reversed you would be hearing feminist complaining about them everyday but since they affect men negatively and not woman nobody gives a fuck.

Not saying that there aren't any advantages to being a men but having to hear how its always better a men is driving me crazy. Men literally are less happy on average and yet is is a privilege to be a man JFL at this clown world. boyos how do I cope with having to hear this bs?
Nobody believes male privilege
Cucked by psychology. It’s over
what are you talking about almost all normies believe in this shit
not really
Screenshot 2023 07 27 95236 PM
When foids talk about male privilege, they are talking about the top 20% of men. They don't see anyone below as men.
Society doesn’t care about males.. :feelsrope:
Who cares about a single stat with limited informative value. With '4 in 10 Americans thinking society treats the sexes equally' and 45% thinking men are treated favorably, you have a maximum of 15% left for people who think women are overall favored. Their might have been another 10% answering "don't know".... your very own stat shows a discrepency of at least 45 to 15% in the favor of the view you are arguing against... wtf am I reading
These types of surveys can vary hard by how the question is framed, as well. The way the answers are presented already shows the researchers own bias. The possbility that men could be disadvantaged is either not mentioned or, if it's mentioned after where you cut of, it is mentioned last. The very first sentence immediately puts the starting point at 'what more can we do to help women reach equal treatment which ofc has yet to be accomplished'. If the answers are presented with such a either proud or selfunaware display of partiality, the possbility that these results are not arrived at with perfectly fair methodology obviously rises in likelyhood.

But all this shit doesn't even matter when every single cultural product screams female superiority and presents men and male nature as either villainous, weak or at best circumstancially useful. That people can stomach and consume this in mass, that this is in all the major franchises, that people throughout all levels of society have started adapting the language used to push these ideas, these things are a far better indicator for where normies stand than your 1 weak ass stat.

While laws meant to help women shoulder the burden of the "pink tax" are put into place, studies suggesting that the pink tax, much like the gender pay gap, is mostly down to female preferances and choices are released at the same time. Does anybody object? Where are the 40% of people that think society is fair that should now oppose any further attempts to rebalance it (always only in one direction)? Oh, they don't care? They aren't gonna say anything or do anything? Meaning they are de facto irrelevant to political considerations? Even the fking <15% of people who think society is already biased against men say and do nothing of importance. Your stat is so fking worthless...

To think that a single survey trumps the political reality of the last 20 years everyone has just observed for themselfs is pathetic. Some amount of the mindless, apolitical masses might not fully agree with w/e insanity progressives cook up next, but when faced with some pseudo-academic arguments and a camera put in their face, none of them feel strongly enough about this garbage that they would be willing to accept personal risks in their attempt to oppose it.

Not to mention, what the masses think is far less relevant than what the elites think, and from academia to mass media to the HR departments of big firms, every place that matters is intensely biased against men and indifferend to our interests or needs.
When foids talk about male privilege, they are talking about the top 20% of men. They don't see anyone below as men.
more like 2% with divorce-graping laws.

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