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JFL Move out already



And then one day, for no reason at all...
Jun 27, 2020
This is a response to the following thread:

So far, over 70% of all people here indicate they still live with their parents. Now I know that, unfortunately, .co's userbase has quite some underaged kids who mistake their teenage angst for truceldom. But even taking these into account, the number shocks me.

You really cannot know what you're talking about if you've lived your entire life sheltered by your parents. Really, inceldom shouldn't your main worry. You should get the hell out of your parents' house and get your own place so you can become a real person with insightful outlooks.

Inb4 excuses for not having a job. Lazy cope.
I live alone on minumum wage.

DO NOT MOVE OUT of your parents unless you have a high paying job. The wage cuck live is utter fucking hell. The year I was a neet was the best year of my life
You have absolutely no fucking clue how bad the housing market here is, most of us need to work till like 25-30 bare minimum to even have a chance at a decent house
I live alone on minumum wage.

DO NOT MOVE OUT of your parents unless you have a high paying job. The wage cuck live is utter fucking hell. The year I was a neet was the best year of my life
You have absolutely no fucking clue how bad the housing market here is, most of us need to work till like 25-30 bare minimum to even have a chance at a decent house
It’s not like you can just move out whenever you want.
Must be nice to live in Denmark, a country with one of the world's strongest social safety nets.
Just get a job and move out bro. What do you mean house prices have been skyrocketing for years? What do you mean job requirements have been skyrocketing for years? What do you mean you are an autist/ have a shit ton of mental illnesses so you cant get/keep a job anyway? lol bootstrap bitch.

Must be nice to live in Denmark, a country with one of the world's strongest social safety nets.
dedsrs? explains this post
You have absolutely no fucking clue how bad the housing market here is, most of us need to work till like 25-30 bare minimum to even have a chance at a decent house
I don't want to spend all my wageslaving money on a rent in a crackhouse
Very silly advice. If you work from home, its doable. But if you need to live near a major metro area for work, moving out and becoming a rent slave is perhaps the worst possible thing you could do. Smart move is to just stay at home until you can afford a down payment on a house. Then either move out, or rent out that house to tenets and continue the cycle again until you make whatever the average mortgage is in rental income. I feel for incels with shit parents though.

I've always thought that renting a house with one or two brocels with similar personalities would be something we should try. That would require networking though, something that nobody wants to do. Most people who move out, do so with a roommate.
I live alone on minumum wage.

DO NOT MOVE OUT of your parents unless you have a high paying job. The wage cuck live is utter fucking hell. The year I was a neet was the best year of my life


OP has horrible advice which will destroy your life
OP has horrible advice which will destroy your life
yup. He's literally the same guy who thinks personality is why you're a friendless virgin
Shit tier boomer advice, only move out if you have a high paying job
dedsrs? explains this post
OP has horrible advice which will destroy your life

Yeah, OP lives in a country where the minimum wage is over 16 USD per hour and the typical working week is just 37 hours. I wouldn't mind growing up in a Nordic welfare state.

Americans don't even have universal healthcare JFL, like what the fuck, you burgers need to get your shit together :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
2 homeless :cryfeels:
I live with my parents no reason to move out
You have absolutely no fucking clue how bad the housing market here is, most of us need to work till like 25-30 bare minimum to even have a chance at a decent house
Of course I know, retard. If I have my own place then I'm obviously involved in the housing market.
Must be nice to live in Denmark, a country with one of the world's strongest social safety nets.
I pay 700 dollars a month for a small room. I work full time. Spent years of hard work to get a decent job. I still have jack shit, just a room. Yet it's entirely worth it. You don't know shit about life until you're on your own.
Yeah, OP lives in a country where the minimum wage is over 16 USD per hour and the typical working week is just 37 hours. I wouldn't mind growing up in a Nordic welfare state.
My first job paid 4 dollars per hour.
What do you mean house prices have been skyrocketing for years? What do you mean job requirements have been skyrocketing for years?
KEK at these shitty excuses. A full time job can sustain a cheap apartment, unless you live in an insanely expensive place, in which case, just fucking move out and live in a smaller place. I always took jobs away from the big cities back (now I don't but my wage is enough that I can survive in the city).
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A minimum wage job here would pay you 200 usd a MONTH. Good luck with that.
Sad shit ngl. But tbh I think that's an exception as most people on .co live in some Western country where young people's fatalism has overrun reason.
Why would you get your own place if it's over for you and theres no chance of you bringing a girl over anyway? I get wanting your own space away from family. But im an only child with lazy parents that dont give a fuck, so i have no reason not to live with them. They pretty much leave me alone.

At least from my experience, living at uni for 2 years the only thing that changed was that my copes got worse because im surrounded by normtards and living in a shitty dorm room instead of a comfy neet-tier basement. Shit didnt help one bit in terms of ascension. All it did was make me more depressed getting mogged on campus constantly.

Also chad slays all he wants regardless of his living situation. This advice only applies to failed normies who need to prove they have the wageslaving potential of a good betabuxx. As a truecel there is just no fucking reason if your parents are neet friendly
Sad shit ngl. But tbh I think that's an exception as most people on .co live in some Western country where young people's fatalism has overrun reason.

Yeah, I see where you are getting at.
There was a poll a while back, asking if you could betabux if you wanted to.
Quite a lot of people voted no.

Being unsuccessful and being shut-ins is a problem. It wouldnt save most here, but it would reduce the numbers for sure.
IMO you should only move out when you are able to buy a house, renting is a shit investment.

living with your parent can be fine as long as you have a job and not a NEET.
renting is a shit investment.
Financially, yes. But it's worth the mental investment. The responsibilty that comes with it is what makes a boy into a man.
You fucking retard the average age here is 18-27 how the fuck are you meant to move out at that age especially when you consider 1. Property's are fucking expensive as fuck now (where I live at least) 2. We're all single so we have half the income normal people earn.

It's fucking dumb how Americans think you should leave and move out as soon as fucking possible which isn't possible and in China the culture is different and they understand that it takes time to go to uni get a job save up money n all dat
Imagine willingly moving out of the comfort of your parents' home and having to cook, wash, clean and get groceries by yourself just to prove to yourself that you are "a real person with insightful outlooks" :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Normies/chads/foids living with parents.... Oh, that's sweet. They are taking care of their parents and saving money for a house downpayment.

Incels living with parents.... Move out, you silly dirty inkell.
You don't know the United States. Everything is just barely under full time as a way to screw us out of benefits and the schedule changes randomly so you can't get 2.
Why the fuck would i do that? So i can be utterly alone instead of just being without friends and a gf?
I don't see anything wrong with living with parents if you can get a job where you live. You can save for your own apartment faster that way.
No jobs for me where my parents live so I had to move out to a bigger city.

I don't get how can people stand living with parents though unless you have rich parents who aren't alcoholics and a big house with your own room, I was a poorfag and I didn't even have a room that would be fully mine, no privacy and alcoholic father fighting with mother and calling me names.
The main reason I'm moving out to become a rentcuck is to have a bit more space than a room in my parents house. Also, normies in the west treat you worse if you don't, especially when you're over 25 like me. Gotta do what I can in order to avoid being fired for being an ugly autist.

Sure I'd save money living with my parents while wageslaving but for what? What's even the point of buying a place as an incel? You have to pay for it through a morgage anyway, and by the time it's increased a lot in value you'll be old as fuck.
DO NOT MOVE OUT of your parents unless you have a high paying job. The wage cuck live is utter fucking hell. The year I was a neet was the best year of my life
I rather deal with my parent's crap than work a shitty job and pay taxes, then go home to a tiny apartment in the ghetto.
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I don't get why your parents won't kick you guys out, those who don't work.
I mean good for you I'm just surprised, I'd be kicked out.
If you are a neet, the best thing you can do is to move out asking your pare to pay for your rent if you have no job. Staying home with your pare is a good way to become a real incel, unless you are really blackpilled. Once you get the agepill it's over.
implying everyone lives somewhere where housing is affordable..
better neet than a wagecuck
give me a house
and I will move out
I want to move out,
but I'm not capable of working, because I hate people
give me a house
and I will move out
I want to move out,
but I'm not capable of working, because I hate people
High iq. Jfl at working for $10/hr for 8 hours a day with people you hate just so you can afford a bug infested small apartment that 90% of your untaxed paycheck goes to paying the rent for. Then you'll probably be fired soon because they hate you, and end up homeless.
I have aspergers & social anxiety, wish I could just turn that off.
I moved out for a brief time and it was the worst mistake ever. Like others have said, if you can’t BUY a decent HOUSE then don’t bother moving out.
Depends on the situation. It doesn't always work like that. And it doesn't make you more quirky and interesting to toilets living alone. If you're ugly as fuck, you are ugly whether its by yourself or with your parents.

It's almost like bluepilled advice. U dont have a gf bc u dont live by yourself bruh!!! :soy:

Chad can fuck Stacy in his mother's bedroom btw
I don't get why your parents won't kick you guys out, those who don't work.
I mean good for you I'm just surprised, I'd be kicked out.
I have aspergers & social anxiety, wish I could just turn that off.

"it's a lie bro just get motivated and fix ur shit mental disabilities dont exist bro! Ur just limiting yourself bro!"

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