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JFL Mother (whore) gives advice for Incels

  • Thread starter Deleted member 6501
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Why can't she just suck my dick instead of this retarded advice. That could easily cure my problems.
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didnt watch lol

NO ONE cares what a woman, especially a mother, thinks about us.
Stop giving these whores attention, they crave it.

Why can't she just suck my dick instead of this retarded advice.
i have a mother fetish and i just want to ER rn because I can't turbofuck her in every position imaginable


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"Number 4. You should just let someone sleep with you! Like, its not that hard"

And she says incels give bad dating advice.
"Number 4. You should just let someone sleep with you! Like, its not that hard"

And she says incels give bad dating advice.
fucking kek, that's about as useful as me wiping my ass on a woman's face in hopes she has sex with me
No point in the post just delete
how many chads fuck her during her prime?
She has a good point with the morbid obese analogy. Thing is, have you ever guys heard of an ex-Incel that is ugly?
I have yet to meet one.
I'm not watching this shit. I don't feel like getting angry at not being able to punch this female in the face.
>You should just let someone sleep with you like its not that hard

i have never seen such useless advice, ever, anywhere, in fact im struggling to even find a comparison for such low iq shit

i will prepare acid and find her soon for this insult
every single thing she says makes me want to beat her over the head with a hammer. low iq parenting is the bane of our society
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I'm not watching this shit. I don't feel like getting angry at not being able to punch this female in the face.
here's some [LifeFuel]
stupid fake prescription makes her look like a tinder wannabe
"My guess is you already have woman interested in you"

typical normie, she addresses zero points about how messed up the world is and how privileged she is compared to men. But hey, just fuck some used up 45 year old woman who has herpes. Then you will totally feel better after you're infected with an incurable disease! Even better advice, just date somebody who is super ugly so I can get entrapped into paying childsupport for an ugly kid and be a literal slave for even more reasons.
This is the problem with normies, they have no awareness of the world. She probably calls them cold sores too. Disgusting freak.
She has a good point with the morbid obese analogy. Thing is, have you ever guys heard of an ex-Incel that is ugly?
I have yet to meet one.
This. All people who ascend end up looking like fakecels anyways, meanwhile there's a handful of truly ugly people here (myself included ofcourse)
"Just find someone to sleep with you! TeeHee" "Get on Medication" "Just look around at the people who like you" !! Worst advice ever MOM, I do look around but people find me repulsive and find someone to sleep with you ? Seriously I'm not women I can't just get sex anytime I want if I did I wouldn't have this problem.
"Just live a kamikaze lifestyle and make out with random sluts and get an STD lmao"

great advice mom, thanks
Yeah you can save me by spreading your legs for me you white whore
fucking kek, that's about as useful as me wiping my ass on a woman's face in hopes she has sex with me

She obviously has no idea that getting sex as a guy is nothing like getting sex as a girl, that's the kind of advice that would only apply to a picky female.
this video is a joke right? I'll admit I laughed, not too into this ironic comedy myself though.
oh wait she's a member of the jordan peterson cult
guess this isn't a joke then
We have a snitch there, who is beta cuck white knight thinking she will like him for telling her.
Why can't she just suck my dick instead of this retarded advice. That could easily cure my problems.
When women try to be "nice" to incels it's always "you'll find someone". Shut up, at least let me feel your breast or something. If you're not willing to do even this much you're not willing to help.
Normalfags have all this "advice" for incels when the problem is easily solved by just dating us. They think we are "toxic" and that's why we were never given a chance when really we are just bitter for never being given a chance at all.
Not just anxiety but autism. You cant have friends when people hate you for being social retard. Nor would they want to waste time hanging out with you. Also there are no ways you can make friends outside of highschool. At uni most people even many normies complain about being lonely because random people you have 1 or 2 classes with probably won't become your friend
ok i watched this whole heap of shit and heres what she wants kek- " hangout with people in the normal world " bitch im a touchless 22 virgin whos never had a single friend. should i just walk the streets approaching random people? Also i dont think i would have had a retail job for 2 years if i didnt know how to hold a conversation. Also tells us to make friends ( orbit ) older women like a good cuck and feed their egos ( lol ).

also states that incels are getting ioi's and we just arent seeing it from females - biggest fucking lie imaginable, most incels ( myself included) have never got any signs /looks whatsoever. Also tells us to just go find females to sleep with. wow gee thx ill just approach foids on the street asking them to be my gf! what a brilliant plan.

TLDR - Main theme of the video is some clueless roastie saying we incels are getting signs from females and are just missing them.

aka a straight up lie from a foid, what a suprise. Normies live in another world.
"You should just let someone sleep with you! Like, its not that hard!"
This made me burst out laughing. Our suffering is literally unfathomable to normalfags.
>Nose ring

What a disgrace.

"Make female friends!"

Were it so easy bitch!!!!!!
"You should just let someone sleep with you! Like, its not that hard!"
This made me burst out laughing. Our suffering is literally unfathomable to normalfags.

How stupid can people be?

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