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Most women hate sex and fake most of their orgasms.



Oct 23, 2022
I thought we were over this hurdle and thought that this would be common sense already.

However, surprisingly there are guys here that still believe that women enjoy sex. It seems that watching a lot of porn had placed them under a facade or warped their view of reality. Many female porn artists perfected the art of moaning and such, so can easily mislead or delude men into thinking they enjoy it (when most of them don't). Female porn artists know what they're doing and having perfected the art of deception. Not only in sex, but in all other facets of life as well, and which is part of the reason why we see them high bureaucratic positions in our society.

Quite frankly... I can't believe this needs to be said, but women don't enjoy sex at all, and a lot of them fake their orgasms as well. There are only rare occassions where women have orgasms and enjoy sex. I can't remember, but I think there was a study where it was easier for women to orgasm to those that had good looking faces, and however another contradicting thing is that they orgasm to knowing if the guy is rich(er) as well. Women don't usually like penetrative sex anyway (which is part of the reason why they don't watch porn as heavily as men) - as you can see from the most viewed porn categories they watch. A lot of the porn that women watch are mostly watching other women masturbate and lesbian porn. One of the female's most sensitive bodypart is their clitoris, they prefer rubbing it than something going into their vagina, and this is more conclusive evidence that women don't enjoy penetrative sex.

At minimum 75% of women fake their orgasms and some cases it's usually a higher figure - https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-11-30/what-to-do-if-youve-been-faking-orgasms/9763430

The article later goes into improving stuff in the bedroom, but however it's futile as there are many other sources I can point you towards. On a large scale, they still don't enjoy sex as well (part of the reason why they watch less porn than men anywya).

Another main thing is that they fake their orgasm to end sex sooner as well. They always view having sex as a chore. Some will say "a lot of them got it out of their system in their earlier years," however, it reaches towards even in their early years that they find sex tiresome, bothersome, and such a major chore. They only do it to keep and secure their boyfriends (Chads included). So sex even in this case is still viewed as being transactional and future investment for them to secure, e.g. good genes from the Chads (subconciously), financial security, so on, ..., etc.

This also leads into many sexless marriages... a lot of husbands get annoyed and they end up going to brothels, escorts, and prostitutes as a result of that. Many escorts/prostitutes can detail a chunk of their clientale base of being married men.

Women are actually blessed of having long periods of being celibate (voluntarily) while being more naturally celibate than men as well. What would mostly takeover from that is just simply financial security. They also materialistically view bfs/husbands as purses they wear to show to their friends as well (since they're more social than men and care more about status. Whenever there's celebrity gossip, there's a good chance you'll find a lot of women in those spaces).
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then why are they whores and have sex all the time?
Foids only enjoy sex with Chad. That's all.
I was talking to my Chadlite neighbor and some of his Chadlite friends about this. They said most women lay their like dumb retarded fish in sex and don't appear to like it. A few girls they said seem to like it.

One rule my neighbor came up with is when he picks a girl up to bring her over for an evening he makes her have sex with him right away. As too many times the girls don't have sex with him. Then after they had sex if she starts getting annoying he drives her home even if it is like 7pm.

Shamefully the girls he treats like that come right back the next weekend, they love being mistreated like that.
I thought we were over this hurdle and thought that this would be common sense already.

However, surprisingly there are guys here that still believe that women enjoy sex. It seems that watching a lot of porn had placed them under a facade or warped their view of reality. Many female porn artists perfected the art of moaning and such, so can easily mislead or delude men into thinking they enjoy it (when most of them don't). Female porn artists know what they're doing and having perfected the art of deception. Not only in sex, but in all other facets of life as well, and which is part of the reason why we see them high bureaucratic positions in our society.

Quite frankly... I can't believe this needs to be said, but women don't enjoy sex at all, and a lot of them fake their orgasms as well. There are only rare occassions where women have orgasms and enjoy sex. I can't remember, but I think there was a study where it was easier for women to orgasm to those that had good looking faces, and however another contradicting thing is that they orgasm to knowing if the guy is rich(er) as well. Women don't usually like penetrative sex anyway (which is part of the reason why they don't watch porn as heavily as men) - as you can see from the most viewed porn categories they watch. A lot of the porn that women watch are mostly watching other women masturbate and lesbian porn. One of the female's most sensitive bodypart is their clitoris, they prefer rubbing it than something going into their vagina, and this is more conclusive evidence that women don't enjoy penetrative sex.

At minimum 75% of women fake their orgasms and some cases it's usually a higher figure - https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-11-30/what-to-do-if-youve-been-faking-orgasms/9763430

The article later goes into improving stuff in the bedroom, but however it's futile as there are many other sources I can point you towards. On a large scale, they still don't enjoy sex as well (part of the reason why they watch less porn than men anywya).

Another main thing is that they fake their orgasm to end sex sooner as well. They always view having sex as a chore. Some will say "a lot of them go out of their system in their earlier years," however, it reaches towards even in their early years that they find sex tiresome, bothersome, and such a major chore. They only do it to keep and secure their boyfriends (Chads included). So sex even in this case is still viewed as being transactional and future investment for them to secure, e.g. good genes from the Chads (subconciously), financial security, so on, ..., etc.

This also leads into many sexless marriages... a lot of husbands get annoyed and they end up going to brothels, escorts, and prostitutes as a result of that. Many escorts/prostitutes can detail a chunk of their clientale base of being married men.

Women are actually blessed of having long periods of being celibate (voluntarily) while being more naturally celibate than men as well. What would mostly takeover from that is just simply financial security. They also materialistically view bfs/husbands as purses they wear to show to their friends as well (since they're more social than men and care more about status. Whenever there's celebrity gossip, there's a good chance you'll find a lot of women in those spaces).

Umm, Women LOVE SEX!!!!
Cope foid enjoy sex, the muh 75% of women don't orgasm just further proves how much men are pathetic at sex and only Chad aka top 20% of males can satisfy her. Brutal dickpill you just dropped
Women like sex, it just takes a big dick, tall, masculine man for them to enjoy it.
Cope foid enjoy sex, the muh 75% of women don't orgasm just further proves how much men are pathetic at sex and only Chad aka top 20% of males can satisfy her. Brutal dickpill you just dropped
Cope foid enjoy sex, the muh 75% of women don't orgasm just further proves how much men are pathetic at sex and only Chad aka top 20% of males can satisfy her. Brutal dickpill you just dropped
It's like you haven't read the post, but you're living up to being a "low IQ failure," thanks for demonstrating that to me.

Women like sex, it just takes a big dick, tall, masculine man for them to enjoy it.
Believing that, porn = real life. Women view sex as being rather more painful. They just prefer rubbing themselves.
Cope foid enjoy sex, the muh 75% of women don't orgasm just further proves how much men are pathetic at sex and only Chad aka top 20% of males can satisfy her. Brutal dickpill you just dropped
sex begins with the entrance of the penis and ends with the release of semen. the female orgasm has never been part of it and no one cared about it till recently (feminism, porn, etc).
Cope foid enjoy sex, the muh 75% of women don't orgasm just further proves how much men are pathetic at sex and only Chad aka top 20% of males can satisfy her. Brutal dickpill you just dropped
i can agree with someone's idea without liking them
We shall like each other one day, you will see past my TikTokcel status

It's like you haven't read the post,
I haven't

but you're living up to being a "low IQ failure," thanks for demonstrating that to me.
No problem brah

sex begins with the entrance of the penis and ends with the release of semen. the female orgasm has never been part of it and no one cared about it till recently (feminism, porn, etc).
A bunch of cope, it doesn't matter what you think foid enjoys sex and wants a big dick Chad to fuck her. End of the discussion
why do they orgasm during rape then
jfl @ this thread
A bunch of cope, it doesn't matter what you think foid enjoys sex and wants a big dick Chad to fuck her. End of the discussion
i never disagreed with that.
Sorry I thought you did
all good just saying the female orgasm is a bad statistic to go by since it's not a major part of penetrative sex but more like a random side effect.
i read it and his reply still applies
Either you skimmed through it or unable to comprehend it. I did mention Chads (but it was rather for a different case, but the objective of how women view sex remains the same).

If he read what I've posted and if you read it word-by-word, whatever concern you and he share has already been answered or addressed in the OP.
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Either you skimmed through it or unable to comprehend it. I did mention Chads (but it was rather for a different case, but the objective of how women view sex remains the same).
women will literally have condom sex (no breeding or securing of genes) with a chad for free. i agree that they dont care about sex nearly as much as men do and exchange sex as a resource all the time but they're 100% chadsexual.
Either you skimmed through it or unable to comprehend it. I did mention Chads (but it was rather for a different case, but the objective of how women view sex remains the same).

In the OP, I did mention that there was a study where women orgasm more towards those that had better looking faces, but also women orgasm to richer men as well. Women have sex because mainly of it being transactional, indirect (wanting to bear the baby) - good genes of Chads (subconciously) or direct (immediate financial means to pay the bills and subsistence). Prostitution being the oldest profession, even monkeys, and other animals do that shit.
Many foids spend their late teens and early 20's chasing promiscuous sex, often outside of a relationship. They do clearly desire and enjoy sex.

But at the same time it's likely that, statistically speaking, they won't enjoy sex as much or often not at all. Primarily because they aren't attracted to the vast majority of men, but most will settle with normies and ultimately can't tie down a Chad. Since there is no sexual desire or attraction, the sex will often not be enjoyed or desired either. It is often done for social reasons or due to expectations, eg. cuffing. This is why subs like IncelExit hyperfixate on jestermaxxing, socializing and joining clubs, etc., the idea is to cheat women into a relationship without sexual desire. But that's tendentious and will probably just create more orbiters, especially since r/IE is full of male feminists who will try to mould people into simp orbiters like themselves.

Even relationships like cuffing or betabuxx traditionally involve some cynicism and compulsion, bc the foid doesn't want to be there and is only there due to carrots, sticks, etc. In many non-western cultures you'll find that betabuxx husbands or normies are often quite jaded abt their foids, and can be quite 'patriarchal.' Male feminist dogma is unlikely to help anyone with that. Neither are redpillers who stress compulsion and 'alpha domination' to their decidedly non-alpha audience, which in the modern day is more likely to lead to rape/SA charges - which have already led to several PUAs being banned from countries etc.

While foids can enjoy sex and do seek it out, as OP says, they usually won't enjoy it in practice. There is a world of difference between a foid having a fling with an ugly normie bc he seems like a dashing gent and this reminds her of Chad (so she can romanticize it), and actually enjoying having to fuck him when he simply isn't Chad. Ultimately it's likely that they won't enjoy most sex.

There's also other things, like males typically taking the lead in penetrative sex and not really caring as much for the foid's own stimulation. But in a way foids are naturally prepared for that and want it, which is why they have rape fantasies w/ Chad and others involving passivity. Hollywood sells fantasies of girlbossery and empowerment, but the cunt prefers fantasies of rape and abuse. So that's not decisive and no amount of g-spot bs will make sex with a subhuman incel appealing. Like, if you could get off to a gigastacy or to an uggo landwhale, it doesn't matter what esoteric coomer technique you use bc the latter is simply less appealing. Most males are, to foid eyes, as attractive as uggo landwhales are to most men.

Anyway tl;dr foids can enjoy sex but due to hypergamy it's likely that they often don't
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They have far lower sex drives after all.
Nice sources OP.

Kidding aside yeah I agree. Most women don't genuinely find men categorically attractive, and their interest in sex wanes severely with birth control being so rampant, but even then probably a limited window of interest based on hormonal cycles (menopausal women are famous for suddenly getting horny even though at that age it could serve no purpose).
@FakeFakecel @ThisSongGoesVerHard @Mixedcel59
This is cope. They crave dick. Just not yours.

Those who dont sleep with their husbands is because they settled for him.

80% of men are settled for, thats why. Women find only 20% of men attractive.

All other 80% have to betabuxx their way into something serious with her.
Yes to an extent. Foids only fake and hate sex with their betabuxx cuck. But when foids are having sex all the time in their highschool-college years with htn and chads, yes, they are having the time of their lifes being a stupid slut.:reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:
Female sexuality is messy as fuck, much more than men's. It's unstable, fluid, bisexual, dependant on hormonal cycles and it revolves around feeling sexy and desired - and that's during the rare occasion that they actually want it. For the rest of the time, they use sex for money and favors of any kind, even just to shut their partners up.

Women's sexuality is much more messy than men's because when it comes to biology and evolution, sex potentially means getting pregnant and that's a huge burden, so
-They need to be picky and have a lower libido
-They don't need to be particularly attracted to men and on top of that their orientation doesn't even need to be exclusively heterosexual because, no matter what they do, the men will come to them and simp for them to have sex.

The most obvious sign of their "incomplete" attraction to men is, like you said, the fact that they aren't nearly into penetration as men are, despite it being needed for reproduction. It goes to show just how little evolutionary pressure women had to like and enjoy sex with men compared to viceversa, or to be attracted to men in general. It's unfortunate that the biology between the sexes is so unequal: reproduction doesn't need a woman's orgasm, so they barely evolved the ability to orgasm vaginally and they have an easier time reaching it by playing with their pseudodick aka clitoris.

The fact that women fucking each other have higher rates of orgasms and how they prefer lesbian porn already tells you everything about how much they're attracted to men and how much they enjoy heterosexual sex. They could claim that men are doing it wrong and that they need to focus on the clitoris and shit, that is, to minimize actual heterosexual sex. But imagine if a dude who isn't orgasming blamed his female partner by saying that they should focus less on vaginal penetration and instead do stuff that is more typical of homosexual sex, like pegging him. One would assume that this hypothetical dude, who on top of that prefers to watch gay porn, and who also believes that the vast majority of women are ugly while the majority of men are hot, actually is mostly gay or asexual.

Men bear the burden of attraction in this unbalanced mess and neither us nor them seem to be enjoying it.

By the way I'm tired of everyone just explaining everything away by saying that they're just "chadsexual", the truth is much more complicated than that.
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I thought we were over this hurdle and thought that this would be common sense already.

However, surprisingly there are guys here that still believe that women enjoy sex. It seems that watching a lot of porn had placed them under a facade or warped their view of reality. Many female porn artists perfected the art of moaning and such, so can easily mislead or delude men into thinking they enjoy it (when most of them don't). Female porn artists know what they're doing and having perfected the art of deception. Not only in sex, but in all other facets of life as well, and which is part of the reason why we see them high bureaucratic positions in our society.

Quite frankly... I can't believe this needs to be said, but women don't enjoy sex at all, and a lot of them fake their orgasms as well. There are only rare occassions where women have orgasms and enjoy sex. I can't remember, but I think there was a study where it was easier for women to orgasm to those that had good looking faces, and however another contradicting thing is that they orgasm to knowing if the guy is rich(er) as well. Women don't usually like penetrative sex anyway (which is part of the reason why they don't watch porn as heavily as men) - as you can see from the most viewed porn categories they watch. A lot of the porn that women watch are mostly watching other women masturbate and lesbian porn. One of the female's most sensitive bodypart is their clitoris, they prefer rubbing it than something going into their vagina, and this is more conclusive evidence that women don't enjoy penetrative sex.

At minimum 75% of women fake their orgasms and some cases it's usually a higher figure - https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-11-30/what-to-do-if-youve-been-faking-orgasms/9763430

The article later goes into improving stuff in the bedroom, but however it's futile as there are many other sources I can point you towards. On a large scale, they still don't enjoy sex as well (part of the reason why they watch less porn than men anywya).

Another main thing is that they fake their orgasm to end sex sooner as well. They always view having sex as a chore. Some will say "a lot of them got it out of their system in their earlier years," however, it reaches towards even in their early years that they find sex tiresome, bothersome, and such a major chore. They only do it to keep and secure their boyfriends (Chads included). So sex even in this case is still viewed as being transactional and future investment for them to secure, e.g. good genes from the Chads (subconciously), financial security, so on, ..., etc.

This also leads into many sexless marriages... a lot of husbands get annoyed and they end up going to brothels, escorts, and prostitutes as a result of that. Many escorts/prostitutes can detail a chunk of their clientale base of being married men.

Women are actually blessed of having long periods of being celibate (voluntarily) while being more naturally celibate than men as well. What would mostly takeover from that is just simply financial security. They also materialistically view bfs/husbands as purses they wear to show to their friends as well (since they're more social than men and care more about status. Whenever there's celebrity gossip, there's a good chance you'll find a lot of women in those spaces).
Women do enjoy sex. Only with big dicks and/or chads though. If you don't have either of the aforementioned traits you can be positive that your partner is faking her orgasms. Unless if you're using vibrators of big dildos on her which may give real orgasms but is incredibly cucked. My condolences to any man who has to resort to that
Women do enjoy sex. Only with big dicks and/or chads though. If you don't have either of the aforementioned traits you can be positive that your partner is faking her orgasms. Unless if you're using vibrators of big dildos on her which may give real orgasms but is incredibly cucked. My condolences to any man who has to resort to that
They don’t enjoy it with other Women?
Female sexuality is messy as fuck, much more than men's. It's unstable, fluid, bisexual, dependant on hormonal cycles and it revolves around feeling sexy and desired - and that's during the rare occasion that they actually want it. For the rest of the time, they use sex for money and favors of any kind, even just to shut their partners up.

Women's sexuality is much more messy than men's because when it comes to biology and evolution, sex potentially means getting pregnant and that's a huge burden, so
-They need to be picky and have a lower libido
-They don't need to be particularly attracted to men and on top of that their orientation doesn't even need to be exclusively heterosexual because, no matter what they do, the men will come to them and simp for them to have sex.

The most obvious sign of their "incomplete" attraction to men is, like you said, the fact that they aren't nearly into penetration as men are, despite it being needed for reproduction. It goes to show just how little evolutionary pressure women had to like and enjoy sex with men compared to viceversa, or to be attracted to men in general. It's unfortunate that the biology between the sexes is so unequal: reproduction doesn't need a woman's orgasm, so they barely evolved the ability to orgasm vaginally and they have an easier time reaching it by playing with their pseudodick aka clitoris.

The fact that women fucking each other have higher rates of orgasms and how they prefer lesbian porn already tells you everything about how much they're attracted to men and how much they enjoy heterosexual sex. They could claim that men are doing it wrong and that they need to focus on the clitoris and shit, that is, to minimize actual heterosexual sex. But imagine if a dude who isn't orgasming blamed his female partner by saying that they should focus less on vaginal penetration and instead do stuff that is more typical of homosexual sex, like pegging him. One would assume that this hypothetical dude, who on top of that prefers to watch gay porn, and who also believes that the vast majority of women are ugly while the majority of men are hot, actually is mostly gay or asexual.

Men bear the burden of attraction in this unbalanced mess and neither us nor them seem to be enjoying it.

By the way I'm tired of everyone just explaining everything away by saying that they're just "chadsexual", the truth is much more complicated than that.
Yep. The whole Chadsexual thing is just them mostly wanting the genes of Chads so their offsprings could inherit (subconciously). Yeah, also they don't want to risk getting pregnant with an average or a subpar man, like you've mentioned.

Yeah, the porn they prefer mostly fixes around masturbation and lesbian pornos. It's mainly centered around playing with their clitoris, they usually don't like dicks anyway.

Women's sexuality does wildly fluctuate. There was a study where women would prefer the stereotypical Chad for some time in their period cycle, but most of the time they like the feminine androgynous like pretty boys (which sort of aligns with their bisexual nature, like someone between a male and a female where they feel like that they can get the best of both worlds).

I mean yeah it's sort of obvious that women use sex to control their bfs, husbands, and partners. Very rarely do they enjoy sex. Apparently, they did a study sometime ago that women with higher testosterone have a higher sex drive (nothing surprising), but for the most part women by default already have low sex drives. Testosterone is the culprit and men carry that burden.
Yep. The whole Chadsexual thing is just them mostly wanting the genes of Chads so their offsprings could inherit (subconciously). Yeah, also they don't want to risk getting pregnant with an average or a subpar man, like you've mentioned.

Yeah, the porn they prefer mostly fixes around masturbation and lesbian pornos. It's mainly centered around playing with their clitoris, they usually don't like dicks anyway.

Women's sexuality does wildly fluctuate. There was a study where women would prefer the stereotypical Chad for some time in their period cycle, but most of the time they like the feminine androgynous like pretty boys (which sort of aligns with their bisexual nature, like someone between a male and a female where they feel like that they can get the best of both worlds).

I mean yeah it's sort of obvious that women use sex to control their bfs, husbands, and partners. Very rarely do they enjoy sex. Apparently, they did a study sometime ago that women with higher testosterone have a higher sex drive (nothing surprising), but for the most part women by default already have low sex drives. Testosterone is the culprit and men carry that burden.
Nah they enjoy sex just as men do it's why sluts exist
OP is right in that females do not enjoy sex with unattractive men (at least 80% of men.) It's not a controversial fact on this forum.
Everything revolves around sex to foids which is why females are single-issue voters (abortion.) Female 'comedy' is all about sex, everything that females do is in some way related to sex.
Females are absolutely obsessed with sex. There's nothing females like doing more than having sex with genetically superior men. They simply can't get enough of it.
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They enjoy sex with dogs, horses and big d**k brutes.
Must be a lie that they have "millions of nerves" in their vaginas, if that were the case they will feel a birth as the best orgasm of their lives due the baby fullfilling all their hole, and thats not the case...
What a huge cope

If they didn't enjoy sex, they wouldn't make everything about their lives to revolve around it. They just prefer to do it with chads, between themselves and often animals. Normies or subhumans aren't even on their radar when it comes to sexual pleasure, they won't make them feel anything. Not to mention most men don't even have talent in bed, they just want to get their dick wet asap without doing any foreplay. This is a fact I agree with foids, sadly.
Female sexuality is messy as fuck, much more than men's. It's unstable, fluid, bisexual, dependant on hormonal cycles and it revolves around feeling sexy and desired - and that's during the rare occasion that they actually want it. For the rest of the time, they use sex for money and favors of any kind, even just to shut their partners up.

Women's sexuality is much more messy than men's because when it comes to biology and evolution, sex potentially means getting pregnant and that's a huge burden, so
-They need to be picky and have a lower libido
-They don't need to be particularly attracted to men and on top of that their orientation doesn't even need to be exclusively heterosexual because, no matter what they do, the men will come to them and simp for them to have sex.

The most obvious sign of their "incomplete" attraction to men is, like you said, the fact that they aren't nearly into penetration as men are, despite it being needed for reproduction. It goes to show just how little evolutionary pressure women had to like and enjoy sex with men compared to viceversa, or to be attracted to men in general. It's unfortunate that the biology between the sexes is so unequal: reproduction doesn't need a woman's orgasm, so they barely evolved the ability to orgasm vaginally and they have an easier time reaching it by playing with their pseudodick aka clitoris.

The fact that women fucking each other have higher rates of orgasms and how they prefer lesbian porn already tells you everything about how much they're attracted to men and how much they enjoy heterosexual sex. They could claim that men are doing it wrong and that they need to focus on the clitoris and shit, that is, to minimize actual heterosexual sex. But imagine if a dude who isn't orgasming blamed his female partner by saying that they should focus less on vaginal penetration and instead do stuff that is more typical of homosexual sex, like pegging him. One would assume that this hypothetical dude, who on top of that prefers to watch gay porn, and who also believes that the vast majority of women are ugly while the majority of men are hot, actually is mostly gay or asexual.

Men bear the burden of attraction in this unbalanced mess and neither us nor them seem to be enjoying it.

By the way I'm tired of everyone just explaining everything away by saying that they're just "chadsexual", the truth is much more complicated than that.
True, but no one ever speaks about the A-spot. Most women or men don't even know about it, and it can potentially give them even more pleasure than just rubbing their clit. The only bad thing is you need to have a really big dick in order to stimulate it when performing penetration.

Lesbians and the such often describe that they did do the thing with men in the past, but eventually grew bored of them as they weren't enough or just rushed into PIV sex. That strikes me as more of ''I couldn't do it with a chad or someone with a big dick who was also willing to pleasure me, hence I'd rather do it with a foid instead.''

That's why they have more orgasms than hetero couples on average, because it's akin to foreplay and more focused on their satisfaction than the man's (or lack of thereof).

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