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Brutal Most of you are just retards who never asked a girl out.

  • Thread starter Incelius Savage
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Incelius Savage

Incelius Savage

The Godfather of Inceldom and Suffering in Life
May 28, 2021
20% incel shaming
Prove me wrong LMAO

I asked 6 girls out, got rejected 6 times.
I asked 6 girls out, got rejected 6 times.
Probably because you have a hunchback

charles laughton GIF
JoinedMay 28, 2021Posts23,866
But women make me nervous. They have big boobies
Wouldn’t change anything for me
Aren't you a massive fakecel?
Foids run across the street when they see me 100m away. I could chase after them and yell "will you go out with me" :feelshaha: but I would end up in jail.
Aren't you a massive fakecel?
No i’m the ugliest guy on this forum but i could have ascended if i went to school and my mother wasn’t a massive cockblock all my life

Now i’ll be an incel virgin forever
No i’m the ugliest guy on this forum but i could have ascended if i went to school and my mother wasn’t a massive cockblock all my life
Hmm, doubt. Not what I've heard
they would reject me
JoinedMay 28, 2021Posts23,866
Bro you legit act exactly like @Incelius Savage tbh. Like you guys have like almost the exact same personality weird how you guys aren’t friend ngl.
I asked 6 girls out, got rejected 6 times.
About eight for me, I stopped cause I didn't want to make it to ten irl rejections: Had more online.

Oh, and for OPs knowledge, half of them were ethnic. :feelsjuice:
About eight for me, I stopped cause I didn't want to make it to ten irl rejections.

Oh, and for OPs knowledge, half of them were ethnic. :feelsjuice:
Same, I stopped bc I didn't see the point to continue.

And 4 of my six were ethnic
i mean yeah that counts as incel what's wrong about it?
Nope I will never ask a girl out I’m not trying to set myself up for humiliation
Shut the fuck up you’re the most useless guy on this forum.
Dont shoot the messenger lad, just relaying what others have said haha

No smoke without fire...
My rejections haunt me in my dreams.
why the fuck would anyone talk to woment
It was so over that I never even had to try. People usually made it clear that they saw me as genetic trash
this sounds like an IT post :feelswhat:
nah women don't want ugly guys simple as that.
>he thinks normal people need to cold approach 300 women

My retarded soy-titted nigger, the majority of relationships—if not all of them—spontaneously happen. Ask anyone how they met and they'll be like "it just happened, bro". And the ones that do ask out women only do so once they show clear indications of interest, which nobody here receives. So fuck off.
I think I asked out between 20 and 27, something like that, over many years and in many situations. All rejections so I rightfully gave up
There's no point in asking out a girl if she's not a teenager. Other girls are always taken or giga sluts or feminist bitches. Once a girl is over age 18, all girls are totally ruined by the cock carousel, many failed relationships, female privilege, slut culture, hookups, and feminism. There's no hope in getting a girl that's 18+ and even many teen girls are now really slutty. Most girls are no different than amateur porn stars and the worst are as experienced as professional porn stars.
Prove me wrong LMAO

The burden of proof is on you. You are making a claim based on faith. If there are any specific users on your mind, point them out, and have an actual discussion.

I have asked girls out in high school, at a cooking course I did, at a job, and in the church I went to when I was a Christian.

I don't need to tell you the results, you know them.

Other people are able to look they experience and say "fuck that".
Like, I don't know, getting mercilessly bullied on their looks, having girls show Z E R O interest in them, simple meaningless stuff like that. Pointless stuff that informs you that you aren't in the position to ask people out, and expect sucess.
Even when i asked them out they would ghost me after one date.
I have just I gave up doing so in my early adulthood when toilets react extremely negatively to your very existence it quickly becomes apparent doing so is just going to get you labeled a creep and they'll make life more difficult. I even saw a cuck when I was in HS really he probably belongs here get put in a headlock, get ridiculed and made fun of for flirting with a chick in our class after she used him for money. Approaching females is just a bad idea if you aren't Chad.
I have, I've tried everything.

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