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Theory Most JBW coper are gay for white men, projecting there fakeceldom on to white truecels or coping whitecels

Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler

Mentally deteriorating
Feb 20, 2023
Think of how many JBW copers have turned out to be faggots like @PastillaNegra @righteouscel @nohope. or fakecels like @Incelius Savage @MACHETE and @NoLooksNoLife. And there are some who are coping whitecels like @IncelCream and @Retardfuel. The fag ones assume sense they love white dick ethnic whores do as well. The fakecel ones project their fakeceldom on to white truecels to hide the fact they are fakecels. And the coping whitecels are coping with JBW to cope with there subhumanity and the fact they will never get pussy.

@Saitama @DarkStarDown
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JBB is true though
!! Wasn't expecting that. Blackcels seem to have a short shelf life here, asides from the few regulars. I think he's black anyway. May be wrong.
Based and truthpilled. Get those faggots out of here.
Think of how many JBW copers have turned out to be faggots like @PastillaNegra @righteouscel @nohope.
Tbh, that is a suspiciously large number of users, even if I don't entirely agree with your point. Also @CantEscapeYourFate, who literally made an entire thread saying we should all become faggots. :lul:
Tbh, that is a suspiciously large number of users, even if I don't entirely agree with your point.
There is also @Don Vito
Also@CantEscapeYourFate, who literally made an entire thread saying we should all become faggots. :lul:
I never saw that thread but I heard of it. Didn’t it also involve trannys?
Tbh, that is a suspiciously large number of users, even if I don't entirely agree with your point. Also @CantEscapeYourFate, who literally made an entire thread saying we should all become faggots. :lul:
That's like the 100th time you misquoted me. I never in my life said we should all become faggots.
Truly shameful that my dick sits rent free in some deathnic rather a foid
I can't remember exactly what it said because it was deleted. :ping:
All my post was about was that we shouldn't show hostility to incels that ARE gay. Then everyone started calling ME gay and misquoting the hell out of me :feelswhat: I am NOT gay. If I was, I would be out being a fag instead of in the incel/MGTOW spaces.
I am not gay for white men, but going outside only to see white men with asian women all the time instills a sense of inferiority.
All my post was about was that we shouldn't show hostility to incels that ARE gay. Then everyone started calling ME gay and misquoting the hell out of me :feelswhat: I am NOT gay. If I was, I would be out being a fag instead of in the incel/MGTOW spaces.
Didn’t you also make a tranny thread?
Incels cannot be gay, the gay'cels' are just fags that is all.
Depends if they're fully gay or bi. But being subhuman is the worst whether you're gay or straight.
Depends if they're fully gay or bi. But being subhuman is the worst whether you're gay or straight.
If they are 'bi' they are not incel anymore, at that point you might as well say 'femcels' have any relevance.
If they are 'bi' they are not incel anymore, at that point you might as well say 'femcels' have any relevance.
If you want to argue sementics, nobody is an incel because we can all fuck escorts. That's why I never liked the term.
If you want to argue sementics, nobody is an incel because we can all fuck escorts. That's why I never liked the term.
You know that's scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to semantics. It's not really an apples to oranges comparison when talking about relevance. One group is far more affected than the other.
You know that's scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to semantics. It's not really an apples to oranges comparison when talking about relevance. One group is far more affected than the other.
I agree that straight incels have it worse, but I don't think that gays, who would be incels in terms of sex/relationships with women, should be automatically banned. Some of them contributed more to this forum than 99% of the straight users. But just because they like men a little too much they get banned.
I agree that straight incels have it worse, but I don't think that gays, who would be incels in terms of sex/relationships with women, should be automatically banned. Some of them contributed more to this forum than 99% of the straight users. But just because they like men a little too much they get banned.
No different than a fakecel who ascends, they aren't incel anymore. Fags are banned because they have ascended, its not just about whether they specifically ascend with a woman or not. This is a forum for straight incels, its in the rules when you first sign up, fags have reddit to use.
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Wait why am I tagged? I never claimed JBW I literally just posted an Asian women and people here got angry
Fags are banned because they have ascended, its not just about whether they specifically ascend with a woman or not.
That's irrelvent because when we're talking about ascension we're talking about with foids. Gays aren't here complaining about relationships with men, it's specifically about women.
This is a forum for straight incels, its in the rules when you first sign up, fags have reddit to use.
I'm saying it shouldn't be a rule. Rules change all the time and the mods have changed rules before.
That's irrelvent because when we're talking about ascension we're talking about with foids. Gays aren't here complaining about relationships with men, it's specifically about women.
No were not, if whatever your sexuality is and you ascend you’re not celibate anymore, it’s in the definition of being celibate. That’s like saying normies should be allowed too.

I'm saying it shouldn't be a rule. Rules change all the time and the mods have changed rules before.
Most of the forum disagrees with you, but at the same time for fags there is Reddit and other sub forums to complain about their worries. This is the only forum that’s for straight males and I don’t see a reason for this to change in the future.
How much cognitive dissonance do you need to be on to be a white supremacist, know the blackpill, but think JBW isn't generally true?
No were not, if whatever your sexuality is and you ascend you’re not celibate anymore, it’s in the definition of being celibate. That’s like saying normies should be allowed too.
JFL show me where anyone has ever talked about ascension in the context of a gay relationship. It's always ascension with women. If gays come here talking about their problems with dating men, they should rightfully be banned. But I've never seen it and I only support the ones talking about the male-female dating experience.
Most of the forum disagrees with you, but at the same time for fags there is Reddit and other sub forums to complain about their worries. This is the only forum that’s for straight males and I don’t see a reason for this to change in the future.
I know most of them disagree with me and I don't care. This whole victim mindset about "This is our safe space! Men aren't allowed anywhere else!:soy::soy::soy:" is pathetic and I don't agree with it. As long as the rules don't pedestalize foids and doesn't censor us, that's all that matters to me.
JFL show me where anyone has ever talked about ascension in the context of a gay relationship. It's always ascension with women. If gays come here talking about their problems with dating men, they should rightfully be banned. But I've never seen it and I only support the ones talking about the male-female dating experience
It’s not about talking jfl :feelskek:
Do you not see the hypocrisy you are drawing here by moving the goalpost? Ascension is ascension, if your sexuality is one type and you get a partner you’ve ascended, case closed.

I know most of them disagree with me and I don't care. This whole victim mindset about "This is our safe space! Men aren't allowed anywhere else!:soy::soy::soy:" is pathetic and I don't agree with it. As long as the rules don't pedestalize foids and doesn't censor us, that's all that matters to me.
You just want to let in fags and other ‘bi’ people to the forum too? What purpose does it bring? All it does is erode an already niche forum community. What appeal would this forum have if it just becomes Reddit lite? I think everyone would just move to Reddit at that point.
It’s not about talking jfl :feelskek:
Do you not see the hypocrisy you are drawing here by moving the goalpost? Ascension is ascension, if your sexuality is one type and you get a partner you’ve ascended, case closed.
You moved the goal post first by saying straight incels suffer more than bisexual ones. So I negated that by focusing only on the male-female aspect. You can't move the goal post then complain when I argue based off that new goal post. I don't even know what you're arguing anymore.
You just want to let in fags and other ‘bi’ people to the forum too? What purpose does it bring? All it does is erode an already niche forum community. What appeal would this forum have if it just becomes Reddit lite? I think everyone would just move to Reddit at that point.
Being gay shouldn't matter when you come to this forum to talk about your problems of dating WOMEN. You're focusing on the gay aspect of the user when it's irrelevant. You just don't want gays on here because you don't like gays. Which is fine.
!! Wasn't expecting that. Blackcels seem to have a short shelf life here, asides from the few regulars. I think he's black anyway. May be wrong.
Me @Intellau_Celistic (semi nig) and @depressedblackcel are probably one of the longer lasting niggercels.

it’s over
You moved the goal post first by saying straight incels suffer more than bisexual ones. So I negated that by focusing only on the male-female aspect. You can't move the goal post then complain when I argue based off that new goal post. I don't even know what you're arguing anymore.
What's the point of saying they are bi if only the female-male aspect counts? What is this logic? If they are bi they have another pool of partners to choose from they aren't lonely straight men anymore.
Being gay shouldn't matter when you come to this forum to talk about your problems of dating WOMEN. You're focusing on the gay aspect of the user when it's irrelevant. You just don't want gays on here because you don't like gays. Which is fine.
Yes it does this is a forum for straight males, is that hard to get through? A fag/bi user aren't some 5 dimensional being that can swap their sexuality over and over, so that they can pick and only focus on one aspect when they are on this forum, this is some twitter level logic. They don't have the shared experiences as us, since they are also attracted to another section of the population entirely? Make any sense?
What's the point of saying they are bi if only the female-male aspect counts? What is this logic? If they are bi they have another pool of partners to choose from they aren't lonely straight men anymore.

Yes it does this is a forum for straight males, is that hard to get through? A fag/bi user aren't some 5 dimensional being that can swap their sexuality over and over, so that they can pick and only focus on one aspect when they are on this forum, this is some twitter level logic. They don't have the shared experiences as us, since they are also attracted to another section of the population entirely? Make any sense?
Dude you're either from reddit/twitter or you don't seem to follow any sort of logic. It's kinda sad to argue but I'll leave it at that.
The forum won't change no matter how much you want to let fags into here.
there are no white incels
even this retard can get a GF because he is WHITE
How much cognitive dissonance do you need to be on to be a white supremacist, know the blackpill, but think JBW isn't generally true?
How much can you cope harder by any chance?
And there are some who are coping whitecels like @
@IncelCream and @
i saw incelcream threads about jbw but why would he be making these threads if he's white? he probably beleives in geomaxxing
there are no white incels
even this retard can get a GF because he is WHITE

Based brocel. All cumskins should get banned from this forum
You are truly a 200IQ brocel :feelsLightsaber:
What's the point of saying they are bi if only the female-male aspect counts? What is this logic? If they are bi they have another pool of partners to choose from they aren't lonely straight men anymore.

Yes it does this is a forum for straight males, is that hard to get through? A fag/bi user aren't some 5 dimensional being that can swap their sexuality over and over, so that they can pick and only focus on one aspect when they are on this forum, this is some twitter level logic. They don't have the shared experiences as us, since they are also attracted to another section of the population entirely? Make any sense?
What the fuck is your argument exactly?

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