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Most incels will do poorly on dates



Feb 7, 2018
I have had several dates and most of the time it never goes over small talk. I have no idea what to talk to women about or how to "entertainment" . At the end women would always be bored by me and reject me.

Uglier men seem to be more successful thab me by I surmise that these men were allowed to interact socially while I was always the odd one out so I have been an outsider since high school
If you somehow manage to get past the looks thresh hold, you still have the dreaded social interaction awaiting you.
You are socially fucked. Go to normie sub reddits about social skills and learn how to communicate with women. If uglier men are more successful than you, i'm assuming you arent even ugly in the first place and just have garbage tier social skills.
If you somehow manage to get past the looks thresh hold, you still have the dreaded social interaction awaiting you.
This. The human mating ritual is just not meant to be for incels.
You are socially fucked. Go to normie sub reddits about social skills and learn how to communicate with women. If uglier men are more successful than you, i'm assuming you arent even ugly in the first place and just have garbage tier social skills.
Too late I am oldcel so I have given up already
Good job on trying. That's how you know you're an incel.
For me, it's fairly easy to entertain women, but considering they treat me like shit because I'm ugly, and treat others well because they're good looking, I keep to myself IRL and online. I'm not going to brighten up their days when they act as if I'm some sort of deadly disease.
I can't even get a single date, so I guess I won't have to worry about that.
Fakecels everywhere, i give up on this forum.
I also lack any kind of social skills...Ive allways felt like an actor performing for the femoid... pretending to be a bluepilled normie...
A fucking waste of time and money, of course, because even if any of us "date" a woman, she wont let us even touch her... and we would get rejected at the end 100% of the fucking times... Women are genetically designed to hate subhuman scum. So shes there, pretending for a while that she doesnt hate me that much, and here i am, pretending that im a fucking normie that didnt ever noticed how ugly he actually is.
I fucking hate myself
You are socially fucked. Go to normie sub reddits about social skills and learn how to communicate with women. If uglier men are more successful than you, i'm assuming you arent even ugly in the first place and just have garbage tier social skills.

>asking for advice on fucking reddit

Just lol...
I have had several dates and most of the time it never goes over small talk. I have no idea what to talk to women about or how to "entertainment" . At the end women would always be bored by me and reject me.
sounds like a fakecel

your telling me your attractive enough to get a date but not close the deal.

truecels dont even get that far.

your telling me your attractive enough to get a date but not close the deal.

truecels dont even get that far.
I am white passing and I have a decent job so noodle whores go on dates with me but I get no further than that
Go to succeedsocially.com or something.
Congrats op, you are who bluepillers are talking about when they talk of "working on one's personality".

I can't even get a girls phone number IRL anymore or any kind of response online.
What the HELL am I reading
Relax, having been on dates doesn't mean he isn't involuntarily celibate. People have different experiences even within this group.

Now in regards to the OP: I don't think it works like that exactly. Nobody talks a girl into liking them--if the girl likes the guy she'll find the guy funny and interesting even if he's a dummy, which will create a positive feedback loop where the guy relaxes and opens up more and the woman finds him even more engaging. It's not really a matter of social competence.
I have had several dates

Time to purge these fakecels
i don't even know what I'd say on a date. I'm so socially autistic it's hopeless.
thats why NTmaxxing is so important.
ive never been on a date because im actually an incel
Time to purge these fakecels
I thought the common ground on this forum is that we all cannot get female companionship. I dont think a date neans anything it just like a job interview nothing more nothing less. However if it makes you feel better please purge me then
it takes practice, everyone has shit dates sometimes
Pretty sure some people here went on atleast one "date" with a women. Except the only reason she agreed in the first place is to make you pay for everything and then say we are better off being only friends....
It doesn't matter how you act on a date. You won or lost as soon as she saw your face.
It doesn't matter how you act on a date. You won or lost as soon as she saw your face.
in case of noodle whores they will try to check you finances if they are good you would be allowed into the second round aka second date
in case of noodle whores they will try to check you finances if they are good you would be allowed into the second round aka second date

Rubbish. Face, face, face. When will you all learn?

Social skills, money, gym, being NT, designer clothes, haircuts...all just massive COPE. Face is the determiner and it's all about face.
Rubbish. Face, face, face. When will you all learn?

Social skills, money, gym, being NT, designer clothes, haircuts...all just massive COPE. Face is the determiner and it's all about face.
wait weren't you the one who was in Thailand? In Germany I never made it to one single date but In Thailand at least I got some dates
wait weren't you the one who was in Thailand? In Germany I never made it to one single date but In Thailand at least I got some dates

Yes. And no one ever 'checked out my finances'.

It's literally just be attractive relative to the local population, that's it. Anything else is coping. No one cares about social skills or muscles or money or anything else that people like to delude themselves on here with.

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