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More proof you cant ever argue with normtards



Jul 14, 2021
This guy, the caller, wastes his time talking to those 2 blockheads. You can hear that the caller is VERY smart, in the way he talks about his situation while drawing parallels to economic theory with adam smith, speaking about how its not his fault anymore, how its an aura that makes sure he wont ever get any girls, but the two normons just grin and always answer: but.. dont u think its u? but.. cant u do this, that.. THEY NEVER STOP. THEY NEVER AGREE with him. With his true assertions.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yjJ4b5O0gI

but, but, ye but... i think, ye but...
................................................................. Is that the only words normie know how to say? Fucking fuckheads.
................................................................. Is that the only words normie know how to say? Fucking fuckheads.

Yes...NTs are shallow and dull. I do not like to speak to them at all.
The caller is without a doubt not bad looking, its the aura as he says. He´s too smart. Probably above 120 IQ. People can sense that. Such people as the caller dont have the dead thoughtless eyes, but instead the sharp thoughtful ones. Normies hate that instinctively. I know you cant see him, but i have a gut feeling. Since he says he wasnt bullied or hated in high school. He was just ignored.
All they´re doing is trying to calm him so he continues to wageslave and doesnt hurt others. You cant blame them, their experiences and low IQ blinds them. Fucking chimps
The caller is without a doubt not bad looking, its the aura as he says. He´s too smart. Probably above 120 IQ. People can sense that. Such people as the caller dont have the dead thoughtless eyes, but instead the sharp thoughtful ones. Normies hate that instinctively. I know you cant see him, but i have a gut feeling. Since he says he wasnt bullied or hated in high school. He was just ignored.
Take the eyepill
halfway into the clip, after he expressively told them why it is as it his according to him: the left guy: "The only thing that worries me is that you wont try to seek a relationship in the future with that mindset.." :whatfeels: DARK BLUE PILL. I shit you not. 32 mins into the clip.These two guys gotta be 87-91-92 IQ man..
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Your head hurts listening to them. At ~38 min: "right guy: Nah i dont think women can smell on you if you have experience with women, i think women lose that after middle school, i think you gotta... but, ye.. blaaablllaato the bllaaablaa"
39 min: "i think some women even find value in the fact that you´re single" :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman: These guys arent stupid. THEYRE NORMIES. Imagine how stupid the retards of society are. Well, the 80-90 IQ people are in many ways smarter than the 90-110 normtards. Normies man..I MEAN JESUS
Bro you just gotta find the right one for you bro! Bro I'm sure there's a 36 year old single woman out there who'd love some extra income :feelshaha:
the comments are even worse... all these foids up in arms, talking about "women don't date chad if he is wird person". fuck right off, women will date child rapists if he has good looking face.
58 min: "sometimes you just gotta be less logical." eehh NO? not being logical means being an animal. Are these guys for real?!?!?!?!?!? I MEAN SERIOUSLY WTF IS THIS???
the comments are even worse... all these foids up in arms, talking about "women don't date chad if he is wird person". fuck right off, women will date child rapists if he has good looking face.
They will eat his poop is asked to. And pay him for the privilege to fuck him.
I didnt TRULY fathom how stupid normies were before i found this clip. I thought they were braindead NPCs who were ignorant, but i never believed they directly, truly believed the WRONG things this bad.
They belong in a mental asylum, completely serious. If that is what classifies as normal talk, then yes, mental asylum. I guess this is what blue pilled looks like.. not even red pilled. They wouldnt know black pill even if it slapped them in the face.
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in on schizo thread :feelshmm:
The comments especially from foids are giga ragefuel as well. So many foids saying "you are not entitled to a relationship, you can be happy without one". I would love to see these bitches go through a 4/5 year dry spell + no friends, simps or online validation, be treated like a 5'4 3/10 truecel irl and try to tell themselves the same garbage they spew out (if they are even alive at the end of it :feelshaha:)
The two hosts have such punchable faces
The caller is without a doubt not bad looking, its the aura as he says. He´s too smart. Probably above 120 IQ. People can sense that. Such people as the caller dont have the dead thoughtless eyes, but instead the sharp thoughtful ones. Normies hate that instinctively. I know you cant see him, but i have a gut feeling. Since he says he wasnt bullied or hated in high school. He was just ignored.
could be a 5/10 face, being ignored is still psychological violence
The caller is without a doubt not bad looking, its the aura as he says. He´s too smart. Probably above 120 IQ. People can sense that. Such people as the caller dont have the dead thoughtless eyes, but instead the sharp thoughtful ones. Normies hate that instinctively. I know you cant see him, but i have a gut feeling. Since he says he wasnt bullied or hated in high school. He was just ignored.
Clown species where being too thoughtful dooms you to being a sexless loner. I was never bullied either, just invisible :feelsclown: :feelsrope:

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