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Blackpill More proof that women want me dead cuz I'm not goodlooking



I Should KMS
Nov 8, 2017
I dunno if I mentioned this but here are two examples from the last and this week of how women wish I were dead:


At the gym, I start talking to a Tyronelite 1 (tall, dreadlocks, masculine, sickbody, 12% bf, decent face) who works out at the gym, and Tyronelite 2 (5'9 but decent face, decent lower third, works at the gym).

White Stacey comes up and hugs them both. Long hugs. Ignores me. We all talk for a bit then white stacey hugs them both goodbye, looks at me, and waves quickly, trying to make as little eye-contact as possible. Fair enough, she knows them a little bit better than she knows me but I can guarantee that once I've been in her company and have spoken to her for as long as the two tyronelites have been at the point where she felt comfortable hugging them, she won't become that familiar (e.g. hug) me. E.g. If tyronelites spoke to her for 2 weeks before she felt comfortable hugging them, that does not mean that she will feel comfortable hugging me after 2 weeks or even 2 months. Not even 2 years. Never.


Another day, I'm talking to Tyronelite 1 who is now training with white stacey as they have become familiar with each other. I mention how I have been doing cardio to lower bodyfat. Tyronelite 1 says that he's chubby (which he isn't) and tries to pinch his stomach to prove it. White stacey then pinches Tyronelite 1's stomach too and says: "No, you're not fat at all". All throughout the conversation, she is hanging onto every word while wishing I'd get leukemia and fuck off.

Women want me DEAD.

JBB theory proved once again
You should've tried rapping so you could be a Jay-Z knockoff, tsk tsk.
Yep, most foids wants us dead. Its sad to know that, for foids, only the top 20% males actually exist. We, the rest, could all die tomorrow and foids would only fake some tears if needed and live their lifes normally after.
I hate this condition. Its like being already dead.:feelsbadman:
how is gymceling working for you?
Gymcelling in normie hours... you're insane.

At the gym, I start talking to a Tyronelite 1 (tall, dreadlocks, masculine, sickbody, 12% bf, decent face) who works out at the gym, and Tyronelite 2 (5'9 but decent face, decent lower third, works at the gym).

White Stacey comes up and hugs them both. Long hugs. Ignores me. We all talk for a bit then white stacey hugs them both goodbye, looks at me, and waves quickly, trying to make as little eye-contact as possible. Fair enough, she knows them a little bit better than she knows me but I can guarantee that once I've been in her company and have spoken to her for as long as the two tyronelites have been at the point where she felt comfortable hugging them, she won't become that familiar (e.g. hug) me. E.g. If tyronelites spoke to her for 2 weeks before she felt comfortable hugging them, that does not mean that she will feel comfortable hugging me after 2 weeks or even 2 months. Not even 2 years. Never.

This one hits really close to home for me as I've been in this boat PLENTY of times.

So many times I've been in social circles with girls that regularly hugged the other guys but never hugged me or any other ugly guys in the group (if there were any).

I posted about one of these experiences before:

I can vividly remember a time back in 2006. It was somewhere around this time of year, though I think it was earlier in november. I was in a group that consisted of me, 3 other guys and 2 girls. One of the girls moved away sometime during that summer but moved back for whatever reason in november. We all met up in front of this diner we'd occasionally go to. She got emotional and started giving everyone hugs. I held my arms out like I was going to hug her and I'll never forget her reaction. She turned and looked at me and make a face that was a combination of both fear and disgust and backed away from me. She wasn't remotely subtle about it. I tried to play it off, hoping nobody else saw it and one of the guys goes "come on! give [Ryo] a hug!" to which she replied "no thanks".

"B-b-but muh social circle game works for ugly guys!!!!!1" No, it doesn't.
witnessing how foids talk behave around chads is concentrated suicide fuel

you can crack a good joke and foids will laugh with chad and wont even acknowledge your existence.
doesnt matter if chad says something completely retarded, foids will listen to him amazed as if he is talking about nuclear science.

as an unattractive man, you are an annoying detail to be tolerated at most.

At best you're someone who should receive 4 years of bullying in the eyes of femoids
Contemptuous looks and sneering faces are all I get from women when I walk down the street... They would prolly celebrate to learn I had finally roped...
This one hits really close to home for me as I've been in this boat PLENTY of times.

So many times I've been in social circles with girls that regularly hugged the other guys but never hugged me or any other ugly guys in the group (if there were any).

I posted about one of these experiences before:

I can vividly remember a time back in 2006. It was somewhere around this time of year, though I think it was earlier in november. I was in a group that consisted of me, 3 other guys and 2 girls. One of the girls moved away sometime during that summer but moved back for whatever reason in november. We all met up in front of this diner we'd occasionally go to. She got emotional and started giving everyone hugs. I held my arms out like I was going to hug her and I'll never forget her reaction. She turned and looked at me and make a face that was a combination of both fear and disgust and backed away from me. She wasn't remotely subtle about it. I tried to play it off, hoping nobody else saw it and one of the guys goes "come on! give [Ryo] a hug!" to which she replied "no thanks".

"B-b-but muh social circle game works for ugly guys!!!!!1" No, it doesn't.
This one hits really close to home for me as I've been in this boat PLENTY of times.

So many times I've been in social circles with girls that regularly hugged the other guys but never hugged me or any other ugly guys in the group (if there were any).

I posted about one of these experiences before:

I can vividly remember a time back in 2006. It was somewhere around this time of year, though I think it was earlier in november. I was in a group that consisted of me, 3 other guys and 2 girls. One of the girls moved away sometime during that summer but moved back for whatever reason in november. We all met up in front of this diner we'd occasionally go to. She got emotional and started giving everyone hugs. I held my arms out like I was going to hug her and I'll never forget her reaction. She turned and looked at me and make a face that was a combination of both fear and disgust and backed away from me. She wasn't remotely subtle about it. I tried to play it off, hoping nobody else saw it and one of the guys goes "come on! give [Ryo] a hug!" to which she replied "no thanks".

"B-b-but muh social circle game works for ugly guys!!!!!1" No, it doesn't.
This is actually unbelievable

I'd have to see it to believe it (I am by no means calling you a liar though)
Fuck I can relate to this heavily. I've literally had girls hug every guy in a group except me kek. It just makes me laugh at this point, women are absolutely repulsed by me the moment they see me.
It's a miracle that you aren't dead yet
I held my arms out like I was going to hug her and I'll never forget her reaction. She turned and looked at me and make a face that was a combination of both fear and disgust and backed away from me. She wasn't remotely subtle about it. I tried to play it off, hoping nobody else saw it and one of the guys goes "come on! give [Ryo] a hug!" to which she replied "no thanks".

"B-b-but muh social circle game works for ugly guys!!!!!1" No, it doesn't.

Will this come to a head one day? Like will anything result from 80% of men being repulsive to women? Will men break off and form our own island? Will the gas-chambers be fired back up? Be it good or bad, something needs to happen. Right now, incels live in limbo. We need the shit to hit the fan so changes happen. Isolated ERs do nothing in the long run.
I dunno if I mentioned this but here are two examples from the last and this week of how women wish I were dead:


At the gym, I start talking to a Tyronelite 1 (tall, dreadlocks, masculine, sickbody, 12% bf, decent face) who works out at the gym, and Tyronelite 2 (5'9 but decent face, decent lower third, works at the gym).

White Stacey comes up and hugs them both. Long hugs. Ignores me. We all talk for a bit then white stacey hugs them both goodbye, looks at me, and waves quickly, trying to make as little eye-contact as possible. Fair enough, she knows them a little bit better than she knows me but I can guarantee that once I've been in her company and have spoken to her for as long as the two tyronelites have been at the point where she felt comfortable hugging them, she won't become that familiar (e.g. hug) me. E.g. If tyronelites spoke to her for 2 weeks before she felt comfortable hugging them, that does not mean that she will feel comfortable hugging me after 2 weeks or even 2 months. Not even 2 years. Never.


Another day, I'm talking to Tyronelite 1 who is now training with white stacey as they have become familiar with each other. I mention how I have been doing cardio to lower bodyfat. Tyronelite 1 says that he's chubby (which he isn't) and tries to pinch his stomach to prove it. White stacey then pinches Tyronelite 1's stomach too and says: "No, you're not fat at all". All throughout the conversation, she is hanging onto every word while wishing I'd get leukemia and fuck off.

Women want me DEAD.

I know that feel bro
Will this come to a head one day? Like will anything result from 80% of men being repulsive to women? Will men break off and form our own island? Will the gas-chambers be fired back up? Be it good or bad, something needs to happen. Right now, incels live in limbo. We need the shit to hit the fan so changes happen. Isolated ERs do nothing in the long run.

I think below average and ugly men will increasingly become withdrawn from society. They'll wageslave just as much as they have to in order to survive and spend their spare time watching netflix, playing video games, watching anime, and otherwise coping. Basically they'll just LDAR. This is already beginning to happen and is a fairly well documented phenomenon.

Society will only become more and more hostile towards ugly men who approach women. Right now there is a very large, energized and popular movement that aims to stomp these men out of society. It only makes sense for ugly men to LDAR.
One of the reason I don't bother to have a social circle.
I'm better on my own.
blackcel = volcel

....in case you weren't aware, OP is black and is a legend within the incelosphere.

We have plenty of other black incels on this forum.

Posts like this (authoritatively stating a race cannot be incel) are considered race baiting and are against the rules, which I suggest you read.
....in case you weren't aware, OP is black and is a legend within the incelosphere.

We have plenty of other black incels on this forum.

Posts like this (authoritatively stating a race cannot be incel) are considered race baiting and are against the rules, which I suggest you read.

JFL at JBW theorits then
Huh ,that's like the every fucking day of my life.
White Stacey comes up and hugs them both. Long hugs. Ignores me. We all talk for a bit then white stacey hugs them both goodbye, looks at me, and waves quickly, trying to make as little eye-contact as possible. Fair enough, she knows them a little bit better than she knows me but I can guarantee that once I've been in her company and have spoken to her for as long as the two tyronelites have been at the point where she felt comfortable hugging them, she won't become that familiar (e.g. hug) me. E.g. If tyronelites spoke to her for 2 weeks before she felt comfortable hugging them, that does not mean that she will feel comfortable hugging me after 2 weeks or even 2 months. Not even 2 years. Never.
This is so fucking relatable it hurts. The only time I've received a hug from a woman my age that's not a relative of mine was in high school and it was a half-assed pity hug, which only made me feel worse.
i once was with that girls in a bus , she litteraly let me hear her music n shit, wasnt into her but she was kind, anyways after that other nigger left ( the one she was into bc swag ) i become slower and slower the wired guy and she even told me that into my fucking face

was just a matter of time, be the shit or be nothing ( betabux is just cope, just lol at my former physics teacher he was the incel amongst incels )
i cant dox so unfortunately i cant show pics
Will this come to a head one day? Like will anything result from 80% of men being repulsive to women? Will men break off and form our own island? Will the gas-chambers be fired back up? Be it good or bad, something needs to happen. Right now, incels live in limbo. We need the shit to hit the fan so changes happen. Isolated ERs do nothing in the long run.
I would like to suggest @Ryo_Hazuki please for your Saturday night stream please

you 2 could basically bounce off each other your experiences, it would be fun to hear which of you actually has worst experiences with women. Kinda it would be like HeedSucceed podcast I suppose.

In contrast to last couple of podcasts where guys with very different opinions on incels this one would be more fun and funny too, it would be good one
You arent entitled to positive interactions with women
Jfl if you think hugs mean anything

You need to look for other signs like when they play with their hair or act really dumb around you etc
Jfl if you think hugs mean anything

You need to look for other signs like when they play with their hair or act really dumb around you etc

I didn't mean that a hug means she likes you but if she refuses to hug you, it's because she doesn't want to be near you.
I would like to suggest @Ryo_Hazuki please for your Saturday night stream please

you 2 could basically bounce off each other your experiences, it would be fun to hear which of you actually has worst experiences with women. Kinda it would be like HeedSucceed podcast I suppose.

In contrast to last couple of podcasts where guys with very different opinions on incels this one would be more fun and funny too, it would be good one

If he'd come on that'd be cool. I had 2 guests lined up but I haven't checked whether they can make this Sat yet.
run denzel curry game
This one hits really close to home for me as I've been in this boat PLENTY of times.

So many times I've been in social circles with girls that regularly hugged the other guys but never hugged me or any other ugly guys in the group (if there were any).

I posted about one of these experiences before:

I can vividly remember a time back in 2006. It was somewhere around this time of year, though I think it was earlier in november. I was in a group that consisted of me, 3 other guys and 2 girls. One of the girls moved away sometime during that summer but moved back for whatever reason in november. We all met up in front of this diner we'd occasionally go to. She got emotional and started giving everyone hugs. I held my arms out like I was going to hug her and I'll never forget her reaction. She turned and looked at me and make a face that was a combination of both fear and disgust and backed away from me. She wasn't remotely subtle about it. I tried to play it off, hoping nobody else saw it and one of the guys goes "come on! give [Ryo] a hug!" to which she replied "no thanks".

"B-b-but muh social circle game works for ugly guys!!!!!1" No, it doesn't.
I wouldve roped on the spot
I see this happen a lot, when only you and your friends are talking and a legitimate exchange of experience and ideas is going on no matter how stupid the subject is, and then a female appears to do exactly what you described then the conversation has no more interesting points, the entire flow of interaction is directed at her, the subjects of conversation are only about what she want to talk about, and the one she consider ugly she will make the group ignore him completely because she is controlling the conversation now and she will not start a dialogue with you, your friends will probably follow this flow because they have a high chance of fucking her.

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