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JFL More Damage control put out by Tinder’s official blog

  • Thread starter NotQuiteChadLite
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The Meeks shall inherit the Earth
Mar 19, 2018

5 Reasons People Ghost That Have Nothing To Do With You.

1. They’re dated out.
After my last breakup, I set a goal to go on two first dates per week. I know it sounds like a lot, but I never really dated much before meeting my ex, and I wanted to learn more about what I do and don’t like. I actually exceeded my goal, averaging about three first dates per week for a solid two months. However, that experience was super exhausting and left me tired of dating. Unfortunately, this feeling led me to ghost a few people, because it seemed easier to stop communicating than to explain that I needed to go on these dates for personal experience and growth.

According to relationship columnist and Renew Breakup Bootcamp founder Amy Chan, taking breaks is a common way to deal with dating burnout. “The overwhelmingness and disappointments can cause someone to get out of the game completely — and without warning,” she says. “That means, everyone gets the axe. It’s not you. It’s everyone.”

Just lmao at this damage control cope. It’s like tinder knows the vast majority of its male users are being ghosted, ignored, and flaked on 24/7, and have come up with even more damage control reasons to keep its paypig cucks humiliating themselves on their platform. The latest insane reasoning: “they’ve dated too much, bro!” “Being desirable is so exhausting, they just quit dating all together.... until 6’3 Chad comes along and tells her to suck his dick.

The absolute state of the bullshit these dumb fucks put out!

2. They reconnected with an ex.
When someone decides to get back with their ex or is at least entertaining the idea of it, they ghost. It’s tough to tell someone that you want to try again with an ex when you’ve probably shit-talked that ex or relationship to the new person. Getting back with an ex opens a person up to a lot of judgement, and having an uncomfortable conversation causes dread and anxiety, making people likely to freeze, Chan explains. Their desire to avoid that probably has little to nothing to do with you.

No they fucking didn’t, you got ghosted because you aren’t Chad, plain and simple. You weren’t desirable in the first place. A superior male specimen came along and easily replaced you.

3. They’re going through some shit.
I went on three dates with a guy who seemed perfect for me — we always had a great time, the physical attraction was there, and he lived reasonably nearby. However, when it was time to meet up for the fourth time, I started going through some family issues and as a result, I did not want to date anyone. While things were off to a great start, he was still pretty new in my life, and I didn’t feel like unloading all of my personal issues on him nor did I want to prioritize a new relationship over my own affairs. As a result, I slowly stopped texting him.

Whether it’s changing jobs, losing a loved one, or moving across town, it can be difficult to balance a new relationship and personal affairs. According to Chan, when people experience a hard time, their number-one priority is dealing with their own issues. Their attention and energy shift into their survival, and communicating effectively with someone you don‘t have a strong connection with or may not know all that well can fall off the priority list.

LOL. Yes, women definitely don’t cope with problems by taking Chad dick, when they’re having a hard time, they just ignore it all together! C O P E.

You got ghosted because you aren’t Chad, plain and simple.

4. You’re out of their league.
This type of ghosting usually happens after the first date. You’re exchanging information about yourself: what you studied, where you work, how you picture yourself in five years, yada, yada, yada. Maybe while you’re displaying all of your accomplishments and put-togetherness, your date is becoming a little intimidated. That’s on them — you shouldn’t dumb yourself down for anyone — but it’s also understandable to be skeptical of a large gap between two people. It doesn’t mean this person isn’t attracted to you or that they don’t think you’re great, but rather that they might have realized you’re too far ahead of them in life. Basically, you’re not a great fit, but it isn’t because of anything anyone did wrong. Communicating that can be confusing or sound disingenuous, so avoiding the person altogether becomes the most convenient option.

HAHAHAHA my sides. “Bro, you got ghosted since you’re too much of a Chad and she got intimidated! You’re too attractive, bro!”

Jesus fucking Christ, who writes this bullshit?? Who actually believes this garbage?

5. They’re an asshole.
You and this person really hit it off, you think you are having a great time together, and then they just disappear. But you know where you can find them? On the list of people who watched your Instagram Story. They’re still keeping tabs on you, but they never reply to your texts. Maybe you’ve seen them around, and they chat with you like nothing has changed but still haven’t said anything regarding where you stand. Even worse, perhaps they’ve posted a photo with a new love interest after never really breaking things off with you. This kind of behavior indicates that you are dealing with a certifiable asshole. No one, possibly including they themselves, knows their reason for ghosting you. But rest assured that even if they don’t offer you the closure you want, at least you’ll know you dodged a bullet.

MASSIVE CUCK COPE. Women LOVE abusive, aloof, disinterested (attractive) assholes. If you are Chad you can reply every other week and still keep her attention for months if not indefinitely. Nobody is ghosting Chad because he’s an “asshole.”

You’re getting ghosted because you aren’t Chad, plain and simple.

The fucking nerve of Tinder and it’s fake news lefty journalist articles. They desperately damage control everything except the truth. They admit that ghosting is a thing but list every reason except the real one as to why you get ghosted: You aren’t Chad.

It’s only a matter of time until hypergamy reaches catastrophic levels and even 8/10 males get ghosted constantly. Tinder putting out these damage control articles to keep delusional cucks continuing using and spending money on their services is going to be the norm. They will constantly put out articles about how “it’s not your fault bro, you definitely aren’t a subhuman who’s ugly and unwanted, you just matched with an asshole! Just buy tinder gold bro and keep swiping!”
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We might leave the era of Tinder and other dating apps purely on profitability factors alone. It wouldn't surprise me if many foid accounts on there are bots or just paid models. Imagine if all these men spent just a few days chadfishing. It would be the most brutal blackpill of their lives.
Dumb thot wouldn't care about any of these rules if she matched with Chad,but since she's probably dealing with thousands of thirsty normalfaggots and Chadlites she has to apply a lot of filters.
Keep buying those Tinder Gold accounts wagie wagie :feelshmm:
Ahaha yes, I keep getting ghosted because im just too attractive for women.

Lmao try to imagine a roastie ghosting a chad bc he's out of her league. In what worlds do this retards live?

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