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SuicideFuel More black ancestry means more diabetes

Transcended Trucel

Transcended Trucel

Peace & Dharma ; Vishwaguru India!
Feb 16, 2019

Not only do whites have better looks. their health is better than us shitskins. we more likely to get diabetes than whites.
Over for TriHards

Fucked up shit man
Absolutely over
I’m not diabetic
I’m just short and ugly :feelsbadman:
White Chads always wins.
TallFags get it ALL
it's truly unfair. I am 5'5 but have enough money to surgery max. but because my height is 5'5 even with Chad face I would likely be incel. making it meaningless.

black countries have single digit literacy. while OECD average is 80%. more brutal IQ pill. life is truly unfair. those with the advantages lookswise have all the advantages. and those fucked lookswise are also fucked in everything else. :feelsrope:
it's truly unfair. I am 5'5 but have enough money to surgery max. but because my height is 5'5 even with Chad face I would likely be incel. making it meaningless.

I wish there where no Tallfags they’re the WORST
maybe they were meant to reproduce faster and die faster millenniums back
They have developed different adaptation mechanisms that other races don't have, such as sickle cell anemia against malaria, such adaptations surely will have some other health wise consequences, having one sickle allele protects the individual from deadly malaria with almost no symptoms, a very essantial adaptation, however if the individual is unlucky enough to have two sickle alleles, he'd have to deal with various symptoms for lifetime
I believe other disadvantages black people have might have similar genetic roots
They have developed different adaptation mechanisms that other races don't have, such as sickle cell anemia against malaria, such adaptations surely will have some other health wise consequences, having one sickle allele protects the individual from deadly malaria with almost no symptoms, a very essantial adaptation, however if the individual is unlucky enough to have two sickle alleles, he'd have to deal with various symptoms for lifetime
I believe other disadvantages black people have might have similar genetic roots
it's unfortunate they don't teach this stuff in schools cause "muh racism". so many lives could have been saved.
they don't in the US? interesting, we studied this in highschool in turkey
they don't. I once tried doing presentation on this was told by teacher that it would be racially offensive so I had to change topic. American schools is more about making children wageslaves who question nothing and remain dumb.

brutal self control pill. Black cels are also have less self restraint. really brutal. everything is worse for us ethnics in modern civilization
@Colvin76 @BlkPillPres @tehgymcel420 thoughts?
jfl dark skinned people aren't meant to exist
they don't. I once tried doing presentation on this was told by teacher that it would be racially offensive so I had to change topic. American schools is more about making children wageslaves who question nothing and remain dumb.
Damn, that's horrific, so for the sake of political correctness, they are sacrificing scientific truth? I have heard such stuff, but I did not think that it could be true, America being a western country and all that, in here religion is the main obstacle, they refuse to add evolution to the curriculum
Whites are better at everything smh. Whites are gods
I've always hated my black features with a burning passion. My mom is responsible by betraying the white tribe and dooming me with this cursed body
View attachment 235014

they have various health disadvantages indeed
The foods we associate with traditional soul food spreads are usually associated with heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity and other chronic diseases. Many dishes are cooked with lard or other saturated fats. Traditional soul food can be high in saturated fat, salt and added sugar. Too much of these things will negatively impact your health.
The foods we associate with traditional soul food spreads are usually associated with heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity and other chronic diseases. Many dishes are cooked with lard or other saturated fats. Traditional soul food can be high in saturated fat, salt and added sugar. Too much of these things will negatively impact your health.
Interesting, that surely would be a huge factor but, that being said, the diet of the average white american couldn't be that great I suppose?
Interesting, that surely would be a huge factor but, that being said, the diet of the average white american couldn't be that great I suppose?
I think it comes from a long history of black people eating shit food in general
Damn, that's horrific, so for the sake of political correctness, they are sacrificing scientific truth? I have heard such stuff, but I did not think that it could be true, America being a western country and all that, in here religion is the main obstacle, they refuse to add evolution to the curriculum
there was a Nobel prize winner. James Watson. who almost had his prize revoked for showing support of the evidence of link bewteen race and intelligence. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Watson
I think it comes from a long history of black people eating shit food in general
legit. I had a black baby sitter before. she had diabetes, smoked alot. Ate KFC type fried foods often. also shitty pizza. food that is low effort and tastes good despite being bad for health.
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Not only do whites have better looks. their health is better than us shitskins. we more likely to get diabetes than whites.

Have you considered that they are just fatter because of shoort sightedness and low IQ?
Have you considered that they are just fatter because of shoort sightedness and low IQ?
that could be it. but also that black ancestors didn't have such a high carb diet as whites do
there was a Nobel prize winner. James Watson. who almost had his prize revoked for showing support of the evidence of link bewteen race and intelligence. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Watson
I know, I had discussed that decision with some friends last year, unbelieveably stupid, even if he made a truly racist comment, that does not invalidate his scientific accomplishments, huge scientific authorities taking such actions, truly seems like a joke
I know, I had discussed that decision with some friends last year, unbelieveably stupid, even if he made a truly racist comment, that does not invalidate his scientific accomplishments, huge scientific authorities taking such actions, truly seems like a joke
it's very sad. modern day science is held back greatly due to animal rights activists, profit seeking capitalists being the main financers of research, and of course political correctness. modern day academia encourages bullshitting and you get more reputation on quantity of research papers rather than the quality. https://www.sciencealert.com/replication-results-reproducibility-crisis-science-nature-journals/
this has led to replication crisis where in certain scientific disciplines especially psychology, over 50% studies can't be replicated
it's very sad. modern day science is held back greatly due to animal rights activists, profit seeking capitalists being the main financers of research, and of course political correctness. modern day academia encourages bullshitting and you get more reputation on quantity of research papers rather than the quality. https://www.sciencealert.com/replication-results-reproducibility-crisis-science-nature-journals/
this has led to replication crisis where in certain scientific disciplines especially psychology, over 50% studies can't be replicated
And there seems to be no improvement despite it being this obvious, dark times indeed
it gets worse. if ur black coronachan hates u even more too.

You didn't read the article did you?
"A pandemic just magnifies the disparities in healthcare that many communities of color face"
Its the disparities in health care causing the deaths, not something genetic

Also I don't see the point of this thread, its pretty much just race bait, its a very random topic that has literally nothing to do with the black pill or inceldom, just don't eat too much unhealthy food, which is going to be a lot easier now with the Corona Virus making places close up
Eat healthy then
Wait you are black? JFL

JFL I actually looked this up and it turns out the data isn't actually from the references. The references do discuss genetic predictors for educational attainment and human genetic variation respectively, but they do not make the conclusion that the chart does. They don't even discuss the data in the chart. The first link is only referencing people of European descent and doesn't link those SNPs while the second link doesn't include those SNPs or even discuss intelligence. I looked it up and it seems the redditor got this image from /pol/ so the chart may not even be from a scientific experiment. It would be like me spamming a chart that says gene rdgg causes females to want to bang dogs and instead of putting up data to support that, I include a reference to a another article that that just mentions sexual preferences. This chart seems to be incredibly dishonest and maybe even false unless I am missing something.
View attachment 235062
JFL I actually looked this up and it turns out the data isn't actually from the references. The references do discuss genetic predictors for educational attainment and human genetic variation respectively, but they do not make the conclusion that the chart does. They don't even discuss the data in the chart. The first link is only referencing people of European descent and doesn't link those SNPs while the second link doesn't include those SNPs or even discuss intelligence. I looked it up and it seems the redditor got this image from /pol/ so the chart may not even be from a scientific experiment. It would be like me spamming a chart that says gene rdgg causes females to want to bang dogs and instead of putting up data to support that, I include a reference to a another article that that just mentions sexual preferences. This chart seems to be incredibly dishonest and maybe even false unless I am missing something.
some of the charts and stats are bit dubious for sure. but overall the picture for ethnics is looking very very bad. crime stats and SAT score race stats which can't be faked are also bad
Damn, that's horrific, so for the sake of political correctness, they are sacrificing scientific truth? I have heard such stuff, but I did not think that it could be true, America being a western country and all that, in here religion is the main obstacle, they refuse to add evolution to the curriculum
83997588 2472 4C83 B357 E434CAE636C0

srs tho, what places in America don’t have evolution in the curriculum. I’ve lived everywhere across the east coast and never saw creationism taught, even in Bible Belt.
Ah, I meant Turkey when I said in here
Oh, I see. Turkey seems to be a pretty major incel hub outside the west, what’s the situation like over there?
Oh, I see. Turkey seems to be a pretty major incel hub outside the west, what’s the situation like over there?
You are very right about it being an incel hub, I believe top 2 posters here are turkish, and besides those two I've noticed many turkish posters aswell, also keep in mind, only a small proportion of the turkish population can properly speak english, this subject deserves it's own thread but I will try to explain some factors behind it

The biggest factor, I beleve is the greatness of the gene pool in turkey, within a five minute walk on the streets of Istanbul, you could observe so many different phenotypes, all of them under the identity of ''Turk'', you'd have people with blonde hair, blue eyes, nordic skull, a huge frame and a good height, as if he came directly out of scandivania, along with people looking like a steretypical turk, short, hairy and small framed and so on, this has historical roots but I lack the adequate knowledge to explain why in full detail, but to my knowledge when the ottoman empire conquered new land, they took women from other nations as thropy and reproduced with them, resulting in a very diverse gene pool within time

Which made the looks gap in turkish population too great, we have some uber giga chads, who were lucky enough to get the best genes from various pools, and truecels, who unfortunately got stuck with the worst of the worst, me, being one of them, most people here don't even know what nation they truly belong to, as it would be too complicated to figure out without a DNA test

The other factor is, overuse of social media in Turkey, proportionally I'd say its way greater than the west, if you don't have social media you aren't even seen as a human being, this exposed our women to the chaddest of all chads, raised their expectations of men and ruined the fates of many average looking men

And as a result Turkey is the inceldom, betabuxxing central of the world, not even joking, I would say a good 80 percent of my friends are incels, they are coping with escorts, most of them did not have a long term relationship or any interest from females, in highschool I have witnessed girls openly talking about sharing the attractive boys, whereas most incels coped with having sex with 40 years old escorts

Currently the male population is undergoing it's MGTOW and redpill era, much like the way it happened on the western internet, first they'll try to improve themselves, there are many people that are aware of the red pill, I'd say in 5-10 years blackpill will start spreading here, and then we would observe the mass incel influx from turkey

TLDR, I would say turkey is one of the biggest incel centrals in the world, and it is over for us, one of the worst places to be incel aswell

You are very right about it being an incel hub, I believe top 2 posters here are turkish, and besides those two I've noticed many turkish posters aswell, also keep in mind, only a small proportion of the turkish population can properly speak english, this subject deserves it's own thread but I will try to explain some factors behind it

The biggest factor, I beleve is the greatness of the gene pool in turkey, within a five minute walk on the streets of Istanbul, you could observe so many different phenotypes, all of them under the identity of ''Turk'', you'd have people with blonde hair, blue eyes, nordic skull, a huge frame and a good height, as if he came directly out of scandivania, along with people looking like a steretypical turk, short, hairy and small framed and so on, this has historical roots but I lack the adequate knowledge to explain why in full detail, but to my knowledge when the ottoman empire conquered new land, they took women from other nations as thropy and reproduced with them, resulting in a very diverse gene pool within time

Which made the looks gap in turkish population too great, we have some uber giga chads, who were lucky enough to get the best genes from various pools, and truecels, who unfortunately got stuck with the worst of the worst, me, being one of them, most people here don't even know what nation they truly belong to, as it would be too complicated to figure out without a DNA test

The other factor is, overuse of social media in Turkey, proportionally I'd say its way greater than the west, if you don't have social media you aren't even seen as a human being, this exposed our women to the chaddest of all chads, raised their expectations of men and ruined the fates of many average looking men

And as a result Turkey is the inceldom, betabuxxing central of the world, not even joking, I would say a good 80 percent of my friends are incels, they are coping with escorts, most of them did not have a long term relationship or any interest from females, in highschool I have witnessed girls openly talking about sharing the attractive boys, whereas most incels coped with having sex with 40 years old escorts

Currently the male population is undergoing it's MGTOW and redpill era, much like the way it happened on the western internet, first they'll try to improve themselves, there are many people that are aware of the red pill, I'd say in 5-10 years blackpill will start spreading here, and then we would observe the mass incel influx from turkey

TLDR, I would say turkey is one of the biggest incel centrals in the world, and it is over for us, one of the worst places to be incel aswell

Fascinating stuff. A comprehensive Turkcel thread would be interesting.

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