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Blackpill Morality is not a constant variable. It is continuously fluctuating



Chaos is a laddER
Jan 7, 2019
Let's take homosexuality for example, lets say you ask the question "what is your moral standing/viewpoint in relation to homosexuality?"

Lets keep the variables of ERA and PLACE constant, and change the PERSON. In other words, assume that you conduct a survey with 2 individuals (A christian and a liberal non-Christian) living in the same era (year of 2020) and same place (same town/city). The christian will believe that "homosexuality IS immoral" whereas the liberal non-Christian person will disagree. Morality is largely determined by an individuals VALUES/PRINCIPLES, which will differ from PERSON TO PERSON.

Now lets keep the PERSON and ERA constant, and change the PLACE. In other words, assume you ask this question to a Middle-Eastern person, who moved to the west at the age of 5 and basically grew up in the west.They are quite likely to say that "homosexuality ISN'T immoral" due to growing up in a liberal democratic society which has indoctrinated them to adopt certain beliefs (including normalisation/acceptence of faggotry). Now imagine that their parents never brought them to the west and instead they grew up in Saudi Arabia, Iraq etc. and lived in a conservative, authoritarian society. Now if you ask them the same question, they will almost definitely say that "homosexuality IS immoral" due to being raised to live in accordance to Sharia law. Morality is largely influenced by SOCIAL CONDITIONING, the "nature" of which will differ from PLACE TO PLACE.

Now lets keep the PLACE and PERSON the same, and change the ERA. Lets say you ask this question to a white person in the USA in 2020 They will say "homosexuality ISN'T immoral", now if that same person was instead living in USA in 1820, a time when gays were likely persecuted and seen as second-class citizens , they will give the opposite answer. Morality differs from ERA TO ERA.

Religious people believe that only God has the authority to determine what is good or bad, right or wrong. So is it really a surprise that the people who believe in a higher power (despite there being zero evidence of its existence) are usually the same people who believe in "objective morality", despite observable reality showing us that:


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Yeah yeah morality isn't inherent. Most of the people who call incels bad and pretend to be fighting for social justice, would have probably owned slaves if they lived in the 1800s
Yeah yeah morality isn't inherent. Most of the people who call incels bad and pretend to be fighting for social justice, would have probably owned slaves if they lived in the 1800s
Its funny to see how Morality changes during each stage of human history. Its a human made concept to provide structure and keep things from going into chaos. Animals (like me) have no morals. They do whatever they want, and do whatever they can to survive.

I wonder if morality devlops once a species obtains a certain level or intelligence of self awareness.

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Most of the people who call incels bad and pretend to be fighting for social justice, would have probably owned slaves if they lived in the 1800s
The same Foids that march against "Nazis" practice the same eugenics program that they taught.
Yeah yeah morality isn't inherent.
Morality is how society tells you how to behave. A cardboard cut out of how you are supposed to act so society can keep gaslighting and conning others into believing that their snake oil really works.
I wonder if morality devlops once a species obtains a certain level or intelligence of self awareness.
I personally don't believe morality is natural.. there is no evolutionary benefit to morality. Ergo it cannot be natures intent to be shackled by something so foolish. All morality does is provide another tool for society to punish Men.

In the essence of a Man who will not be able to breed because Foidspawn reject him countless times reaching into the thousands. To a Man he is morally right to rape a Foid in such a situation. Morality also changes with mental state. If a Man cannot fuck he will find ways to fuck. If a Man is not able to find ways fuck he will find ways to make other people who fuck suffer.

What is rape if not a mere transaction?

Mans Mental Morality between a Saint and a Sinner is the way Society acts in accordance to how Men and the historical context of abuse towards them, how victims are viewed and stereotype acceptability is viewed as a whole. How Men are viewed in Society will affect the Mans mental state.. which in turn effects morality. Mongols saw themselves as morally right to rape Eastern Europe because in their culture "Might makes Right", if a Man was not ready to fight and win against barbarians he gave away all he owns including his races women.

First Man is given validation for existing and coasts through life without a care in the world. Second Man suffers a dead end job with no validation or relationships, always on his toes for the next tidal wave to wipe out his finance and hope it doesn't wipe his life from the face of the Earth. Second Man spies First. Would the Second Man feel Jealousy? Rage? Anger? Are these feelings moral? To a battered by the world Man to view someone so happy with how Life is.. anything that makes those that have an easy life suffer will always be moral. Society might balk at the idea of its code of human decency and morality to ever be breached by any individual ever. But of course society being how it is right now.. with everything being the Mans fault.. they focus on the symptom not the problem.

tl;dr Everything is moral to a Man with nothing. Morality will change with mental states. Mongolians were morally right to rape. When a Man with nothing see's a Man with everything and questions everything.. his conclusion makes society suffer.
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Yeah yeah morality isn't inherent. Most of the people who call incels bad and pretend to be fighting for social justice, would have probably owned slaves if they lived in the 1800s

thats why it makes no sense to perform actions based on morality as morality will change from time to time and place to place. Better to base one's actions in accordance to logic which is universal
Morality is whatever is pushed by the collective. Those with money decide what is to be pushed to the collective. Few and rare instances where there is an inversion of values not made by money.
Morality is whatever is pushed by the collective. Those with money decide what is to be pushed to the collective. Few and rare instances where there is an inversion of values not made by money.

thats basically all that morality is, a tool used by the elites to make sure that the plebs police themselves so that the elites dont have to waste time/money/effort in policing them.
thats basically all that morality is, a tool used by the elites to make sure that the plebs police themselves so that the elites dont have to waste time/money/effort in policing them.
I wonder if morality devlops once a species obtains a certain level or intelligence of self awareness.

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I feel morality exists only if there is a group of animals where there may be disruption from within.
An intelligent animal would have no need nor use for morals as long as he does not pertain within a group of animals.
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This quote alone should be a good reason to never EVER take atheism seriously.
This quote alone should be a good reason to never EVER take atheism seriously.

instead of making pointless vague statements, why dont you logically refute my claim by showing me proof of morality being objective?

people like you are a good reason to never EVER take religion seriously.

Oh and im not atheist, im agnostic.
instead of making pointless vague statements, why dont you logically refute my claim by showing me proof of morality being objective?

people like you are a good reason to never EVER take religion seriously.

Oh and im not atheist, im agnostic.
I need to explain why always changing set of rules is bad for society? Morality being subjective is why a good portion of the world is in deep shit right now.
I need to explain why always changing set of rules is bad for society? Morality being subjective is why a good portion of the world is in deep shit right now.

the purpose of my thread was to simply point out that morality is subjective, it had nothing to do with whether morality being subjective is to the benefit or detriment of society.

In fact i'd argue that morality only benefits the elites of society while being to the detriment of the pleb populace who place self-imposed limitations upon themselves while the elites can do what they want without mental restrictions or handicaps.
No amount of shift in morality will ever convince me that faggotry is normal. A man marrying and fucking another man is prime bullshit. The west and white people should be ashamed that they could be brainwashed into thinking this is normal.
No amount of shift in morality will ever convince me that faggotry is normal. A man marrying and fucking another man is prime bullshit. The west and white people should be ashamed that they could be brainwashed into thinking this is normal.

JFL the west has no shame, they are openly proud of their degeneracy. They are more like animals than humans.

I feel morality exists only if there is a group of animals where there may be disruption from within.
An intelligent animal would have no need nor use for morals as long as he does not pertain within a group of animals.

morality doesnt exist in the animal world, its just a social construct created by humans. Animals behave in accordance to their nature and do whatever they have to do in order to survive.
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This only applies to professed morals. Big brained men of all ages have had similar paths of thought and people have always had a tendency to find faggotry repulsive.
This only applies to professed morals. Big brained men of all ages have had similar paths of thought and people have always had a tendency to find faggotry repulsive.

big brained men abandon morality and just act in accordance to cost/benefit, rewards/consequences. Morality is for fools

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