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LifeFuel Moneymaxxxing is the easiest way to escape inceldom



Oct 30, 2021
The easiest way to escape inceldom is by moneymaxxing.

Take Elon Musk. Before PayPal, he was a balding autistic fag, then he became the richest man in the world and even Amber Heard was riding his dick.


Moneymaxxing: Before and After
Moneymaxxing is not hard per se but it does take a lot of dedication and time on your part.

3 Ways to Moneymaxx
1. Study something that will be useful to the corporation

If you want to get hired by a corporation start studying things that would be useful to a business. Ideally, you would get a degree in a useful field. Barring that, you would buy courses and textbooks and would start studying hard on your own.

Examples that I am trying to learn:

  • Accounting
  • Finance
  • Marketing
  • Human Resources
  • Supply Chain
  • Economics
  • Programming (I would recommend Python for beginners)
  • Law
  • Government
By studying even some parts of the corporation in depth, you would be able to better perform your job, ask for more money, bolster your resume etc.

Here's another hint: If you know so much about corporations, why wouldn't you start your own?

2. Upgrade your Education

If you are currently working a minimum wage job (construction, McDonalds, Walmart, Subgay etc.) your career is not moving anywhere. You will stay in that class of job because that is all you know how to do. However, if you start upgrading your education, you can switch fields or move up where you currently are.


The easiest way to upgrade your education is via professional certification in your field. This makes you legit and allows you to demand more money and be an authority in whatever subject you were certified in.

Bachelor's Degree

Another easy way to upgrade your education is to enroll in a bachelor's degree. If you are in a minimum wage type job, this could mean a huge income increase that would be well worth any debt you would have to take on.

Master's Degree
If you want to get a master's degree, get an MBA. This will allow you to focus your career development towards management.

If you already have a bachelor's degree, are single and are stuck in a dead-end job, it's not a bad idea.

If you can't afford it/can't get in/don't have time etc.

libgen.is for any textbook you need. Start reading.

3. Learn to market something you know a lot about

If you can figure out a way to make a product/service in an area you have expertise in and then are able to market that product/service to a large group of people, you have enough to start a business.

Don't know a lot about anything? Start learning. A lot of business skills I listed above can be converted into small businesses themselves: accounting firms, hedge funds, human resources software, law firm, politician etc.

If you're too lazy for all of this
Start by studying one thing that would be useful to a corporation instead of some other hobby you spend too much time on (e.g. anime, reality TV, movies, novels, fortnite, star trek, xbox etc.)

Once you've done that, go back over the topic and study it again, as if you were going to teach it to someone. Suddenly, you will find yourself becoming an expert in that topic and you'll be able to get a certification or degree in the field with ease (#2).

If you're feeling really bold you can take your expertise and market it to other corporations, the government and/or consumers to take your wealth to the maxxx (#3).

That, my friends, is why I'm try to maxxx my money to escape inceldom.

What if I get rich, buy a Lamborghini and a Rolex and still can't get laid?
Asked no one ever.

-uo89997 (to my nigga @PersonalityChad :feelsokman: )

Lamborghini girl legs beautiful wallpaper preview
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What are you doing to moneymaxx? Bachelor's degree, certificate, skill-learning, et cetera ?
I'm just a man passing on information.

However, if I were to take my money to the maxxx, I would complete as much off this list as possible (learn all the business categories listed, get a bachelor's degree in a field you enjoy and is useful, get certified in that field, get an mba later and think of starting your own corporation).

Think about it for a moment. Would you rather hire someone who a) has a bachelor's degree and some knowledge of the business or b) someone with an mba, a professional certification and good knowledge of their field? The only reason a company wouldn't go with option b is because it costs a lot more!
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Money is important, but always remember that women would rather betabuxx Chad than be betabuxxed by an incel
I think musk was born into anrich family so it was quite easy for him to moneymaxx
Lol this shit again
if you betabuxx, buy a lambo or rolex, kill yourself
I have been working for awhile now and I have yet to savor the feeling of sublime victory. I don't shame NEETs, they are correct.
And they don't get laid. They gave up completely; they lost (losers). Retirement is okay after you've earned it.
Nigga, I know curry doctors making >$300,000 who are incel. They can get arranged marriage offers but its just whores who are obviously disgusted at them and want to divorce rape them.

Money can never be the main course for attraction. It's more like a seasoning.
If you live in hindustan you need to move to a Progressive Western country that is open towards sex (sun never sets on the British Empire principle).

You're right, money is just seasoning but if you are successful, you should be able to approach women in your social circle (or outside of it) and secure dates.
The only offers you'll get as an ugly guy wearing a Rolex sitting in a Lambo are prostitutes and pseudo-prostitutes (sugar babies). They will hassle you CONSTANT-FUCKING-LY for money. Literally after each dinner, each kiss on the cheek, they'll have their hand out. And you'll be burning cash constantly because a girl with you b/c of your Rolex and Lambo is going to want fancy dinners, expensive gifts, luxury vacation. Her pedicures and hairdresser and spa appointments will all be on you too. And maybe even her rent and/or car payment. And unless you spend all your time stalking her - she's still going to eventually meet up with Chad aka "just her guy friend".
If she is a pseudo-prostitute, fuck her then leave. Buy her what she wants.
I hate doing real work and don't see myself grinding for a corpo but I have autistically large knowledge (and to a lesser extent, skillset) in music production
I wish I could moneymaxx using music, but it's extremely hard EVEN if you're both talented AND hardworking. Plus Putin caused my "country" to be sanctioned, so I can't even register a Paypal to use Bandcamp and Youtube like musicians from normal countries do
Plus Putin caused my "country" to be sanctioned, so I can't even register a Paypal to use Bandcamp and Youtube like musicians from normal countries do
OK liberal
Capitalism doesn't allow that.
OK liberal
Who cares about your "opinion" about the war? What's the fuck do you know american bitch. I live here, and I have to suffer because of his actions. Not you. So shut the fuck up bitch boy.
Just be Elon Musk bro :lul:
'Just betabuxx bro.'
I rather visit escorts and engage in lust ( which is more honest: they want money, I want their bodies ) than betabuxx some gold-digger who hates my guts and is with me only because of resources or status.
I know a much easier way to escape inceldom.
just be elon musk bro :feelshaha:
musk is tall. if you are tall it's easy to become rich. people immediately promote tall fags to leadership positions, they hire them to key roles, and trust them to do risky business.

musk had several failed rocked launches but people still trusted him and loaned him more money.

people will buy stocks from companies run by tallfags.

if you are not tall and you want to make money, you have to pretend to be a foid online.
thats why normies try to moneymaxx and slave their whole life.
Im not agaisnt moneymaxxing for Incels as individuals to have more power and to improve, but to get w0men its a wrong advice. For w0men a money maxxed man is a walking bank account, they will marry you, you u for clout, then divorce you and take half of your hard earned money.

OP gave Elon Musk as an example, dude doesn't marry, same as Christiano Ronaldo who is a chad(Before being famous and rich and surgery max he was Incel looking). Both didn't marry and had sons from surrgate mothers.

I personlliy(Unlike what Incel haters think), want w0men for legit companionship and love, something that today doesn't exsist, even if I because Rich or become a chad overnight, and all of my Trauma and mental bagge of years of abuse clear up. I still don't find most w0men as wife matirial and I also don't trust the ((System)). Also w0men my age are used up wh0res that come with a bagge, and society will soon ban the marriage of 30+ years old man with 18-25 years old w0men, so I don't see a point.
Elon musk was mocked by women even when he was seen as a "cool trendy" guy.
elon chadmaxxed. even though he isn't a chad but he definitely leveraged being tall and white. a lot of the money and sponsoring that he got is truly chad only. i don't think an incel could pull off the financing options that he got in his situation. everyone gives him money because everyone wants to see chad win. as an incel your strategy would have to be very different and trying to emulate elon musk would result in disaster.

his entire 'empire' is based on ridiculous amounts of leveraged financing. it is entirely based on pulling in as much money as possible from government subsidies, defense contracts, debt financing, overpriced stocks, etc. most of which are chad only strategies. to be fair he did his part in chadmaxxing by doing his hair implant to gain smv. but an incel is not going to get this type of advantage, they would need some sort of 'opposite' strategy if anything .

that being said though, i think incelmaxxing makes more sense than moneymaxxing. just focus on keeping yourself free of normie overlords instead of trying to get super rich. becoming rich for an incel is more of a suicide mission. it's still important because money is everything, so it's really dumb to choose to do something that makes less money for example, but at the same time it's not realistic to see it as a golden way out, it's more like a even more brutal way of life with even more risk and effort and risk of death, but still necessary. prisons are basically filled with incels that tried to wealthmax and defy the social order.

i think the right way to see it is that an incel working a minimum wage job is like robbing a dollar store for $50, and an incel trying to moneymax is like robbing a bank for $50k. it has even more risk and effort and incels trying to become successful is inherently seen as a crime. it's just that i guess people would rather die than live off $50. while the logic is simple but it would be really bad to suddenly look at this and say that robbing a bank is a golden way out.

moneymaxxing should be simple though it shouldn't be something complicated , it's just that having slightly more money will always help you because as an incel you're always at an extreme disadvantage and literally need to compensate for it by having money.
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