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Brutal Moneymaxxer copers BTFO

Atavistic Autist

Atavistic Autist

Intersectional autistic supremacy
May 28, 2018
Claudian said:
His passion for gold increases — the only passion his mutilated body can indulge. Of what use was emasculation? The knife is powerless against reckless avarice.

Many celibates have been "emasculated" or "mutilated" by inceldom, so instead of sexual passions, they must cope with a passion for gold. This is most evident with regard to BlkPillPres, who talks a big game about prostitution, but has hardly fucked any prostitutes! Because as a neurotic eunuch, he finds his true calling in being subservient -- coping with the idea that he is a king while grinding 24/7 like a slave.

Even if he were to become rich, therefore, he would quickly find someone (presumably a woman, but perhaps a little boy like IncelKing) to strip him of all this unfounded dignity.

Brutal shit tbhngl.
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Better to be richcel than poorcel
"Brutal" - FACEandLMS
Moneymaxxing doesn't exist.
I "invest" (or moneymaxxx or "day trade", whatever the fuck tards call it these days) and gym-cel, and have been for at least a decade.

#1) No one gives a shit if you do, it's pure cope thinking anyone cares
#2) It will never get you women
#3) Even if you get rich and a top tier body, you're still gonna rot in front of a computer screen all day
#4) Horrible results for 99% of the population. Well, gym-celing at least.
Moneymaxxing is impossible without connections or having a rich family. inb4 shitcoin copers
Friedrich Nietzsche said:
Danger in riches. — Only he who has spirit ought to have possessions: otherwise possessions are a public danger. For the possessor who does not know how to make use of the free time which his possessions could purchase him will always continue to strive after possessions: this striving will constitute his entertainment, his strategy in his war against boredom. Thus in the end the moderate possessions that would suffice the man of spirit are transformed into actual riches – riches which are in fact the glittering product of spiritual dependence and poverty. They only appear quite different from what their wretched origin would lead one to expect because they are able to mask themselves with art and culture: for they are, of course, able to purchase masks. By this means they arouse envy in the poorer and the uncultivated – who at bottom are envying culture and fail to recognize the masks as masks – and gradually prepare a social revolution: for gilded vulgarity and histrionic self-inflation in a supposed ‘enjoyment of culture’ instil into the latter the idea ‘it is only a matter of money’ – whereas, while it is to some extent a matter of money, it is much more a matter of spirit.
coping with the idea that he is a king while grinding 24/7 like a slave.
The most important part of your post. Kings and people in power dont wageslave and “MONEYMAXX BRO!!!” all day, everfyay of their lives. They just have it. BlkPillPres does not understand this concept.
Jewmaxxxing is a myth to keep normies and cels-in-denial in an everlasting rat race.
glad u realise hes autistic
Moneymaxxing is impossible without connections or having a rich family. inb4 shitcoin copers
You need a large capital first. Most poorfags invest 500$ thinking that'll make them the next Warren Buffett or Ingvar Kamprad
I've always viewed moneymaxxing as a cope, and nothing that can make up for inceldom. It's a pretty good cope imo, compared to other copes that is, but most people will just grind like a slave like you say and won't have any significant wealth after all. I'd rather be attractive than have all the money in the world.
Moneymaxxing is impossible without connections or having a rich family. inb4 shitcoin copers

nah, i've met plenty of ugly men who made millions by busting their ass. usually in trades like concrete or construction.
real estate and construction has many many small markets, making it too hard for winner take all companies like amazon.com to conquer it all.

they were still ugly and incel as fuck tho

plus all over 40

but yeah it beats being poor

edit: millions, not billions, lol
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nah, i've met plenty of ugly men who made billions by busting their ass. usually in trades like concrete or construction.
real estate and construction has many many small markets, making it too hard for winner take all companies like amazon.com to conquer it all.

they were still ugly and incel as fuck tho

plus all over 40

but yeah it beats being poor
I mean, did they start from scratch though? No friends, no family, no college?
nah, i've met plenty of ugly men who made millions by busting their ass. usually in trades like concrete or construction.
real estate and construction has many many small markets, making it too hard for winner take all companies like amazon.com to conquer it all.

they were still ugly and incel as fuck tho

plus all over 40

but yeah it beats being poor

edit: millions, not billions, lol
Cope. Theres a reason i have you’re 6’5 fakecel ass blocked. I shouldve never opened your dumbass reply.
The only real reason you should devote your life to moneymaxxing is to fund GECG, prove me wrong.
I mean, did they start from scratch though? No friends, no family, no college?

i meant to say millions, not billions, lol.

one guy i met started working, pouring concrete when young, then finally got a crew and turned it into a business. it was all day job, had ot be up at morning to mix that shit and get it to set right

that type of shit

trading / investing usually takes 10+ years to get good at it. any retard who thinks he can money maxx online without massive experience is insane
Cope. Theres a reason i have you’re 6’5 fakecel ass blocked. I shouldve never opened your dumbass reply.

imagine being so weak and pathetic you have to block anyone who slightly disagrees with your viewpoint

lmao, it's like being from reddit but even worse
glad u realise hes autistic
Autism is a noble thing, and bequeaths BlkPillPres his high IQ. It's the malignant narcissism I have a problem with, and the capitalist paradigm he integrates this into.
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imagine being so weak and pathetic you have to block anyone who slightly disagrees with your viewpoint

lmao, it's like being from reddit but even worse
Unironically the worst active poster here, ngl. @UninspiredGuy1 that is..
moneymaxxing is slaving all day, selling your soul to the same people that made your life hell
Hedonic treadmill is brutal enough on normies and above, for truecels there are also the unrelenting looks aspect to deal with, moneycoping or not. It is by itself just hollow jew mind tricks. Drugs or death, tbh. Or both.
Almost everything in this fucking planet is cope, pretty much. So what man? LDAR all day instead? Rope? I mean sometimes I don't get what's up with this mentality many guys here have, you guys keep regurgitating over and over the same facts we already know for ages.

Yeah it's over, we already know that. What about solutions? What can be done? Nothing? Okay, what can I do instead to have some little bit of enjoyment in this life? You just accept how things are and try to play with the cards we got. The universe doesn't care if your coping, if you're blackpilled or bluepilled. The only person who cares and can benefict from any of that is yourself.

You can choose what you're going to do with your life, you can rot here or cope with whatever you want, in the end of the day we're all incels and we're heading towards the absolute self degradation and subsequently death.

Just a vent, I am not aware of all that fight here but I enjoy post of both users tbh. Idk man sometimes it bothers me how there's only negativity in this forum, yeah I got inceldom sucks but it doesn't have to suck all the time. There's literally nothing else we can do? There's barely any thread actually giving some kind of advice or real discussion (regarding inceldom) that can actually help to improve anyone's life.
three words: cope or rope
Many celibates have been "emasculated" or "mutilated" by inceldom, so instead of sexual passions, they must cope with a passion for gold. This is most evident with regard to BlkPillPres, who talks a big game about prostitution, but has hardly fucked any prostitutes! Because as a neurotic eunuch, he finds his true calling in being subservient -- coping with the idea that he is a king while grinding 24/7 like a slave.

1. If you are going to mention me, mention me, whats the point of going out of your way not to @ me, seems kind of cowardly

2. Your quote doesn't even make sense, because the sole reason I'm trying to get "god" is to fuck women

Even if he were to become rich, therefore, he would quickly find someone (presumably a woman, but perhaps a little boy like IncelKing) to strip him of all this unfounded dignity.

Please stop projecting your pathetic mindset onto others, only a cuck like you would do something like this after getting rich, were not all you

Better to be richcel than poorcel

Its as simple as that
Having access to the sort of money needed to live a comfortable life & not wear your mind, body & soul down doing the weekly grind for decades was already decided for you before birth as those that came before are elevated above as the ones that came before them were elevated in turn by those before them.

It was already decided long ago, in the grand scheme of things new ppl popping up making money from nothing is less than 1% of wealthy ppl & even then many of these "rags to riches" stories fail to mention the ppl had access to a good education, a father that taught them skills, an uncle that got them a start somewhere, a friend that introduced them to the right ppl. They didn't start with "nothing".

You wanna make money & sit at home? Get good at being a graphic artist & get real good at drawing anime tiddies & the genres others won't touch, there's your male equivalent of onlyfans. Not sure how long this will last mind you seeing as many platforms are going soy as fuck over this.
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Jewmaxxxing is a myth to keep normies and cels-in-denial in an everlasting rat race.
Yikerinos, shut him down.

But seriously, we should all neet and ldar to cope better then betauprisingmaxx
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if i had money i would be able to seamaxx.Life is a sad thing

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