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SuicideFuel Moments that made your heart sink to your stomach and lose faith in females.



Jun 17, 2019
Is there anything you've experienced or read about that made you jaded towards women?
Check my first ever post (not that far back since I’m a greycel) it’s basically my incel origin story
Yeah my former oneitis once screamed at me because of how ugly she thought i was and called me disgusting a couple of times.
Every time i see Chad with his gf on the street.
Is there anything you've experienced or read about that made you jaded towards women?
Too many tbh ngl too much detail to review, they're all vomit inducing experiences that fills me with complete rage and a want for destruction against everything around me.
In school, girls look at me with disgust

My oneitis fucked a chad when she was in fucking elementary

People avoid me because of my appearance

Ive read numerous studies showing the impact of ones appearance

Any chadfish where the Chad is insane but the girls still want him

polls showing women find 80% of men unattractive, while men rated women on a bell curve

polls showing women hate Asian men, when I’m a ricecel.

I can’t fathom how anyone could be bluepilled.
Too many tbh ngl too much detail to review, they're all vomit inducing experiences that fills me with complete rage and a want for destruction against everything around me.

Feel free to send me a PM or message with a few of your stories if you want.
Im not jaded against females, just at nature generally.

I understand why they wouldnt want a genetic trash like me same as i want a young pretty sweet girl. Im not a hypocrite
Just about every fucking experience I've had with foids since 1993 when I first reached puberty has contributed to the sheer hatred I feel towards them.
When I realized about female bisexuality in modern societies and how they prefer lesbian porn to men and love corruption. Later I realized there is more diversity in thought among women so we can't generalize.
Last school year, when I remember hearing some female teachers openly talk about how they only like tall good looking guys and also hear them worshiping this 6'4" Football Chad student :feelsrope:
Is there anything you've experienced or read about that made you jaded towards women?
everything i've experienced and read about makes me extremely bitter towards women and society in general. Since i was a kid i've been given blackpills on life and how people treat you and make you an outcast if you are non NT or don't look good.
Only positive experience i've ever had with a girl was playing online chess with one, that was a friend of one of my male friends.
when they say "we're all special and unique" and then they proceed to tell everybody how much they like dogs and travelling.
Yeah my former oneitis once screamed at me because of how ugly she thought i was and called me disgusting a couple of times.
it's happened to us all, friend :feelscry:
This one didn't really hit me until years later but back in high school I was 18yo senior. This girl was 16 in one of my classes. She was dating this senior Chad. Think she was really smart and got upgraded a year or something. Either way I used to pretend to be gay so I could have females talk to me. This one girl said she felt bad for that 16yo and I asked why. She said every night she HAS to sneak her boyfriend into her room while her mom is asleep and get fucked. When he fucks her he chokes her out until she passes out and then she wakes up with him having finished. Then he sneaks out. And she hates getting choked while having sex but she didn't know what to do and the girl that told me was her best friend.

Imagine how good of a life Chad has to be fucking 16yo teens in their own room and doing whatever the FUCK he wants! And the girls love Chad so much they will endure whatever to stay the girlfriend of him.

That story didn't really do much to me in my youth but then years later I was thinking back on that and just fucking got sick to my stomach. How multiple girls can be whores and know other whores yet nobody ever speaks up because Chad can do no wrong. If an ugly man even so much as looks at his bitch wrong she is posting that shit on social media and getting his ass arrested. The only way ugly men ascend is if they have lots of money. Personality means nothing to stupid bitches and all women are whores and bitches FYI.
when even the ugly foids think you are the bottom of the barrel.
Last school year, when I remember hearing some female teachers openly talk about how they only like tall good looking guys and also hear them worshiping this 6'4" Football Chad student :feelsrope:
fucking sluts. just lol at their cucked husbands if they are married
Moved interstate, new high school with only 1.5 years left. Made like 3 friends. There was this one girl in my class who kept talking to me and we became friends. Always flirted with me, sat on my lap and shit. Long story short I asked her out and she said no, then told everybody in my year level about it and I looked like a fucking idiot. She friendzoned me and I didn't know (first girl I actually asked out IRL).

It taught me a valuable lesson. I learned about the red pill from that event which led to the black pill.
This one didn't really hit me until years later but back in high school I was 18yo senior. This girl was 16 in one of my classes. She was dating this senior Chad. Think she was really smart and got upgraded a year or something. Either way I used to pretend to be gay so I could have females talk to me. This one girl said she felt bad for that 16yo and I asked why. She said every night she HAS to sneak her boyfriend into her room while her mom is asleep and get fucked. When he fucks her he chokes her out until she passes out and then she wakes up with him having finished. Then he sneaks out. And she hates getting choked while having sex but she didn't know what to do and the girl that told me was her best friend.

Imagine how good of a life Chad has to be fucking 16yo teens in their own room and doing whatever the FUCK he wants! And the girls love Chad so much they will endure whatever to stay the girlfriend of him.

That story didn't really do much to me in my youth but then years later I was thinking back on that and just fucking got sick to my stomach. How multiple girls can be whores and know other whores yet nobody ever speaks up because Chad can do no wrong. If an ugly man even so much as looks at his bitch wrong she is posting that shit on social media and getting his ass arrested. The only way ugly men ascend is if they have lots of money. Personality means nothing to stupid bitches and all women are whores and bitches FYI.
My stomach churned from reading this. As much as I like to believe im jaded by the blackpill, stories like this still horrify me.
Seeing oneitis with a bbc
Last school year, when I remember hearing some female teachers openly talk about how they only like tall good looking guys and also hear them worshiping this 6'4" Football Chad student :feelsrope:

How old were these teachers?
Listening to foids gush about celebrity women beaters and attractive serial killers
Reading my oneitis posting on Facebook about how her boyfriend cheated on her, treated her badly, literally dumped her once and she still got back together with him
Went to a nightclub with a chad friend of mine. Walked behind him. Every foid was giving him that look. Realized he lived in a different world than me. That's when I knew it as over.
Boy I lose faith in humanity . Fuckem
Too many tbh ngl too much detail to review, they're all vomit inducing experiences that fills me with complete rage and a want for destruction against everything around me.
I too have a lot of suicide fuel
I too have a lot of suicide fuel
Yess suifuel indeed.

The only reason i havent roped is because i have other things that need to be attended to.
Pretty much all talk of "body count."
It's so cold and gross, women going on about all the men they've slept around with. It makes you feel empty because even if you somehow defied reality and managed to get a gf she would still not be *your gf* it would just be your turn with her. Even the term body count in itself is disgusting, like they have a whole mortuary locker full of cold stiff Chad bodies they've sucked and fucked.

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