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Venting modern society is so feminine it's sickening



May 21, 2020
all this obsession with women shouldn't be a thing, the way men spoil, simp, idolize women is so damn awful. No wonder most people have no morals or values nowadays, the ones who actually make shit happen are out there with women 24/7 in their minds. Suddently everything else turns to be a huge cope, and pussy is the only thing worth. Of course, it's not their/our fault.

Men are insecure, shy, timid... You look around, you turn on the TV, see modern parenting, and nothing of the things that made men well... men, is not passed down to this generation anymore. Things were not supposed to be this way. Men weren't supposed to go out acting like retards, trying to mog other men to impress pussy.

women's opinion shouldn't matter. Men were supposed to be leading women, not chasing them.
Why don't girls ever text me I hate this
truth. men have lost their way
Based, they emasculated men, so this is what happens
Cope,Society is only feminine for sub 8 males , Chads are the only ones allowed to behave like men without repercussions
It was always about power. Foid emotions and morals are all over the place. They want power when it’s best suited to them and then they want to appear as a defenceless little girl when they need to.

Foids sat back and did jack shit of important things other than house chores and taking care of kids while men were fighting wars and getting killed on job sites. As soon as 90% of the most violent and brutal work is done, it’s suddenly about “female empowerment” and feminism.

They preach equality while screaming “Kill All Men.” They say they want “equal pay for equal work” while they take as much time off as they want. They get upset whenever a man does something nice for them and then doesn’t say shit about how if there is a dangerous situation taking place, the women and children are society’s top priority.

Foids want to rule the world and that simply cannot happen. Our society and what it means to be a man will be destroyed. Brutal.
Like how did this even happen... Im no expert in history but as far as my knowledge goes from the oldest civilizations till the 1960s women knew their place in society and wouldn't dare to speak against a male and disrespect him or they would be put in place.

It's only in the recent 50 years things went downhill really fast. It's like women negative attitude evolved at the same pace technology does.

Foids want to rule the world and that simply cannot happen. Our society and what it means to be a man will be destroyed. Brutal.

It IS a gynocentric Agenda to create jealous and weak man

Society Just has to be rewritten sooner or later
Sub buzz 8441 1509984819 4
If you act masculine, people will punish you. It's over.
If you had chad looks, you wouldnt be shy nor timid. regardless of upbringing.
When you're ugly being "shy" is literally the only way you can behave or else you are a creep or a tryhard etc...
I try to be masculine or at least not soy. If i do ever ascend, i'll make sure my son grows up more masculine than i ever was.
By weakening men, society is being destroyed from the inside
Truly dark times
muuuuuuuuuuuh masculanity is a giga cope

what counts as "masculine" today would be seen as a low status bottom of the barrel pond scum in the 18th, 19th and early 20th century.

stop believing in that redpill bullshit.

if your idea of masculinity is something akin to a lumberjack, pickup truck, garage full of tools, beard, checker board jacket with a hat, then i have to tell you that you've been brainwashed and cucked by the late 20th century INVENTION of homosexual-affiliated pseudo-masculanity sold to and propaganded by mass media
It has nothing to do with doing a certain thing, activity or having a certain look. I agree, muh masculinity is cope.

But masculinity is a real thing. Most users on .is are masculine men even if we don't fit this stupid stereotype. It's about attitude, assertiveness, self control, pragmatism. We don't go with the crowds, we have a mind of our own. Females are the ones who pussy out.

You can be masculine doing pottery, being a writer, even being gay as weird as it seems. Mishima was probably a fag but he was masculine and that's undeniable.
Like how did this even happen... Im no expert in history but as far as my knowledge goes from the oldest civilizations till the 1960s women knew their place in society and wouldn't dare to speak against a male and disrespect him or they would be put in place.

It's only in the recent 50 years things went downhill really fast. It's like women negative attitude evolved at the same pace technology does.
Only Chad is free to express his masculinity. The rest of us get brow-beaten into submission.
Ah yes... You can thank feminism for all of that, this trash ass set of ideologies have completly ruin the society as a hole.. Trying to achieve equal social, political, and economic rights for women and besides that pedestalizing women in the process as strong and independent.. "You don't need a man girl, you are fine alone, you are strong". Pushing the toxic behavior againts masculinity in general, everything masculine is bad and everything should be more feminine, makes me sick... Brainwashing men through media supporting women and this garbage ass set of beliefs.. No wonder why this shithole called society is going to hell, ofc cuz of the males...
Man: “i have a problem”
“Figure it out then, you’re a grown man”
Woman: “I have a problem” *lives life on tutorial mode*
”AWW SWEATY WATs WRONG!!? Let us coddle you QWEEN!”
It'a probably gonna be worse in the future. By 2045 we'll all be wearing dresses
I blame gen x for the mess we’re in. Their parents didn’t even raise them.
all this obsession with women shouldn't be a thing, the way men spoil, simp, idolize women is so damn awful. No wonder most people have no morals or values nowadays, the ones who actually make shit happen are out there with women 24/7 in their minds. Suddently everything else turns to be a huge cope, and pussy is the only thing worth. Of course, it's not their/our fault.

Men are insecure, shy, timid... You look around, you turn on the TV, see modern parenting, and nothing of the things that made men well... men, is not passed down to this generation anymore. Things were not supposed to be this way. Men weren't supposed to go out acting like retards, trying to mog other men to impress pussy.

women's opinion shouldn't matter. Men were supposed to be leading women, not chasing them.

This is the result of a post-modern "radical feminist" ideology that has come to dominate the education system, family, civil and criminal law and government dept. and agencies.

Right from the start, we were all fucked by the education system, which was geared towards girls (i.e. girls are better at sitting in a classroom all day).

Secondly, we are fucked when it comes to the family court system (we all know that already).

Finally the entertainment, movies, etc. portray men as weak pathetic morons while women are strong, competent heroines.

I am sick of it. Men do need to opt out because in the end, "ThE oNe CoMmOn EnEmY" will suffer the most.

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