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Blackpill Modern Sexual Market can be explained using RPG video game terms.



May 12, 2019

  1. Say you have (5) primary stats as a man, Face, Height, Money, Status, Personality
  2. (2) of the stats are Face and Height
  3. These 2 stats cannot be leveled up
  4. These 2 stats account for 98-100% of your success in the Modern Sexual Market
  5. Your other 3 stats account for 0-2% of your success in the Modern Sexual Market
    These other 3 stats you can grind as much as you want, but these stats will do very little (or in most cases nothing) to improve your success in the Modern Sexual Market.
Knowing this, what motivation do you have to grind out the other 3 stats, if you know that leveling them up will do either very little, or nothing at all, to improve your success in the Modern Sexual Market.

Going back in time, say 1960s and before, your Face and Height mattered somewhat, BUT grinding out the other 3 stats for a man still made a very big difference to the mans success in the Dating Market during that time period. But as the decades have gone on, the effectiveness of these 3 other stats for a man have diminished to having almost no impact on your power level in the sexual market. The 2 stats, being Face and Height, are what have become the 2 primary powerhouse stats for your power level and success in the Modern Sexual Market, it just so happens these 2 stats cannot be leveled up.



Q: But isn't Status money?

A:It is, but it can also be something else. Like you have status as a public medical researcher, that cured X or Y, you have status from that in society, but with no monetary gain along side it, in the Modern Sexual Market, this will not improve your success. In the old times, this status would have dramatically improved your success in the Sexual Market even if it brought you no wealth.

Q: Is Face and Height really 98-100% of your success in the Modern Sexual Market?
A: Yes.

Q: How do we make it so the other 3 stats (Money, Status, Personality) have more value to women, like it was in the west before the 1960s?
A: You would have to remove money from all women (Women out of the work-force), remove the ability of women to have access to millions of men at one time (Social Media and the Economy of Social Media), end the welfare state for single mothers, start slut-shaming women again. All of those things have to be done in order to dramatically improve the effectiveness of grinding the remaining 3 stats. That will never happen though, as Pandora's box has already been opened. So the 2 stats (Face, Height) which cannot be leveled up, will remain the 98-100% of your success as a man in the Modern Sexual Market.

Q: But wont this result in a lot of men giving up and dropping out of society when they realize the stats that they can level up have almost no impact on their success in the Modern Sexual Market, where as the 2 primary stats that they cannot change, make up for 98-100% of their possible success in the Modern Sexual Market??
A: Yes, its already happening all over the world, men are dropping like flies.
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Status and money are cope unless you're Dan Bilzerian. But even he needs to looksmax
Going back in time, say 1960s and before, your Face and Height mattered somewhat, BUT grinding out the other 3 stats for a man still made a very big difference to the mans success in the Dating Market during that time period.

You could also climb up a career ladder which does not even exist anymore. Now, most men are forced to do low-level work without any prospect of a better future. There are no permanent position anymore only temporary and if you are lucky you get another contract for another 1/2 year.
And all of that without having an own family. On top of that, more and more men are struggling with basic stuff, having anxiety, no skills and almost no social circle. This is life as a man today.

  1. Say you have (5) primary stats as a man, Face, Height, Money, Status, Personality
  2. (2) of the stats are Face and Height
  3. These 2 stats cannot be leveled up
  4. These 2 stats account for 98-100% of your success in the Modern Sexual Market
  5. Your other 3 stats account for 0-2% of your success in the Modern Sexual Market
    These other 3 stats you can grind as much as you want, but these stats will do very little (or in most cases nothing) to improve your success in the Modern Sexual Market.
Knowing this, what motivation do you have to grind out the other 3 stats, if you know that leveling them up will do either very little, or nothing at all, to improve your success in the Modern Sexual Market.

Going back in time, say 1960s and before, your Face and Height mattered somewhat, BUT grinding out the other 3 stats for a man still made a very big difference to the mans success in the Dating Market during that time period. But as the decades have gone on, the effectiveness of these 3 other stats for a man have diminished to having almost no impact on your power level in the sexual market. The 2 stats, being Face and Height, are what remain as powerhouse stats for your power level and success in the Modern Sexual Market, it just so happens these 2 stats cannot be leveled up.



Q: But isn't Status money?

A:It is, but it can also be something else. Like you have status as a public medical researcher, that cured X or Y, you have status from that in society, but with no monetary gain along side it, in the Modern Sexual Market, this will not improve your success. In the old times, this status would have dramatically improved your success in the Sexual Market even if it brought you no wealth.

Q: Is Face and Height really 98-100% of your success in the Modern Sexual Market?
A: Yes.

Q: How do we make it so the other 3 stats (Money, Status, Personality) have more value to women, like it was in the west before the 1960s?
A: You would have to remove money from all women (Women out of the work-force), remove the ability of women to have access to millions of men at one time (Social Media and the Economy of Social Media), end the welfare state for single mothers, start slut-shaming women again. All of those things have to be done in order to dramatically improve the effectiveness of grinding the remaining 3 stats. That will never happen though, as Pandora's box has already been opened. So the 2 stats (Face, Height) which cannot be leveled up, will remain the 98-100% of your success as a man in the Modern Sexual Market.

Q: But wont this result in a lot of men giving up and dropping out of society when they realize the stats that they can level up have almost no impact on their success in the Modern Sexual Market, where as the 2 primary stats that they cannot change, make up for 98-100% of their possible success in the Modern Sexual Market??
A: Yes, its already happening all over the world, men are dropping like flies.

When the economy and labor market gets really bad, governments like to release bullshit numbers that say everything is going great.

Normies are trash to women so they cook the books, fake the stats, etc. by finding old used up landwhales and claim they are having great, happy relationships.

I've seen this in my family. All the men who aren't incel are with much older, obese hags who have kids. It wasn't like this 10-15 year ago.

Men are eating dog shit and claiming it's chocolate.
Men are eating dog shit and claiming it's chocolate.

Same goes with everything else. If a bigger company release a game (expansion) you are supposed to be glad although the game is shit compared to the previous ones and the newer games are even way more expensive. The gaming scene is actually full of political talk now, since gaming is nothing but a cope and plenty of men are starting to see that something here is really off.

We can also see it on Twitch where bigger streamers like Asmongold want to ban any kind of political talk despite the fact, that plenty of men who watches him or play themselves tend to be more anti SJW. We are in a really weird spot now. Plenty of men trying to distract themselves with games and since games have become more and more bad, it does not even work anymore.
Good thing I plan to reroll my stats soon.
Same goes with everything else. If a bigger company release a game (expansion) you are supposed to be glad although the game is shit compared to the previous ones and the newer games are even way more expensive. The gaming scene is actually full of political talk now, since gaming is nothing but a cope and plenty of men are starting to see that something here is really off.

We can also see it on Twitch where bigger streamers like Asmongold want to ban any kind of political talk despite the fact, that plenty of men who watches him or play themselves tend to be more anti SJW. We are in a really weird spot now. Plenty of men trying to distract themselves with games and since games have become more and more bad, it does not even work anymore.

Just remake a 20 year old game bro with politics saying white men are evil.
How do you grind personality for the sexual market? Dark triad-maxx? Or as per IT advice, soymaxx?
My life would be completely different if I was born with more bone. Being over 6ft as a white male would’ve made my life so much bearable.
Just remake a 20 year old game bro with politics saying white men are evil.
Modern gaming is terrible.
How do you grind personality for the sexual market? Dark triad-maxx? Or as per IT advice, soymaxx?

Let me explain.

1. Personality can be leveled up in a variety of ways, think of the Path Of Exile tree, you can take many different routes.

2. A good looking tall man will always be perceived as having a better personality due to halo effect, so he may have a Personality level of 20, but the good looks will give a buffed personality, and will appear as level 100, where as an unattractive short man may have a Personality of level 100 but it will be debuffed only appear as level 20.

3. A higher Level Personality does not impact your power level in the Modern Sexual Market, you can grind the stat up as much as possible, and it will have little to no impact on your power level in the Modern Sexual Market, due to the majority of power in the Sexual Market being 98-100% based on Face and Height.

4. Your Face and Height stats can and will bottle-neck your other stats.
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A higher Level Personality does not impact your power level in the Modern Sexual Market, you can grind the stat up as much as possible, and it will have little to no impact on your power level in the Modern Sexual Market, due to the majority of power in the Sexual Market being 98-100% based on Face and Height.
Having good personality doesn’t improve anything regarding your SMV, all it does is improve your social circle being the jester and emotional tampon for foids, but it doesn’t guarantee you will get laid because physical attraction trumps all.
Rly nice thread.Read all.
Some of the bluepill "just approach bro!" copers wont like this jfl

  1. Say you have (5) primary stats as a man, Face, Height, Money, Status, Personality
  2. (2) of the stats are Face and Height
  3. These 2 stats cannot be leveled up
  4. These 2 stats account for 98-100% of your success in the Modern Sexual Market
  5. Your other 3 stats account for 0-2% of your success in the Modern Sexual Market
    These other 3 stats you can grind as much as you want, but these stats will do very little (or in most cases nothing) to improve your success in the Modern Sexual Market.
Knowing this, what motivation do you have to grind out the other 3 stats, if you know that leveling them up will do either very little, or nothing at all, to improve your success in the Modern Sexual Market.

Going back in time, say 1960s and before, your Face and Height mattered somewhat, BUT grinding out the other 3 stats for a man still made a very big difference to the mans success in the Dating Market during that time period. But as the decades have gone on, the effectiveness of these 3 other stats for a man have diminished to having almost no impact on your power level in the sexual market. The 2 stats, being Face and Height, are what have become the 2 primary powerhouse stats for your power level and success in the Modern Sexual Market, it just so happens these 2 stats cannot be leveled up.



Q: But isn't Status money?

A:It is, but it can also be something else. Like you have status as a public medical researcher, that cured X or Y, you have status from that in society, but with no monetary gain along side it, in the Modern Sexual Market, this will not improve your success. In the old times, this status would have dramatically improved your success in the Sexual Market even if it brought you no wealth.

Q: Is Face and Height really 98-100% of your success in the Modern Sexual Market?
A: Yes.

Q: How do we make it so the other 3 stats (Money, Status, Personality) have more value to women, like it was in the west before the 1960s?
A: You would have to remove money from all women (Women out of the work-force), remove the ability of women to have access to millions of men at one time (Social Media and the Economy of Social Media), end the welfare state for single mothers, start slut-shaming women again. All of those things have to be done in order to dramatically improve the effectiveness of grinding the remaining 3 stats. That will never happen though, as Pandora's box has already been opened. So the 2 stats (Face, Height) which cannot be leveled up, will remain the 98-100% of your success as a man in the Modern Sexual Market.

Q: But wont this result in a lot of men giving up and dropping out of society when they realize the stats that they can level up have almost no impact on their success in the Modern Sexual Market, where as the 2 primary stats that they cannot change, make up for 98-100% of their possible success in the Modern Sexual Market??
A: Yes, its already happening all over the world, men are dropping like flies.
Face can be leveled up with the implementation of the triforce of plastic surgery.
Whichever beings or god designed this MMORPG made a truly shit game.
Having good personality doesn’t improve anything regarding your SMV, all it does is improve your social circle being the jester and emotional tampon for foids, but it doesn’t guarantee you will get laid because physical attraction trumps all.

It is like when the Season has ended, the rewards have been given out, and a lot of people quit the game, but there remains a few people who continue playing the game, but there is no longer any competitive ladder. This is where a betabux finally gets laid at 35 years old to a 38 year old 100+ sexual partnered roastie.

Once the foids and chads have competed in the previous 20 seasons of the Sexual Market, and the competitive ladder has been shut down for foids and Chads of your age. The foids then go looking in the unranked section to pickup a random low level since they cannot compete in the rated ladder anymore. The unranked section is full of old burnt out Chads, Roasties, and Normies who are looking to pick up some of the remains.

In this "unranked" part of the game, you have Normiecels sweating and try-harding to best other Normiecels, even though there is no more competitive scene or rewards to give out, the Normicels try hard as if its a ranked game, even though its now unranked, and there is no reward to be had.

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