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Oct 6, 2024
It's a book wrtiten by Ragnar Redbeard (viking-like pseudonym) back at 1896.
It has many awesome quotes, I would reccomend to read it all - it have many brutal thoughts about world, whether you agree or not. And it's not that long book.
I might post some of quotes here in the thread, to not make post endless:

Women are frail beings at the best of times, and in their secret hearts are probably lovers of the unlimited. For the welfare of the breed, and the security of descent, they must be heldin thorough subjection. Woe unto him, woe unto them, and woe unto our Race, if ever these lovable creatures should break loose from mastership, and become the rulers or equals of Man.(But that IS impossible.)

A woman is two-thirds womb. Tho other third is a net- work of nerves and sentimentality.

As long as the husband is absolute Imperator within his own four walls, the poisoning of the marriage bed (now so common, and so loathsome), can not take place, If his wife, or an intruder, dares to dishonor him, they die: and their death is an effective deterrent. His daughters, controlled with equal vigor, are not permitted to mate with every stromous Dick, Tom and Harry, that comes smirking along; but are "given away" to young men—who are bom of GoodStock; or who have proved their inherent manhoodand capacity—in carnivorous combat.

Women take supreme delight in the roll of war like drums—in the marching of the military; in reading the poems and romances of 'battle, murder, and sudden death.' (Police Gazettes are mostly supported by women, because of the sensational homicidal reports.)

Women kind mobilize in battalions-of-beauty, at football matches, ball tournaments, acquatic carnivals,and sham battles; just as the feminines of "Auld-langsyne" gathered at the archery sports—the Coliseum combats—the Olympian games, and the Neolithic wardances. In their worship of the warrior, Indian squaws,lionesses and ball-room belles are in harmonious accord.

Bull-dog virtues are bound to triumph in the long run and they can only be developed (if developed at all) by daily practice from youth up. Hence the necessity of 'brutal' football—'brutal' warfare—'brutal' personal encounters—'brutal' thoughts and 'brutal' combinations. (The word 'brutal' is written here be- cause it is popularly misunderstood; and used as amissile. ) The 'brutal' races have always been victorious races—the greatest men have always been supremely'brutal.' (Alexander, Bonaparte, Bismarck).
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Women are beautiful animals, delightful companions, affectionate mothers, sisters, and wives, kindhearted friends; but they are—born dissimulators.

A woman is primarily a reproductive cell-organism, a womb structurally embastioned by a protective, defensive, osseous network; and surrounded with the antens, and blood vessels, necessary for supplying nutriment to the growing embryo. Sexualism and maternity dominate tile lives of all true women.

Even in man, the soul is probably a fiction, but in women its absence is an absolute certainty.

They are never touched with any sense of personal responsibility; are mere babies in worldly concerns—hysterical, well supplied with tear glands, verbal mechanism—but lovable always. They are intended by nature to be loved and defended but not to be "equalized.

Predicting Jeremy Meeks more than hundread years before him. JEREMY MEEKS PROPHECY!
But whether a criminal is successful or not, he seems to have a peculiar fascination for women. He who risks his life to advance his fortunes may reckon before hand upon unlimited feminine approval. If he SUCCEEDS and becomes a millionaire, a chancellor, apresident, or a king; he has only to 'hold up his hand'to be literally 'rushed' hy the handsomest feminines in the land: and even if he fails bravely, women will gather in shoals to visit him in gaol, besieging him with bouquets and proposals of marriage, even at the gallows.

Hence the necessity of breeding men who are fighters—fighters in their heart. Hence also the need of training them, from boyhood up, to conquer and overthrow their oppressors, and personal enemies —at any cost—at any peril .By no known alchemy can a race of warriors and free- men be evoluted out of a "flock of bleating, baaing, lapping lambs, suckled on teats of priest-rid dams."
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The bolder and more aggressive men are, the more women of all classes admire them—and vice versa. Thus the surging ebb and flow of attraction and of gravitation is ever directed towards—the impregnation of the Fair—by the Strong. How glorious beneath the sun is the union of the Beautiful and the Brave?

Whoever heard of a lovelorn virgin risking her life, or her reputation, to mate herself with a sanctimonious creeping-thing, or bespectacled savant? Did you ever look upon a great drama wherein the hero did not do a bit of fighting?

Power and proprietorship cover a multitude of sins —of ALLEGED sins: but men and women, (especially women) have an overflowing fund of sympathy and forgiveness—for the "Bold Bad Man" (CHAAAD!) if he is victorious. How women admire men of leonine resolution and Eagle Principles? How they detest cowardice,"goodness," feebleness, effeminacy, failure? There is no character in history so universally applauded, as the bold "bad" rebel and the mighty conqueror.

A prominent New Yorker has publicly asserted that two-thirds of the "married" women in that city are systematically unfaithful: and a fat sordid priestling (named Moody) even openly advises his female lambs, to enter into tne joys of 'godly freedom' via of that harlot factory, the Divorce Court.

If development persists along present lines, the time is not remote when it shall be truthfully recorded:"There is no marriage in America." The sanctity of the Home is disappearing. No longer can it be asserted that a "man's house is his castle." Marriages are becoming proportionately less and less: and baby-farming by tiie Grovernment, is infull blast.
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Look over at France where (with the growth of government supervision) the absolutism of the husband is attenuated to a mere fiction—and what do you see? A nation steeped in communistic eroticism, as in a Stygian sewer. French women are notoriously unfaithfiil, and the most horrible sexual lusts are practiced, and pleasantly laughed at.

The best fighters are the best race producers. This is the verdict of Biology, and the instinctive belief of the whole Feminine world in general.

Fighting is the method whereby the most fitted to propogate conclusively prove the fact. Animals, plants,birds, reptiles, and fishes; all exist in surroundings of unending sex-rivalry and warfare—so do men. Organic life is one ceaseless round of Love and War. Sexualism and slaughter go hand in hand.

There is no other earthly passion so fiercely, savagely, egoistic, as sexual desire and it is the physical basis of all human "Love" —even the most ethereal and romantic. Everywhere 'the season of love, is the season of battle,' and when the fires of sexualism burn low in nations or men, they are as unfit for freedom,as they are unfit to reproduce their kind.

Women instinctively admire soldiers, athletes, kings, nobles, and fighting-men generally, above all other kinds of suitors—and rightly so.

No nation, no empire, has ever fallen—no race has ever been enslaved, because it delighted in manly sports—in the hunting of boars, and Sons, and men in deadly tournaments—in dueling—in prize fighting —in gladiatorial combats—in scenes of "cruelty and blood." No! not one! (Nature is cruel—a milliontimes more cruel than man ever was).
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To solemnly proclaim that "all men are created equal," is as stupid and unscientific, as to assert that all dogs, cattle, apes and trees are created equal.

The word 'brutal' in real life means the reverse of effeminate. A man is brutal who will not turn the other cheek. What is it the "brutes" do, that in nature is wrong?

This world is no Nirvana, where peaceful pleasure flows. It is a gruesome butcher shop, where slain men hang in rows.

Man's anatomy, external and internal; his eyes, his teeth, his muscles, his blood, his viscera, his brain, his vertebra; all speak of fighting, passion, aggressiveness, violence, and prideful egoism.

This world is too peaceful, too acquiescent, too tame. It is a circumcised world. Nay!—a castrated world! It must be made fiercer, before it can become grander, and better, and—more natural.
This old earth is strewn to the very mountain tops with the fleshless skulls and rain bleached bones of perished combatants in countless myriads. Every square foot, every inch, of soil contains its man.
Strong post
Thanks! The book is 128 years old, but it's very well written and still holds up to this day. Very interesting read, you can find it online for free everywhere. It's up to people to agree or not on everything it has, but it's a based read, IMO. It's more than just about women, it's some based strong ultra patriarchy book. You can see it like something satirical with black humor, or something that have true things behind it all.
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the greatest men have always been supremely'brutal.' (Alexander, Bonaparte, Bismarck).
Don't forget the saint of saints ER
I would say that it's also some Conan Barbarian type of philosophy, lol. It's full of epic one liners and interesting paragraphs.

The natural world is a world of war; the natural man is a warrior; the natural law is tooth and claw. All else is error.

Women shed tears; Men shed blood. Cowards serve masters. Bold men make themselves Masters.

Women of vanquished races are usually very prone to wedding with the men who have slaughtered their kindred in battle.

What is your “civilization and progress” if its only outcome is hysteria and downgoing? What is “government and law” if their ripened harvests are men without sap? What are “religions and literatures” if their grandest productions are hordes of faithful slaves? What is “evolution and culture” if their noxious blossoms are sterilized women? What is “education and enlightenment” if their dead-sea-fruit is a caitiff race, with rottenness in its bones?

All ethics, politics and philosophies are pure assumptions, built upon assumptions. They rest on no sure basis. They are but shadowy castles-in-the-air erected by day-dreamers, or by rogues, upon nursery fables. It is time they were firmly planted upon an enduring foundation.
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What is your “civilization and progress” if its only outcome is hysteria and downgoing? What is “government and law” if their ripened harvests are men without sap? What are “religions and literatures” if their grandest productions are hordes of faithful slaves? What is “evolution and culture” if their noxious blossoms are sterilized women? What is “education and enlightenment” if their dead-sea-fruit is a caitiff race, with rottenness in its bones?
If only old writers predicting future from previous centuries could really see what's going on now, lol.
Wonder if they would say "I thought it would be better", "I thought it would be worse" or "Yes, this is what I imagined",
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Over intellectualism (bad enough in man) transfigures women into freaks. The more Animal Nature a maiden possesses; the more of a true woman she is the better wife and mother she will make. Culture and refinement are horrible substitutes, for the grand old matronly virtues —beauty, naturalness, purity, maidenly hypnotism.
Intellectualism renders more sensitive. Sensitive persons are very excitable, timid, and liable to disease.
Over cultivation of the braincells undoubtedly produces, (in both sexes) physical decay and leads on towards insanity.
Womens noblest occupation is not merely to read erotic novels, pound the fiddle, waltz divinely, or fry steak and onions, but to BREED MEN, to raise up a race of unsubdueable fighters—fighters for their own hand.

Competition must be to the death. If retarded in any way it fails of beneficial results.
The soil of every nation is an arena, a stamping ground, where only the most vigorous animals may hope to hold their own. What is all history but the epic of a colossal campaign, the final Armageddon of which, is never likely to be fought;
because, when men cease to fight—they cease to be—Men.

A man's first duty in this world is to himself, and the word "himself" includes those near and dear ones, who have twined their tendrils around his heart. A mans kindred are part of himself. He should not forget that when fighting for his own hand, he is fighting for them. His strength is their rampart. Their strength is his glory. The family and the individual are a unit.
A man's family is his property—it is part of himself. Therefore his natural business is to defend it, as he would his own life. Women and children belong to man; who must hunt for them as well as for himself. He is their lord and master, in theory and in fact. Women are subsidiary organisms.
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This book is translated in many languages (Ragnar Redbeard - Might is Right), and you can find it online in your own language so it would be easier to read.
Hopefuly you get the idea, maybe I'll post more - but it's better to read yourself, if you are interested.
It's not only about women, it's about the archetype of manly man warrior and his attitude about the brutality and rules of world all around us. So, it's also a motivational book in some way, lol - and that's wouldnt be a bad thing, it's very poetic and eloquent and full of black pill.
It touches looks, but it's also about powermaxxing or something.

"No doubt when contemplating the dark side of all this, Pascal was impelled to write with superstitious medieval diapasson:
"l am affrighted like a man who in his sleep has been carried unto some horrible desert island, and there awakes not knowing where he is, nor how he shall escape."(meaning life in this world)
Degenerates only are thus affrighted at the tragic majesty of their surroundings.
If this struggle is ordained of us, why not enter into it with kingly courage, with dauntless delight?
Why not go forward, daring all things, to conquer or to die? Is it not better to perish than to serve?
"Liberty or death" is not a meaningless phrase. No! it is of tremendous import to those who —comprehend.
What is death that it should make cowards of us all? What is life that it should be valued so highly?
There are worse things than death and among them is a life of dishonor. All men lead dishonorable lives who serve a master, with hand or brain.
Life itself is but a spark in the gloom that flashes out and disappears. Why therefore not make the most of it here and now?
—Here and Now!"
I would say that it's also some Conan Barbarian type of philosophy, lol. It's full of epic one liners and interesting paragraphs.

The natural world is a world of war; the natural man is a warrior; the natural law is tooth and claw. All else is error.

Women shed tears; Men shed blood. Cowards serve masters. Bold men make themselves Masters.

Women of vanquished races are usually very prone to wedding with the men who have slaughtered their kindred in battle.

What is your “civilization and progress” if its only outcome is hysteria and downgoing? What is “government and law” if their ripened harvests are men without sap? What are “religions and literatures” if their grandest productions are hordes of faithful slaves? What is “evolution and culture” if their noxious blossoms are sterilized women? What is “education and enlightenment” if their dead-sea-fruit is a caitiff race, with rottenness in its bones?

All ethics, politics and philosophies are pure assumptions, built upon assumptions. They rest on no sure basis. They are but shadowy castles-in-the-air erected by day-dreamers, or by rogues, upon nursery fables. It is time they were firmly planted upon an enduring foundation.
Pristine coperald, civilizations where men work together always mogged the shit out of muh based barbarians, crushed them to dust and snorted them through nose.

West isn’t going down because all men magically got weak, west is going down because all the rules that made civilization “stick” are going out of window and western men are in direct competition with one another in almost every area of life and it doesn’t make sense to band together or do anything for collective good anymore, it will slowly fade away over hundreds of years into obscurity as every single retard is trying to become next Andrew Tate and eventually morph into violent third world shithole a’la current North America or Africa, and then you’ll have your epic Conan the Barbarian lifestyle in some favela lol

I'm sure Ragnar Redbeard the larping retard would have a lot of time to muck around and sit on his ass writing dumb shit about how orderly societies are cringe while living in such conditions :feelskek:
West isn’t going down because
Thanks for answer!
I agree with you that's collectivity is what West needs. Plus, you have the media with governments in many countries doing that on purpose, dividing people and bringing all the other influence.

Regarding Ragnar - you can have your opinion, I personaly think he is great writer.
You don't need to consider him just like "TAKE THE AXE AND SLAUGHTER EVERYONE", he is more subtle than this. I just said that some phrases like "WOMAN SHED TEARS, MEN SHED BLOOD" is like some Conan stuff.

Here is the main idea of Ragnar, he has social darwinistic thoughts. It's not like you should be cheering for your enemy if he wins, you should think "Where did we go wrong, and why are we losing?". Here is the quote:
"The victor gets the gold and the land every time. He also gets the fairest maidens, the glory tributes. And — why should it be otherwise? Why should the delights of life go to failures and cowards? Why should the spoils of battle belong to the unwarlike? That would be insanity, utterly unnatural and immoral."

Ragnar is about thinking what's good in the current situation and what brings your side victory. And it's not just weapons, it's also about mentality and strategy. You got beaten by more organized enemy? Learn from it to win!
"Whatever weapon your enemy possesses, must be duplicated, or improved upon by you. If it suits him to challenge battle in open front, be sure and ambush him in the flank; or straightway make a hidden detour and charge him in the rear. It is your chief business to delude him, deceive him, decoy him, out-general him, IF YOU CAN".

He also talks about Romanian Empire, Napoleon and all the different types of societies, from tribes to Empires - he picks the best moments.
"Tacitus with true Roman stateliness observes:- "Thegods look with favor upon supreme courage;"

His main point is to write about ways to percieve the harsh world around us and to critic modern societies. He looks at the whole picture.
He is writing about mindset of barbarians, cavemens, gladiators, leaders, legioners, soldiers, generals, conquerers - agressive proactive men.
It's a writing about warrior and competition mindset, he wanted to dive in into that - and it's interesting to read about these people.
And world is still would be full of competition anyway - you can see that with women dating.
You have primative levels in people, when they would try to break norms anyway.

The book has blackpill moments about women, it has thoughts about harsh world and good phrases about courage - I like to read this type of stuff!
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dnr GrAY

almost everyone was misogynist in the 19th century

ragnar was an intellectual lightweight and not worth reading, he's not even on the same level as others of the age like hegel, marx, schopenhauer or kierkegaard
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'let's pretend this proto-redpilled retard is blackpilled'

almost everyone was misogynist in the 19th century

ragnar was an intellectual lightweight and not worth reading, he's not even on the same level as others of the age like hegel, marx, schopenhauer or kierkegaard

GrAY? Nah, fuck you dumbfuck - I'm still attracted to gals by my mating instinct, despite not being a Chad and being alone forever.
And if you a "soycuck", you would still have chance to have a girl by your cuckold activities, lol.
You might leave this forum soon for your foid and her cuck boyfriends. Are you fakecel, maybe you already have something going on, lol?

Ok, enough with jokes. Now about your thoughts - if you don't like his writings, that's fine - no one is obligated to like any author.
I like him because he takes all the different vivid images and puts them into one book. He is brutal, well written and have his sharp style - I like that.
On philiosophy - I didn't read too much of it, can't say about this mentioned authors.
I read Zaratustra (philosopher starter pack book!) and pretty much everything by Seneca. I like his stoicism, helps me to deal with my FEELS.
GrAY? Nah, fuck you dumbfuck - I'm still attracted to gals by my mating instinct, despite not being a Chad and being alone forever.
And if you a "soycuck", you would still have chance to have a girl by your cuckold activities, lol.
You might leave this forum soon for your foid and her cuck boyfriends. Are you fakecel, maybe you already have something going on, lol?

Ok, enough with jokes.
I think we've had enough of your 'jokes,' GrAY
I think we've had enough of your 'jokes,' GrAY
Nah, I would disagree with you, cuck.

Ah, the classic human interaction game - "who is gonna to leave the last word behind himself and who is gonna nitpick the most?".
We are incels, but even we have a little bit of hierarchy domination thing where we roast and joke about each other, lol.
ALL MEN ARE LIKE THAT, or something.
I usually don't go over two-three joke insultings posts on the net, if your replies would be simillar - let it all end here and not waste more of my and your time.
But it's still fun when you suddenly have an opposition with someone, makes me think about subtle rules and flows of human communication and that different small "conflicts" between people might be inevitable in any community.
Pristine coperald, civilizations where men work together always mogged the shit out of muh based barbarians, crushed them to dust and snorted them through nose.

West isn’t going down because all men magically got weak, west is going down because all the rules that made civilization “stick” are going out of window and western men are in direct competition with one another in almost every area of life and it doesn’t make sense to band together or do anything for collective good anymore, it will slowly fade away over hundreds of years into obscurity as every single retard is trying to become next Andrew Tate and eventually morph into violent third world shithole a’la current North America or Africa, and then you’ll have your epic Conan the Barbarian lifestyle in some favela lol

I'm sure Ragnar Redbeard the larping retard would have a lot of time to muck around and sit on his ass writing dumb shit about how orderly societies are cringe while living in such conditions :feelskek:
:yes::yes::yes: I agree. I don't like this pro Chad-thugmaxxing hyper vitalist take at all.

Truth is that for centuries, wether in the christian or islamic world and almost everywhere else even a feeble religious man or something had a lot of respect cause people were moral and worked together
Imo the world we have now is closer to his ideal than the world he got at the time of writing that book
Imo the world we have now is closer to his ideal than the world he got at the time of writing that book
Your phrase interested me, and I decided to give it a thought. Thanks for writing in thread, I'll think about that!

Let's talk about dating, for example.
One one hand, we have Chads monopoly on Tinder with hook ups and stuff.
But at the same time, Ragnar is very moral when it comes to relationships.
"Undoubtedly the destruction of Sodom and Gommora was a good thing. If our modern Sodoms were all razed to the ground, how Nature in all her perennial purity would rejoice exultantly? How she would wrap their tombs and crumbling tumuli, with a blaze of shining glory?"

Let's even just talk about 8+, where people could be easily satisfied with each other looks and hypergamy shut ups.

I'll quote him from book:

"Readers must distinctly understand that sexual morality is nowise condemned in these pages. In all sexual relations (as in everything else), "morality" is what Strength decrees."

When he says that women like criminals, he just saying that about their nature to worship any strength and that they hardly control themselves.
"Women are frail beings at the best of times, and in their secret hearts are probably lovers of the unlimited (basically Tinder). For the welfare of the breed, and the security of descent, they must be held in thorough subjection (should be kept virgins till marriage)."

It doesn't meen that you should give them to everyone.
"...daughters, controlled with equal vigor, are not permitted to mate with every strumous (strumous is noisy and loud, something primative) Dick, Tom and Harry (or Chad), that comes smirking along (hookup behaviour); but are "given away" to young men—who are born of GoodStock or who have proved their inherent manhoodand capacity—in carnivorous combat (combatmaxxing and warriormaxxing, lol).

Stacys aren't controlled by their parents at all and can hook ups in clubs, parties and Tinder meetings. Or have interchangable 6 months-1 year relationships in the best case. Chad also can hookup on the first date.
Someone mentioned Andrew Tate, and I've seen somewhere on forum thread that he banged with Jordan Peterson daughter.
In Ragnar's dream world, that would be completely forbidden.
He compares us to the animal world, and in animal world sex often directly means impregnation and kids - where todays it's often unresponsible hedonistic thing. Maybe not on the first night with humans, but someday.
Few more phrases:

"Prostitution (for hire) is also the direct outcome of unnatural conditions, brought about and established, by the harmonious infernalism of statesmen and prelates."
"Look over at France where (with the growth of government supervision) the absolutism of the husband is attenuated to a mere fiction—and what do you see? French women are notoriously unfaithfiil, and the most horrible sexual lusts are practiced, and pleasantly laughed at."
Ragnar is also clearly cheering for white race, and now it's not in the best state.
He might say in particular cases that some individuals are doing fine today, but he wouldn't like today state of white race and low morality in relationships.
So, I think that Ragnar wouldn't like our current world that much.

"How our blonde,clean-limbed ancestors would guffaw (laugh)? Indeed, they would probably keep on guffawing, till they guffawed themselves to death again.'Oh!' they would say:—'to think that our seed should have sank so low! (written in 1896)'"

"...our once vigorous Northern race is slowly and surely eating out its heart in peaceful inaction and laborious dry-rot"

"What white father for example, would encourage the marriage of a hulking thick skuled African with his beautiful and accomplished daughter? Would he enthusiastically 'give her away' to the matrimonial embraces of a Chinamen, a Coolie or the leper-hugs of a polluted 'mean white'? Is there ten such citizens even in North America?".

He even had some black pill moments about looks:
"French women (even against their deep patriotic sentimentalism) admired the fine physique and martial bearing of the German troops, that poured through Paris in '71. The contrast between the tall (height pill), clean skinned (skinpill) German Conquerors, and the dwarfisness off the French National Guards, was then most strikingly displayed (mogging in comparsion).
In France all 'brutal' sports are prohibited. Clericalism there has had full sway for centuries and now majority-box socialism (also cynical squalidsensualism) is all the rage."

"What modern Gaul requires, to reinvigorate the ethnic stamina is, wholesale and limitless conquest by some Northern Race. The conquerors, by seizing all the land and movable property, would become immediately a ruling caste; attracting to themselves all the best feminines of France. This infusion of new blood would NOT strengthen the inherited physique of the invaders; but it would certainly invigorate the structural physique of the defeated tribe."
"The French aristocracy originated in the savage deeds of fierce, long-haired, battlebred Franks;"
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His writing style is reminiscent of Julius Evola's and his sentimentality matches Evola too.
So you want the whole world to be like highschool and prison? We all went through might and right in highschool. I daresay every poster on here failed at it. Might and right becomes misery for everyone. Even the dominant alpha gets replaced at 30. It's how we lived as chimpanzees before we became smarter and learned to overcome nature instead of being slaves to it which is the source of all our success as a species.
It's how we lived as chimpanzees before we became smarter and learned to overcome nature instead of being slaves to it which is the source of all our success as a species.
I agree that we need more colectivism for sure. I don't like Jeremy Meeks and other stuff, I would like to have more balanced society.

I quoted this book, but I also need to say how I see it. I don't want to push my arguments on anyone or make anyone like it. If you don't like or disagree, that's fine.
Plus, I have self irony and humor about myself. I'm not a Chad attracting women by looks, not a gladiator (medcel with tones of headaches),
I'm Incel writing on the Incel forum, lol - I wouldn't make a good barbarian out of myself.
I'm not high primative and I like to sit and read books or browse through the net, it's not like I'm going to be some ultra caveman ever or something.
If it would be actual cave ages with my health and looks, I would be already dead for hundred of times, lol.


For me it's about critique of society and human nature from the radical point of view.
I like to see things from different perspective, because we might see some truths that way and find more balance in our mindset.

Might Is Right say that men and women are fucked up agressive monkeys living in the fucked up agressive world with other fucked up agressive monkeys and gives tones of facts to support this message.
And it does this in very entertaining and well written way, plus it has many black pill quotes along the way.

Autor's pseudonym is Ragnar Redbeard, it's like viking voicing his opinions on what's going on, so for me it's also black comedy and satire telling truths about harsh world around. I don't take a lot of stuff that he says LITERALLY.
Plus, it's been written back in 19-th century, and it proves how little change since then. I'm also a still a boy, so I like to read about something involving bravery, fights and strength.

And if we want to become something more than monkeys even a little bit, we also doesn't need to forget that human mentality didn't changed that much since caves. Human's brains go into the fatal errors and blue screens all the time erasing ages of modern knowledge, and we are all tied to primal instincts.
It's not like you should pick one book and worship it basing all your mindset around it, I have many different books inspiring me. For example, I'm fan of Seneca, and they would have some contradictions with Ragnar for sure.

Nietzsche had Zaratustra, where main hero would like to talk about warriors and tough stuff in his book.
"Might is Right" is Zaratustra on steroids for me, they have many simillar things about society, religion and mindset.
For me it's Zaratustra 2, when main hero decided to stop being a hermit and philosopher wandering around the forests, and decided to become a conquerer or something.

This book doesn't make me to become overly agressive, and I don't urge you to do so. It's just states facts about the things in world and makes me think about it. Plus you can take from it's epic bold attitude something for you, that would make your life easier.
That's my main point about it, thanks to you guys for writing in thread!
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I agree that we need more colectivism for sure. I don't like Jeremy Meeks and other stuff, I would like to have more balanced society.

I quoted this book, but I also need to say how I see it. I don't want to push my arguments on anyone or make anyone like it. If you don't like or disagree, that's fine.
Plus, I have self irony and humor about myself. I'm not a Chad attracting women by looks, not a gladiator (medcel with tones of headaches),
I'm Incel writing on the Incel forum, lol - I wouldn't make a good barbarian out of myself.
I'm not high primative and I like to sit and read books or browse through the net, it's not like I'm going to be some ultra caveman ever or something.
If it would be actual cave ages with my health and looks, I would be already dead for hundred of times, lol.


For me it's about critique of society and human nature from the radical point of view.
I like to see things from different perspective, because we might see some truths that way and find more balance in our mindset.

Might Is Right say that men and women are fucked up agressive monkeys living in the fucked up agressive world with other fucked up agressive monkeys and gives tones of facts to support this message.
And it does this in very entertaining and well written way, plus it has many black pill quotes along the way.

Autor's pseudonym is Ragnar Redbeard, it's like viking voicing his opinions on what's going on, so for me it's also black comedy and satire telling truths about harsh world around. I don't take a lot of stuff that he says LITERALLY.
Plus, it's been written back in 19-th century, and it proves how little change since then. I'm also a still a boy, so I like to read about something involving bravery, fights and strength.

And if we want to become something more than monkeys even a little bit, we also doesn't need to forget that human mentality didn't changed that much since caves. Human's brains go into the fatal errors and blue screens all the time erasing ages of modern knowledge, and we are all tied to primal instincts.
It's not like you should pick one book and worship it basing all your mindset around it, I have many different books inspiring me. For example, I'm fan of Seneca, and they would have some contradictions with Ragnar for sure.

Nietzsche had Zaratustra, where main hero would like to talk about warriors and tough stuff in his book.
"Might is Right" is Zaratustra on steroids for me, they have many simillar things about society, religion and mindset.
For me it's Zaratustra 2, when main hero decided to stop being a hermit and philosopher wandering around the forests, and decided to become a conquerer or something.

This book doesn't make me to become overly agressive, and I don't urge you to do so. It's just states facts about the things in world and makes me think about it. Plus you can take from it's epic bold attitude something for you, that would make your life easier.
That's my main point about it, thanks to you guys for writing in thread!

My nature says not to read all of that.
I agree that we need more colectivism for sure. I don't like Jeremy Meeks and other stuff, I would like to have more balanced society.

I quoted this book, but I also need to say how I see it. I don't want to push my arguments on anyone or make anyone like it. If you don't like or disagree, that's fine.
Plus, I have self irony and humor about myself. I'm not a Chad attracting women by looks, not a gladiator (medcel with tones of headaches),
I'm Incel writing on the Incel forum, lol - I wouldn't make a good barbarian out of myself.
I'm not high primative and I like to sit and read books or browse through the net, it's not like I'm going to be some ultra caveman ever or something.
If it would be actual cave ages with my health and looks, I would be already dead for hundred of times, lol.


For me it's about critique of society and human nature from the radical point of view.
I like to see things from different perspective, because we might see some truths that way and find more balance in our mindset.

Might Is Right say that men and women are fucked up agressive monkeys living in the fucked up agressive world with other fucked up agressive monkeys and gives tones of facts to support this message.
And it does this in very entertaining and well written way, plus it has many black pill quotes along the way.

Autor's pseudonym is Ragnar Redbeard, it's like viking voicing his opinions on what's going on, so for me it's also black comedy and satire telling truths about harsh world around. I don't take a lot of stuff that he says LITERALLY.
Plus, it's been written back in 19-th century, and it proves how little change since then. I'm also a still a boy, so I like to read about something involving bravery, fights and strength.

And if we want to become something more than monkeys even a little bit, we also doesn't need to forget that human mentality didn't changed that much since caves. Human's brains go into the fatal errors and blue screens all the time erasing ages of modern knowledge, and we are all tied to primal instincts.
It's not like you should pick one book and worship it basing all your mindset around it, I have many different books inspiring me. For example, I'm fan of Seneca, and they would have some contradictions with Ragnar for sure.

Nietzsche had Zaratustra, where main hero would like to talk about warriors and tough stuff in his book.
"Might is Right" is Zaratustra on steroids for me, they have many simillar things about society, religion and mindset.
For me it's Zaratustra 2, when main hero decided to stop being a hermit and philosopher wandering around the forests, and decided to become a conquerer or something.

This book doesn't make me to become overly agressive, and I don't urge you to do so. It's just states facts about the things in world and makes me think about it. Plus you can take from it's epic bold attitude something for you, that would make your life easier.
That's my main point about it, thanks to you guys for writing in thread!

I overcame my nature and read it. The book is right, I should've listened to my nature and not read it.
Your phrase interested me, and I decided to give it a thought. Thanks for writing in thread, I'll think about that!

Let's talk about dating, for example.
One one hand, we have Chads monopoly on Tinder with hook ups and stuff.
But at the same time, Ragnar is very moral when it comes to relationships.
"Undoubtedly the destruction of Sodom and Gommora was a good thing. If our modern Sodoms were all razed to the ground, how Nature in all her perennial purity would rejoice exultantly? How she would wrap their tombs and crumbling tumuli, with a blaze of shining glory?"

Let's even just talk about 8+, where people could be easily satisfied with each other looks and hypergamy shut ups.

I'll quote him from book:

"Readers must distinctly understand that sexual morality is nowise condemned in these pages. In all sexual relations (as in everything else), "morality" is what Strength decrees."

When he says that women like criminals, he just saying that about their nature to worship any strength and that they hardly control themselves.
"Women are frail beings at the best of times, and in their secret hearts are probably lovers of the unlimited (basically Tinder). For the welfare of the breed, and the security of descent, they must be held in thorough subjection (should be kept virgins till marriage)."

It doesn't meen that you should give them to everyone.
"...daughters, controlled with equal vigor, are not permitted to mate with every strumous (strumous is noisy and loud, something primative) Dick, Tom and Harry (or Chad), that comes smirking along (hookup behaviour); but are "given away" to young men—who are born of GoodStock or who have proved their inherent manhoodand capacity—in carnivorous combat (combatmaxxing and warriormaxxing, lol).

Stacys aren't controlled by their parents at all and can hook ups in clubs, parties and Tinder meetings. Or have interchangable 6 months-1 year relationships in the best case. Chad also can hookup on the first date.
Someone mentioned Andrew Tate, and I've seen somewhere on forum thread that he banged with Jordan Peterson daughter.
In Ragnar's dream world, that would be completely forbidden.
He compares us to the animal world, and in animal world sex often directly means impregnation and kids - where todays it's often unresponsible hedonistic thing. Maybe not on the first night with humans, but someday.
Few more phrases:

"Prostitution (for hire) is also the direct outcome of unnatural conditions, brought about and established, by the harmonious infernalism of statesmen and prelates."
"Look over at France where (with the growth of government supervision) the absolutism of the husband is attenuated to a mere fiction—and what do you see? French women are notoriously unfaithfiil, and the most horrible sexual lusts are practiced, and pleasantly laughed at."
I gotta give him credit for being solid on the pro male principle but then i don't know why he concerns himself with women's opinions if they're supposed to be subjugated. It's like some redpill muh masculinity innuendo invalidating his stance.

When i said that the modern world is closer to his ideal i meant that our grandpas didn't gymmax for example when in our era it's quite standard, also violent combat sports like mma were not popular which is quite symbolic, not to even mention everything else from the non religiosity to values promoted in movies and music to the standard dog eat dog model of socialization. Everything is about empowered darwinian narcissism nowadays and even people pretending that they're not like idealistic leftists are vindictive spiteful people on a war footing.
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I overcame my nature and read it. The book is right, I should've listened to my nature and not read it.
The book is super harsh, but it gives for me "optimistic nihilism" and white pill effect. I don't take it all literally. It's kind of "this world is crazy, but I would do my thing" vibe for me.
But I would agree, that it's not for everyone. I just take a lot of good thoughts for myself out of it, and I'm not super agressive dumbfuck or something, lol.

It makes me also think of bluepill and redpill things, because it's takes our world.
We live in the world where we had huge slaughters like WW1 and WW2, where billions die in the most horrible deaths at the young age.
And the same time, bluepill says that pretty much everyone has a match, because there is fate and all this stuff. And redpill says that of course you would win any girl you like.
Is this even possible by logic?
Seems like dying in the war isn't cruel, but getting perfect relationship is a sacred thing that would be given to everyone if he tries, lol.
World is cruel enough to kill you in war, but it's kind enough to give everyone a perfect match till the end of life!
The main point of this for me is to take the world and life easier.

When i said that the modern world is closer
Interesting thing about MMA and other stuff.
When it get's to me, I try to go for a "good" behaviour if it's possible. The key thing for me personally out of this book is "Duplicate weapon of your enemy or improve it", because if West society is losing overall, than they aren't "victors getting gold" and should choose something different. He also wrote "eye for an eye, love for a love, tooth for a tooth, smile for a smile".
I take a lot of his quotes for myself like a warning about human behaviour:
"Two hungry lions may engage to hunt together, but should one attempt to seize more than his fair proportion of the prey, then it is—woe to the vanquished."
His writing style is reminiscent of Julius Evola's and his sentimentality matches Evola too.
I've heard about him all the time, but never read anything. I've had him on my "TO READ" list, maybe I'll get to him someday.
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Thread is pretty much over, we discussed the main things. Thanks for joining!
I like the radical point of this book, but don't get me wrong - I don't want you to become some complete crazies!
If it's too much for you, feel free to leave it and don't read at all!
It's all about finding balance in different thoughts that we have.

For example, Might is Right is against Christianity, but I'm even being an atheist still interested in different beliefs.
I'm not into organized Christianty, but I like Christian writers books on relationship - they have something passionate and pure in them, they are basically about philosophy of communication. Romantic stuff like Walter Trobisch "I loved a girl" give me FEELS!

I would end with Seneca, his "Moral letters to Lucilius" and others books are obligatory white pill for copers like me, lol.
He is kind and brutal stoic writer, and it would be calm conclusion after all the harsh stuff Ragnar said.

You might have bad influence from the world around you, be aware of that.
"I come home more greedy, more ambitious, more voluptuous, and even more cruel and inhuman, – because I have been among human beings."

Pretty much all people around us have some flaws that can make something worse in us, and you also can give bad influence to others. You might talk with each other and be friends, but be aware of that.
"Yes, I do not change my opinion: avoid the many, avoid the few, avoid even the individual. I know of no one with whom I should be willing to have you shared. And see what an opinion of you I have; for I dare to trust you with your own self. Crates, they say, the disciple of the very Stilbo whom I mentioned in a former letter, noticed a young man walking by himself, and asked him what he was doing all alone. "I am communing with myself," replied the youth. "Pray be careful, then," said Crates, "and take good heed; you are communing with a bad man!"
"Much harm is done by a single case of indulgence or greed; the familiar friend, if he be luxurious, weakens and softens us imperceptibly. What then do you think the effect will be on character, when the world at large assaults it! You must either imitate or loathe the world."

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