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JFL Mgtow community is falling apart



Nov 9, 2017

Look how they are hating each other


Im so glad to be part of this community, we might have conflict, but we all can agree on one thing
Will it be Do I sell a lot in recent times?
As males fight with eachother foids rejoice since it gives them even more power

Men SENT Their Own Way

MGTOW are coping that they are choosing to go their own way when in reality it is a decision they are forced into
Most MGTOW are simply LARPers or incels in denial. I bet only 2% of the community are actually someone who had experience.

The sooner they stop the LARP the better
Most MGTOW are simply LARPers or incels in denial. I bet only 2% of the community are actually someone who had experience.

The sooner they stop the LARP the better

Exactly, but they are too arrogant to know the truth, why do you think most mgtows use pua as their side cope.
The age of the average MSTOW is probably 18, these people have no actual experience with women
MGTOW are brainwashed idiots
I dont have any problems with Mgtows. I see them as our ally.
I dont have any problems with Mgtows. I see them as our ally.

MGTOW is like Chad ruling over incels. Look at that LFA guy for instance. That man may talk sympathetically about our plight, but he is no ally. He is just using us, because we befriend pretty much anyone sympathetic to our cause. In no time, with ever perpetuating hypergamy and lookism, the majority of MSTOW will CHOKE on the blackpill, and the incels will rule the manosphere once and for all.
Tellem-T was one of the best posters this site ever had. His mental breakdowns were legendary. Don't care that he is a fakecel.
I agree. A good poster is a good poster.
As each day we grow stronger and wiser

It feels good to be Incel!!
(haha not rlly though but fuck them)
MGTOW is like Chad ruling over incels. Look at that LFA guy for instance. That man may talk sympathetically about our plight, but he is no ally. He is just using us, because we befriend pretty much anyone sympathetic to our cause. In no time, with ever perpetuating hypergamy and lookism, the majority of MSTOW will CHOKE on the blackpill, and the incels will rule the manosphere once and for all.
Incels will rule nothing
Good riddance.
Checked his most recent video and the comment section is killing me:

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I had a Brazilian MGTOW arguing with me on a Brazilian YT vid, he thinks spreading the blackpill is useless and I should just ignore women entirely. I disagreed, spreading the blackpill is the best (legal) thing you can do about inceldom.
MGTOWs as a community was never going to make it very far. They are on the middle, where you can't stay for very long. You either admit to being incel or admit you were a normie all along and just go back to women.
this curry mogs most white men into obvlion and that is a fact
I had a Brazilian MGTOW arguing with me on a Brazilian YT vid, he thinks spreading the blackpill is useless and I should just ignore women entirely. I disagreed, spreading the blackpill is the best (legal) thing you can do about inceldom.
That actually contributes to the problem. If MGTOWs, or any blackpilled men are too apathetic to spread the blackpill, truth will never prevail
Currycels once again ruining something
Yeah he mogs ugly white men, but put him next to his looksmatched white guy it’s not contest really
his white looksmatch is like a 7PSL which is really high on the looks ladder

Look how they are hating each other


Im so glad to be part of this community, we might have conflict, but we all can agree on one thing

yah, men are like that, they will divide themselfs in 50 groups and fight each other for no reason
MGTOWs as a community was never going to make it very far. They are on the middle, where you can't stay for very long. You either admit to being incel or admit you were a normie all along and just go back to women.
There is no halfway inside or halfway outside the Gynocentric Plantation.. there is only IN and OUT. No in-betweens, no quarter and no mercy for such fools until they either join with their minds with the eternal knowledge of the Blackpill or go back to kissing the feet of the very females that will still ignore them like they are trash. I have no respect for people who see the truth of the Foid then decide not to follow their line of thought to the Blackpill.
yah, men are like that, they will divide themselfs in 50 groups and fight each other for no reason
Yeah.. it's like male minds haven't evolved at all from Neanderthals.. always needing to smash other tribes to acquire the most pussy.. willing to betray each other just for pussy. I'm glad that fly bit me. Truly seeing how pathetic I could have been, to be controlled by an impulse so base.
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There is no halfway inside or halfway outside the Gynocentric Plantation.. there is only IN and OUT. No in-betweens, no quarter and no mercy for such fools until they either join with their minds with the eternal knowledge of the Blackpill or go back to kissing the feet of the very females that will still ignore them like they are trash. I have no respect for people who see the truth of the Foid then decide not to follow their line of thought to the Blackpill.

Yeah.. it's like male minds haven't evolved at all from Neanderthals.. always needing to smash other tribes to acquire the most pussy.. willing to betray each other just for pussy. I'm glad that fly bit me. Truly seeing how pathetic I could have been, to be controlled by an impulse so base.
Well yea I agree we live an updated society where females control everything, stupid how males will do anything for pussy possibly killing themselves for it.
I had a Brazilian MGTOW arguing with me on a Brazilian YT vid, he thinks spreading the blackpill is useless and I should just ignore women entirely. I disagreed, spreading the blackpill is the best (legal) thing you can do about inceldom.
Just become a emotion and desireless robot bro, next thing mstow should do is to stop other primal desires like eating, sleeping, drinking, urinate/shitting, breathing. I wonder how long will they last. :feelshehe::feelshehe:
they are copers if they where chad they would do short term relationshit and abuse the cunt
Well yea I agree we live an updated society where females control everything, stupid how males will do anything for pussy possibly killing themselves for it.

Hopefully people will eventually open their eyes to what society is becoming. Maybe not and perhaps people like us will be sent away somehow from society by the people in charge. That’s why I think the blackpill is so important. It allows us to not become sheep that follow everything that is told to us, and to question everything.
Hopefully people will eventually open their eyes to what society is becoming. Maybe not and perhaps people like us will be sent away somehow from society by the people in charge. That’s why I think the blackpill is so important. It allows us to not become sheep that follow everything that is told to us, and to question everything.
Yea in the past I was blinded by how foid nature is, I didnt have no self respect as a guy.

Now I have self respect
MGTOW community is full of blackcels
Tellem-T was one of the best posters this site ever had. His mental breakdowns were legendary. Don't care that he is a fakecel.
You're autistic, aren't you?
I think he's a little too positive, but I actually enjoyed the content. He's not that bad imo.

Not that bad? JFL dude he literally has feminist and PUA talking points, wtf are you talking about, did not even watch his video.

10:54 - "You get too desperate, and you want something, but then the options just aren't that good" - False women have an excess of options especially in their prime years, you can't give them the excuse of being desperate, women have men lining up their entire lives, good and bad, they just choose the bad because its a "better fuck" and they want to ride the cock carousel and get a beta later in life to betabuxx for them

11:00 - "The reality is, we also have to improve our game" - LOL at this cliche "man up" rhetoric. More PUA BS

His entire video is just excusing women for the actions and putting the onus on men, so even women being insatiable whores is our fault, we need to "man up" and meet their expectations no matter how absurd.

Tellem-T was one of the best posters this site ever had. His mental breakdowns were legendary. Don't care that he is a fakecel.

Ok so if a Chad 10/10 male model can do better "mental breakdowns" can he join the site

If a woman can do better "mental breakdowns" than the hypothetical Chad I just mentioned, can she join the site

If the primary criteria for being part of an incel forum, is not ACTUALLY BEING AN INCEL, then you can see how idiotic and illogical that really is when we start getting into specifics and use examples.

Lastly I can't remember any memorable posts from Tellem-T at all so I call BS even on your claim regardless of how flawed the logic is (that's a seperate issue), he was not known as a "high tier" poster or for his analytical skills, I can't remember any user praising him for such a thing, he made low effort posts mostly.

I don't know if he created another account, or somebody larped as him for a while, but I can find two accounts with similar names, one is "Tellem-T" and the other has two dashes "Tellem--T".

Here is the thread history for both of them, are these really "high IQ" posts about interesting topics?

Tellem-T = https://incels.is/search/458000/

Tellem--T = https://incels.is/search/457998/
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Not that bad? JFL dude he literally has feminist and PUA talking points, wtf are you talking about, did not even watch his video.

10:54 - "You get too desperate, and you want something, but then the options just aren't that good" - False women have an excess of options especially in their prime years, you can't give them the excuse of being desperate, women have men lining up their entire lives, good and bad, they just choose the bad because its a "better fuck" and they want to ride the cock carousel and get a beta later in life to betabuxx for them

11:00 - "The reality is, we also have to improve our game" - LOL at this cliche "man up" rhetoric. More PUA BS

His entire video is just excusing women for the actions and putting the onus on men, so even women being insatiable whores is our fault, we need to "man up" and meet their expectations no matter how absurd.

Ok so if a Chad 10/10 male model can do better "mental breakdowns" can he join the site

If a woman can do better "mental breakdowns" than the hypothetical Chad I just mentioned, can she join the site

If the primary criteria for being part of an incel forum, is not ACTUALLY BEING AN INCEL, then you can see how idiotic and illogical that really is when we start getting into specifics and use examples.
Of course what you are saying is correct, 100%.
That being said, I think there has to be a little accountability for guys to looksmaxx.
I don't know what you think about looksmaxxing, but I personally don't believe in LDAR. I think we should all be maxxing in whatever form is beneficial to us.

Blue pill/ultra pua shit aside, of course the guy is cringe. I just appreciate his willingness to talk and a bit more of a positive perspective

Personally I acknowledge the Blackpill, but grab elements of mgtow, redpill, and pua. I mean the communities are all interconnected in some form of another. Blackpill is just the newest, and honestly the most refined and realistic

I am not debating you btw lol, just talking so don't attack me.

I do like to read your thoughts though so if you disagree by all means go in on me.
MGTOW is actually a good idea, they just need to stop being such pussies and admit that they’re incels.
Tbh they were doomed from the start. Too many differences between each mgtow. At least we are all the same and can agree on the same things
Of course what you are saying is correct, 100%.
That being said, I think there has to be a little accountability for guys to looksmaxx.

Men already looksmaxx to the extent that women do, we groom ourselves, we shower regularly (obviously), we stay in decent shape, women don't put in half the effort into their looks than the average man does, they just wear tight fitting and/or revealing clothing and apply fake up. The average man puts in I'd say 50% more effort into increasing his physical appeal than women do.

So what you are advocating for is just more "man up" BS and double standards. Please tell me what "looksmaxxing" women do relative to what men do?

Women barely exercise or stay in shape these days

They use fakeup to hide their facial flaws rather work on their personality to compensate for them (which is the reason why men on average are funnier than women, because women don't need to be fun or entertaining, so they never learn how)

Etc, etc, etc.

Be specific, tell me how men are to be held accountable in relation to looksmaxing, tell me how we aren't already doing that, tell me what women are doing more than men, that makes then ALREADY accountable, because I'll tell you they aren't doing anything, men are already giving 100%, and you are basically saying its up to us to give 120%, while women give 50% and play life on "just exist" mode.

I just appreciate his willingness to talk and a bit more of a positive perspective

His Video Title: "The Response to This Video PROVES That Most MGTOW's Are Insecure, Damaged and INFERIOR MEN"

Man what a positive start to his positive perspective. Also that is literally how the title is formatted, the only difference between what I have here and what his video title is, is that I emboldened certain words, he literally had "PROVES" and "INFERIOR MEN" in all caps, I just highlighted it, that is the exact title of the video.

Now please tell me what about his perspective is "positive", I hate when people make vague loose end statements/arguments and they don't validate them at all, what about what he's saying is a "positive perspective" (we both know its not positive, but it will be amusing to see who try and rationalize this JFL)

Personally I acknowledge the Blackpill, but grab elements of mgtow, redpill, and pua. I mean the communities are all interconnected in some form of another. Blackpill is just the newest, and honestly the most refined and realistic

The black pill is new in being acknowledged, but is the oldest and the original pill, because it is how reality actually works, every other pill (red and blue) are just watered down versions of the black pill that society formulated by extracting the things they liked and conveniently ignoring the things they don't.

The RED PILL is a watered down BLACK PILL
The BLUE PILL is a watered down RED PILL
The WHITE PILL is a watered down BLUE PILL

The white pill ("monk mode" BS) is the newest one, its like the blue pill but it takes it a step further where you just try and forget about the black pill completely and seperate yourself from the world so you can cope and ignore those problems.
JFL if you think incels get along. You have people here hating on tallcels mentalcels whitecels etc. unles your an absolute 1/10 subhuman your gonna get accused of being a fakecel. Pretty aids tbh

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