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SuicideFuel Message from my CHAD fraternal twin brother



(In response to a text I sent him about blackpill statistics)

This whole text makes me so incredibly sad King, it seems that at this stage of life, you are solely and actively choosing to focus on your weaknesses rather than accepting yourself and then starting to learn to build strength - resilience is built by not getting what you want... i’m not going to deny the findings of those studies, they’re likely true - but the fact that you only focus on the vanity of looks rather than pushing to excel your character and sense of humour and amazing physique, and using them as crutches to bolster your confidence... I also won’t deny that the world is vain, and people judge all of us by our looks - but look at how many polish dudes are ugly, and the women they get. Nor does not being physically attractive exclude you from success of any kind... King, you’ve been dealt a difficult hand, I admit - but please, please stop feeling sorry for yourself and start just living your life - set goals, pursue them, and stop feeling guilty for your existence. All of us love you, and the world hates us; that’s just the way it is - outside our home door is a mean place. But you need to start your character growth rather than stagnating in this fashion. All of what you’ve said is true - but with all due respect King, who the fuck cares? I love you as my brother and I’ll always support you, but your mindset is crippling you and you refuse to see it. The next stage of your development will involve dropping/reducing your ego. I will help you with this when you’re ready, and if not me then a shrink or someone else - but I promise you King, life can be good, and it’s within your reach - your mind controls everything, and it’s BECAUSE you got such an incredibly powerful mind that you analyse to this degree. I love you and I’m here for you, let’s discuss these things when I’m back?

Will not post a picture but he looks essentially like dark Chris Hemsworth, not blonde. Same height too, but skinny as fuck. Who cares, he’s fucking hot and women have told him this in front of me and HIS GIRLFRIEND
:bluepill::bluepill::bluepill: and from :chad: too, he can never know our :reeeeee:
Is he older or younger.
>Fraternal twin

Lol fuck, two eggs two sperm. Imagine if instead his zygote had split in half to produce identical twins, you'd have his looks.

Instead mother nature rolled the genetic recombination dice and you lost.
I mean at least he seems like a supportive brother even if its all :bluepill:
Instead mother nature rolled the genetic recombination dice and you lost.
Life is all RNG, you either win or you don't.
Your brother seems like an okay dude. He’s ignorant but not entirely or willfully. When you consider how different his life probably was to yours, it isn’t hard to believe why he thinks things are the way they are. He’s trying to do his best for you the only way he knows how, even though he doesn’t really know how.
no fraternal brother for ur face
Lol at this retard. Why arent you moving to Thailand?
a lot of normie advice boils down to 'just let go', 'just stop making it so hard', 'just stop using your mental faculties', the equivalent of using shock therapy on a patient because nothing else works.

it looks like you have somewhat of a connection with your brother at least, mine simply denies everything, impossible to talk to
He seems supportive of you tbh
Although everything you say is true and foids will never want to have your genes passed because they deem you inferior, just accept yourself br0 :chad:
just deal with it :chad:proceeds to have wild sex later at 9pm with three married hotties

you cant expect any real advice coming from chad because they live their own Truman Show.
I posted about a Chad who became suicidal after living as impotent (i.e. dick stopped working) for the past two years. He wanted to kill himself when he was forced to live like an incel in spite of his looks. He wrote that he felt subhuman.
aww poor soul he spent two years with no orgies. Did the government already give him money compensation?
Bu-but chad are blackpilled
How can one twin be a Chad and one be ugly? I know you’re fraternal twins but still, that has to be unlikely right? Explain the science
How can one twin be a Chad and one be ugly? I know you’re fraternal twins but still, that has to be unlikely right? Explain the science
I genuinely don’t know

I also have a host of medical issues and had issues my whole life, while he has been perfectly healthy his whole life. I had a lazy eye that was fixed, fucked up Freddy Mercury teeth that were fixed, infections that necessitated surgery, painful issues all over my body, baldness, mouth breathing

Just to name a few

Meanwhile my brother was the perfect little healthy kid, not a single issue in his life, NOT EVEN ACNE THROUGH PUBERTY

also, I have an extremely hairy body which is kinda annoying, while he has basically hairless body. But guess what! I can’t grow a beard to cover weak chin and jaw, and he can! HE CAN! I can grow facial hair but it’s sparse and patchy. Or thin or something. It doesn’t look normal.

And he has a perfect, thick hairline and had the audacity to tell me, with anger, that “look King! I’m fucking going bald too ok! Look at the recession near my temples! ***points to v shape NW0 hairline***

I would have questioned if I was adopted or not to be honest, but I saw pictures of my dad and I look just like him, like 99% the same, but for some unknown reason without the strong ass jawline and chin and neutral canthal tilt and hair

I’m literally the clone of my dad, but turned ugly. Eyes drooped, facial bones failed to develop, and Norwood 7 at age 23. Dad was NW1 until his death age 65, neutral tilt eyes, strong cheekbones and jawline and hollow cheeks
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I genuinely don’t know

I also have a host of medical issues and had issues my whole life, while he has been perfectly healthy his whole life. I had a lazy eye that was fixed, fucked up Freddy Mercury teeth that were fixed, infections that necessitated surgery, painful issues all over my body, baldness, mouth breathing

Just to name a few

Meanwhile my brother was the perfect little healthy kid, not a single issue in his life, NOT EVEN ACNE THROUGH PUBERTY

also, I have an extremely hairy body which is kinda annoying, while he has basically hairless body. But guess what! I can’t grow a beard to cover weak chin and jaw, and he can! HE CAN! I can grow facial hair but it’s sparse and patchy. Or thin or something. It doesn’t look normal.

And he has a perfect, thick hairline and had the audacity to tell me, with anger, that “look King! I’m fucking going bald too ok! Look at the recession near my temples! ***points to v shape NW0 hairline***

I would have questioned if I was adopted or not to be honest, but I saw pictures of my dad and I look just like him, like 99% the same, but for some unknown reason without the strong ass jawline and chin and neutral canthal tilt and hair

I’m literally the clone of my dad, but turned ugly. Eyes drooped, facial bones failed to develop, and Norwood 7 at age 23. Dad was NW1 until his death age 65, neutral tilt eyes, strong cheekbones and jawline and hollow cheeks
How do you know you mouthbreathed?
How old were your parents when you were conceived? Could the reason why you ended up uglier than your father be because of accumulation of mutations in gametes due to advanced age?
“I know these studies are true and women are terrible but who cares bro?!?”

Jesus man your brother has no idea what level of suffering you are on. Just accept he’ll never understand you no matter how much he loves you.
Have you ever thought about skinning your brother's skull and wearing it as a mask?
Just curious
There is no rebuttal to the full scope of the blackpill. Link someone to every single blackpill article in existence , and they will be speechless .. u missed some blackpills , that’s why he wrote you that message.
How do you know you mouthbreathed?
Idk man how does one know they cannot breathe well through nose?? Lol I struggled to breathe through nose so breathed through mouth till age 16 or 17
How old were your parents when you were conceived? Could the reason why you ended up uglier than your father be because of accumulation of mutations in gametes due to advanced age?
Dad was 48
Mom was 36

Brother grows up to be chad, I grow up to be bleary eyes ogre
Do you think you could guilt trip him over how you got the shit end of the genetic stick? If he cares about you as a brother then that could be a pretty nice secondhand black pill.
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Sounds like a good brother, honestly, the average Chad would deny deny deny.

Maybe he can help you ascend
I genuinely don’t know

I also have a host of medical issues and had issues my whole life, while he has been perfectly healthy his whole life. I had a lazy eye that was fixed, fucked up Freddy Mercury teeth that were fixed, infections that necessitated surgery, painful issues all over my body, baldness, mouth breathing

Just to name a few

Meanwhile my brother was the perfect little healthy kid, not a single issue in his life, NOT EVEN ACNE THROUGH PUBERTY

also, I have an extremely hairy body which is kinda annoying, while he has basically hairless body. But guess what! I can’t grow a beard to cover weak chin and jaw, and he can! HE CAN! I can grow facial hair but it’s sparse and patchy. Or thin or something. It doesn’t look normal.

And he has a perfect, thick hairline and had the audacity to tell me, with anger, that “look King! I’m fucking going bald too ok! Look at the recession near my temples! ***points to v shape NW0 hairline***

I would have questioned if I was adopted or not to be honest, but I saw pictures of my dad and I look just like him, like 99% the same, but for some unknown reason without the strong ass jawline and chin and neutral canthal tilt and hair

I’m literally the clone of my dad, but turned ugly. Eyes drooped, facial bones failed to develop, and Norwood 7 at age 23. Dad was NW1 until his death age 65, neutral tilt eyes, strong cheekbones and jawline and hollow cheeks

Sorry buddy
Do you think you could guilt trip him?
He just doesn’t understand the profound impact ugliness has on your daily lived experience. It can’t be put into words. That quiet, deep, dark and suicidal feeling of self hatred. The world doesn’t like you, not because you’re an asshole, but because you’re not nice to look at.

He has a loving, amazing girlfriend and is studying to be a surgeon. He honestly has the ideal life.
:chad:Yeah bro I kinda agree with you. I'm attractive though so I can't relate to anything you said, so I'm just gonna say even though you're at an extreme disadvantage you just gotta try harder. Bye bro back to fucking my girlfriend and having tons of girls lust after me as soon as I step outside or I go on tinder.
so chad brother tries to bluepill his incel brother JFL.

Once an incel stares into the cold abyss of truth hes unlikely to go back to being a delusional NPC
He sounds like a nice brother tbh, he just doesn't want to hurt your feelings and he cares about you. Most brothers don't give a shit about each others, so you're kinda lucky.
He just doesn’t understand the profound impact ugliness has on your daily lived experience. It can’t be put into words. That quiet, deep, dark and suicidal feeling of self hatred. The world doesn’t like you, not because you’re an asshole, but because you’re not nice to look at.

High IQ.

I could see you as a charismatic person, if you weren't ugly.

Seriously FUCK nature !
Stop spreading blackpills to your brother.

I leave my brother alone with his life. Because it’s not necessary to let him know how fortunate he is.

The blackpill is a coping mechanism specifically suited for us genetically inferior males.

Genetically superior males should focus on the redpill, or purplepill (which is a bluepill).

The redpill is completely centered on dating advices for Good Looking males and life coach bullshit.

It’s useless to try blackpilling a Chad, especially if he is your brother. What is the point in blackpilling a Chad?
>Fraternal twin

Lol fuck, two eggs two sperm. Imagine if instead his zygote had split in half to produce identical twins, you'd have his looks.

Instead mother nature rolled the genetic recombination dice and you lost.
This is over for naturalcel
High IQ.

I could see you as a charismatic person, if you weren't ugly.

Seriously FUCK nature !
It’s impossible to get normies to understand the feeling, honestly. If they did, they would suicide within a week having to live like this.

That’s the hilarious part! It seems like such an insignificant thing, oh it’s just your looks, it doesn’t determine your skills as a person. At first glance, looks seem to mean very little to a persons life.

But at closer inspection, people would realise that looks are fucking E V E R Y T H I N G

It’s every moment of contact you have with another human being for your entire life. You’re either going to make every single person you ever meet feel magical and positive and in love, or you are going to make them treat you like air, or if you are not normie looking, you’ll get looked at with disgust and you’ll make people uncomfortable around you.

For the rest of your life. Every fucking thing you do for the rest of your life man. You’ll NEVER be the first choice, you’ll never be ***wanted*** and you’ll never know true love,

Looks is validation, comfort, self esteem and happiness. It is an inherent motivator. It is fulfilment and desire for life. It makes everybody love you immediately, and is the LIFE LONG gift that keeps on giving.

You will never have insecurity. You will never face rejection. You will never face anxiety.

You will never know what it’s like to feel worthless

To feel ***not good enough***

And to feel ugly and undesirable

You won’t know what it’s like never getting any attention. Being the lonely kid in the corner with no friends.

You won’t have trouble finding a job or career because people find you wonderful anyway. People assume you’re more intelligent and organised and a kinder, more generous person than others. People view you as a leader. People will go out of their way to help you in your life, and won’t expect anything in return.
It’s impossible to get normies to understand the feeling, honestly. If they did, they would suicide within a week having to live like this.

That’s the hilarious part! It seems like such an insignificant thing, oh it’s just your looks, it doesn’t determine your skills as a person. At first glance, looks seem to mean very little to a persons life.

But at closer inspection, people would realise that looks are fucking E V E R Y T H I N G

It’s every moment of contact you have with another human being for your entire life. You’re either going to make every single person you ever meet feel magical and positive and in love, or you are going to make them treat you like air, or if you are not normie looking, you’ll get looked at with disgust and you’ll make people uncomfortable around you.

For the rest of your life. Every fucking thing you do for the rest of your life man. You’ll NEVER be the first choice, you’ll never be ***wanted*** and you’ll never know true love,

Looks is validation, comfort, self esteem and happiness. It is an inherent motivator. It is fulfilment and desire for life. It makes everybody love you immediately, and is the LIFE LONG gift that keeps on giving.

You will never have insecurity. You will never face rejection. You will never face anxiety.

You will never know what it’s like to feel worthless

To feel ***not good enough***

And to feel ugly and undesirable

You won’t know what it’s like never getting any attention. Being the lonely kid in the corner with no friends.

You won’t have trouble finding a job or career because people find you wonderful anyway. People assume you’re more intelligent and organised and a kinder, more generous person than others. People view you as a leader. People will go out of their way to help you in your life, and won’t expect anything in return.

Godtier IQ.

I agree with every single word you said.

If someone haven't experienced life as an ugly man, they have no right to sermonize incels about life. It's obvious your brother means well, but fuck this inherent smugness to Chad. They think they have everything figured out, just because everyone treats them well.

"Just be confident"

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