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Brutal Mentally tortured by astral entities in my sleep

Suigin Trismegistus

Suigin Trismegistus

Aug 17, 2024
So here I was, trying to mind my own business in the astral plane. I was traveling outside in the wilderness on the edge of a small town, but as I drew closer, I felt the walls closing in. An old associate I knew from college (not really a friend, but someone I had talked to more on more than one occasion) appeared at the end of the hallway of an inside-out house in the town and beckoned me inside (outside?). So I quickly ran into the hallway, found myself in the house. The interior was cleaned and decorated, with sheets on the sofa chairs to prevent dust from getting into the furniture, implying the people living there were away on a long vacation. My associate was busy doing paper work for his career job, so in order to keep me busy he let me use the old family computer. It was a Mac running Mac OS 9, and I remember exclaiming "wow, this must be 25 years old" but he downplayed it and said "no, it's from 2008 or so". Which was weird, because I knew the last release was in 2000 or 2001. Anyway, the exterior of the computer was in top condition, unmarred by the years that had supposedly past before it relegating it to its long forgotten legacy, as if it was brand new right out of the box.

NTs always say you can't read in dreams, but I've never had a problem reading, writing, doing mathematics, using complex machines or coding software in my dreams. So here I was navigating around in the desktop on this computer in the living room, looking at what applications were installed. I have only used Mac OS 9 a handful of times at the computer lab at my old high school. Eventually, I opened up Netscape Navigator and was browsing the web, while my associate was out of sight around the corner at a desk. I was looking at my old emails from college and an old retro website from the 90s loaded with programming tutorials. Then the associate showed up behind my back and asked what I was looking at. I turned back to the computer and tried to hide what was on my page and command-tabbed into a different browser with anime and hentai pictures plastered all over it even though I hadn't loaded it up and I instantly felt embarrassed, exposed. I never opened! Why was that suddenly on the screen! Then I looked down at myself, and I was filthy. I hadn't showered in days and I was in my long underwear without a shirt on and smelled like dried jizz. I wanted to run and get out of there. But there was no exit. Then this associate pretended there was nothing amiss, but I knew that he knew that everything I was experiencing was real and true.

Then his mother and siblings showed up, returning from their daily activities. His mother, in particular, was extremely annoyed at my presence and she looked at my associate using her eyes to say "what is this freak doing here." But she said nothing. I quickly command-tabbed back to the programming site on the computer and tried to pretend I was just reading important stuff. I had to make sure not to command-tab back to the anime site or I would be in trouble. I should have closed it, but was unable to do so. Anyway, I kept using the computer, feeling out of place. His younger siblings tried to talk to me. I can't remember about what since I was in a panic, my flight response was in high gear.

Eventually, the mother called from the kitchen shouting "dinner is ready!" in a shrill voice. And so we all went to the dinner table. The adults were all at one end of the table, the siblings and my associate in the middle, and I was at the other end. The father had one of his buddies with him. They passed down a bowel of vegetables and I loaded up my plate. Then father beckoned me down to get some of the main course, giving me a stern look. I was still filthy and in my underwear, and I wished I was anywhere else. But my wish went unanswered. I couldn't quite see what kind of meat was available, there was a bright light in my eye. I asked "is that turkey?" And they all scoffed and looked at each other, like I had insulted them. The father then told me, "no, it's deer." I realized that the father's friend was his hunting buddy and they had just got back from a hunting trip.

Trying to allay the awkward situation I was in, I then said "oh, I like deer, I used to go hunting with my dad all of the time, he would take my on hunting trips and we would hunt deer." It was a complete lie. I had never hunted deer before. I realized I was in deep trouble. Why did I say that? But my associate's father seemed intrigued, "Oh really? Where are you from?" he asked. And I told him where I had grown up as a child. He seemed deeply overcome with nostalgic emotion, like he had known the area I had described. He then said "Well then, I guess I should carve you up some deer" and he took the plate of venison roast and returned with a large take-out box of venison. "Here, this is for you." I shook his hand and he had tears in his eye. The mother looked on disapprovingly. I took the gift and returned to my seat, feeling a little more at ease, but could sense I was walking on glass, in a fragile situation. I still needed to get out of there somehow. As I walked back to my end of the table, I found that I was no longer in the dining room, but in the laundry room and my chair was in front of the washing machine.

So I put my plate and food box down and tried to enjoy my meal. But then a group of faceless people showed up to crash the party. I thought they were probably looking for me and I needed to get out of there. But there was no where to go. I decided I would just keep up appearances and hope they wouldn't discover me. They were overturning everything in the laundry room, looking inside the dryer and started to take it apart, removing the outer paneling, thinking I was hiding inside of it. One of them bumped into me and I shouted "I'm trying to enjoy my meal, what the hell! Leave me alone!" They stopped what they were doing and slowly moved in around me, with their backs to me.

Then they all turned to look at me and one of them said "got you now!" I knew they wanted to torture me, to do unspeakable things to me for the crime of existing, for being an incel loser. They hated me. But also was given an insight in that very moment that they had put me in that unfortunate situation, they had rigged it all from the very beginning. They had ensured that I would become an incel, they made go unshowered, unclean, wearing underwear. They had planted the embarrassing anime and hentai on the computer in order to frame me. Everything wrong in my life, they had conspired to do it. The mother was among them. It was all them! They had made me ugly. They had destroyed any chance I had at a happy life. They were doing it to feed their own egos, to feast on my energy.

As they rushed at me with knives and hatchets drawn, about to hack me into bits, I was jolted awake. I had finally escaped. First thing I did after waking up was go shave and shower. I didn't want to be a filthy incel. What was that nightmare all about? Why do I always find myself in unfortunate situations? Why have these entities done this to me? I never asked for this life, to be born ugly. Why?

My mind is still reeling and I feel unsettled. What now?
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How can u astral project
You just do it.

I'm going to go and get some beer and some gyozas. I haven't left my apartment in like a week, I need to get out of here.
Nice bit of recall there bro! Top notch stuff!

Don't let it get you down bro. The astral is full of weird hungry things...

If it wasn't you, it would have been someone else.

The trick is, to be more violent and vicious than any attackers. (Same as IRL.)
Nice bit of recall there bro! Top notch stuff!

Don't let it get you down bro. The astral is full of weird hungry things...

If it wasn't you, it would have been someone else.

The trick is, to be more violent and vicious than any attackers. (Same as IRL.)
Bro how to astral project
Bro how to astral project
Look it up online. it's semi easy yet complex. There's literally hundreds of techniques.

It requires many decades of practice just to fail, or one lucky try! It's variable.

Good luck, fren!
Bon chance, 'mi!
Look it up online. it's semi easy yet complex. There's literally hundreds of techniques.

It requires many decades of practice just to fail, or one lucky try! It's variable.

Good luck, fren!
Bon chance, 'mi!
Actually I looked it up on wiki how it said I have to imagine my mind moving away from my head or something it’s hard ngl and dangerous
Reading this thread gave me schizophrenia.
Actually I looked it up on wiki how it said I have to imagine my mind moving away from my head or something it’s hard ngl and dangerous
It's not really dangerous. Except to sanity...

But there's a lot of techniques and they all have similarities.

It's a good cope to spend time researching it.

Some folks can "just do it" and others struggle...
Actually I looked it up on wiki how it said I have to imagine my mind moving away from my head or something it’s hard ngl and dangerous
Basically it's like a "thicker" dream.
It's not really dangerous. Except to sanity...

But there's a lot of techniques and they all have similarities.

It's a good cope to spend time researching it.

Some folks can "just do it" and others struggle...
Ah I see.
Then they all turned to look at me and one of them said "got you now!" I knew they wanted to torture me, to do unspeakable things to me for the crime of existing, for being an incel loser. They hated me. But also was given an insight in that very moment that they had put me in that unfortunate situation, they had rigged it all from the very beginning. They had ensured that I would become an incel, they made go unshowered, unclean, wearing underwear. They had planted the embarrassing anime and hentai on the computer in order to frame me. Everything wrong in my life, they had conspired to do it. The mother was among them. It was all them! They had made me ugly. They had destroyed any chance I had at a happy life. They were doing it to feed their own egos, to feast on my energy.
I wouldn't be surprised if these entities are real.
Some folks say its the only thing thats "real" and everything else is a fraud.

afterlife scam / soul trap, research links

not sure about the sun and moon part, but it gives a good overview of the topic.

YouTube done by the above guy and some foid. (not his wife or gf)

overwatch project guy.

annoying voice guy and long rants but very good content...

there are many others but these are the best.
Some folks say its the only thing thats "real" and everything else is a fraud.

afterlife scam / soul trap, research links

not sure about the sun and moon part, but it gives a good overview of the topic.

YouTube done by the above guy and some foid. (not his wife or gf)

overwatch project guy.

annoying voice guy and long rants but very good content...

there are many others but these are the best.
Tbh I am Muslim but I am interested in these stuff they sound interesting
So here I was, trying to mind my own business in the astral plane. I was traveling outside in the wilderness on the edge of a small town, but as I drew closer, I felt the walls closing in. An old associate I knew from college (not really a friend, but someone I had talked to more on more than one occasion) appeared at the end of the hallway of an inside-out house in the town and beckoned me inside (outside?). So I quickly ran into the hallway, found myself in the house. The interior was cleaned and decorated, with sheets on the sofa chairs to prevent dust from getting into the furniture, implying the people living there were away on a long vacation. My associate was busy doing paper work for his career job, so in order to keep me busy he let me use the old family computer. It was a Mac running Mac OS 9, and I remember exclaiming "wow, this must be 25 years old" but he downplayed it and said "no, it's from 2008 or so". Which was weird, because I knew the last release was in 2000 or 2001. Anyway, the exterior of the computer was in top condition, unmarred by the years that had supposedly past before it relegating it to its long forgotten legacy, as if it was brand new right out of the box.

NTs always say you can't read in dreams, but I've never had a problem reading, writing, doing mathematics, using complex machines or coding software in my dreams. So here I was navigating around in the desktop on this computer in the living room, looking at what applications were installed. I have only used Mac OS 9 a handful of times at the computer lab at my old high school. Eventually, I opened up Netscape Navigator and was browsing the web, while my associate was out of sight around the corner at a desk. I was looking at my old emails from college and an old retro website from the 90s loaded with programming tutorials. Then the associate showed up behind my back and asked what I was looking at. I turned back to the computer and tried to hide what was on my page and command-tabbed into a different browser with anime and hentai pictures plastered all over it even though I hadn't loaded it up and I instantly felt embarrassed, exposed. I never opened! Why was that suddenly on the screen! Then I looked down at myself, and I was filthy. I hadn't showered in days and I was in my long underwear without a shirt on and smelled like dried jizz. I wanted to run and get out of there. But there was no exit. Then this associate pretended there was nothing amiss, but I knew that he knew that everything I was experiencing was real and true.

Then his mother and siblings showed up, returning from their daily activities. His mother, in particular, was extremely annoyed at my presence and she looked at my associate using her eyes to say "what is this freak doing here." But she said nothing. I quickly command-tabbed back to the programming site on the computer and tried to pretend I was just reading important stuff. I had to make sure not to command-tab back to the anime site or I would be in trouble. I should have closed it, but was unable to do so. Anyway, I kept using the computer, feeling out of place. His younger siblings tried to talk to me. I can't remember about what since I was in a panic, my flight response was in high gear.

Eventually, the mother called from the kitchen shouting "dinner is ready!" in a shrill voice. And so we all went to the dinner table. The adults were all at one end of the table, the siblings and my associate in the middle, and I was at the other end. The father had one of his buddies with him. They passed down a bowel of vegetables and I loaded up my plate. Then father beckoned me down to get some of the main course, giving me a stern look. I was still filthy and in my underwear, and I wished I was anywhere else. But my wish went unanswered. I couldn't quite see what kind of meat was available, there was a bright light in my eye. I asked "is that turkey?" And they all scoffed and looked at each other, like I had insulted them. The father then told me, "no, it's deer." I realized that the father's friend was his hunting buddy and they had just got back from a hunting trip.

Trying to allay the awkward situation I was in, I then said "oh, I like deer, I used to go hunting with my dad all of the time, he would take my on hunting trips and we would hunt deer." It was a complete lie. I had never hunted deer before. I realized I was in deep trouble. Why did I say that? But my associate's father seemed intrigued, "Oh really? Where are you from?" he asked. And I told him where I had grown up as a child. He seemed deeply overcome with nostalgic emotion, like he had known the area I had described. He then said "Well then, I guess I should carve you up some deer" and he took the plate of venison roast and returned with a large take-out box of venison. "Here, this is for you." I shook his hand and he had tears in his eye. The mother looked on disapprovingly. I took the gift and returned to my seat, feeling a little more at ease, but could sense I was walking on glass, in a fragile situation. I still needed to get out of there somehow. As I walked back to my end of the table, I found that I was no longer in the dining room, but in the laundry room and my chair was in front of the washing machine.

So I put my plate and food box down and tried to enjoy my meal. But then a group of faceless people showed up to crash the party. I thought they were probably looking for me and I needed to get out of there. But there was no where to go. I decided I would just keep up appearances and hope they wouldn't discover me. They were overturning everything in the laundry room, looking inside the dryer and started to take it apart, removing the outer paneling, thinking I was hiding inside of it. One of them bumped into me and I shouted "I'm trying to enjoy my meal, what the hell! Leave me alone!" They stopped what they were doing and slowly moved in around me, with their backs to me.

Then they all turned to look at me and one of them said "got you now!" I knew they wanted to torture me, to do unspeakable things to me for the crime of existing, for being an incel loser. They hated me. But also was given an insight in that very moment that they had put me in that unfortunate situation, they had rigged it all from the very beginning. They had ensured that I would become an incel, they made go unshowered, unclean, wearing underwear. They had planted the embarrassing anime and hentai on the computer in order to frame me. Everything wrong in my life, they had conspired to do it. The mother was among them. It was all them! They had made me ugly. They had destroyed any chance I had at a happy life. They were doing it to feed their own egos, to feast on my energy.

As they rushed at me with knives and hatchets drawn, about to hack me into bits, I was jolted awake. I had finally escaped. First thing I did after waking up was go shave and shower. I didn't want to be a filthy incel. What was that nightmare all about? Why do I always find myself in unfortunate situations? Why have these entities done this to me? I never asked for this life, to be born ugly. Why?

My mind is still reeling and I feel unsettled. What now?
I’m one of those entities
Nice bit of recall there bro! Top notch stuff!

Don't let it get you down bro. The astral is full of weird hungry things...

If it wasn't you, it would have been someone else.

The trick is, to be more violent and vicious than any attackers. (Same as IRL.)
Thanks, it's not every day that I'm able to recall that much. They do leave me alone when I remind them I can be a much more powerful monster than what they could ever possibly become. In truth, I think they're afraid of us if we realize or rediscover what we're truly capable of.

But in this dream, they had caught me off guard and in a weakened state. Maybe that's what their trap was designed to do.

Reading this thread gave me schizophrenia.
It definitely put me into some sort of mild psychosis. I just got back from picking up some beer and groceries. While I was out everything felt surreal. I felt like the main character in the movie In the Mouth of Madness after he wakes up in the mental asylum and everyone is missing, the monsters have been let loose, and he walks into town and flees into an empty theater where the movie that is playing is about himself.

I had to keep reminding myself that I'm in the real world, the people around me are real and that I need to focus. I felt like I was still in that dream and at any moment the entities would pull me back in to continue hacking me up.

Anyway, feeling a lot better now, got a pack of Sapporo talls, sipping on one right now. Time to make some food.

In the Mouth of Madness
I'll check out that madness show bro
It's a decent underrated John Carpenter film from the 90s. Worth a watch. I think I last saw it like a decade ago.

Was feeling a little out of it again. So I made a thermos full of coffee and took a chair outside and sat in my front lawn for half an hour. It's in the middle of the night, 3AM. I don't think anyone saw me, it was dead quiet out there. Just the hum of a distant train engine idling a couple of miles away and the occasional car traveling on the highway about 0.25 miles away. No lights, pitch black with a slight breeze, not quite enough to rustle the leaves.

If anyone would have seen me, they'd be like "what the fuck!"

I just needed some fresh air and a change of scenery.
This dream is quite vivid and layered with intense emotions and symbolism. Dreams often reflect our subconscious thoughts, anxieties, and unresolved issues, and yours seems to touch on feelings of guilt, shame, exposure, and the need for acceptance or validation. Let's unpack some of the elements:

1. **Astral Plane and Wilderness**: Starting in the astral plane and in the wilderness could represent a desire for freedom or escape from reality. Moving towards the small town and feeling the walls close in suggests a fear of being confined or trapped by societal expectations or norms.

2. **Inside-Out House and Associate**: The inside-out house might symbolize a reversal of norms or expectations, where things are not as they seem. The associate, someone familiar but not close, could represent a part of yourself that is still dealing with past relationships or societal roles.

3. **Old Family Computer (Mac OS 9)**: The old computer running outdated software suggests a longing for the past or feeling stuck in outdated modes of thinking. The discrepancy in the computer's age and its condition could imply confusion or denial about your current state or progress in life.

4. **Browsing the Web and Unexpected Content**: Looking at programming tutorials versus stumbling upon embarrassing content might represent a conflict between what you want to be seen doing (learning, being productive) versus what you're afraid others will perceive you as (someone who indulges in taboo or socially unacceptable behaviors).

5. **Filth and Underwear**: Being filthy and in underwear is a classic anxiety dream scenario, where you feel exposed, judged, or inadequate. This aligns with common feelings of not being enough or feeling like you don’t meet societal standards.

6. **Family Dynamics**: The arrival of the associate's family and their judgmental attitudes can symbolize internalized fears of not being accepted by others, especially those you perceive as having power or authority over you (like a parent or family figure).

7. **Dinner Table Interaction**: The awkward dinner interaction and the lie about hunting may reflect a desire to fit in or be accepted, even if it means not being true to yourself. The father’s positive reaction to the lie and the gift of venison could represent a fleeting sense of acceptance or belonging that feels unearned or precarious.

8. **Laundry Room Transition**: Ending up in a laundry room with the chair from the dining room suggests a transition from social interaction to a place associated with cleanliness and order, possibly indicating a desire to clean up or change your circumstances.

9. **Faceless People and the Conspiracy**: These figures might represent societal pressures, internalized criticism, or negative self-perceptions. The idea that they conspired against you to make you feel like an "incel loser" suggests deep feelings of powerlessness, being controlled by external forces, or a sense of victimhood.

10. **Violence and Wake-Up Call**: The violent ending and waking up could signify a breaking point, where the intense feelings and thoughts had to be confronted. Waking up to immediately shave and shower might reflect a determination to change or regain control over your life and self-image.

**Interpreting the Nightmare**: This nightmare seems to encapsulate fears of judgment, inadequacy, and lack of control over one's life circumstances. The feelings of being trapped or manipulated might stem from past experiences or deeply ingrained beliefs about yourself and your place in the world.

It's natural to wonder why these feelings arise and to seek a scapegoat, like the idea of entities causing your misfortune. However, these dreams often invite introspection. They challenge us to look at our own beliefs and behaviors and how they might be contributing to our feelings of dissatisfaction or unhappiness.

**Moving Forward**: Understanding that these feelings are common and that many people struggle with similar issues might provide some solace. Working on self-acceptance, focusing on personal growth, and finding healthy ways to deal with feelings of inadequacy or shame can be positive steps forward. Remember, dreams are often exaggerated reflections of our inner world—they're not necessarily literal truths but rather symbolic narratives that can help us understand and process our emotions.

Thanks for the analysis, Chad GPT.
It's a decent underrated John Carpenter film from the 90s. Worth a watch. I think I last saw it like a decade ago.

Was feeling a little out of it again. So I made a thermos full of coffee and took a chair outside and sat in my front lawn for half an hour. It's in the middle of the night, 3AM. I don't think anyone saw me, it was dead quiet out there. Just the hum of a distant train engine idling a couple of miles away and the occasional car traveling on the highway about 0.25 miles away. No lights, pitch black with a slight breeze, not quite enough to rustle the leaves.

If anyone would have seen me, they'd be like "what the fuck!"

I just needed some fresh air and a change of scenery.
I was flying around last sleep and got trapped in some kind of a gdmf metal dome thing... It was disturbing.

It seemed like a realm without a outdoors area. Like only buildings and a large enclosed yard area. No real sky.
View attachment 1246454

There's a philosophy that believes such biospheres are common... (And "outer space" is fake and gay)

As someone that follows a lot of cave explorers, that shit is like super hidden. Except, ofc, for the gov ones.

Ive seen many underground disaster cities in the dream realms. Mostly sideways buildings, with dirt intrusions.

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