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Hypocrisy Men more likely to do something nice - actually wrong, women having an unfair advantage - actually justified

  • Thread starter WorthlessSlavicShit
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There are no happy endings in Eastern Europe.
Oct 30, 2022
Just your typical leftwing hypocrisy on display:feelshaha:.

"Men are more likely and quicker to say ´I love you,´ than women are:foidSoy:? Well here's my rambling seething about how that is because they are bad:foidSoy:."

Aw, romantic. Indeed, that’s how this research has been received in the press. Men are all secret romantics.

Well, who could argue with that? I’d like to, please.

Pardon? I’d very much much like to argue that, please. Why do you think that women are so much slower to say “I love you”?

Because they’re less romantic? Possibly. Or maybe it’s because societal expectations mean that a declaration of love will be followed by a pregnancy at some point. Given that it may result in a person being grown in your body for nine months, usually to the detriment of your career and financial independence, it may require a little more thought for women than when a man says it.
Christ, alright. And while we’re on the subject, why do you think that men take break-ups worse than women?

Because they fall in love harder? No, it’s because they’re traditionally raised to be unable to look after themselves, as they’re passed seamlessly from mother to wife, so it’s scary when they suddenly find themselves alone. Meanwhile, maybe women are happier after a relationship ends because being single significantly reduces their workload?

"Parents preferring daughters over sons? Let me gloat a little about it:foidSoy:, and then explain how it's the sons' fault and how daughters deserve to be preferred:foidSoy::foidSoy:."

As Philip Larkin once noted, your mum and dad have a lasting effect on you. Now, researchers have revealed which siblings in a family are more likely to be favoured: it is bad news for sons.

Researchers have found daughters, older children and those who are more conscientious or agreeable are likely to receive preferential treatment.
Writing in the journal Psychological Bulletin, Alexander Jensen and McKell Jorgensen-Wells from Brigham Young University in the US and Western University in Canada respectively, report how they analysed data from a host of sources – including 30 peer-reviewed journal articles – encompassing 19,469 different participants from the US, western Europe and Canada.

In addition, parents reported favouring daughters, although this was not noted by the children, with the authors noting this may suggest girls are easier to parent, on average.
If nothing else, men gets attached more. Thats why they're more prone to do something stupid if things fall apart. Parents care more for female children because they're more vulnerable and do stupid things in secret. Most men nowadays can function on their own easily, cooking, cleaning etc, women aren't any better.
Men invest into relationships (foids barely) and men are also romantic (foids rarely), so men get over break ups slowly, yes. Women are more psychopathic and cold, and don't usually get attached (unless gigachad) and have too many options, they can't feel any attachment after being ran through so many times and can't and don't want to pairbond.
Foids hypocrisy knows no bounds, and what makes it worse is many of them are likely aware -be it conscious or subconscious- of their hypocrisy & double standards, and thus milk it.

It's fucking ridiculous foids doubt if we're more "romantic" when they're the ones who set this bar to begin with:feelskek:

And that part of them preferring their daughters made my blood boil, sons have 100x more the issues than daughters do.
Men invest into relationships (foids barely) and men are also romantic (foids rarely), so men get over break ups slowly, yes.
Yeah this is correct, especially since it's much harder for an average looking NT guy to get a relationship compared to his looksmatch
Women are more psychopathic and cold, and don't usually get attached (unless gigachad) and have too many options,
Correct :yes:

Unless you mog most men in your area(basically get "chad" treatment) or have cash or some kind of one in ten million unique gift, you're always her second choice.
they can't feel any attachment after being ran through so many times and can't and don't want to pairbond.
Yup, science supports this.

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