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Men Are The True Romantics



Feb 2, 2020
You ever notice that when foids describe something romantic a man did for them... it's all about servicing her? Buy her this... take care of her when she's sick... etc. It's men who write love poems and letters. Men go to war to save a single foid. You will never in a million years see them do the same. Sure they'll stab a bitch for a chad, but they won't write epic love songs in their name.

Look at how beta and sappy songs men write are... all about the love of his life, missing her and how beautiful she is. What do toilets write about? Me Me Me. No Scrubs... you have to be X to get with me. Never once letting us know what she brings to the table. I got a pussy inkwell!
I've always noticed this
Unfortunately men have to do all the effort while holes just lay on their ass and do nothing
Men are cucks, yes
Being Romantic = being a cuck doormat blowing through all your time and savings for nothing in return
Romanticism is not an immutable personality traits, IMHO. I personally believe it starts high for everyone and decreases with your body count.
romantic jawline angle and dick volume

they can be romantic for chad
You ever notice that when foids describe something romantic a man did for them... it's all about servicing her? Buy her this... take care of her when she's sick... etc. It's men who write love poems and letters. Men go to war to save a single foid. You will never in a million years see them do the same. Sure they'll stab a bitch for a chad, but they won't write epic love songs in their name.

Look at how beta and sappy songs men write are... all about the love of his life, missing her and how beautiful she is. What do toilets write about? Me Me Me. No Scrubs... you have to be X to get with me. Never once letting us know what she brings to the table. I got a pussy inkwell!

I primarily notice this by eavesdropping on conversations married foids have at my Job.
When they talk About their husbands in a positive way, it is all About the material Benefits he provides, never About the Person itself.
They never say something like "I love the way he takes care of the Kids, he has a Kind heart, he is brave, hardworking….."
Instead they say Things like "oh, he surpised me with this AWESOME NECKLACE, and for my Birthday he took me to a Musical an gave this BLUE DRESS,
and then he made me close my eyes and SLID THIS BEAUTIFUL RING ON MY FINGER etc....

It is just About what he provides, the man is a tool, a means to an end. Like a bank account that fills itself.
True romance is going after wind. But for femoid it is siting in shitty restaurant with shitty candles, after sucking lots of cocks
Men love, women lust
True romance is going after wind. But for femoid it is siting in shitty restaurant with shitty candles, after sucking lots of cocks

I hate modern Restaurants. Tables in the middle of the room, eww.
Thats a modern Thing, everything is feminized. Restaurants now have huge glass fronts, there is no privacy. It reflects yet another female imperative, "see and be seen".
If you look at old, really old Restaurants you will notice that the tabels are all positioned on the walls or in niches. There is decency, privacy.

I don't understand what is romantic About candles and all that shit either.

Like you said, chasing the wind or drinking a Cup of tea while it rains outside is much more comfy. Fuck, I just enjoy baking in the sun while birds chirp in the trees around the house and bees fly around.
Women just take and take and take more.
They don't understand the Beautiful simplicity of the male mind.
just turn this into a fanfic thread

It's been three months and she Always sits in the same seat in car 3. So she must be getting on early, when the Train is still empty.
You wonder where she lives.
As the Train rolls into main Station, everybody gets up and it gets crowded as People move towards the doors
"excuse me"

Your heart jumps a Little as she pushes past you, her Body Pressing firmly against yours for a Moment.
She is small, her hair brushes against your face..
fuck, it smells so good...

The doors open and the Train ejaculates thousands of Walking corpses on the Station, indistinguishable, Grey, formless.
Except for her.

You can still hear the echo of her steps as she vanishes into the crowd.

"hey get a move on dude!"

You didn't even realize you stopped Walking, enamoured by the overflowing mish mash of sensations, the cascade of desire that suddenly swept over you.

Something tells you that you will be late for your Job.
It doesn't matter.

I have never felt like that fucking lel. Maybe because I have three sisters that would liberaly fart in front of you and laugh in your face when you recoiled in horror LOL.

Obession with women is cucked as fuck, they are disgusting and their bodies are disgusting, high maintenance disease incubators. Its insane how quick their pussy gets sick, a bit of cold wind, spilling some sugary drink on their pants.... All that talk about male cleanliness and shit - pure projections because they know they are disgusting.
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It's been three months and she Always sits in the same seat in car 3. So she must be getting on early, when the Train is still empty.
You wonder where she lives.
As the Train rolls into main Station, everybody gets up and it gets crowded as People move towards the doors
"excuse me"

Your heart jumps a Little as she pushes past you, her Body Pressing firmly against yours for a Moment.
She is small, her hair brushes against your face..
fuck, it smells so good...

The doors open and the Train ejaculates thousands of Walking corpses on the Station, indistinguishable, Grey, formless.
Except for her.

You can still hear the echo of her steps as she vanishes into the crowd.

"hey get a move on dude!"

You didn't even realize you stopped Walking, enamoured by the overflowing mish mash of sensations, the cascade of desire that suddenly swept over you.

Something tells you that you will be late for your Job.
It doesn't matter.
Just become a romance writer bro

Obession with women is cucked as fuck, they are disgusting and their bodies are disgusting, high maintenance disease incubators. Its insane how quick their pussy gets sick, a bit of cold wind, spilling some sugary drink on their pants.... All that talk about male cleanliness and shit - pure projections because they know they are disgusting


Foids are on a pedastal because of cucks, cucks are the the enablers. If cucks stopped being cucks, foids wouldn't think they are literally immune to being disgusting.
Just look at female romance novels, they're all about rich Chads raping them. That's what women mean when they say they're "romantics" jfl.
I just rape 2D girls.
foids sometimes write about being pounded by chads
Just become a romance writer bro

View attachment 237634

Foids are on a pedastal because of cucks, cucks are the the enablers. If cucks stopped being cucks, foids wouldn't think they are literally immune to being disgusting.

:feelskek: I will never write romance novel for money. Even though it would be pathetically easy to come up with a basic story that rotates around chad and the infighting between his many female orbiters.

Do you think I have the potential? Do you think I have the touch?
Do you think I have the potential? Do you think I have the touch?
Possible. Try to write around what a femoid might want I guess, romance genre is practically dominated by femoids. Its probably easy to write from a femoids POV, just remain self centered as possible.
Possible. Try to write around what a femoid might want I guess, romance genre is practically dominated by femoids. Its probably easy to write from a femoids POV, just remain self centered as possible.

Every spoken piece of female dialgoue should start with

She takes chads cock out of her mouth.
"yes, that would be awesome, lets meet at nine"

Lisa coughs as chads cock leaves her throat with a distinctive *boiiing* sound
"ok then, see you at nine. And dont forget the tickets!"
Every spoken piece of female dialgoue should start with

She takes chads cock out of her mouth.
"yes, that would be awesome, lets meet at nine"

Lisa coughs as chads cock leaves her throat with a distinctive *boiiing* sound
"ok then, see you at nine. And dont forget the tickets!"
60 shades of grey here we cooom.
I'd read 60 Shades of Greycels.
I'd read 60 Shades of Greycels.

LOL, its just greycels getting gangbanged by feral chads. The main protagonist has taken 500 dicks and escapes.
The world is basically a wasteland were deranged bluepill mutants run around and howl bluepill shit day and night.

The chads are like primitive hunters, they hunt and destroy the bluepillers sexually.
When they are done, they discard them in the forest, in rivers and ravines.

But the saint, the first bluepiller to ever ascent, saint blackops2cel, saves them and feeds them a strange medicine in his cave.
Once their iq has risen so much that they don't need to be watered everyday anymore,
they are taken to the back of the cave.

There is a secret passage that leads to a mountain valley with sunlight and warm springs.
It's a hidden paradise.

The books ends with the protagonist giving a speech, before 10000 incels charge at 30000 chads in a final attempt to restore order.

The cave has engravings on the walls, depicting the suffering of incels and bluepillers.
It's just gachi shit lol.

One engraving shows a figure with the writing XOR. The figure is surrounded by ugly creatures with whips and boy are they whipping the shit out of him.
Strangely enough, the being labled as "XOR" seems to have both, a penis and tits. How peculiar.

There is also a third faction that worships BrendioEEE's tits and they have idols of him with huge tits and shit.

Another painting shows a divison of incels with what looks like shields with faces painted on them, advancing against a bunch of female creatures.
They are chadfishers.
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men are the only ones that can actually love

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