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SuicideFuel Mathematical proof that all women are trash



And then one day, for no reason at all...
Jun 27, 2020
Recently I made a post indicating that if you're not attracted to whores, degenerates and fatties, then you are effectively asexual, as no such women exist. But is that really the case? Let's do some number crunching. Of course YMMV depending on your tastes and preferences but the principle will surely apply.

I will take myself, a young aspiring man looking for a wholesome wife within his home country. I'll take Denmark to be my home country since I lived there for a while.
  • Denmark has a population of 5,800,000, and we can safely assume that half of them, 2,900,000, are female.
  • I'm looking for a woman within the fertile age range as I wish to have children. Let's say ages 15--25. Looking at Wikipedia's demographics page, that leaves me with some 300,000 options.
  • I am White and I don't want to put mutt children on this planet, so I want a White wife. Among young people, only around half of the people are White (JFL at this world) so that brings the amount down to 150,000.
  • I exclude fatties. Not just for sexual reasons, but also because it's a huge red flag about self-control. According to the WHO, 46,2% of adult women is overweight, which brings the number to around 70,000.
  • I don't want any girl that smokes or does drugs. Apparently 22% of women smoke in Denmark, which brings us at 54,600.
  • I don't want a girl that drinks --- they're always degenerates. Wikipedia tells me that "Between 15 and 19 years old, 92% have been drunk at least once in their lives." All these are inevitably whores, so we're down to 4,400.
  • I don't want a mentally ill woman. Study has shown that 17.5% of Danish women aged 16--24 have mental health problems, so we're down to like 3,600.
  • I don't want her to have been railed by another man. If I wanted to share a woman I would just buy a used cum sock JFL. This is a tricky one to quantify. According to the Internet, 93% of US people have lost their virginity by age 25. However, Wikipedia tells me that "Of adolescents age 11–16, 83% believe a person is still a virgin after engaging in genital touching, and 70% said they believed one retained their virginity after having oral sex." Teehee. So yeah, let's make a crude estimate and say that 90% gets disqualified. We're at 360 people left.
  • Finally, I don't want a far-left vegan globohomo foid. This is a tough one to quantify, but general voting behaviour in European countries suggests that around 75% of young people vote for progressive parties. So let's take that as our measure. We're left with 90 people.
So yeah, there you have it. With some minimal requirements, I'm left with around 0.0016% of the population. And every reasonable man will compete for these women. So yeah, it's safe to say that it's over.

[N.B. I did not at all take into account correlations between the different metrics. For instance, the mentally ill people and the leftist people will obviously have a strong overlap. So in actuality, the number would be significantly higher. But even if you multiply my outcome by 100, my point would hold true. There are simply just no women out there for me.]
volcel/standardcel post tbh

also your statistical process is just terrible
i haven't even taken statistics and i can tell you this is incorrect
also your statistical process is just terrible
i haven't even taken statistics and i can tell you this is incorrect
Neither of you have read the disclaimer, you niggers. There are obviously correlations that make the outcome flawed. It wasn't intended to be taken dedsrsly, anyway.
Neither of you have read the disclaimer, you niggers. There are obviously correlations that make the outcome flawed. It wasn't intended to be taken dedsrsly, anyway.
its ok i think you're cool so you're forgiven.
JFL at this. Would you hook up with a chick if you knew she actively posts on IT?

knowing that every "chick" on IT is probably a transfag or a landwhale or resembles one or a LARP, no

but you are just being disingenuous if you would write off 75% of danish foids for no better reason than their political beliefs, the vast majority of people are not ITers
but you are just being disingenuous if you would write off 75% of danish foids for no better reason than their political beliefs
That's easy to say if you're a commie chink who has the globohomo media and the normies' political beliefs in his favour.

I almost got myself fired once when I said that Whites deserve an ethnostate. If I cannot say that out loud to me wife without her leaving me if not calling the thought police, then there's literally no point.
That's easy to say if you're a commie chink who has the globohomo media and the normies' political beliefs in his favour.

I almost got myself fired once when I said that Whites deserve an ethnostate. If I cannot say that out loud to me wife without her leaving me if not calling the thought police, then there's literally no point.
Foids don't give a fuck about politics. They don't have a consistent political ideology. Their political ideology depends on which Chad she currently fucks.
Foids don't give a fuck about politics. They don't have a consistent political ideology. Their political ideology depends on which Chad she currently fucks.
I think it's more accurate to say that foids simply copy the status quo: their ideology is simply a reflection of their surroundings. But if your surroundings are entirely leftist, that makes the foid de facto leftist as well. My views will surely not change that.
just because it has a different color
>race is just a color! :soy:
I think it's more accurate to say that foids simply copy the status quo: their ideology is simply a reflection of their surroundings. But if your surroundings are entirely leftist, that makes the foid de facto leftist as well. My views will surely not change that.
"their surroundings" = multiple Chad dicks who run a train on her
*Gark Gark Gark* "1488. White pride worldwide"
2 1

*Gark Gark Gark* "No trump. No KKK. No racist USA. BLACK LIVES MATTER"
Tyrone Ogedegbe03

*Gark Gark Gark* "Back the blue"
also your statistical process is just terrible
Sadly true, there is a huge overlap between the different groups. A femoid with a mental illness is more likely to be a drug addict, an alcoholic, far left politically speaking, a whore, etc. and vice versa - the traits he mentioned often come as a package. The same with desirable traits: Virginity, right-wing/traditional views, anti-alcohol/anti-drug views, etc. also come most of the time as a package.
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volcel/standardcel post tbh

also your statistical process is just terrible
It's not volcel if you don't want to bring mentally ill feminist whores with double-digit body counts into your life.
AWALT and that's a fact.
You would turn down a foid because she's from another race? volcel tbh
Tbh I would definitely have secks with an ethnic woman. But marriage and having children would be problematic for the reason I mentioned. I don't want to dilute my genes and raise mutt babies.
It's not volcel if you don't want to bring mentally ill feminist whores with double-digit body counts into your life.
Sadly true, there is a huge overlap between the different groups. A femoid with a mental illness is more likely to be a drug addict, an alcoholic, far left politically speaking, a whore, etc. and vice versa - the traits he mentioned often come as a package. The same with desirable traits: Virginity, right-wing/traditional views, anti-alcohol/anti-drug views, etc. also come most of the time as a package.
Yes but I mentioned this in the post. The numbers aren't meant to be taken very seriously.
High standardcel.

We don't live in the 1860s bruh.

Think how I feel living in San Francisco. Same for Portland or Seattle.

Every other foid has tatts, nose rings, blue, pink, or purple hair. Smokes, drinks. Radical feminist. Listen to rap & hip hop. These foids are fuckin repulsive inside and out. Carry themselves slobbishly. And if theyre not one of those, theyre big fat landwhales or hypergamous gold digging whores.
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Bruh you think the firs foid you're going to date is going to think about marriage? foids jump from dick to dick non stop.
Is that the case with Berber foids in Tamazigha?
lower standarts , bruh
I remember that website though tbh I'm not sure what the point is that they want to prove. I think it's also true that men have degenerated overall. Yes ofc foids just seek out chiseled jaws and 6'4 frames but still I wish men just had their shit together a bit more.

So many men are overweight if not obese. So many men spend their time playing vidya and sm0king weed rather than engaging in productive hobbies. How many men can still work with wood? How many men know how to fix their lightbulbs? How many men can still do a decent bench press?

It sucks. The world is degenerating and it's clearly reflected in man's demoralisation.
I remember that website though tbh I'm not sure what the point is that they want to prove. I think it's also true that men have degenerated overall. Yes ofc foids just seek out chiseled jaws and 6'4 frames but still I wish men just had their shit together a bit more.

So many men are overweight if not obese. So many men spend their time playing vidya and sm0king weed rather than engaging in productive hobbies. How many men can still work with wood? How many men know how to fix their lightbulbs? How many men can still do a decent bench press?

It sucks. The world is degenerating and it's clearly reflected in man's demoralisation.
how many young western european foids fit that description?

Finding a woman in Europe regardless of political opinion that gives an average man a chance is hard enough (not talking about below average men because for them it didn't even begin). If OP still has some hope/is only a locationcel he should swallow the Gunnar Lindemann Pill and get a slavic/Asian woman (and yes, he must travel to their country of origin because in Northern/Central Europe even chad has now to resort to JBWmaxxing and having relationships with old noodlewhores/fat sheboons).

For his criteria: Far under 0.1%, there are some places to look like for example nationalistic settlement movements in Eastern Germany or diverse pagan/christian sects in Europe (but they are statistical outliers and even there parents exist that want them to get only off with a chad from the in-group), finding a right-wing populist/identitarian GF is easier (but still impossible for average men and most of them are feminist cunts that only advocate for traditions for others -not for themselves- and they are obnoxious pretend-intellectuals mostly).
For his criteria: Far under 0.1%, there are some places to look like for example nationalistic settlement movements in Eastern Germany or diverse pagan/christian sects in Europe (but they are statistical outliers and even there parents exist that want them to get only off with a chad from the in-group), finding a right-wing populist/identitarian GF is easier (but still impossible for average men and most of them are feminist cunts that only advocate for traditions for others -not for themselves- and they are obnoxious pretend-intellectuals mostly).
I have unironically considered something like that. Like, join the Amish or sth. Been reconsidering this idea when I swallowed the Ted-pill.
Finding a woman in Europe regardless of political opinion that gives an average man a chance is hard enough (not talking about below average men because for them it didn't even begin). If OP still has some hope/is only a locationcel he should swallow the Gunnar Lindemann Pill and get a slavic/Asian woman (and yes, he must travel to their country of origin because in Northern/Central Europe even chad has now to resort to JBWmaxxing and having relationships with old noodlewhores/fat sheboons).

For his criteria: Far under 0.1%, there are some places to look like for example nationalistic settlement movements in Eastern Germany or diverse pagan/christian sects in Europe (but they are statistical outliers and even there parents exist that want them to get only off with a chad from the in-group), finding a right-wing populist/identitarian GF is easier (but still impossible for average men and most of them are feminist cunts that only advocate for traditions for others -not for themselves- and they are obnoxious pretend-intellectuals mostly).
I have unironically considered something like that. Like, join the Amish or sth. Been reconsidering this idea when I swallowed the Ted-pill.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78VKNhaN7v0&t=550s&ab_channel=DWDocumentary

I need to get me one of these Alabama chaste foids :feelsohh:

Funny how virginity is continually ridiculed and opposed by the pro-ultrafeminist cucks who made this German documentary: "Virginity is a fiction, a myth, created by history, religion and medicine. A construct that controls women and their bodies.":soy::soy:
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I have unironically considered something like that. Like, join the Amish or sth. Been reconsidering this idea when I swallowed the Ted-pill.
Google "Völkische Siedler" for places in Germany, with sects outside of America there is sadly little to know.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78VKNhaN7v0&t=550s&ab_channel=DWDocumentary

I need to get me some of these Alabama chaste foids :feelsohh:

Funny how virginity is continually ridiculed and opposed by the pro-ultrafeminist cucks who made this German documentary: "Virginity is a fiction, a myth, created by history, religion and medicine. A construct that controls women and their bodies.":soy::soy:

And this is good, controlling the behavior of people is not something inherently bad, society also tries to control the behavior of men by outlawing pedophilia/rape/necrophilia/etc., nowadays it's only so that the worst aspects of female nature don't get shunned anymore, but rather celebrated, instead of reacting with shame these women now bask in their flaws and think that they are virtues.

Open contempt towards unattractive males that was previously hidden gets nowadays celebrated, being foul-mouthed/aggressive/unempathetic (in short everything feminists criticize about men) is seen as something empowering when the in-group does it - look at the archetype of the girlboss, if it was a male they would call it the epitome of toxic masculinity, but it's a woman so they celebrate it.

The misconception is that females are the empathetic gender, no, they just hide it better than males, a male can use macroscopic aggression and cruelty, he can use physical violence, a woman doesn't have that ability, their cruelty is microscopical, the weapon of the woman is always poison -not just for murder as the most blunt solution to a problem, but also via gossip in a more "peaceful manner". A man kills a body, a woman a soul. They are cruel/sadistic, but have to express it differently than men due to their physical ineptitude. In power positions they often behave the same as men - look at Bathory/Saltichikha for example.

Last but not least: These laws/constructs had a reason to exist. Freedom for the sake of freedom was never a desirable outcome. And btw: Your beloved human rights are also social constructs and therefore highly unnatural, raping/killing is natural, but in society we all argee to give up a part of our freedom to secure prosperity for all.
Monogamy helped both men and women - while nowadays (after selectively breaking the social contract for men) only women prosper (and the tiny bit of the male population that they naturally gravitate towards too while the rest rots in loneliness and suicidal ideation), in the lawlessness of war or in islamic societies you see the exact opposite, the state where the desires of men (in power) prosper and where those in power can do whatever they want with the only law they follow being the subjectivity of their own will and their desires. Monogamy (where both sexes had rights/privileges) ensured mutual prosperity and fruitful cooperation, both gave something away and got something back, it introduced a shade of gray to a binary world of black/white that exists in female sexuality (1: attractive man, 0: incel).
Being completely free from all bounds is nothing good. And yes, then they say "Well, I would never harm another person, when you say that you just reveal that you are fucked up!" - a) nice ad-hominem and b) what does it matter? You are an individual case, many people are like that and won't change, so removing the boundaries of society would only lead to them enacting upon previously hidden desires.
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Google "Völkische Siedler" for places in Germany, with sects outside of America there is sadly little to know.

And this is good, controlling the behavior of people is not something inherently bad, society also tries to control the behavior of men by outlawing pedophilia/rape/necrophilia/etc., nowadays it's only so that the worst aspects of female nature don't get shunned anymore, but rather celebrated, instead of reacting with shame these women now bask in their flaws and think that they are virtues.

Open contempt towards unattractive males that was previously hidden gets nowadays celebrated, being foul-mouthed/aggressive/unempathetic (in short everything feminists criticize about men) is seen as something empowering when the in-group does it - look at the archetype of the girlboss, if it was a male they would call it the epitome of toxic masculinity, but it's a woman so they celebrate it.

The misconception is that females are the empathetic gender, no, they just hide it better than males, a male can use macroscopic aggression and cruelty, he can use physical violence, a woman doesn't have that ability, their cruelty is microscopical, the weapon of the woman is always poison -not just for murder as the most blunt solution to a problem, but also via gossip in a more "peaceful manner". A man kills a body, a woman a soul. They are cruel/sadistic, but have to express it differently than men due to their physical ineptitude. In power positions they often behave the same as men - look at Bathory/Saltichikha for example.

Last but not least: These laws/constructs had a reason to exist. Freedom for the sake of freedom was never a desirable outcome. And btw: Your beloved human rights are also social constructs and therefore highly unnatural, raping/killing is natural, but in society we all argee to give up a part of our freedom to secure prosperity for all.
Monogamy helped both men and women - while nowadays (after selectively breaking the social contract for men) only women prosper (and the tiny bit of the male population that they naturally gravitate towards too while the rest rots in loneliness and suicidal ideation), in the lawlessness of war or in islamic societies you see the exact opposite, the state where the desires of men (in power) prosper and where those in power can do whatever they want with the only law they follow being the subjectivity of their own will and their desires. Monogamy (where both sexes had rights/privileges) ensured mutual prosperity and fruitful cooperation, both gave something away and got something back, it introduced a shade of gray to a binary world of black/white that exists in female sexuality (1: attractive man, 0: incel).
Being completely free from all bounds is nothing good. And yes, then they say "Well, I would never harm another person, when you say that you just reveal that you are fucked up!" - a) nice ad-hominem and b) what does it matter? You are an individual case, many people are like that and won't change, so removing the boundaries of society would only lead to them enacting upon previously hidden desires.
Distance to the edge of the observable universe IQ
Recently I made a post indicating that if you're not attracted to whores, degenerates and fatties, then you are effectively asexual, as no such women exist. But is that really the case? Let's do some number crunching. Of course YMMV depending on your tastes and preferences but the principle will surely apply.

I will take myself, a young aspiring man looking for a wholesome wife within his home country. I'll take Denmark to be my home country since I lived there for a while.
  • Denmark has a population of 5,800,000, and we can safely assume that half of them, 2,900,000, are female.
  • I'm looking for a woman within the fertile age range as I wish to have children. Let's say ages 15--25. Looking at Wikipedia's demographics page, that leaves me with some 300,000 options.
  • I am White and I don't want to put mutt children on this planet, so I want a White wife. Among young people, only around half of the people are White (JFL at this world) so that brings the amount down to 150,000.
  • I exclude fatties. Not just for sexual reasons, but also because it's a huge red flag about self-control. According to the WHO, 46,2% of adult women is overweight, which brings the number to around 70,000.
  • I don't want any girl that smokes or does drugs. Apparently 22% of women smoke in Denmark, which brings us at 54,600.
  • I don't want a girl that drinks --- they're always degenerates. Wikipedia tells me that "Between 15 and 19 years old, 92% have been drunk at least once in their lives." All these are inevitably whores, so we're down to 4,400.
  • I don't want a mentally ill woman. Study has shown that 17.5% of Danish women aged 16--24 have mental health problems, so we're down to like 3,600.
  • I don't want her to have been railed by another man. If I wanted to share a woman I would just buy a used cum sock JFL. This is a tricky one to quantify. According to the Internet, 93% of US people have lost their virginity by age 25. However, Wikipedia tells me that "Of adolescents age 11–16, 83% believe a person is still a virgin after engaging in genital touching, and 70% said they believed one retained their virginity after having oral sex." Teehee. So yeah, let's make a crude estimate and say that 90% gets disqualified. We're at 360 people left.
  • Finally, I don't want a far-left vegan globohomo foid. This is a tough one to quantify, but general voting behaviour in European countries suggests that around 75% of young people vote for progressive parties. So let's take that as our measure. We're left with 90 people.
So yeah, there you have it. With some minimal requirements, I'm left with around 0.0016% of the population. And every reasonable man will compete for these women. So yeah, it's safe to say that it's over.

[N.B. I did not at all take into account correlations between the different metrics. For instance, the mentally ill people and the leftist people will obviously have a strong overlap. So in actuality, the number would be significantly higher. But even if you multiply my outcome by 100, my point would hold true. There are simply just no women out there for me.]
based standards cel. I did similar calculations and decided to give up on women altogether. The math showed my standards are too high. A foid that I would truly desire and could then attain likely does not exist, has not existed and likely never will exist.
Recently I made a post indicating that if you're not attracted to whores, degenerates and fatties, then you are effectively asexual, as no such women exist. But is that really the case? Let's do some number crunching. Of course YMMV depending on your tastes and preferences but the principle will surely apply.

I will take myself, a young aspiring man looking for a wholesome wife within his home country. I'll take Denmark to be my home country since I lived there for a while.
  • Denmark has a population of 5,800,000, and we can safely assume that half of them, 2,900,000, are female.
  • I'm looking for a woman within the fertile age range as I wish to have children. Let's say ages 15--25. Looking at Wikipedia's demographics page, that leaves me with some 300,000 options.
  • I am White and I don't want to put mutt children on this planet, so I want a White wife. Among young people, only around half of the people are White (JFL at this world) so that brings the amount down to 150,000.
  • I exclude fatties. Not just for sexual reasons, but also because it's a huge red flag about self-control. According to the WHO, 46,2% of adult women is overweight, which brings the number to around 70,000.
  • I don't want any girl that smokes or does drugs. Apparently 22% of women smoke in Denmark, which brings us at 54,600.
  • I don't want a girl that drinks --- they're always degenerates. Wikipedia tells me that "Between 15 and 19 years old, 92% have been drunk at least once in their lives." All these are inevitably whores, so we're down to 4,400.
  • I don't want a mentally ill woman. Study has shown that 17.5% of Danish women aged 16--24 have mental health problems, so we're down to like 3,600.
  • I don't want her to have been railed by another man. If I wanted to share a woman I would just buy a used cum sock JFL. This is a tricky one to quantify. According to the Internet, 93% of US people have lost their virginity by age 25. However, Wikipedia tells me that "Of adolescents age 11–16, 83% believe a person is still a virgin after engaging in genital touching, and 70% said they believed one retained their virginity after having oral sex." Teehee. So yeah, let's make a crude estimate and say that 90% gets disqualified. We're at 360 people left.
  • Finally, I don't want a far-left vegan globohomo foid. This is a tough one to quantify, but general voting behaviour in European countries suggests that around 75% of young people vote for progressive parties. So let's take that as our measure. We're left with 90 people.
So yeah, there you have it. With some minimal requirements, I'm left with around 0.0016% of the population. And every reasonable man will compete for these women. So yeah, it's safe to say that it's over.

[N.B. I did not at all take into account correlations between the different metrics. For instance, the mentally ill people and the leftist people will obviously have a strong overlap. So in actuality, the number would be significantly higher. But even if you multiply my outcome by 100, my point would hold true. There are simply just no women out there for me.]
Most of these factors already overlap so this is lowball tbf. Here’s a better drastically analysis:

If she breathes, she’s a thot.
100% of women breathe.
Therefore 100% of women are thots.
Most of these factors already overlap so this is lowball tbf. Here’s a better drastically analysis:

If she breathes, she’s a thot.
100% of women breathe.
Therefore 100% of women are thots.
Unless she's dead. :feelsohh::feelsdevil:

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