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News Mass Shootings Can Impact Young Survivors’ Mental Health Far Beyond Their Childhood



Nov 24, 2017

Finally normies are experiencing what we experience on our whole life and daily.

Thursday marks the one-year anniversary of the school shooting in Parkland, Fla., a tragedy that claimed the lives of 17 students and staff at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Parkland became a catalyst for a nationwide movement for gun control as well as legislation to prevent future gun deaths. But even with constructive changes, mass shootings can impact young survivors' mental health well into adulthood.

In recent years, thousands of Americans' lives and communities have been impacted by mass shootings — the Gun Violence Archive has already counted 37 shootings of four or more people in 2019 alone. And while the media cycle eventually moves on, for survivors, the mental health effects of living through severe trauma can often have long-term impacts, according to the American Psychological Association (APA). As clinical psychiatrist Dr. Jean Kim, an assistant professor at George Washington University told PsyCom, trauma such as mass shootings can have "lifelong and pervasive effects on young developing psyches, both in terms of their psychological worldview, and their physiological systems that handle stress and anxiety."

Dr. Melissa Brymer, director of terrorism and disaster programs at the UCLA-Duke National Center for Child Traumatic Stress, tells Bustle, "In some of these events like Parkland, this one year means one year without their loved ones. We're dealing with both trauma and grief in many of these cases." She says it's important to make the distinction "because trauma we can treat, there are good treatments for it. Grief, we learn to adjust, we learn to find meaning of the loved ones lost, but it's a different course of recovery

Read the article if you want to read more
No one talks about loneliness until a couple of students get shot.
Even then, it's briefly mentioned and the discussion changes to gun control, instead of loneliness prevention.

I don't support shootings but it is a necessary evil. Those brief moments when our loneliness is mentioned, wheb put together enough times, just might open the society's eyes and we will finally get the help we need.
If being a survivor is so bad then maybe el goblino should have finished the job.
Fucking Christ can you edgelords stop, why would I care about this shit, it doesn't affect me, you just sound cringy, stupid and like that kid who wants everyone to fear them
Fucking Christ can you edgelords stop, why would I care about this shit, it doesn't affect me, you just sound cringy, stupid and like that kid who wants everyone to fear them
I agree no mature adult gives a shit about this crap, and sucking a mass shooters dick makes you mad fruity.
Fucking Christ can you edgelords stop, why would I care about this shit, it doesn't affect me, you just sound cringy, stupid and like that kid who wants everyone to fear them
gotta get on IT somehow
This is just ammunition, no pun intended, that normies will use against us to call us sadistic killers. I don't wish pain upon anyone.
gotta get on IT somehow
Too bad you dont mention any other hERos
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Nobody ever cared. If they did the media would still cover it, but instead ratings are down and so CNN has moved on. Your life is slowly becoming even less valuable.
Wow IT was quick to post that thread. Btw someone wanna 911 us, someone report to the FBI.
IMG 20190214 133427
The vast majority of mass shooting victims are totally random targets. No telling what they may or may not have deserved so you're an idiot OP
Good to see the scum and their offspring suffer and get what they deserve for inflicting pain on us and wrecking our lives.
Majory Stoneman Douglas made my Valentine's day last year tbh.
The vast majority of mass shooting victims are totally random targets. No telling what they may or may not have deserved so you're an idiot OP
true, and nothing prevent us from being a survivor of a mass shooting. Not all mass shootings were caused by "incels".
Most mass shooters aren't incels. Incels can be victims of a mass shooting, and can experienced it's effects, but normies are called normies for a reason and there will be more normies with trauma than incels at such event
Oh please, do some of you really believe the mainstream media really gives a rat's ass about the people who died in the shooting and the mental anguish the survivors have to endure? They only care about their ratings and they'll use any means to get ratings and mass shootings are their jackpot.

Even if trauma and other mental anguishes are bought up, it'll be buried again like ALL THE OTHER TIMES after a mass shooting. So no mental health problems will never be taken care of, all there going to do is dope the survivors up on some happy pills and call it a day. Things will never change for the better, no matter how many mass shootings occur. Even if 50 mass shootings happened in all 50 states at the same time, things won't change, they'll just want to take away the guns, not address the real issues.

Anyway that's the end of my rant, also an FYI mass shooters won't hesitate to kill any of you praising them, this is why I don't consider them heroes, but I don't villainize them either like normies and the MS media does. I just assume they went through some fucked up shit to make them snap and go on a shooting spree, that's what I think of mass shooters realistically speaking.
I agree no mature adult gives a shit about this crap, and sucking a mass shooters dick makes you mad fruity.
Jfl. No one is suckinf mass shooters here. We are saying the trauma serves as a equalizer for normies.
Jfl. No one is suckinf mass shooters here. We are saying the trauma serves as a equalizer for normies.
That's not going to change anything, no matter what kind of "trauma" normies deal with, things aren't suddenly going to get better for us. Something much MUCH larger than a mass shooting would need to happen for any real changes to occur.
Fucking Christ can you edgelords stop, why would I care about this shit, it doesn't affect me, you just sound cringy, stupid and like that kid who wants everyone to fear them
That sounds cringey if you're using a NT normie standard to judge.
Female “survivors” will forget all about it the second chad’s dick slips into her cunt and she feels “safe and protected teehee”
no matter what kind of "trauma" normies deal with, things aren't suddenly going to get better for us
This, projecting pain outwards won't lessen it for you.
That's not going to change anything, no matter what kind of "trauma" normies deal with, things aren't suddenly going to get better for us. Something much MUCH larger than a mass shooting would need to happen for any real changes to occur.
For social change, I agree. Normies having trauma let's them finally experience a incels life
That's not going to change anything, no matter what kind of "trauma" normies deal with, things aren't suddenly going to get better for us. Something much MUCH larger than a mass shooting would need to happen for any real changes to occur.
Every male needs to decide unanimously to contain foids within camps and prisons and start eugenics based on intellect and character traits.
@RageAgainstTDL Would you be kind to take off the lifefuel tag and replace it with news or something? Seems like the tag makes us seem bad
And that poll as well
Just gives feminism another thing to bitch about...
@RageAgainstTDL Would you be kind to take off the lifefuel tag and replace it with news or something? Seems like the tag makes us seem bad
And that poll as well
Sure done.
Thanks. Should've used that tag.
For social change, I agree. Normies having trauma let's them finally experience a incels life
The number of normies dealing with this is incredibly small compared the normies who don't deal with it. This is no where near enough to afflict the pain on the normies that harmed you. Less than 20 people get hurt or injured in a mass shooting, mass shootings don't occur enough for any real impact onto the normies you hate so much. But if you want to keep praising the mass shooters, then by all means go ahead. In spite of the pain I've dealt with, I don't praise the mass shooters for what they do, but I don't villainize them either. I'm just indifferent towards the mass shootings and the deaths that occur. Am I cold for not caring when normies die in a shooting? Or am I a soycuck for not praising the mass shooters? I guess it's yes to both.

Also look at the guests viewing this topic. This topic is soooooo going to be in the spotlight whenever the MS Media talks about us again.
The number of normies dealing with this is incredibly small compared the normies who don't deal with it. This is no where near enough to afflict the pain on the normies that harmed you. Less than 20 people get hurt or injured in a mass shooting, mass shootings don't occur enough for any real impact onto the normies you hate so much. But if you want to keep praising the mass shooters, then by all means go ahead. In spite of the pain I've dealt with, I don't praise the mass shooters for what they do, but I don't villainize them either. I'm just indifferent towards the mass shootings and the deaths that occur. Am I cold for not caring when normies die in a shooting? Or am I a soycuck for not praising the mass shooters? I guess it's yes to both.

Also look at the guests viewing this topic. This topic is soooooo going to be in the spotlight whenever the MS Media talks about us again.
If you look, sure the amount of PTSD is low but it's large enough to make national news.
.There's nothing wrong with posting 'amall incidents. We humans prefer small incidents than a big case. As Joseph Stalin puts it.

The post is about acknowledging that some people are suffering the aftereffect of a shooting, similar to what we incels had suffered for life.

That topic isn't gonna get brought to the MS Media. They go for edgy content and with the LF tag taken off, it's doubtful they will screenshot this page.
People need to have more compassion. Don’t bully and ostracize kids and they won’t shoot up the school. It’s not hard.
thats sad af tbh. i hope there wont be any survivors in future ER's, so they wont have to suffer like that.
Fucking Christ can you edgelords stop, why would I care about this shit, it doesn't affect me, you just sound cringy, stupid and like that kid who wants everyone to fear them
Oh boo bleeding hoo. Fucking normies and their first world "problems". When I was locked up, I saw a guy with cerebral palsy getting gang raped, and soon after, one of the rapists tried to kill me with a shank because I called him a sick fuck for what he did to that poor kid. I still have several large scars from getting sliced up while desperately trying to defend myself with my bare hands. He made it clear he wanted me DEAD, and he damn near succeeded in that! It was 5 minutes before the CO's stopped it. That shit was traumatizing as all Hell, but I got eventually over it. You want REAL psychological trauma? Try spending your entire life being shunned and treated badly because of your appearance. The social ostracism, never-ending insults and constant romantic rejection fucked me up more than anything I ever experienced in juvie OR prison!
good fuck them, i hope that traumatic memoryt will be saved forever in their retarded DNA so they will get traumatized to sound of a gun
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lifelong and pervasive effects on young developing psyches, both in terms of their psychological worldview, and their physiological systems that handle stress and anxiety."
Yes, and missing out on teenange love is MUCH worse. Those normies deserve to suffer

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