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RageFuel Many men are absolute trash.



Feb 13, 2021
Normie men will act as if they're above you and talk behind your back ( female behavior ). Also, they make fun of subhumans and mock them ( not in a friendly way ). This filth deserves to be beaten to death. Normgroid trash.
Normie men will act as if they're above you and talk behind your back ( female behavior ). Also, they make fun of subhumans and mock them ( not in a friendly way ). This filth deserves to be beaten to death. Normgroid trash.
Yeah but foids are still the master of talking behind someones back
Yes there was this faggot who would always talk about everyone behind their backs and make fun of their height, appearance, voice, behaviour etc. I am no longer in contact with that mongoloid looking fool.
They are trash but they aren't genetic trash, and that is the only thing that counts.
Personality is a meme, mentalcels don't exist, foids only care about genetics aka looks.
That's why you see utter trash males slaying left and right, because they look good.
Normie men will act as if they're above you and talk behind your back ( female behavior ). Also, they make fun of subhumans and mock them ( not in a friendly way ). This filth deserves to be beaten to death. Normgroid trash.
most people are incredibly evil.if i wasn't born,everything would have been fine.
Sometimes it makes me laugh. I see tons and tons of articles and discussions about how shitty men are and how much foids hate men. Seriously, go browse r/twoxchromosomes for half an hour, it's a form of self-harm for men. And yet, somehow foids can't seem to avoid getting into relationship after relationship with wife-beater bill or whoever the fuck.

The thing is, I honestly dislike those men more than anything else. They were blessed with good fortune in their birth & life circumstances, and then they're just going to abuse and trash their gifts, use them for evil and ingratitude. It pisses me the hell off when I read about some asshole who diddled his daughter or something, like talk about pissing in the pool you sick fuck. Wasting what he has (what I want) and then fucking up another two foids (mom & daughter both) for everybody else. Not even mentioning the domestic abusers.

It reminds me of something I read in this incredibly good, must-read article. It's pretty long so let me cut out the part that pertains:

– I had a patient, let’s call him ‘Henry’ for reasons that are to become clear, who came to hospital after being picked up for police for beating up his fifth wife.

So I asked the obvious question: “What happened to your first four wives?”

“Oh,” said the patient, “Domestic violence issues. Two of them left me. One of them I got put in jail, and she’d moved on once I got out. One I just grew tired of.”

“You’ve beaten up all five of your wives?” I asked in disbelief.

“Yeah,” he said, without sounding very apologetic.

“And why, exactly, were you beating your wife this time?” I asked.

“She was yelling at me, because I was cheating on her with one of my exes.”

“With your ex-wife? One of the ones you beat up?”


“So you beat up your wife, she left you, you married someone else, and then she came back and had an affair on the side with you?” I asked him.

“Yeah,” said Henry.

I wish, I wish I wish, that Henry was an isolated case. But he’s interesting more for his anomalously high number of victims than for the particular pattern.
(seriously, it's a good article)

This kind of thing really needs more attention on our forums if you ask me. Men like 'Henry' are every asshole who ever bullied you, who talked shit about you, who told you to 'man up'. Men like 'Henry' are the money-loving vampires leading PUA courses. Men like 'Henry' are your boss, your political representative, hell, even your dad for a lot of you. It's one thing to blame the foids who keep going back to Henry - call them out for what they are. But don't forget Henry, he's that kid who borrowed your gameboy and broke it "on accident" and expects to keep getting away with it because nobody is going to call him on it.

I really do think that, in some kind of hypothetical future, some sort of feminist/gender equality movement will see the light, understand our plight, and grasp the 'Henry and his many wives' problem and start to agitate or something about that. Since we're all just a bunch of fucking loser subhumans (according to society), we are powerless to stop Henry. I'm just yelling at the Moon for rising at this point, nothing I say or do could ever help. It's over, gents.
Also, they make fun of subhumans and mock them

"Subhumans" have superior intelligence. Those who mock us are known for their vain dullness.

This filth deserves to be beaten to death. Normgroid trash.




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Sometimes it makes me laugh. I see tons and tons of articles and discussions about how shitty men are and how much foids hate men. Seriously, go browse r/twoxchromosomes for half an hour, it's a form of self-harm for men. And yet, somehow foids can't seem to avoid getting into relationship after relationship with wife-beater bill or whoever the fuck.

The thing is, I honestly dislike those men more than anything else. They were blessed with good fortune in their birth & life circumstances, and then they're just going to abuse and trash their gifts, use them for evil and ingratitude. It pisses me the hell off when I read about some asshole who diddled his daughter or something, like talk about pissing in the pool you sick fuck. Wasting what he has (what I want) and then fucking up another two foids (mom & daughter both) for everybody else. Not even mentioning the domestic abusers.

It reminds me of something I read in this incredibly good, must-read article. It's pretty long so let me cut out the part that pertains:

(seriously, it's a good article)

This kind of thing really needs more attention on our forums if you ask me. Men like 'Henry' are every asshole who ever bullied you, who talked shit about you, who told you to 'man up'. Men like 'Henry' are the money-loving vampires leading PUA courses. Men like 'Henry' are your boss, your political representative, hell, even your dad for a lot of you. It's one thing to blame the foids who keep going back to Henry - call them out for what they are. But don't forget Henry, he's that kid who borrowed your gameboy and broke it "on accident" and expects to keep getting away with it because nobody is going to call him on it.

I really do think that, in some kind of hypothetical future, some sort of feminist/gender equality movement will see the light, understand our plight, and grasp the 'Henry and his many wives' problem and start to agitate or something about that. Since we're all just a bunch of fucking loser subhumans (according to society), we are powerless to stop Henry. I'm just yelling at the Moon for rising at this point, nothing I say or do could ever help. It's over, gents.
foids wont touch this
Sometimes it makes me laugh. I see tons and tons of articles and discussions about how shitty men are and how much foids hate men. Seriously, go browse r/twoxchromosomes for half an hour, it's a form of self-harm for men. And yet, somehow foids can't seem to avoid getting into relationship after relationship with wife-beater bill or whoever the fuck.
Yesterday I was near the bus stop in a place where thieves, drug-addicts, prostitutes gather and one man threatened to beat some female in the most vulgar and rude manner. They both seemed to be a lowlifes. Maybe female was a prostitute but she still interacted and accompany this man.
'B-but it's hard for the victim to leave the abuser :soy:'.
At the same time, females have no problems to ignore and denigrate nerds and shy harmless men.
Normie men will act as if they're above you and talk behind your back ( female behavior ). Also, they make fun of subhumans and mock them ( not in a friendly way ). This filth deserves to be beaten to death. Normgroid trash.

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