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Blackpill Manlets aren't even seen as men.



Mar 16, 2018
I have a pretty vicious blackpill anecdote from work earlier today.

A customer walked up to one of my supervisors to ask where he could make a return on an item, and she pointed and told him to "Talk to the boy in the blue vest down there." referring to another front end supervisor at the store who is like 5'4". He said "Who?" and she repeated, "That boy in the blue vest."
Now this is a guy who is in his late 20s, and older than her, so I assumed maybe this was some kind of in-joke between the two of them, so I asked her why she kept calling him "boy".

Her response? "Because he's short as fuck, I don't want him looking all around trying to find a grown man".
I have to say, at that moment I suddenly understood and sympathized completely with manlets. Lately i've been running into situations like this where I see people on here complain about them all the time, but because I never personally encountered stuff like this IRL I thought maybe they're just exaggerating or it's just not something you would notice blatantly. But nah, manlets being seen as less than men is totally legit. Pretty fucked up IMO.
racism isnt accepted becuase you cant change your skin colour. yet heightism is accepted despite not being able to change your height. society is funny sometimes...
racism isnt accepted becuase you cant change your skin colour. yet heightism is accepted despite not being able to change your height. society is funny sometimes...
high iq
yea 5ft4 is complete death sentence
Damn being a manlet is hard as fuck. But making fun of then is so enjoyable at the same time for some reason.
Her response? "Because he's short as fuck, I don't want him looking all around trying to find a grown man".
That is raging, do reverse the gender, and you would be labelled as a misogynist
Jfl if you are an ethnic manlet. Literally 1/16 of a person.
we are not even seen as humans
Being short should be considered a physical disability by the Social Security Administration IMO.
Now do you CUNTS understand! Do you finally realize what it is like to live in my shoes!???? Bathe in it! To you lazy tallfags, you will never, in your life understand the amount of disrespect a TRUECEL, which can only be a manlet, specifically an ETHNIC MANLET goes through.

Take your "muh FACE>Height" bullshit and shove it up your wide gaping assholes!!!!

If someone called Tellem “boy”, he could knock them out and be praised a hero because the speaker was being racist. If someone called a short man “boy” to their face and he fought back, he’s too sensitive.
Manlets on suicide watch
I was called "boy" or "young boy" constantly when I worked in a Supermarket at age 20/21.

I asked one arsehole why they addressed me as "young boy": They said it was because I looked 16. They thought I was 16. (the bare minimum age to work in the UK). I asked them why and they said its my young face, small height (I was legit 5'9) and thin build (135lbs).
Growing facial hair would likely help at least a little if you can. No little boys have beards, until highschool at least.

I'm manlett and I've never been called little boy. But I've also always been fat and rocking the neckbeard.

Since I've lost way I've done better at grooming my facial hair though, before I just didn't care really.
Thank the gods I'm 5'11, I'm a manlet yes but I'm not a turbo manlet.
Short men should be compensated with free euthanasia. Seriously, they're seen as little boys.
The small men will never breed and that's for the better of society.
Manlets should've UBI
Being a manlet is a fucking curse. I could have a 10/10 face but it doesn't mean shit.
Jesus that’s crazy suifuel
Being a manlet is a fucking curse. I could have a 10/10 face but it doesn't mean shit.

A manlet with a 10/10 face WILL get laid.

Being a manlet with a 10/10 face will not get you the results of being tall with 10/10 of course, but you will get laid.
Growing facial hair would likely help at least a little if you can. No little boys have beards, until highschool at least.

I'm manlett and I've never been called little boy. But I've also always been fat and rocking the neckbeard.

Since I've lost way I've done better at grooming my facial hair though, before I just didn't care really.
A manlet with a 10/10 face WILL get laid.

Being a manlet with a 10/10 face will not get you the results of being tall with 10/10 of course, but you will get laid.

run tinder experiment with a 5'6 chad and lets see how far it gets him
Manlets, when will they ever learn?
run tinder experiment with a 5'6 chad and lets see how far it gets him

I do not have the time or resources to pull this off, but I can guarantee he WILL get matches. Maybe not the top tier women, but he will get matches with quality looks women.
racism isnt accepted becuase you cant change your skin colour. yet heightism is accepted despite not being able to change your height. society is funny sometimes...
My buddy had a ladyfriend who informed him that her friends thought he was cute, but he was too short. These same cunts would probably use him as a beta provider once they hit the wall and needed to settle down. Heck em!

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