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Discussion Male suicide can help fight feminism



Mar 3, 2021
In order to get engagement I had to write the thread title that way to be clickbait.

Now, lemme cook.


It is objective truth that pain is the currency we pay to unclock progress and gain knowledge. Every event in history that has been categorized a tragedy is characterized by pain being created through varieties of suffering. This pain is a resource so to say which automatically is used as a material to create knowledge through the proces of reflection, leading to better optimization of society and ability to bring into policy vague ideas that hence become concepts. A state of being without pain means there is nothing more to intelectually discover as well as to execute into reality.

Example could be the vast philosophical disctincion beetwen a fact and a rule. Both words sign at one thing, that tautologically is translatable into a fact or rule by virtue of marking one and the same thing.

It is a fact that ww2 started at the 1st of september of 1939
It is a rule to consider the 1st of septemeber of 1939 as the start date of ww2 (or to say it a lil bit more funky and linguistically ugly, WW2 has a rule to itself, to last from the 1st of september of 1939 to the 2nd of the september 1945)

YourNickname.is is reading this thread (observable)
YourNickname.is is determined by the enviroment, mood, circumstance to showcase interest in the content of this thread (it is a rule you read this thread, as you are charaterized by traits making you react to this thread with the action of reading)


Generally speaking some truths are easier to be discovered with one or the other method depending what traits said content of the truth has, if its more material, more a schematic beetwen material objects. Thus, why rules in the above examples sound so complicated, as you need extra time and fluency in mastership over the process of examination of the world to form them.

Meaning: The difference beetwen a fact and rule, is to honor the method with which we came to discover it. Facts are empirical, grounded in reality, rules are applied to where the object of truth was realized to be true with the mind.

Now, how will male suicide help fighting feminism?

Through pain.

Let me illustrate:

As we can see, a event of the tragic category is happening before our eyes - The Baby reindeer dude has been blatantly taken as the bad character althou he is the victim, whilst this martha foid has been praised.

What meets the eye is a genuine try to have both sides at the table, to get the two sides of the story and to try and find the true culprit.
However what is happening is that foids are implictly disregarding male honesty when it comes to trauma coming from a foid. This is a indirect message to stay silent and not reveal your pain, or else you'l become the target of disdain, dehumanization and laughed at, whilst the truly guilty untouched.

What is important to note, this confidence and thus the phenomen as a whole to do it so openly is a product of feminism, not foidly nature. Feminism is a self fulffiling prophecy of foidy nature and intensifies foidy judgment and hypheregamia. Without feminism this wouldn't have the clout it has and foids and the number of them who praise the efforts to undermine the baby reindeer dude would be so small this man would only be possible to be squished by other men who see hi as weak and not worth living because he allowed himself to loose to a foid, decreasing the prestige of the collective that is the male gender.

By recognising whatsoever the practical effect of this behaviour on the group which are men and seeing their reaction, jugding by effects solitarily, can it be only then decided if it is good ro bad.

Since this will lead to an increase of anexiety and reinforce foidy hate towards male victimhood and idea to whow compassion understading and not have your idea of the man's masculunity decrease by him showing his problems, it must reinforce the opposite idea of keeping it to oneself.

The natural consequence is the increase of male suicide.

If foids claim the patriarchy has madethe words "slut" and "bitch" words of misogyny when used by men to keep foids in control by shaming them (this shaming leading to all kinds of disorders and foids get), then such actions like this one with baby reindeer MUST be a sign of misandry as it is a action which efect is to control men by making them not reveal their problems to foids and keep it to themselves.

Only male suicide has been shown to function as a counter meassure towards feminist talking points.
We are at war with foids. Casualties are needed and men loosing hard casualties show will to win this. Effort takes costs and male suicide is why we will win.

Its unfortunate, but its is the most painful.
And pain is neccesrry for progress.

The bear vs man thing should lead to an increase on male suicide and thus give the trend started by foids an effect of killing men, giving us the argument for its misandristic nature, giving us a reason to fight feminnism.

Weneed to always underline the effects of feminism on men and focus on pain and suffering, because it is the ultimate proof feminism cannot be for men f it hurts them.

It is not simply a political matter, it is a matter of existential scale. Literally.
lead the revolution then brother
lead the revolution then brother
I will, I just need to get a few hundred more subs on my polish incel channel to add some spice to it. I want to sort of popular brocel.
What is this rambling mate
It is objective truth that pain is the currency we pay to unclock progress and gain knowledge.
Every event in history that has been categorized a tragedy is characterized by pain being created through varieties of suffering.
Example could be the vast philosophical disctincion beetwen a fact and a rule. Both words sign at one thing, that tautologically is translatable into a fact or rule by virtue of marking one and the same thing.
ChatGPT in case I'm not the only one lost:
  1. Fact: A fact is a statement or assertion about reality that is objectively true and can be verified through observation, measurement, or evidence. Facts describe the state of the world as it is, independent of individual beliefs or interpretations. For example, "The Earth revolves around the Sun" is a factual statement because it describes an objective truth about the natural world.
  2. Rule: A rule, on the other hand, is a principle or guideline that governs behaviour or action. Rules can be prescriptive, meaning they dictate what should be done, or descriptive, meaning they describe what is typically done. Rules are often based on social norms, cultural values, or legal principles. For example, "Do not steal" is a prescriptive rule that prescribes a certain behaviour, while "Stop at red lights" is a descriptive rule that describes a typical behaviour expected in traffic.
In summary, while facts describe objective truths about reality, rules prescribe or describe behaviours and actions within social, cultural, or legal contexts. Facts inform our understanding of the world, while rules guide our behaviour within it.
YourNickname.is is reading this thread (observable)
YourNickname.is is determined by the enviroment, mood, circumstance to showcase interest in the content of this thread (it is a rule you read this thread, as you are charaterized by traits making you react to this thread with the action of reading)

As we can see, a event of the tragic category is happening before our eyes - The Baby reindeer dude has been blatantly taken as the bad character althou he is the victim, whilst this martha foid has been praised.
I'll take your word for it. I don't know who those people are.

What is important to note, this confidence and thus the phenomen as a whole to do it so openly is a product of feminism, not foidly nature.
decreasing the prestige of the collective that is the male gender.

By recognising whatsoever the practical effect of this behaviour on the group which are men and seeing their reaction, jugding by effects solitarily, can it be only then decided if it is good ro bad.
What's the effect?

Since this will lead to an increase of anexiety and reinforce foidy hate towards male victimhood and idea to whow compassion understading and not have your idea of the man's masculunity decrease by him showing his problems, it must reinforce the opposite idea of keeping it to oneself.

The natural consequence is the increase of male suicide.
Naturally, I suppose. Although I think you're exaggerating somewhat. I'm honestly trying not to "there are children dying in Palestine" right now but...seriously? Anybody who commits suicide in these circumstances should be shamed. I know women who chose to persevere while being molested by American forces in their captivity in Afghanistan. Killing oneself here is a spit in the face of "the prestige of the collective that is the male gender."

If foids claim the patriarchy has madethe words "slut" and "bitch" words of misogyny when used by men to keep foids in control by shaming them (this shaming leading to all kinds of disorders and foids get), then such actions like this one with baby reindeer MUST be a sign of misandry as it is a action which efect is to control men by making them not reveal their problems to foids and keep it to themselve
Let me advertise Islam in it's majesty as a means to counter female promiscuity.

Only male suicide has been shown to function as a counter meassure towards feminist talking points.
No?! Male suicide rates are brought up here and there as a gotcha moment for a glimpse of a second. They combat nothing.

We are at war with foids. Casualties are needed and men loosing hard casualties show will to win this. Effort takes costs and male suicide is why we will win.
Why should anyone collectivise based on the absence of affection due to unfortunate circumstances? Sex and love outside of your family is serious, but holy. There is no incentive, no principles. It's not incels vs foids. It's incels vs anyone who isn't sympathetic to incels. Normies will not give a fuck about this because they're either satisfied or don't believe in collectivising due to said reasons. Same with Chads. Honestly, you'd be doing foids a favour by having us i.e. undesirables killing ourselves. And then there are incels who want to live, are religious, have to take care of their pets, etc. It's not like the state will mandate wives to stop us from self-deleting ourselves. Why should I hold my hand to you to combat feminism through suicide?

The bear vs man thing should lead to an increase on male suicide and thus give the trend started by foids an effect of killing men, giving us the argument for its misandristic nature, giving us a reason to fight feminnism.

No. Just give women a reason for them to choose a bear over a man. They give us the compliment of being the top predators but don't show us any respect. Women are not good at fighting, so they find other ways of getting what they want from a young age when they realise intimidation and domination isn't an option for them. Go back 100 years ago and you'll see what I mean. I don't know how to achieve this. Obviously, we'd be oppressing women as a whole. And unlike men, women have this weird thing where they are protective over each other when a foid argues against a man or vice verse. I don't understand that at all. It's so odd. If you can find a justification that serves both sexes, then something can come out of it. Religion is a good justification e.g. but God said so.
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ChatGPT in case I'm not the only one lost:
  1. Fact: A fact is a statement or assertion about reality that is objectively true and can be verified through observation, measurement, or evidence. Facts describe the state of the world as it is, independent of individual beliefs or interpretations. For example, "The Earth revolves around the Sun" is a factual statement because it describes an objective truth about the natural world.
  2. Rule: A rule, on the other hand, is a principle or guideline that governs behaviour or action. Rules can be prescriptive, meaning they dictate what should be done, or descriptive, meaning they describe what is typically done. Rules are often based on social norms, cultural values, or legal principles. For example, "Do not steal" is a prescriptive rule that prescribes a certain behaviour, while "Stop at red lights" is a descriptive rule that describes a typical behaviour expected in traffic.
In summary, while facts describe objective truths about reality, rules prescribe or describe behaviours and actions within social, cultural, or legal contexts. Facts inform our understanding of the world, while rules guide our behaviour within it.
I do not understand where the counterargument is made. A rule and fact are at base reffering to the same thing, some truth. This truth has been gained with either empirical or rational conduct. Depending which was more important, the words "fact" or "rule" is used.

"The earth revolves around the sun" is no more a rule about the behaviour (if an object can technically even have it) of the earth, then it is a fact. In my view what I just said prety much is like buttery butter. Same stuff. You find it different.

However its very convenient in my case, as the sentence you used can both reasonably in the confines of the english language be used to formulate a rule and a fact, which you find to be 2 seperate things. Thus I ask you, if from two things the same result is given, are thye different? If yes, I'd like to know what the consequences in practice are for categorizing the sentence "the earth revolves around the sun" as a rule are and what practical outcome is there if we categroize as fact. If not, nd I'ma still not right, why. If yes but I'm not righyt, why and if yes and I am right, lets leave it there.

What's the effect?
Increase or decrease of the male suicide rate. If it causes an increase, you can argue it did this to men, it made them feel worse, it made them feel undesirable to the point of not living, it was a fcator that drove some to do it, it is a information that encourages their mental illness. If so, its toxic, its a hrash form of discrimination. This point is a opportunity to strike at full force, not only to set back the narrative causing it, but to also dig a hole into foids by scracthing the fundament it came from, feminism.
Same with Chads. Honestly, you'd be doing foids a favour by having us i.e. undesirables killing ourselves
You didn't understand. Its undersirebles who will be most affected, but there is just so many undesirebles and we start getting to normiedom. Your argument sounds akin to a soviet official thinking "Comrade Stalin wants to throw more men to death, doesn't he understand he is helping the nazis exterminate us? Qiality, not quantity"

I am of course the soviet official, and unlike the soviet official in my methaphor other then to think I also write. Naturally I will meet a lot of negative response and put a stamp guaranteering social death even here on this forum with my take. Its radical.

Now, your misstep is similar to people confusing saying untrue things and lying. Lying demands you do it on purpose to fool or to hide the truth, speaking untrue things can be done by people who believe they are speaking the truth but don't know they don't.

I don't want more of us to die. To me, reality is built this way, I disagree its good, but I can't change shit. I can only work within it and within it. Maybe succbuming to it is becoming its partner...I do no such thing, I only offer a interpretation what coefficient will emerge/change and what effects it will have potentially.

It ought not be like this. yet it is. Its sad.
Killing oneself here is a spit in the face of "the prestige of the collective that is the male gender."
This "decreasing prestige of the male gender" reffered to a bad trait we men have. ISo i'll re-state; if the baby reindder dude revealed his experience in the society of 100 years ago, it would be primarly men who would be the source of his social suffering, as the normies of that time would destroy him for letting himself be played like this by a foid.

I also agree to what you wrote regarding male solidarity (as seen below)
Why should anyone collectivise based on the absence of affection due to unfortunate circumstances? Sex and love outside of your family is serious, but holy. There is no incentive, no principles. It's not incels vs foids. It's incels vs anyone who isn't sympathetic to incels. Normies will not give a fuck about this because they're either satisfied or don't believe in collectivising due to said reasons. Same with Chads. Honestly, you'd be doing foids a favour by having us i.e. undesirables killing ourselves. And then there are incels who want to live, are religious, have to take care of their pets, etc. It's not like the state will mandate wives to stop us from self-deleting ourselves
To add to it I personally despise "honor" as it is a carricature of justice and its mastly men who care about it. This should be weeded out.

Brocel, if you agree that describing or explaining something does not mean condoning it, but for people its a sign that you are (which is stupid and a error just like confusing "I agree" and "I understad") then please approach my thread more as a proposiotn to where the world goes rather then me saying it MUST go so.

I just want to use the resources well, not create them (Male suicide exists, so let's use it, not support it.)

No?! Male suicide rates are brought up here and there as a gotcha moment for a glimpse of a second. They combat nothing.
Being brought up, means its worthy of attention. Giving anything attention in its own has utility. People think about it. People will start to incorporate its existence into their lives. Before policy, it is the small acts of the little people that spiral into the first effects by neccesity.

Tell me, isn't the case after there is wide outrage after a parent with grave negliance lead their kid to some harm? Isn't there obnoxious and irrational allergic reaction to the most innocent things turning hurtful? Don't people have it in memeory for amonth before it settles? Is there no chnage in their lifestyle and thinking?

With levels of attention, come levels of managing. Even blackpill sceptics might get swayed and later rationalize their huge efforts of what essentially becomes looksmaxing they perform. Thye think its just them taking some articles as true, whilst rejecting the whole constellation which is the blackpill. Thye don't recognize their change is a product of their meeting with the blackpill. Thye are closer to us, maybe even sympathethic or more understading of foidy nature.

Let me advertise Islam in it's majesty as a means to counter female promiscuity.
Is your faith genuine or instrumental? Are you an atheist who recognizes its power and function or are you a true believer?
Just give women a reason for them to choose a bear over a man.
Yes. Which increases male suicidality. If the primary effect seen and given attention is the effect on men and their mental health, then it must become less about foids communicating their problems with men and their behaviour and why they would rather have a bear and not a man in the forest.

The whole point is to reduce every feminist trend to it hurting men. To show it can and does only hurt men. To conjoin into one that feminnist expression causes men's suffering or there is strong co-relation with it.

In which case It can't fro that point on stand on feminist tradition for fighting for both genders, but rather it became an entirely different thing which primarly hurts men and anything different is product of second value.
I do not understand where the counterargument is made. A rule and fact are at base reffering to the same thing, some truth. This truth has been gained with either empirical or rational conduct. Depending which was more important, the words "fact" or "rule" is used.

"The earth revolves around the sun" is no more a rule about the behaviour (if an object can technically even have it) of the earth, then it is a fact. In my view what I just said prety much is like buttery butter. Same stuff. You find it different.

However its very convenient in my case, as the sentence you used can both reasonably in the confines of the english language be used to formulate a rule and a fact, which you find to be 2 seperate things. Thus I ask you, if from two things the same result is given, are thye different? If yes, I'd like to know what the consequences in practice are for categorizing the sentence "the earth revolves around the sun" as a rule are and what practical outcome is there if we categroize as fact. If not, nd I'ma still not right, why. If yes but I'm not righyt, why and if yes and I am right, lets leave it there.
Oh, there's no counterargument there. I was just providing more context on your behalf. I need to be spoon-fed sometimes.

Brocel, if you agree that describing or explaining something does not mean condoning it, but for people its a sign that you are (which is stupid and a error just like confusing "I agree" and "I understad") then please approach my thread more as a proposiotn to where the world goes rather then me saying it MUST go so.

I just want to use the resources well, not create them (Male suicide exists, so let's use it, not support it.)
Apologies. You're right. Brocell.

This "decreasing prestige of the male gender" reffered to a bad trait we men have. ISo i'll re-state; if the baby reindder dude revealed his experience in the society of 100 years ago, it would be primarly men who would be the source of his social suffering, as the normies of that time would destroy him for letting himself be played like this by a foid.
Some concepts are engrained in manhood. Should we disregard them, honestly? Is the prestige of our gender bad?
I'm not sure who baby reindeer is. I'm sure a lot of men a 100 years ago would trash-talk him about being played by a foid. I'm thinking a bar in Louisiana and he's getting torn apart for it over drinks. I guess I was thinking of a more religious location.
The woman would be done for socially even if both her and the man received penal punishments since her value is derived from her "honour" whereas the man might be sympathised for falling weak to beauty and evil whispering from the devil.

Yes. Which increases male suicidality. If the primary effect seen and given attention is the effect on men and their mental health, then it must become less about foids communicating their problems with men and their behaviour and why they would rather have a bear and not a man in the forest.

The whole point is to reduce every feminist trend to it hurting men. To show it can and does only hurt men. To conjoin into one that feminnist expression causes men's suffering or there is strong co-relation with it.

"Men are dogs!" - My Mother.

The Man vs Bear question is strange. Is it due to ambiguous wording?
If you replaced man with any other group, the notion would quickly be changed. It's the same females, and even normies here and there, who say there's an unspoken rule against fathers showering their young daughters, or even changing their diapers.
It makes me so sick. Foids say we're animals, monsters, overwhelming, cruel...so why are you still running your mouth? Why aren't you scared of getting hit? Why are you talking down on us and laughing in flocks like we're jesters for questioning you? And then you pull the biological-card when you mess with the wrong dude? Just think about it. Imagine if weaker guys were running their mouths half as much as foids. They'd be put in their place instantly. At least they understand as men that nobody is coming to save them.

...I think you convinced me it's set up against men from top to bottom, and lamented the upcoming point I'm going to agree to.

With levels of attention, come levels of managing. Even blackpill sceptics might get swayed and later rationalize their huge efforts of what essentially becomes looksmaxing they perform. Thye think its just them taking some articles as true, whilst rejecting the whole constellation which is the blackpill. Thye don't recognize their change is a product of their meeting with the blackpill. Thye are closer to us, maybe even sympathethic or more understading of foidy nature.


Is your faith genuine or instrumental? Are you an atheist who recognizes its power and function or are you a true believer?
A true believer. The power is established through the blood of religious fanatics. It can't be faked since there really is no space for non-believers in a world where Islam is being ruled by in it's full majesty. The world wasn't and isn't and never will want the establishment of a true Islamic State. Military conquests are natural, but our world switched it to economic warfare, and proxy wars. Women have inherit value for their reproduction system. That's why spoils of war included them along with children of the fallen tribe. Islam is the way.

I don't want more of us to die. To me, reality is built this way, I disagree its good, but I can't change shit. I can only work within it and within it. Maybe succbuming to it is becoming its partner...I do no such thing, I only offer a interpretation what coefficient will emerge/change and what effects it will have potentially.

You are clearly an invested and intelligent individual to me. I am sure there are other ways. Even by radical metrics, what is being entertained here is very off-putting by nature. There's no struggle here against anyone. You just jump in the abyss, and then hopefully something changes? Maybe I'm just retarded.
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good to know that in the near future i will be of some use
good to know that in the near future i will be of some use
>'I just made a retarded title as clickbait'
>proceeds to double-down on the retarded title's premise


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