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RageFuel Make inceldom a Mental illness so therapist and Psychiatrist can get more money

Foids think inceldom is a choice because they are solipsist whores who cannot comprehend being unable to get sex on demand.
IT tranny opinion rejected, eat shit faggots
"There are a lot of highly attractive men who don’t have sex and work on building themselves"
Examples? No shit, attractive men have access to sex, so they have the choice to be celibate and focus on other activities. They have peace of mind that women will still be there when they decide to break their celibacy.
I have a buddy like that , a foid was begging for his dick. But dropped her to focus on Christ.
"There are a lot of highly attractive men who don’t have sex and work on building themselves"
Examples? No shit, attractive men have access to sex, so they have the choice to be celibate and focus on other activities. They have peace of mind that women will still be there when they decide to break their celibacy.
The absolute delusion of these people is astounding. You can tell most are women with zero grasp of what is like to be an average man much less an ugly one.

Mental illness is apparently when you don’t drink the koolaid and actually, despite all the societal top down pressures to the contrary, manage to think for yourself and accept reality as it is based on your observations and experiences. Therapists will only tell you the mainstream bullshit or pump you with drugs, none of that solves the underlying problems.

If this shit becomes widespread enough and you end up with enough poor ugly low status partnerless childless men with no hope and no ability to get ahead or form a family of their own, it could spell real trouble. That’s why the narrative is pushed so hard, why anyone who talks about what we do is shamed and has their reputation thrashed, and why half hearted “copes” like porn and games and drugs are pushed as an acceptable solution. In truth nothing but a real solution to the underlying problem will solve it seems to me.

Sadly when you take Chads + the entire female population + the amount of normie blue piller brainwashed men were outnumbered. The best thing we can do is spread the blackpill and the evidence that supports it as far as we can. Mainstream will censor and ban us of course.
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Mental illness = being too aware on how the world operates.
Just another person that doesnt know what an incel is tbh. Opinion can be disregarded as its not relevant. The OP doesnt know the topic they're talking about.
"There are a lot of highly attractive men who don’t have sex and work on building themselves"
Examples? No shit, attractive men have access to sex, so they have the choice to be celibate and focus on other activities. They have peace of mind that women will still be there when they decide to break their celibacy.
These people still think all inceldom equates to is hating muh wahmen and nothing else, fuck me how clueless are those normalfag morons.
IT's opinion does not matter.
It is associated with many mental illnesses.



"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Benjamin Morrow, Beaver Dam. Wasn't on the MSM. Look it up and learn the truth.",
"headline": "Milwaukee Mayor Blames Trump For Acid Attack On Peruvian-Born U.S. Citizen",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/mahud-villalaz-acid-attack-milwaukee-trump-barrett.html",
"timestamp": "Wed Nov 06 11:37:28 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "Wisconsin is a known White supremacist state.",
"headline": "Milwaukee Mayor Blames Trump For Acid Attack On Peruvian-Born U.S. Citizen",
"url": "https://news.yahoo.com/mahud-villalaz-acid-attack-milwaukee-trump-barrett.html",
"timestamp": "Wed Nov 06 11:34:23 UTC 2019"
"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "\"Autism Speaks\" is a horrible organization for people with Autism. They encourage discrimination against Autistic people.",
"headline": "Autism Speaks, Best Buddies and Special Olympics team up",
"url": "https://finance.yahoo.com/video/autism-speaks-best-buddies-special-165546497.html",
"timestamp": "Wed Nov 06 11:18:40 UTC 2019"

"is_ranking_enabled": true,
"user_text": "No, he'll soon become bitter when he realizes that blackness is seen as an ailment in America. I expect him to commit crimes like robbery after racist white employers make excuses to avoid hiring him for jobs.\n\nThen he'll receive harsh sentences for committing the same acts as White men. Welcome to the prison pipeline.",
"headline": "Photo of 8-year-old helping overwhelmed classmate with autism on first day of school goes viral: 'He was kind to me'",
"url": "https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/pho...l-goes-viral-he-was-kind-to-me-001348001.html",
"timestamp": "Tue Aug 27 01:37:50 UTC 2019"
dude it depends on whether you count mentalcels as incels or not.
Everything is a mental illness now in this clown world (except lgbtq bullshit ofc)
Sir, I have a mental case of no girl wanting me

It's all in your head boyo

Thank you sir, I am have sex now
"There are a lot of highly attractive men who don’t have sex and work on building themselves"
Examples? No shit, attractive men have access to sex, so they have the choice to be celibate and focus on other activities. They have peace of mind that women will still be there when they decide to break their celibacy.
High IQ, those attractive guys receive tons of attention from women, they have women friends and know very well if they wanted they could enter in a relationship with them any time, also they probably already had many experiences with women, it is completely different form never having any girlfriend, any sex, or even hugging a girl. It's pretty easy to focus on other things when the other option is accessible any time you want.

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