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JFL Majority of autists are beta looking (autism masuclinity is COPE)



Nov 24, 2017
I've seen some posts that advocates that autists usually have 'chad' or 'masucline' facial features, e.g. broad face and autists are 'extreme male' JFL.

You can autistically twerk things to your way as you want, no matter what 'science' articles says or something, autists are not extreme male.

The first theory, known as the empathising-systemising theory of typical sex differences, posits that, on average, females will score higher on tests of empathy than males, and that, on average, males will score higher on tests of systemising than females.

Empathy is the drive to recognise another person’s state of mind and to respond to another person’s state of mind with an appropriate emotion. Systemising is the drive to analyse or build a system where a system is defined as anything that follows rules or patterns.

The second theory, known as the extreme male brain theory of autism, extends the empathising-systemising theory. It posits that autistic people will, on average, show a shift towards “masculinised” scores on measures of empathy and systemising. In other words, they will score below average on empathy tests, but score at least average, or even above average, on systemising tests.

The data on the almost 700,000 people in our study (including over 36,000 autistic people) came from an online survey carried out for the Channel 4 documentary, Are you autistic? Our analysis of this data robustly confirmed the predictions of these two theories.

There is no mention of inhibition or aggression behavior whatsoever, which is linked to T level, considered 'masculine'

Does that (example) autist with beta looking face, who plays computer 24/7 with high inhibition is gonna malemogs the chad who goes out to parties and do things without inhibition??



Second part I'm gonna comment on my anecdotal evidence of my observation on autistic individuals.

I've seen autists all my life, usually they're extremely easy to spot by their behavior and talking pattern. They tend to have poor facial hygiene (lack of shaving) and awkward poses, however what stands out is that...

Most autists I know are horsefaced incels with weak jawlines, looking like the typical 'nerd' guy at your group.

There are some autists that are normal looking but their behavior gives them away. But most are below average, with weak features.

Weak jawline and recessed chin seems to be a defining feature for autistic individuals.

Typical Western Autist


Typical Asian Autist (with longer face)


What do you think?
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not sure who tf you're talking about that actually believes that
Water is wet
There is no mention of inhibition or aggression behavior whatsoever, which is linked to T level, considered 'masculine'

I think thats more of a result of continuous negative reinforcement rather than genetic high inhibition
nts learn too socialize thorough trial and error from an early age whats appropriate to say and whats not if they say the right thing they get rewarded with some kind of validation if they dont they get negative reinforcement, for autists its less like trial and error and more like error and error meaning social interactions are more of a guess or require strenuous levels of active thought to compensate for the lack of cognitive empathy(like for example trying to time your eye contact consciously ) this results in high inhibition if youre a high inhib autist you will be less laughed at and looked down upon than if your a low inhib autist

Second part I'm gonna comment on my anecdotal evidence of my observation on autistic individuals.

I've seen autists all my life, usually they're extremely easy to spot by their behavior and talking pattern. They tend to have poor facial hygiene (lack of shaving) and awkward poses, however what stands out is that...

Most autists I know are horsefaced incels with weak jawlines, looking like the typical 'nerd' guy at your group.

There are some autists that are normal looking but their behavior gives them away. But most are below average, with weak features.

Weak jawline and recessed chin seems to be a defining feature for autistic individuals.

having overly masculine features isnt necessarily considered a good thing having a big nose is masculine is a masculine trait, you need a balance of both masculine and feminine traits to be good looking obviously leaning on masculine, you could prove that autists are more feminine if they exhibit more feminine physical traits but being horse faced for example is a masculine trait thats a result of high exposure to prenatal testosterone

also autism is about overly masculine brain wiring and not about having and not necessarily about physical attributes

I do agree with the fact that being high t is a cope in the sense that it isnt necessarily a good thing, there are a lot of low t pretty boys that are slaying while we rot and feed our ego with about high t we are jfl also wtf is the point of saying youre high t when your actions reflect otherwise
Appearance is all that matters, you won't see an alpha autist either unless through some very exceptional circumstances the boy was raised by someone doing everything in their power to condition the kid to be assertive & able to fight from a very young age whilst avoiding being bullied by being in a more civilised school environment, then & only then might it be possible but more often than not autists have parents that frankly are weak willed or just plain old absent emotionally so the kid has no idea what the fuck they're doing so either spergs out all the time being a laughing stock or just becomes very high inhibition becoming a target for bullies & bottles everything up to the point that no one has any idea of the mental anguish they're going through every day as they've learnt no one gives a fuck about their problems.

In my case I had parents that neglected me, they were never present. Later I realized it's because they both had/have mental problems (Diogenes syndrome on mother's) & (high functioning autism on father's) but as a kid wtf do you know right? Grew up in poverty as neither had a job & lived in a very ethnic poor part of London surrounded by aggressive ethnics that would race up against minorities (minority locally in my own country nationally jfl), didn't want to tell my parents shit as I thought at the time they'd be disappointed with me more than they already were. Didn't realize they were absent due to their own set of problems, thought it was 'cos of me lol, lack of familial support & flakey friends that would drop you the instant they could have an easier time. Passive parents anyway, bipolar mother in the sense of one minute smothering & the next screaming at you & father that thinks everything is dangerous lol. Even if you can rationally understand things later in life all the shit leaves an imprint on you that doesn't simply wash off.
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Autism or autistic are words that I don't acknowledge in my vocabulary. There is no such thing as an autistic Chad or not even an autistic normie for that matter.

You are being attributed the autism label for the simple fact of being ugly. Because you are ugly, you become more prone of being socially excluded, rejected, bullied,etc..Therefore, you are the result of society treatment.
Autism or autistic are words that I don't acknowledge in my vocabulary. There is no such thing as an autistic Chad or not even an autistic normie for that matter.

You are being attributed the autism label for the simple fact of being ugly. Because you are ugly, you become more prone of being socially excluded, rejected, bullied,etc..Therefore, you are the result of society treatment.
Someone post that youtube vid with the autistic Chad. I do think mild autism/aspergers is overdiagnosed to ugly introverted men though.

Anyway I'm another anecdote to support your broscience OP. Beta looking with anusburgers.

niggas saw this and thought any autist is a chad facially JFL
I’m autistic and look like an effeminate lesbian tbh
Wonder what a curry autist looks like
I have autism.

The classification of Autism doesn't exist, solely the symptoms do. It's clear that if we're going with the psychiatric classification of Autism itself, there's no way to cure it to target the individual diagnosis. But by separating the symptoms from the diagnosis and matching the symptoms that the individual has with other disorders that are treatable, the symptoms would be targeted and either controlled or eliminated completely.
The classification of Autism doesn't exist, solely the symptoms do. It's clear that if we're going with the psychiatric classification of Autism itself, there's no way to cure it to target the individual diagnosis. But by separating the symptoms from the diagnosis and matching the symptoms that the individual has with other disorders that are treatable, the symptoms would be targeted and either controlled or eliminated completely.
I see.
MAJOR thing youre not putting into consideration is true austists vs incel "autists" (aka being treated like shit all your life type of autism vs actual real brain physiology autism) they are completely two different "types" of autism, but they fall under the same tag name and talked about as the same thing because distinguishing between the two would be to acknowledge the blackpill and make it have to be confronted by genuine scientific concern about the mental health of us
Autism is a manifistation of underdeveloped soical behaviours due to shunning by your peers early in life. Shunning because of LOOKS. Look up height and physical development of autistic people, they are lagging behind their peers. They look 2, 3, 4 grades below their actual age.
The typical western autist mogs me to fucking oblivion

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