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SuicideFuel Major Suicidefuel / Ragefuel from reddit



Eternal Virgin
May 2, 2018
I thought parental permission was necessary for an abortion. This is probably some 3rd world shithole then.
I say tell the little whore's parents and let them deal with her. I mean, if these little chad and stacey shit stains can fuck, they can deal with the consequences.
Also this and the comments their make me SSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOO glad about what Trump is doing with defunding planned parenthood. These liberal cuck sjws are encouraging this. God I hope Trump wins again.
I thought sex ed was supposed to prevent this.
Wow. So you're letting the whore off easy, but scolding the guy:

"Do not go hard on them in the car either on the way there or on the way home. The girl is probably scared silly. Take it easy.
Do talk to them. Will she get a medical (pill) or surgical abortion? Have they discussed what they plan to do for birth control afterwards? He needs to use condoms always, but it would be wise for her to use hormonal BC or an IUD as well. Doubling up is safest. Do they know where she can get BC? Is there a place in your town, or would she have to get it at the abortion clinic?
Yeah I get it. I’m not gonna say anything to her just to my brother after the fact."
And then we have the pro-baby killer who thinks they can tell you how to handle it:

Yes, please wait until after the fact. Offer your brother some time and let him know that you are there for him whenever he is ready to talk.
As for the girl, please for the love of god, absolutely nothing you say to her, is going to in any way improve or add value to what she is going through.
Going out on a limb, I'm guessing you have never been female, or 16 and pregnant, or a female who has made the torturous and very adult desison to have an abortion. In other words, you have zero experience in the matter so anything you tell her is going to be an unsolicited opinion from a stranger who has never had any experience with the subject at hand.
This is very likely the most traumatic, horrific decision, and experience that she has ever been through. And it's probably not a desison she took lightly, or made quickly without spending many hours researching the topic and weighing out her options. Young adults have all the resources they need to find facts online. Having this knowledge is an amazing thing and it means that kids her age are far further along into adulthood with regards to knowledge. But what the internet lacks is context, compassion, empathy, and human reassurance.
You can read all you want about the physical pain, emotional trauma, lasting psychological damage, and even the specific details about how abortions work. She likely knows more in terms of facts than you do about the process simply because she is faced with it, and has access to any answers she might wonder.
She has already endured many sleepless nights agonizing about what to do feeling very alone, afraid, and tortured over what to do, who to trust, the repercussions for future children, and issues that you probably wouldn't think of because they are unique to her and her situation.
The only thing you should provide her is a ride, being a person she can trust, and making sure that she is alright, and has access to people who can counsel her, people with experience and training, who have the resources to properly address her trauma. Any speech or lecture you give, no matter how well meaning, is likely to be unwanted, unhelpful, and cause more harm than good.
I don't intend to sound harsh or chastise you in any way , and you are an awesome person for standing up for family when they need it most.
But for context, imagine that you've just been involved in a horrific car accident. You are in pain, in shock, unsure of your actions, whether you made the right move, are you completely at fault, all the agonizing repercussions that you are facing. As you lay there broken, both in body and mind with a horrible fracture, you wonder how this event will affect your future. How many surgeries will it take to repair your body, will you ever be able to walk or work again, how will you put food on the table, how will you support yourself, will insurance cover the accident, will you lose your job, your car, your drivers license. A million questions and thoughts flood your mind, none of them good.
As you wait for the ambulance, a stranger approaches. A man you don't know, don't trust, and don't want to be around. You find out he is a trust fund kid in his thirties, he has never driven a car, never worried about money, never worked a day in his life. He looks over the damage and starts lecturing you on the choices you've made, how you need to drive more carefully, how you should live your life, things you should or shouldn't do, things you should or shouldn't know.
He sits there with you, as you are trapped. Unable to leave or make him shut up, he spends an hour with you letting you know all his opinions, all while never having dealt with any of the issues you face every day. They are nothing but opinions, and even worse completely uninformed opinions, opinions about you and your situation that you neither want, nor will help you in any way.
Is this stranger and his opinions providing anything of value to you, your life, or the repercussions of the car accident you've just endured? Do you want to hear his opinions? You didn't ask for them, and he has never struggled with any of the problems you face in your life.
To your brothers girlfriend, you are that stranger. She will be trapped in the car with you, essentially a stranger. Any speech or lecture will be nothing but your opinions, because you really can't relate to any of the experiences she has faced or will face after the abortion. At best you will make her extremely uncomfortable, while relaying information that you think is valuable solely for having lived an extra 8 years. Without experience or education, anything you provide to her is really just an opinion.
Be the best brother you can, and continue being an awesome person. The world needs more compassionate people like yourself, and you rock for making the world a better place."

That uh, that speaks for it's self
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JFL at the numales in the comments and fat harpies who think their shit advice is worth anything.

I wish I could machine gun these retarded cunts down, who the fuck do they think they are? Look how condescending and pathetic they sound.
I'd give him a lift, yeah. Then drive the three of us off a cliff.
"Your baby brother needs to understand that, really, he got lucky. My exH, not so much. He impregnated random party hook-up at 16, she kept the baby, he got hit for child support at 18, and was already in arrears because they start the child support from birth, so he was 2 years behind the day the judge signed the support order."

Well, good. Hey, if he's going to go full chad and knock up random hook ups, he deserves to have his life ruined. I wonder why he's the ex-husband......
"Oh no, they made a mistake. Berating then is not a good thing and all it’ll do is make them not want to come to you if they need help in the future."

No. Well yes, berating them is good. We don't do enough berating. Fuck I get berated over people for the most trivial shit. I think they need to be told to go fuck themselves and then get hit by a car. Yeah these "kids" need some fucking berating.
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I say tell the little whore's parents and let them deal with her. I mean, if these little chad and stacey shit stains can fuck, they can deal with the consequences.
Also this and the comments their make me SSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOO glad about what Trump is doing with defunding planned parenthood. These liberal cuck sjws are encouraging this. God I hope Trump wins again.
I thought sex ed was supposed to prevent this.
Wow. So you're letting the whore off easy, but scolding the guy:

"Do not go hard on them in the car either on the way there or on the way home. The girl is probably scared silly. Take it easy.
Do talk to them. Will she get a medical (pill) or surgical abortion? Have they discussed what they plan to do for birth control afterwards? He needs to use condoms always, but it would be wise for her to use hormonal BC or an IUD as well. Doubling up is safest. Do they know where she can get BC? Is there a place in your town, or would she have to get it at the abortion clinic?
Yeah I get it. I’m not gonna say anything to her just to my brother after the fact."
And then we have the pro-baby killer who thinks they can tell you how to handle it:

Yes, please wait until after the fact. Offer your brother some time and let him know that you are there for him whenever he is ready to talk.
As for the girl, please for the love of god, absolutely nothing you say to her, is going to in any way improve or add value to what she is going through.
Going out on a limb, I'm guessing you have never been female, or 16 and pregnant, or a female who has made the torturous and very adult desison to have an abortion. In other words, you have zero experience in the matter so anything you tell her is going to be an unsolicited opinion from a stranger who has never had any experience with the subject at hand.
This is very likely the most traumatic, horrific decision, and experience that she has ever been through. And it's probably not a desison she took lightly, or made quickly without spending many hours researching the topic and weighing out her options. Young adults have all the resources they need to find facts online. Having this knowledge is an amazing thing and it means that kids her age are far further along into adulthood with regards to knowledge. But what the internet lacks is context, compassion, empathy, and human reassurance.
You can read all you want about the physical pain, emotional trauma, lasting psychological damage, and even the specific details about how abortions work. She likely knows more in terms of facts than you do about the process simply because she is faced with it, and has access to any answers she might wonder.
She has already endured many sleepless nights agonizing about what to do feeling very alone, afraid, and tortured over what to do, who to trust, the repercussions for future children, and issues that you probably wouldn't think of because they are unique to her and her situation.
The only thing you should provide her is a ride, being a person she can trust, and making sure that she is alright, and has access to people who can counsel her, people with experience and training, who have the resources to properly address her trauma. Any speech or lecture you give, no matter how well meaning, is likely to be unwanted, unhelpful, and cause more harm than good.
I don't intend to sound harsh or chastise you in any way , and you are an awesome person for standing up for family when they need it most.
But for context, imagine that you've just been involved in a horrific car accident. You are in pain, in shock, unsure of your actions, whether you made the right move, are you completely at fault, all the agonizing repercussions that you are facing. As you lay there broken, both in body and mind with a horrible fracture, you wonder how this event will affect your future. How many surgeries will it take to repair your body, will you ever be able to walk or work again, how will you put food on the table, how will you support yourself, will insurance cover the accident, will you lose your job, your car, your drivers license. A million questions and thoughts flood your mind, none of them good.
As you wait for the ambulance, a stranger approaches. A man you don't know, don't trust, and don't want to be around. You find out he is a trust fund kid in his thirties, he has never driven a car, never worried about money, never worked a day in his life. He looks over the damage and starts lecturing you on the choices you've made, how you need to drive more carefully, how you should live your life, things you should or shouldn't do, things you should or shouldn't know.
He sits there with you, as you are trapped. Unable to leave or make him shut up, he spends an hour with you letting you know all his opinions, all while never having dealt with any of the issues you face every day. They are nothing but opinions, and even worse completely uninformed opinions, opinions about you and your situation that you neither want, nor will help you in any way.
Is this stranger and his opinions providing anything of value to you, your life, or the repercussions of the car accident you've just endured? Do you want to hear his opinions? You didn't ask for them, and he has never struggled with any of the problems you face in your life.
To your brothers girlfriend, you are that stranger. She will be trapped in the car with you, essentially a stranger. Any speech or lecture will be nothing but your opinions, because you really can't relate to any of the experiences she has faced or will face after the abortion. At best you will make her extremely uncomfortable, while relaying information that you think is valuable solely for having lived an extra 8 years. Without experience or education, anything you provide to her is really just an opinion.
Be the best brother you can, and continue being an awesome person. The world needs more compassionate people like yourself, and you rock for making the world a better place."

That uh, that speaks for it's self
The first commenter’s questions were all valid logical points to take into consideration. That weak numale replies “b-b-but feelings!”
My question is, why do all the nu-male soy boys and feminazis insist on this everyone has to be everyone else's shoulder to cry on emotional tampon support. with no judgement or take on it of their own?
they should be forced to get married and learn some responsibility
Damn. Imagine it was your kid and a bunch of fuckin numale strangers are telling him to go do shit like this without you knowing?
An abortion is only a big deal if you make it so. Have babies when you’re ready and want to take care of them. Just because you were indoctrinated with specific religious principles when you were young doesn’t make them have any logical value.

Killing your baby is NBD
Hopefully the coathanger abortion fails and the little dickhead is stuck with manslaughter of a whore in the making.
They should go abort the baby and castrate his little brother while they are there. These people dont deserve their genetics.
There are too many unwanted kids in the system. Too many. Its obvious the dude's little brother and the skank are stupid. Probably didn't use any control. But I'm going to have to disagree with most of you on the abortion. I'm pro choice for a few reasons. But mainly because I don't think this baby is going to have a stable life. Imagine being born to these two twits.

I'd tell him to take them and warn them it's a one time thing. His life is going to change too. A fucking 16 year old isn't ready for a baby. He's going to become the uncle and the babysitter and the go to for financial help (cuz chances are he works and his little brother doesn't work anything save his wannabe chad dick). Trust me his life is going to be affected too and not in a good way. That's not fair to him.

It's not fair to the baby. I don't give a fuck about the slut or Chad lite brother. I don't think the baby should be punished. You've seen teen moms. It's pathetic. My cousin decided to whore it up and now has three little kids and she's in her early 20s. What the fuck kind of life is that for a kid? I wouldn't trust a puppy with this bitch.
There are too many unwanted kids in the system. Too many. Its obvious the dude's little brother and the skank are stupid. Probably didn't use any control. But I'm going to have to disagree with most of you on the abortion. I'm pro choice for a few reasons. But mainly because I don't think this baby is going to have a stable life. Imagine being born to these two twits.

I'd tell him to take them and warn them it's a one time thing. His life is going to change too. A fucking 16 year old isn't ready for a baby. He's going to become the uncle and the babysitter and the go to for financial help (cuz chances are he works and his little brother doesn't work anything save his wannabe chad dick). Trust me his life is going to be affected too and not in a good way. That's not fair to him.

It's not fair to the baby. I don't give a fuck about the slut or Chad lite brother. I don't think the baby should be punished. You've seen teen moms. It's pathetic. My cousin decided to whore it up and now has three little kids and she's in her early 20s. What the fuck kind of life is that for a kid? I wouldn't trust a puppy with this bitch.
high iq post
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On the one hand, he should tell their parents ... on the other hand, the USA is full of Christcucks who are pro-life as long as you're not born, but let you die in the gutter or in the Middle East once you're alive. So maybe the cuckservatives want them to become teenage parents, lol. So ... hard to tell. I guess the best choice would be to tell their parents but if they object, drive them to abortion clinic anyway. Unless the state where they live is so full of cuckservatives that an abortion wouldn't be allowed without permission from the parents. Then it might be better to not say anything. But ... well, the kids should probably know how conservative their parents are. If they are conservatives, it might be better to not say anything and just get rid off the embryo.
Lifemogged by 16 year olds. Time to end it.
Fucking disguisting.ı hope they'll die both soon
Play stupid games win stupid prizes
There are too many unwanted kids in the system. Too many. Its obvious the dude's little brother and the skank are stupid. Probably didn't use any control. But I'm going to have to disagree with most of you on the abortion. I'm pro choice for a few reasons. But mainly because I don't think this baby is going to have a stable life. Imagine being born to these two twits.

I'd tell him to take them and warn them it's a one time thing. His life is going to change too. A fucking 16 year old isn't ready for a baby. He's going to become the uncle and the babysitter and the go to for financial help (cuz chances are he works and his little brother doesn't work anything save his wannabe chad dick). Trust me his life is going to be affected too and not in a good way. That's not fair to him.

It's not fair to the baby. I don't give a fuck about the slut or Chad lite brother. I don't think the baby should be punished. You've seen teen moms. It's pathetic. My cousin decided to whore it up and now has three little kids and she's in her early 20s. What the fuck kind of life is that for a kid? I wouldn't trust a puppy with this bitch.

Roasties are incapable of making sound decisions about bringing offspring into the world. The direct opposition to "pro-choice" is not "pro-life", but rather

compulsory abortions

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