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Story Mafia Boss Michael Franzese tells the truth about life

As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster. To me, being a gangster was better than being President of the United States. Even before I first wandered into the cabstand for an after-school job, I knew I wanted to be a part of them. It was there that I knew that I belonged. To me, it meant being somebody in a neighborhood that was full of nobodies. They weren't like anybody else. I mean, they did whatever they wanted. They double-parked in front of a hydrant and nobody ever gave them a ticket. In the summer when they played cards all night, nobody ever called the cops.
What's interesting, Kennedy admired...Adolf Hitler. Yes, that's right. Kennedy was definitely not a Liberal, rather Corporatist, who wanted to clean mess in USA, in the "hard way". That's why, he was killed, according to the most reliable theory by the American Mafia. All these theories about CIA, banksters, Soviet agents, Cuban anti-Communists and many other are far less rational.
See, the hardest thing for me was leaving the life. I still love the life. And we were treated like movie stars with muscle. We had it all, just for the asking. Our wives, mothers, kids, everybody rode along. I had paper bags filled with jewelry stashed in the kitchen. I had a sugar bowl full of coke next to the bed. Anything I wanted was a phone call away. Free cars. The keys to a dozen hideout flats all over the city. I'd bet twenty, thirty grand over a weekend and then I'd either blow the winnings in a week or go to the sharks to pay back the bookies. Didn't matter. It didn't mean anything. When I was broke I would go out and rob some more. We ran everything. We paid off cops. We paid off lawyers. We paid off judges. Everybody had their hands out. Everything was for the taking. And now it's all over. And that's the hardest part. Today, everything is different. There's no action. I have to wait around like everyone else. Can't even get decent food. Right after I got here, I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody. I get to live the rest of my life like a schnook.
Sounds fair to me. You are prepared to help them, but they must share your identity. Well-put.
 Is something wrong? It is rather obvious, that if someone has to live with my own apartment, must obey my rules. You cannot check in, into 5-Star Hotel and act, like being in 1-Star, am I right? Immigrants should ask, if they they may enter one's country, first, then a "landlord", may accept them or not. As experience with immigrants, show, only Asians, from East Asia act in decent way in foreign countries, yet, they are not willing to assimilate with the country, they entered. China Town is the best example of failed multi-culturalism. State-within state, where even police has little to say. But as example of Wólka Kosowska (Polish-Vietnamese "China Town") shows, with the strong surveillance, even local "mafias", allegedly supported by some elements, from Vietnamese Intelligence (although Vietnam, officially support Polish security forces, in this matter) situation might return into normality. Although it is, still, a "closed world" for the Polish people and other immigrants, living nearby, Vietnamese fully obey Polish Law. These who do not, are not longer, being covered by the local environment and are being sent, back to Vietnam with the help of Vietnamese Intelligence agents (these loyal to Vietnamese HQ), who work there.

Problem is, that in case of Western Europe, everything, went to far. France, Sweden, Germany, UK, Holland, no longer control their "inner states".
I always wanted to watch The GOdfather
I can't help but think this guy is bullshitting the entire interview. The basic rule is you never tell your secrets, and it seems like he's just playing the game.
He was never a mob boss, he just was just a random "made guy" who made a lot of money for the Italian-American mob at some point when he started working together with some Russians or Ukrainians in a lucrative gas tax fraud. He didn't even get to keep most of that money but had to pay it to his bosses.

Still an interesting story nonetheless.

I can't help but think this guy is bullshitting the entire interview. The basic rule is you never tell your secrets, and it seems like he's just playing the game.

He became a born again Christian and went out of the mob. He's no longer part of that life.
I'm sure oligarchs and the corrupted old political and economical establishment would be happy to see that because they wouldn't be disturbed by their "samoderzhavi". But it is obviously not in the interest of ordinary citizens of Ukraine who would like to see a well working governance, fair justice, and all the ingredients of classical (I have to say classical now because the times are changing) Western "Rechtstaat".
 Ukraine is already a country which is dominated by oligarkhs, just like Poland or Czech Republic. In post- communist Europe, oligarkhy is a natural system of society. Big capitalists de facto, rule Czech Republic (Babis), Poland (Kulczyk, officially died, because he was highly corrupted, Solorz-Żak is also a oligarkh with his private media conglomerate, Polsat), Russia, Ukraine. 
So called "rule of law" is a myth, because in Western countries, rule small cliques, mafias, oligarkhs or some minorities who have "rule of law" deep in their pockets. It is German business which stands behind massive inflow of migrants to Germany which is definitely against interest of the German people, especially young, German men. Germany is a country where there is no rule of law, at all, the same as whole EU. Political correctness+multiculturalism stand in the opposition to the rule of law.

If Europe were lawful place, there would be no problems with immigrants, because most of them, would be deported, long time ago.

Economic growth is not all. Poland during the last 25 years, has risen five-fold its GDP, maybe even more. So what? I mean whole transition not only economic one, but political, social and mental. West Germany had successeded but it commited many crimes, too. For example against history, its agent, for example, deliberately created term "Polish Death Camps" to rewrite the history and make victims, the perpetretors. Is Germany a democratic country nowadays? Absolutely not, best example – ban of NPD, politically correct political scene and many more. Italy is a country which, similarily to post 1989 Poland "exist only theory". Corruption is wisespread, state is a failure, mafia is stronger than ever.

It is ultimate effect which has value, not only some economic data.
I must say, that except all bad sides of contemporary France, this is the country which transformed its society and economy pretty well, a country with best demography, next to Ireland with rise of nationalist forces, deep euro-scepticism, pretty good institution, stable political system. Compare it to Sweden which has been simply devastated for the last decades, Sweden as a country and nation "exit only in theory". The same as Britian, de-facto a failed state nowadays, close to political destruction(Scottish independence) with failed and undemocratic political and electoral system (last elections' results).
He was never a mob boss, he just was just a random "made guy" who made a lot of money for the Italian-American mob at some point when he started working together with some Russians or Ukrainians in a lucrative gas tax fraud. He didn't even get to keep most of that money but had to pay it to his bosses.

Still an interesting story nonetheless.

He became a born again Christian and went out of the mob. He's no longer part of that life.
I do consider myself Catholic, but I am die hard anti-clerical nowadays, since Catholic Church is ruled by gays, pedophiles, mafia and leftists (like Pope Francis). But it is nice to hear than in many Western European countries, Christian-conservative people have the courage to speak against leftist-liberal, atheist madness.

As a Corporatist, I hope, that Europe will make an anti-Islam brainwashing of Muslims, coming to Europe, make them to converse into Christianity and they will be our defence against the Muslim invaders.
I like mob guys especially this one. they are honest:

Spagetthis me

You wrote the answer. I speak about 100% accuracy in one criminal conviction. Like in case of mass murderers. For me, not only serial killer rapist, but mass murderers should be sent to death. Normal people should feel safe, within the society and society has the full right to get rid of the social parasites. 
Prisons should be for ordinary criminals like petty thiefs or these who do ordinary crimes. Or for these who beat the innocent people, on the street. I really see no need for sending mafia members or gang members to the prisons, especially these who have committed serious murders. Death Penalty helps to economize on penitentiary system, isn't it?
What's interesting, Kennedy admired...Adolf Hitler. Yes, that's right. Kennedy was definitely not a Liberal, rather Corporatist, who wanted to clean mess in USA, in the "hard way". That's why, he was killed, according to the most reliable theory by the American Mafia. All these theories about CIA, banksters, Soviet agents, Cuban anti-Communists and many other are far less rational.
He also cut federal taxes to increase tax revenue, aka giving corporations a "handout" which helped the economy. Was a shady guy though himself and he was also a pretty cruel campaigner. They both shared a meth addiction too.

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