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RageFuel Low self esteem is actually good.



Jan 2, 2018
Low self esteem is NOT a bad thing when you really think about it. Anymore than needing to cut down trees so that we as humans need heat to survive. It brings darkness on your spirit, your lightfulness on the universe, your positivity to others.
The evil of cutting down trees (ruining the positivity for your spirit) is made okay by the industry that produces (the power you get from being an aggressive compensator/ gaining power as a perfectionist to stand to value and claim the value you feel you are INHERENTLY deserving of.

The determination, fury garnered from focusing on the unfairness of the universe will propel you to do what you need to gain power.
If life was unfair to you then you find it fair to gain an advantage no matter how unfair it is to others. It's only fair. They had the advantage for THEIR TIME, but now it's YOUR TIME.

If people can waltz around and have narcissism then why can't I have equal power in doing that?! why do they get to put me under THEIR THUMB AS A VICTIM?! IF ALL OF YOU TRULY ADMIRE POWER YOU CAN'T LET THIS ALL STAND!), or being embittered with the world around you.
But it is a necessary evil because if you are without primal value then only by UNDERSTANDING IT can you fix it. Which you need to do by feeling you are below or behind other people inherently. That you are completely unnecessary.

The loudness of a tryhard can have more novelty than someone who is just naturally impressive.
And you should curse the universe for not making you naturally valuable.
Thing about low self esteem based insecurity is that you always have to perform to perfection or else you can't even stand. You will be obsessed with success. IT's a great focus mechanism.
Hymnsingy laidbackers make everything overly positive to stop you from the power it has.

Bottomline: The more you focus on how inferior you were, and how much of an injustice life put you through, then it's only primal value fairness to get back at the way the world treated you. Be angry and get what life should have given you but denied you. You'll feel that. Your own narcisissm will not be able to stand for it.
It requires unbounded entitlement. Something many of us in the first world want.
I personally felt entitled. Because existence is evil so why should I refrain from taking the path of not feeling entitled? they won't show me the same mercy. Mankind is fucked and we should not stand for that.

The more behind, below you are the more you'll focus on becoming superior because that's how life should have been silver-plattered to you. You were destined for greatness. Life didn't give you that because the universe wants to fuck you over. If the universe won't refrain its darkness on us, then we shouldn't.
If we're not entitled to anything then they're not entitled to us refraining from striking back.
That's why low self esteem is good. You'll go after what you lacked. And feel entitled to having it more because you were in a low enough position to mentally center on those things the spoiled and pampered fags have. So you're the one more deserving of having it.
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Okay, so, low self esteem is good, because it helps you to try and not have low self esteem?
Hating yourself is never good.
Okay, so, low self esteem is good, because it helps you to try and not have low self esteem?
Because you were constantly feelings behind and below everyone then it will create anxiety, anger enough for you to be motivated to redeem your pride. And human beings are in reality MOST motivated by pride.
If we're not trying to survive, then we are trying to pridefully thrive afterall.
Because you were constantly feelings behind and below everyone then it will create anxiety, anger enough for you to be motivated to redeem your pride. And human beings are in reality MOST motivated by pride.
If we're not trying to survive, then we are trying to pridefully thrive afterall.
Having self esteem is not the same as pride. Its like saying you can't do something even when you can. Most are not done out of pride OP. Most are done out of SURVIVAL where you need dependence on your own skills.
Most mankind has an inborn entitlement to a happy and high value life. Especially 1st world well off kids. When that's robbed from them we rage. Which is good. Learn to use that fury to strike down the privileged chad.
Having self esteem is not the same as pride. Its like saying you can't do something even when you can. Most are not done out of pride OP. Most are done out of SURVIVAL where you need dependence on your own skills.
Doing things you are proud of is the way of survival. We are proud when we can have survival skills in abundance. It's what sports essentially are loved for. Seeing people who in of themselves are more distinctly able to have the dominance that would give them a life that they can thrive in. You can say in fact that we survive for the sole purpose of thriving higher than others. We even risk lacking survival to prove we are better at thriving.
shit man i am low self esteem at 5'3.5
It can lead you on to greatER things
Hating yourself is never good.
Short sighted idiots.
Hating yourself is better than not hating a flaw.
Who wins in life? The person who hates a mess and criminality in their society? or the person who simply shrugs when there are problems?
It would depend on how these emotions are expressed.
Balance. But if you choose to avoid hating corruption altogether then you just open the door to it.
Short sighted idiots.
Hating yourself is better than not hating a flaw.
Who wins in life? The person who hates a mess and criminality in their society? or the person who simply shrugs when there are problems?
It would depend on how these emotions are expressed.
Balance. But if you choose to avoid hating corruption altogether then you just open the door to it.
Didn't read
Confess and address your issues, or succumb to them.
I swear to god there are too many low-T happy clappy laidbackers in our fucking society, even on this forum. I thought this rainbowy expressionism was just a leftist libfag thing.
If half a room is running with a flood from a broken sink pipe, who is better, the person who chooses to look at it and fix it? or the person who just shrugs and watches TV while it's right there?
Spread positivity by destroying the negativity.
Something either RESISTS solution or ASSISTS the solution.
The real cope is finding positivity in a negativity, not a solution in it.
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Truth always hurts and when they say to me to be confident nothing ever good comes from it, I hope 2019 many bad things happen
Having self esteem is not the same as pride. Its like saying you can't do something even when you can. Most are not done out of pride OP. Most are done out of SURVIVAL where you need dependence on your own skills.
You can have self esteem in a different manner than what gives you pride like a high vantage chad.
It depends on what the mind orients as pride-worthy by our own subjective slant/ biology.
But our biology slants to looks, money, status, narcissistic primal value that gives competitive and dominarchical advantage as the REAL commodity we should have.
We are primally wired to have self-wellness over primal capital or else we wouldn't be on this forum for being people who are implied to not have it.
Truth always hurts and when they say to me to be confident nothing ever good comes from it, I hope 2019 many bad things happen
Being confident without competence is like saying a person without fingers can be a rockstar by believing in himself.
Extreme case? Well, even in moderate cases you can only do so much with self belief. Think about it. Take from my example. Can self belief generate anything?
Confidence wouldn't just be analyzed alone.
Saying confidence is the only thing that women will inspect is like saying someone will try and make a friend/ find a horse to ride based on something totally abstract like its mind state. It has no concrete existence. What is the novelty in that?
People are out for resources that give them survival/ power value. Confidence is just a state of mind. Why would that be on anyone's first priority to seek?

Confidence is a false virtue with fallacious implications that people in reality... are chill, laidback, campfire ceremony joyful.
In reality people are primal and seek resources that are elitist.
I mean for confidence to be THE TROPE that people say to gaslight/ misdirect people to be so widespread... doesn't that in of itself speak to a harsh reality that people have frustrations with being chosen in the first place? How can just saying a certain mindset can change so many aspects about this?

People come in sets. People have narcissism/ vanity/ interests. Confidence isn't special. It won't crossover with people's satisfaction.

All things that are widely wanted come with crowding constraints (because of others). So you will need the right particular traits to have it amidst all that obstruction. Confidence isn't a thing that is special. People can change their state of mind with enough conditioning/ psychological training .The mind is malleable. Way more than matter is.
When you are dealing with girls who are widely wanted, then you'll have to be distinctive among them to be chosen back. Since people come in sets, even if you have confidence you will probably have a guy who is just as confident but has more that she also wants in other areas which will mean she will choose that person because of more value capital.
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Yes you are. What are you going to spew up next? That inferiority complex or poor confidence is good?
Getting defensive about it shows me you are too weak willed unimaginative and sad to know what I am talking about.
Welp, my wisdom is too complex for everyone here. And this is a site dedicated to peopel who are supposed to understand.
This shit is hidden wisdom anyway. Or at least, the practical totality of mankind anyway when everyone knows and it's socketed in the subconscious.
what about if you have NO self esteem
what about if you have NO self esteem
they're kind of conflated together. essentially. but if you have no self esteem and no point I suppose what I'm talking about is someone who can do martial arts when smaller and disadvantaged. But you can't do martial arts if you don't have arms and legs.
Exactly. Nobody seems to understand what you're saying. That's one quick way to spot a retard. When he says things everyone doesn't understand.
Contextual. If a christian mob saw galileo, couldn't get him, then is he the retard?

If it is hidden wisdom, why do you expect people on this site to understand it.

Dude wtf.
Being an incel and acting mentally on investigating it is esoteric.
You are clearly a naturally misguided and disinformed person mentally. So I'd have to kindergarten you if I wanted to even get you on the discussion table that would be worthwhile to me. Not really my interest tbh.

At this point I guess You're probably just daydreaming about being an actor in the movie the matrix.
Moot really since people say, oh wait, I can't brag on this forum.
Having self esteem is not the same as pride. Its like saying you can't do something even when you can. Most are not done out of pride OP. Most are done out of SURVIVAL where you need dependence on your own skills.

yet I already dismantled his thesis and premise. I wonder if you iqcels can understand me unfortunately.

Humility can be in self worth/ self esteem definitely. But i doubt people in here are here for survival sake.
Hating yourself is not good,you must hate them not yourself
High inhibition and low self esteem keeps incels out of prison.
I hate myself everyday, It's all my fault.

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