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[+Lookism] Students results are better if they find their teacher's good looking.



Nov 7, 2017
Students get better results if they find their teachers attractive, research suggests.
They are more likely to pay attention, be more motivated and rate teachers’ ability more highly if they consider them good-looking, psychologists found. They stressed the results were not driven by sexual attraction, saying such teachers might pick up on their students’ feelings and raise their game, or simply command closer attention.

The US research chimes with previous studies showing attractive people tend to be seen as more competent than uglier ones. Even the outcome of criminal trials can be affected as studies suggest jurors are strongly influenced by the physical attractiveness of the accused.
University of Nevada psychologists asked more than 100 students to listen to an audio recording of a physics lecture delivered either by a male or female tutor.

At the same time, the students were given a photograph of an attractive or unattractive man or woman, and told this was who they were listening to.
They were then tested on the lesson. Those who thought their lecturer was attractive scored better than those who did not.
The students also scored them more highly in terms of ability, intelligence and motivational powers, the Journal of General Psychology reports. 

In a report on their findings researchers said it’s possible good-looking teachers pick up on pupils’ feelings and respond by improving their own performance.
‘They may engage more in behaviour that increases teaching effectiveness, like devoting more time to preparation, and less in behaviour that decreases effectiveness.
‘Or it may simply be that good-looking instructors command more attention from students than less attractive ones.
‘There is considerable evidence that attractive persons receive more attention than unattractive persons and maybe they are more persuasive and effective teachers.
‘If highly attractive teachers elicit greater attention and higher levels of motivation, we would expect students to learn more.

Professor Cary Cooper, a psychologist from Manchester Business School, said attractiveness does influence initial judgement of other people, both at school and in the workplace.
But the impact can be short-lived.
A person’s looks does influence our initial perception of them and there is a lot of research to show being good-looking does help when it comes to getting a job.
‘But while our initial perception of someone is based on looks, after that it’s about their personality.
‘So a lecturer may be attractive but that popularity would soon decline if there was not the personality to back it up.
~ Pat Hagan
Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3760722/It-s-school-Want-child-school-Make-sure-s-attractive-teacher.html

Some key notes to taken from there is that students perform better if they find their teachers to be more attractive, they also pay more attention if they found their teachers to be more attractive, and it is even suggested that even jurors can be influenced by looks in criminal traits. 

The whole thing isn't necessarily sexually driven, but the students, and children are much more naturally incline to take advice from their attractive teachers. Of course, often or not, attractive people are seen as more trustworthy, and numerous black-pilled threads we know that good looks could be excused for the persons wrongdoings. And this proof-in-pudding, that good looks permeates into good outcomes (or results in good outcomes). It's also been shown that students praise their attractive teachers more than their less attractive teachers. 

Any teachercels here having trouble teaching kids? ;). What's teaching like for you guys?

Feel free to say anything guys, I'm all-ears :).
Yet again looks with the halo effect
rafaelvicuna3 said:
Yet again looks with the halo effect
Yeah, that's just one of the many examples.
Ah yeah I remember always looking forward my english classes in middle school, the teacher had a big ass, next year a cute asian female replaced her. That's why I never had problems with english I guess (spanishcel)
kodoku said:
Ah yeah I remember always looking forward my english classes in middle school, the teacher had a big ass, next year a cute asian female replaced her. That's why I never had problems with english I guess
Yeah, that's the truth. You're more reluctant to follow through from those that are more attractive. Even, if you're not a Homo, you'll pay more attention to your attractive male teachers too.
the whores will also bribe professors with sex so they can get better grades
Garbage said:
the whores will also bribe professors with sex so they can get better grades
Actually, it's been researched that male professors give attractive girls, better grades. I may post it up tomorrow.
I think I mentioned here that I am a research scientist. To be specific my education is in mathematics and computer science. Many of the interns are females cause of muh STEM diversity (probably why I got hired, tbh. I am the only black guy in my department who is not a janitor. Being an IQcel I am used to being around white folks anyway. Also all new hires are males cause that is who ends up passing the classes and graduate, lol). I notice immediately if these young girls are repulsed by me or not by their body language. Based off what I seen I may be decent looking based off their body language. They laugh at my shitty jokes, point their body towards me in group conversations, and often glance in my direction. Their positive body language makes me feel more comfortable in talking to them (otherwise I feel like a creep who wants to fuck an intern even though I am not), which in turn makes them feel more comfortable in asking questions and learning more at the end of the day.

These whores haven't straight up offered me sex but I feel as if I can easily take advantage of my situation since what I do is very lucrative. If I was a normie I would've gone full Harvey Weinstein by now. I am too much of a beta to try to request sex even though I am pretty sure they will go for it. Would rather have a woman my age or older.
blackcel said:
I think I mentioned here that I am a research scientist. To be specific my education is in mathematics and computer science. Many of the interns are females cause of muh STEM diversity (probably why I got hired, tbh. I am the only black guy in my department who is not a janitor. Being an IQcel I am used to being around white folks anyway. Also all new hires are males cause that is who ends up passing the classes and graduate, lol). I notice immediately if these young girls are repulsed by me or not by their body language. Based off what I seen I may be decent looking based off their body language. They laugh at my shitty jokes, point their body towards me in group conversations, and often glance in my direction. Their positive body language makes me feel more comfortable in talking to them (otherwise I feel like a creep who wants to fuck an intern even though I am not), which in turn makes them feel more comfortable in asking questions and learning more at the end of the day.

These whores haven't straight up offered me sex but I feel as if I can easily take advantage of my situation since what I do is very lucrative. If I was a normie I would've gone full Harvey Weinstein by now. I am too much of a beta to try to request sex even though I am pretty sure they will go for it. Would rather have a woman my age or older.

I was a college prof in your fields you mentioned. I was so blind back then. I did get hot peppers on rate my prof. Girls definitely played with me in class. One asked flat out if I was single in front of the class.
blackcel said:
I think I mentioned here that I am a research scientist. To be specific my education is in mathematics and computer science. Many of the interns are females cause of muh STEM diversity (probably why I got hired, tbh. I am the only black guy in my department who is not a janitor. Being an IQcel I am used to being around white folks anyway. Also all new hires are males cause that is who ends up passing the classes and graduate, lol). I notice immediately if these young girls are repulsed by me or not by their body language. Based off what I seen I may be decent looking based off their body language. They laugh at my shitty jokes, point their body towards me in group conversations, and often glance in my direction. Their positive body language makes me feel more comfortable in talking to them (otherwise I feel like a creep who wants to fuck an intern even though I am not), which in turn makes them feel more comfortable in asking questions and learning more at the end of the day.
These whores haven't straight up offered me sex but I feel as if I can easily take advantage of my situation since what I do is very lucrative. If I was a normie I would've gone full Harvey Weinstein by now. I am too much of a beta to try to request sex even though I am pretty sure they will go for it. Would rather have a woman my age or older.
Women and People of Color get offered scholarships or positions, because companies have to abide by diversity quotas, that are put in our societies. I'm not really iffy or stringent about it (personally), as a minority of you guys have good enough marks to pull through.

Yeah, I guess it's easy to take advantage from those are of a lower authority than you. Yeah, there's no denying about that... But in some sense, you felt some guilt, and I guess it's moral of you to confide with women that are your age group :).
WTF? You learn for yourself in school... why should my results be better, because a teacher is beautiful? SHould be the opposite then, because you can´t concentrate on the lesson.
DestroyedLife said:
WTF? You learn for yourself in school... why should my results be better, because a teacher is beautiful? SHould be the opposite then, because you can´t concentrate on the lesson.
Yes, I partially agree with you. However, research suggests that students perform better, and yeah I do get what you mean by getting distracted by an attractive teacher (well, that's part of the effect, that makes students listen to their attractive teacher more).

But we're talking about the masses here, you may fall in the outside bracket. And who's know? You may subconsciously pay attention to those that are attractive (without knowing it)?

I too couldn't careless about how the teachers would look.

The intention of this thread is to point out an example of "The Halo Effect."

NYincel said:
I was a college prof in your fields you mentioned. I was so blind back then. I did get hot peppers on rate my prof. Girls definitely played with me in class. One asked flat out if I was single in front of the class.
Probably playing the teachers pet to garner more marks, lol.
Fuck does being ugly sucks

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