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JFL Look at this shit



Buff Auschwitz Escapee
Jan 17, 2018

I've never seen the second panel happen in my entire fucking life lmao. These people are delusional
Did you expect anything better from them?
I got a good laugh from reading this though
not one gaze
person who made the comic you can tell is fat as fuck

I've never seen the second panel happen in my entire fucking life lmao. These people are delusional

I swear they have to be trolling or something, nobody can truly be this intellectually dishonest, the 2nd panel never fucking happens
Disgusting! Soy male tries to make a joke!
why do they always think were fat tbh fatcel = volcel
Disgusting! Soy male tries to make a joke!
The art style is decidedly feminine. You can tell she (the artist) is fat by the focus on leanness as the main measure of attractiveness.
Look how he had to make the second panel, otherwise he would prove us right. The incel in question is ugly.
2nd panel never fucking happens
To the IT fag who made this: clearly the second panel is inaccurate. A better panel would be to keep the couple the same. Make the incel more avg looking and have his dialogue be something like “must be betabuxx.”

Hope this helps.
Stupid niggers I shower every day
To the IT fag who made this: clearly the second panel is inaccurate. A better panel would be to keep the couple the same. Make the incel more avg looking and have his dialogue be something like “must be betabuxx.”

Hope this helps.

Obesity isn't genetic either. (Another clue that the artist is a disgusting she-cow, the insinuation that obesity is genetic.)
First panel guy:

Third panel guy:
That last panel his shit is comedic. Also all 1000+ year old anime girls tend to be intellectual, and a petite body is just for the enjoyment of men of culture. It just shows how much a symbol of envy it can be, since women can't reach both everlasting beauty and intellect.
Why they always draw us fat when we usually looksmax and most of the known incels arent fat? Meanwhile almost every numale is obese
Why they always draw us fat when we usually looksmax and most of the known incels arent fat? Meanwhile almost every numale is obese
The fattest among us are skinnyfat and slightly overweight. Absolutely not the waddling lardass neckbeard they keep portraying us to be. Obesity in our community is shockingly rare.
it's funny how they assume we're all fat when a large majority are skinny or gymcels
The protagonist of that comic mogs me severely. I wish all I needed was a shower and losing some weight.
Nothing but strawmen as usual.
Jfl at dead roasties = life fuel shirt
The protagonist of that comic mogs me severely. I wish all I needed was a shower and losing some weight.
I like how they didn’t make it a ricecel or ethnic, because we’re all misogynistic white fat guys
Inspires me to draw something about us regardless of my lack of skill.
I already came up with the protagonist and core.
Any sort of awareness seems to be in short supply
Clueless ignoramuses.

Her fingers say everything.
literally never seen the 2nd panel tbh atleast here in the uk

JFL, the creator is a landwhale and has a thin boyfriend. They criticize us for being fat, although most of us are thin, but they are the ones who refuse to lose weight. Get on a treadmill instead of making second category cartoons to mock virgins on the internet, you fat cow.

JFL, the creator is a landwhale and has a thin boyfriend. They criticize us for being fat, although most of us are thin, but they are the ones who refuse to lose weight. Get on a treadmill instead of making second category cartoons to mock virgins on the internet, you fat cow.

I've never seen the second panel happen in my entire fucking life lmao. These people are delusional

this comic inadvertently proved our point that a normal guy has to settle for a landwhale cuz hypergamy is so out of control. and you're right, a woman would never settle for a fat guy, i've literally never seen the second panel happen either.
too much soy tbh
Why they always draw us fat when we usually looksmax and most of the known incels arent fat? Meanwhile almost every numale is obese
stacy with a fat man never happens except hes rich , what was seemingly not the case in this pic
Why do they spend so much time on trying to annoy us?
Is it their cope or do they have nothing else to do than awkwardly create some unfunny comics.
This guy is a cuck. The other two are based.

Screen Shot 2019 08 03 at 12135 PM
A woman responding to an ugly mans advances positively?

Also they continue with the "incels are fat and don't wash" bollocks. No wonder they're bluepilled when they believe that shit
I do wonder what percentage of the community is overweight. I suspect that's not an issue.

this comic inadvertently proved our point that a normal guy has to settle for a landwhale cuz hypergamy is so out of control. and you're right, a woman would never settle for a fat guy, i've literally never seen the second panel happen either.
I see fat guys with girlfriends, but the girl is always some combination of fat and ugly while the guy could be genuinely good-looking if he lost weight, so it's still hypergamy and biological determinism. Fat girls with good genetics never date fat men.
A woman responding to an ugly mans advances positively?
They could be trying to say it's not common because incels go around telling foids they need to be with "genetically superior" chads, and they get pressured into it. But I wonder why the other two incel comics don't pressure them.
Obese people are usually pretty dumb and lack the self awareness to realise they're incel.
Fat people have too much estrogen.
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Hehe get it? Incels are all fat unwashed neckbeards. Hehehehehe:reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:

JFL, the creator is a landwhale and has a thin boyfriend. They criticize us for being fat, although most of us are thin, but they are the ones who refuse to lose weight. Get on a treadmill instead of making second category cartoons to mock virgins on the internet, you fat cow.
oh so the creator of this is a fat chick banging a skinnier male? Now that's quite damning.

Her fingers say everything.

seems like fat chicks are our biggest enemy.
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If I see an ugly dude with a girlfriend, shes almost always at least two points below him. They're always older couples as well so it probably quite literally is betabux in those cases. I don't think I've ever seen a young ugly dude hot girl couple in my life, and very few ugly guy ugly girl couples. Most seem to be average guy with ugly girl or chad with either average or hot girl.
Exactly. The two point rule is real and looksmatched couples are already rare as hell. Where do these idiots get off telling us ugly men can get Stacy? Aren't they always telling us we're aiming too far above our league?

Hehe get it? Incels are all fat unwashed neckbeards. Hehehehehe:reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:
Yeah it's annoying. I have a well above average body and am still incel--I've posted body on this forum so a number of people here can attest to this. They just cannot get it through their thick skulls that a man can be in great shape and still be ugly.
Yeah it's annoying. I have a well above average body and am still incel--I've posted body on this forum so a number of people here can attest to this. They just cannot get it through their thick skulls that a man can be in great shape and still be ugly.
I mean, I'm a bit overweight myself but even I don't look like the strawman IT creates.
I mean, I'm a bit overweight myself but even I don't look like the strawman IT creates.
A bit overweight is average. Absolutely not fat enough for the hamplanets on cucktears to have any right to make fun of you for it.
This comic tries to hide the fact that every guy who isnt chadlite or more doesnt even get a fucking landwhale
To the IT fag who made this: clearly the second panel is inaccurate. A better panel would be to keep the couple the same. Make the incel more avg looking and have his dialogue be something like “must be betabuxx.”

Hope this helps.

Even then, look at the frame and face of the second panel guy. Height and face are everything. If they were going for that idea, they could have at least made him a 5'2 balding indian janitor. The artist probably cant draw minorities.

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