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(Long-ish) - Lifestyle/healthy eating etc is cope. Lifelong drug addicts often look great while straightedge redditors look 35 at 18.



Eternal President of Iraq
May 23, 2020
Not just celebrities who've had surgery either, although obviously i can't find photos of random drug addicts over the years.

You can look absolutely terrible when "coming down", and there are some exceptions (extreme alcoholism, meth, steroid abuse (lol)) but hardly any drugs actually age you physically. it's just the side effects like staying awake for hours on end which are the problem, although (and people always advice to never do this) i would often end a massive stimulant "bender" by sleeping for ages with downers/tranquilisers

I'm not good looking but my skin is good, despite abusing GBL (GHB) which is literally fucking DRAINPIPE CLEANER for years. It's a drug similar to alcohol but basically without almost all of alcohol's worst side effects. Also been an alcoholic, every day weed smoker, amphetamine junkie, xanax abuser etc. None of it ever caught up to me physically (mentally is a different matter lol. That's not a humblebrag though i still look like shit due to diffuse thinning, blaha phenotype, loads more.

Whenever people say "oh X celebrity was so handsome when he was 25 and now look at him, awful what drugs do" it's like, what? It's not DRUGS which makes people look worse, it's TIME. Fucking AGING. STRESS. Again - there are exceptions. Extreme methheads and so on. BUT these drugs are dirt cheap to actually produce, and if they were government subsidised a good drug problem like mine would cost like $50 instead of $1000.

This would be INFINITELY better than any of the other "solutions" to the current drug we have. No drug addict wants fucking "therapy". Talking cannot change physical structures in the brain which have been permanently changed by drug abuse. This is why if i see a homeless guy begging or whatever, and he seems decent enough, i'll just give up cash or straight up give him alcohol if i have any on me (often have some in my gymcelling backpack). Govt should just let homeless people work dead easy factory/necessary jobs (obviously, they'd in many cases need rehab before even this would be possible.

it's just (((they))) won't let the goyim ever have that. Mistah rothsein needsh anadda yacht"!!!!

Anyway - These guys had SERIOUS issues drug problems, multiple overdoses, addictions lasting decades in some cases, all night parties and shit. And yet, 20, 30, 40 years after their heyday....

Johnny Depp;

Mick Jagger:

And there are COUNTLESS other examples.

But you know what DOES age a man worse than ANYTHING, despite being completely out of his control?

Hair loss.

From a young girl's heartthrob to a pedomorphic 50 year old office worker in the space of 5 years. Photos of him on the right here in the UK were known for being plastered on the inside of girls lockers in schools lol, dunno if USA had the same thing.

The medical community's pathetic attempt at curing hair loss is the biggest tragedy of our generation. Our "options" are a ridiculous, itchy glued on fucking 1970s wig or literally nuking our body of one of the most important sex hormones. They truly are absolute fucking selfish vermin, as always from (((them))).
I'm sorry you got no reply.
hair loss cure cant come soon enough
lynch the reaper!!! bring back hair !
This is true.

I'm 18 yet I already look like I'm in my late 20s or even early 30s :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:
This is true.

I'm 18 yet I already look like I'm in my late 20s or even early 30s :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:
If you legit hate life as much as you say you do (and I'm not doubting it, I saw your photos the other day. Sorry for getting annoyed at you a coulpe of weeks back, I see your situation is actually legit bad). Why not look into drug use as a cope?

I don't know if you're thinking about roping eventually, but it's the closest thing to true pleasure an incel can experience.
If you legit hate life as much as you say you do (and I'm not doubting it, I saw your photos the other day. Sorry for getting annoyed at you a coulpe of weeks back, I see your situation is actually legit bad). Why not look into drug use as a cope?
Because it would make gymcelling much harder (one of my main copes unless I'm sick or something). My other copes include videogames & Internet.

Also there are many reasons why I don't like drugs:

1. can get addicting
2. can get expensive
3. lowers T and energy
4. worried about how it will affect my health and body function.
5. most drugs just end up being a slow painful death (especially cigarettes)
6. side affects like hangovers, vomiting, etc

I understand that a lot of incels still like to use drugs to cope. Thats their personal choice and they can do whatever they want with their body.

I don't know if you're thinking about roping eventually, but it's the closest thing to true pleasure an incel can experience.
imo my opinion is that I either try my best to live a healthy pain free life, or I rope and live for nothing.

I will probably rope when aging gets bad, so probably some time between 25 or 35.
I have the opposite problem. I look too young
Absolutely fucking brutal.

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