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JFL Lol at cucktears trying to larp as viking heathens.



Nov 7, 2017
Screenshot 20180903 003918

Lol at this moron. How someone can reject Semitic religions but then go towards an extinct larp religion in all seriousness is beyond me.
Lol at his seriousness with it too. "Those misogynistic incels can't be part of our sacred Odin religion".
Dumbass said they where progressive towards females even though they had tons of female sex slaves, and their job description involved raiding helpless villages and raping/kidnapping all the woman after the men are all killed or ENSLAVED.
Marvel capeshit has ruined the Viking gods.
Always thought Vikings and Norse mythology were cool but anybody that practices the "religion" (or rather what bits we know about it today) is a fucking numbskull.
This guy gotta be a fucking neckbeard, sounds like one of those norwegian metal fan who larps as a nord
A nerdic faggot is behind that bullshit guaranteed.
soyboys larping as vikings :soy::soy::soy:
>viking raiders killed, burned, pillaged and raped everything and everyone in their path
>incels who offend women on an obscure internet forum can't worship Oden

It's over for vikingcels
The way this faggot talks.

Bird shit skin nerdic cope
Imagine taking the most nihilistic mythology ever

and making it cuckface mccuckington.

Odin would fucking HATE the state of most males today.

With norse society, essentially you had a culture of fucking alpha males of alpha males that make MS13 and today's gangs look like a bunch of bitches, fighting against disease, the elements and every motherfucker who wasn't them that they could find.

These were dudes that fucking cut people's lungs out WHILE THEY WERE STILL ALIVE, fucking invaded everywhere from America to the Middle East and generally fucked shit up.

And you want to talk about how they were progessive, inclusive and cared about women's rights?

Get the fuck out of here. A true band of vikings, if transported through time to nowadays, would FUCK UP our culture so bad it would be unreal.

You think the soy drinking cuckface with his big OOOOOOOOOOO smile at his Nintendo Switch is going to have anything in common with a fucking jacked pirate who kills unarmed priests in cold blood, steals their gold and takes all the fucking women as sex slaves?

And as for the "religion" bitches the norse gods are fucking all about doing that shit. It's not like Jesus where it's like, "live and let live," "everyone is equal,"

the viking gods were pro fucking other people's shit up, becoming a king and being the biggest fucking alpha male you could be.

fucking cucks i swear
The gods cross dressing was literal and the Æsir and Vanir are different races, paganism was progressive and pro race mixing and LGBT.
Wait a sec, I'm reading the eddas and it says nothing about people who die of terminal illness going to valhol. "Battle" means literal warfare. Who does this faggot think he is lmao? ER is more likely to be there than this soyboy ever will be.
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bombastic faggot cuck

Vikings raped and pillaged across Europe and they were big time slave traders.

Many of those slaves were female sex slaves.

In viking era, women were not allowed to wear pants.

Women did not have a say in who they married. If a woman cheated on her husband, then he was legally allowed to kill her AND her lover. On the other hand, men were generally allowed to have extramarital sex (with slaves and such).
Fucking deluded spastic cunts. People that spout utter shit like this should be locked up in a padded cell. It's obvious their brains aren't fit for use in the outside world.
Why waste a padded cell? Either put them in a basic education class until they realize that Vikings were some of the best rapists to ever walk the earth (And that there treatment of women is more then what most incels would be ecstatic about) or he could get a one way ticket out.
Why waste money on educating retards who obviously failed education in the first place. I agree though, Save the padded cell and just cull retards like these.
It's just a last ditch effort to see if they would comprehend the most basic things, tbh every human (or anything equally as consious) should take a one way ticket out.
Wait a sec, I'm reading the eddas and it says nothing about people who die of terminal illness going to valhol. "Battle" means literal warfare. Who does this faggot think he is lmao? ER is more likely to be there than this soyboy ever will be.
This soyboy realised there is no way he is ever dying in battle so he had to think of a way him and his keeping buddies could still get into Valhalla.
Imagine taking the most nihilistic mythology ever

and making it cuckface mccuckington.

Odin would fucking HATE the state of most males today.

With norse society, essentially you had a culture of fucking alpha males of alpha males that make MS13 and today's gangs look like a bunch of bitches, fighting against disease, the elements and every motherfucker who wasn't them that they could find.

These were dudes that fucking cut people's lungs out WHILE THEY WERE STILL ALIVE, fucking invaded everywhere from America to the Middle East and generally fucked shit up.

And you want to talk about how they were progessive, inclusive and cared about women's rights?

Get the fuck out of here. A true band of vikings, if transported through time to nowadays, would FUCK UP our culture so bad it would be unreal.

You think the soy drinking cuckface with his big OOOOOOOOOOO smile at his Nintendo Switch is going to have anything in common with a fucking jacked pirate who kills unarmed priests in cold blood, steals their gold and takes all the fucking women as sex slaves?

And as for the "religion" bitches the norse gods are fucking all about doing that shit. It's not like Jesus where it's like, "live and let live," "everyone is equal,"

the viking gods were pro fucking other people's shit up, becoming a king and being the biggest fucking alpha male you could be.

fucking cucks i swear
I agree, what a strange religion for this guy to larp as.
He chose the one religion that is centraly focussed around warfare and death by battle, and decided to follow that religion as a soyboy nerdic that probably hasn't ever even gotten into a fight before
Wait a sec, I'm reading the eddas and it says nothing about people who die of terminal illness going to valhol. "Battle" means literal warfare. Who does this faggot think he is lmao? ER is more likely to be there than this soyboy ever will be.
Don't those that die of illness go to Hel? Either way, low IQ LARP as expected from cuckit
Nordic peoples converted to Christianity on their volition. Nobody forced Clovis to become a Christian. Missionary works created Christian enclaves as far upwards as Britain and Ireland, which paved the way for the Christianization of those countries later on, and then we have the Normans, who converted to Christianity after having successfully raided the Christian Franks.

Seriously, the way those pagan LARPers talk you'd think Christian armies marched into Northern Europe and converted everybody by force, but nothing like that ever happened. In fact, when the western Roman empire collapsed, the Papacy was left at the mercy of fate, literally, and had to rely on self-converted Northern barbarians for protection against tribes that hadn't converted yet, or had converted to heretic versions of Christianity, like Arianism.

The only time anything resembling anything like a forced conversion was when Charlemagne forced the Saxons to become Christian, but that had more to do with politics than religion. The Saxons kept raiding Frankish provinces, looting and burning villages and churches, and were threatening to make an alliance with the vikings to overthrow the entire Frankish empire. Charlemagne had to find means to pacify them or face the destruction of his own empire.

So in essence, ancient Nordic peoples abandoned their traditions in favor of this "Semitic" religion, mostly on their own volition. That tells you a lot of the state of those pagan religions back then. Imagine trying to resurrect something that was already corrupt back then after a thousand years of living under another religion.
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Nordic peoples converted to Christianity on their volition. Nobody forced Clovis to become a Christian. Missionary works created Christian enclaves as far upwards as Britain and Ireland, which paved the way for the Christianization of those countries later on, and then we have the Nromans, who converted to Christianity after having successfuly raided the Christian Franks.

Seriously, the way those pagan LARPers talk you'd think Christian armies marched into Northern Europe and converted everybody by force, but nothing like that ever happened. In fact, when the western Roman empire collapsed, the Papacy was left at the mercy of fate, literally, and had to rely on self-converted Northern barbarians for protection against tribes that hadn't converted yet, or had converted to heretic versions of Christianity, like Arianism.

The only time anything resembling anything like a forced conversion was when Charlemagne forced the Saxons to become Christian, but that had more to do with politics than religion. The Saxons kept raiding Frankish provinces, looting and burning villages and churches, and were threatening to make an alliance with the vikings to overthrow the entire Frankish empire. Charlemagne had to find means to pacify them or face the destruction of his own empire.

So in essence, ancient Nordic peoples abandoned their traditions in favor of this "Semitic" religion, mostly on their own volition. That tells you a lot of the state of those pagan religions back then. Imagine trying to resurrect something that was already corrupt back then after a thousand years of living under another religion.
B-but varg told me otherwise!!
Christianity isn't semitic.

Jesus was a blond.
Hes just trying too hard to be funny, imagine wasting your time coming up with this story, I can tell hes probably giggling thinking how brilliant it is but its actually cringeworthy
jokes on him, I was in valhalla this weekend during my suicide attempt and saw Elliot Rodger there
Erm, coffee? *offers*
There is no such thing as an "authentic" religion or an "Urchristentum" - religions have always been shaped and molded to serve the interests of the current ruling class. And this current ruling class is feminist and hence infiltrates ALL religions including atheism, including Islam. Men of all these religions and non-religious traditions must stick together ... hang together or hang separately.
Always thought Vikings and Norse mythology were cool but anybody that practices the "religion" (or rather what bits we know about it today) is a fucking numbskull.

There is no god. So following any religion is a waste of time.
Heathens just a fucking meme lol
Always thought Vikings and Norse mythology were cool but anybody that practices the "religion" (or rather what bits we know about it today) is a fucking numbskull.
I think Odin is more likely to be real than Abrahamic God, but damned if I'm going to offer sacrifices to a god that let his children fall to a foreign religion. There must be something better...
Imagine taking the most nihilistic mythology ever

and making it cuckface mccuckington.

Odin would fucking HATE the state of most males today.

With norse society, essentially you had a culture of fucking alpha males of alpha males that make MS13 and today's gangs look like a bunch of bitches, fighting against disease, the elements and every motherfucker who wasn't them that they could find.

These were dudes that fucking cut people's lungs out WHILE THEY WERE STILL ALIVE, fucking invaded everywhere from America to the Middle East and generally fucked shit up.

And you want to talk about how they were progessive, inclusive and cared about women's rights?

Get the fuck out of here. A true band of vikings, if transported through time to nowadays, would FUCK UP our culture so bad it would be unreal.

You think the soy drinking cuckface with his big OOOOOOOOOOO smile at his Nintendo Switch is going to have anything in common with a fucking jacked pirate who kills unarmed priests in cold blood, steals their gold and takes all the fucking women as sex slaves?

And as for the "religion" bitches the norse gods are fucking all about doing that shit. It's not like Jesus where it's like, "live and let live," "everyone is equal,"

the viking gods were pro fucking other people's shit up, becoming a king and being the biggest fucking alpha male you could be.

fucking cucks i swear
Sounds like the Devil was in the details with the Vikings. The whole pantheon of gods and existence of Demi-Gods and demons in the world.. really make me think that it was originally about devil worship.. which is why those soylents have co-opted it, to dilute the true message and prevent us from ever trying to get anywhere with learning about the past since they are busy being fucking retarded.
y do they always write such gay shit? "erm coffee offers" can i shoot u in the face?
View attachment 38954
Lol at this moron. How someone can reject Semitic religions but then go towards an extinct larp religion in all seriousness is beyond me.
Lol at his seriousness with it too. "Those misogynistic incels can't be part of our sacred Odin religion".
Dumbass said they where progressive towards females even though they had tons of female sex slaves, and their job description involved raiding helpless villages and raping/kidnapping all the woman after the men are all killed or ENSLAVED.
Marvel capeshit has ruined the Viking gods.
Imagine worshiping an ancient European religion and being against White Nationalism. His "heathen" ancestors would have murdered him for being a self-hating cuckold.
What a fucking cuckold.

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