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@Logic55 is a cuck libtard.



The Mexican Kaffir Goyim
Jan 18, 2025
@Logic55, I know you dislike my based opinions, and that your opinions are trash, but let me have my opinions. You always cry here about racism like if you were a white libtard foid or a kike who promotes forced diversity. You have to be darkskinned brown that looks like shit if you cry about racism. But let me tell you what, racism is based just like misogyny, homophobia, antisemitism, and classism. It's a fact that there are better races than others. I respect white people because they built most of civilization, I also respect East Asians for their intelligence, and ofc I do have respect for many Latinos, no most of them, but quite many because Latino men helped Trump win the elections. I'm not fully conservative on race, but I fucking hate niggers, shitskins, pajeets, sandniggers, and kikes.

The reason I'm critical of the people of my own race is because they have a commie mentality of always wanting to be poor, and that's why Mexico is a shithole country, I also dislike the fucking cartels funded by the kikes that only want Mexicans like me to rely on a narcostate economy. The cartels also mog me because the cartel leaders are chads with money who attract most of the Mexican foids while leaving Mexicancels like me without girlfriend. I also dislike Latino culture because of cringe music like cumbia, reggaeton, and other shit Latina foids will listen while whoring themselves. Every Latina foid will prefer chad junkies and drug dealers, rather than guys like me who study and want to fix things even when blackpilled. I've also noticed that most of the crimes committed in Latin America are done by darkskinned browns, so that's why I fucking hate browns.

And the reason I support Nazism is because I see they have many ideas like me. They hate the kikes who created feminism and wokeness, they hate niggers that are a cancer of a society, and they want to improve the world to advance where there are no ugly shitskin people. The Nazis were not fully racists, they allied with the Japanese, and the Japanese are very smart people and many Japanese foids are hot af. I think Hitler could have liked some Mexicans like me if we convinced them we are based. I know there are nazis who hate me because I'm not white, but honestly I have become friends with some neo-nazis on X just because I make so much fun of pajeets, niggers, kikes and faggots, because I hate Islam, and because I criticize my own Mexican cartel government. Yes, I've receive insults from neo-nazis who don't like me when they find out I'm Mexican, but they are not as bad as the insults I've received from feminists of different races like white libtard foids, sheboons, Latina feminists, and kike foids who will always make fun of my virginity and hate me because I'm a man. Even the cuckservative Christian foids will hate me because I'm atheist and Mexican, but you know what fuck all foids, all foid are whores. I'm better than every foid in this world, and I'm willing to side with moderate nazis to fight against feminists, faggots, kikes, and the niggers who bother me. I would never change my color of skin, but I sure would like to fuck Aryan foids and manage to have Aryan kids.

And no, I'm not so much of an ultra-nazi, I'm a libertarian nazi meaning that I believe in less government intervention and less kike intervention, and world where I can fuck any foid I want. I don't care if you @Logic55 cry about racism, I'll continue being racist as I'm misogynist, and if you don't like it, you can cry like when I make foids on X cry with my misogynist comments.

I'm neither white nor brown. here's a skin tone color spectrum. My skin tone is in between the tones I circled in red.


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    Screenshot from 2025-02-22 18-47-43.png
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never heard of her
Lord have mercy
Makes sense when you realize the government is controlled by kikes, so you wanna get rid of both kikes and the government. Plus the green nazi flag is libertarian Nazism.
that your opinions are trash
Your opinions don't contain logical reasoning like mine. You resort to personal insults instead of providing good arguments.
Did you read my entire post?
Yeah. It's filled with nonsense. You are a lighter shade of brown. It doesn't matter that you have a lighter shade, you are still brown. Aside from that, I am Not a liberal cuck because I voted for Trump. The cartels must be eradicated and I believe the US economy must recover from inflation. Trump is also against the radical LGBTQ community which has been trying to push their agenda on everyone. Basically, I'm a moderate Trump Supporter. Those white people you talk to online are not your real friends and they wouldn't defend you on real life. Indians are not bad people, most are innocent people who want to have normal lives. I am critical of modern women which is why I don't identify as a SJW or a liberal. I have been critical of black people for having a degenerate culture. I dont believe that race determines IQ because there isn't enough scientific evidence to support that claim. You are a pathetic cuck, and no matter how many times you rant about other ethnics, you won't make a difference. White people don't care about you so why care about them? It's giga cucked.
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@NiggerAnnihilator, thoughts?
Yeah. It's filled with nonsense. You are a lighter shade of brown. It doesn't matter that you have a lighter shade, you are still brown. Aside from that, I am Not a liberal cuck because I voted for Trump. The cartels must be eradicated and I believe the US economy must recover from inflation. Trump is also against the radical LGBTQ community which has been trying to push their agenda on everyone. Basically, I'm a moderate Trump Supporter. Those white people you talk to online are not your real friends and they wouldn't defend you on real life. Indians are not bad people, most are innocent people who want to have normal lives. I am critical of modern women which is why I don't identify as a SJW or a liberal. I have been critical of black people for having a degenerate culture. I dont believe that race determines IQ because there isn't enough scientific evidence to support that claim. You are a pathetic cuck, and no matter how many times you rant about other ethnics, you won't make a difference. White people don't care about you so why care about them? It's giga cucked.
You really are annoying aren’t ya? If you got bullied in real life, I really understand and sympathize the frustration or disdain of your tormentor towards you.
You really are annoying aren’t ya? If you got bullied in real life, I really understand and sympathize the frustration or disdain of your tormentor towards you.
I wasn't bullied irl. Im just tired of white supremacists on this forum slandering non white people.
I wasn't bullied irl. Im just tired of white supremacists on this forum slandering non white people.
Why do you slander white people?
We are all retarded in the end,
I wasn't bullied irl. Im just tired of white supremacists on this forum slandering non white people.
Im sorry… but even in my country, we don’t let nigger rent an apartment, they have tendency to do crimes. Also Jews are banned from ever entering here. It’s called pattern recognition and recognizing inherent differences from each outgroup separated from your own.
If your own kind hated you…. What makes you think… this alien people would give a rat ass? They would stab you in the back once they had their chance, survival increased when in pack especially with nignog, that’s why they attack white people in group and get away with it. If anything’s, it’s white who had been kind to them when they can just use them as slave labor.
I slander white supremacists, not normal white people. Irl, white people are nice to me
Do you ever slander nigger supremacists like BLM? What about the misandrist racist libtards who slandered Latino men when Trump won?
Do you ever slander nigger supremacists like BLM? What about the misandrist racist libtards who slandered Latino men when Trump won?
I don't like BLM and I voted for Trump.
Race coping ramblings dnr
Not really. You need to always establish superior hierarchy in the nation to control those that stayed in your land. It’s kinda how the greeks view everyone outside of Athens,Sparta and Macedonia in the past as Barbarian.
Not race coping, most niggers are vile creature that actually influenced the world with their ghetto culture. They have no taste for higher art and merely fucking up everyone brain with hedonism and negative individualism.
I knew this because I actually went to public school filled with indians in the past. They stay in pack and try to intimidate people when they are alone.

@Castaway Indians are bootlicker, even Nixon acknowledges this, but once they gain their threshold, they will bring their kind with them. Whites have no solidarity anymore, but when they became le hecking racist when confronted with the system who tried to devalue all their past achievements, of course you become an extremist. You experience it firsthand, how you need to give your hard earned tax just to support the dark continent every single day.

The Usaid fiasco says this, Billions of Americans taxpayer money were used to influence the whole world, it’s not organic development but deeply planned and planted by a few group of individual seek to turn this whole world into One.
@NiggerAnnihilator, thoughts?
i say let him have his own damn opinions and stop wasting your time on him. im tired of arguing with his ass.
I don't like BLM and I voted for Trump.
me neither, fuck those niggerlovers. i prefer to stay out of elections but i supported trump too for the most part.
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me neither, fuck those niggerlovers. i prefer to stay out of elections but i supported trump too.
I would have supported BLM if they didn't resort to violence. Once they started rioting, I lost respect for them
I would have supported BLM if they didn't resort to violence. Once they started rioting, I lost respect for them
i never respected them, more so gave two shits about them. once they started rioting yeah i also just hoped they’d get fucked up or smoked or something for messing with innocent people.
I would have supported BLM if they didn't resort to violence. Once they started rioting, I lost respect for them
So you are ok if people do it peacefully?! Sorry bro, but being violent has been our species trademark since the beginning of time. It solves allot too, just read history. It’s a great solution.
So you are ok if people do it peacefully. Sorry bro, but being violent has been our species trademark since the beginning of time. It solves allot too, just read history. It’s a great solution.
Yeah. Pretty much.
So you are ok if people do it peacefully?! Sorry bro, but being violent has been our species trademark since the beginning of time. It solves allot too, just read history. It’s a great solution.
funny thing is blm never solved shit and instead got exposed for all the scamming their nigger leader was doing. nobody takes them seriously lmao.
i never respected them, more so gave two shits about them. once they started rioting yeah i also just hoped they’d get fucked up or smoked or something for messing with innocent people.
I speak up for all groups of people who are oppressed which is why I defend incels.
I speak up for all groups of people who are oppressed which is why I defend incels.
How was black oppressed in this day and age?
If anything, they are just exploiting your kindness towards them.
How was black oppressed in this day and age?
If anything, they are just exploiting your kindness towards them.
yeah they exploit everything because they know people suck up to them just because they’re black.

i believe everyone should just mind their own damn business and stop getting into affairs that don’t personally concern them.
How was black oppressed in this day and age?
If anything, they are just exploiting your kindness towards them.
Im critical of black people too but I don't hate them. Blacks today are being given more opportunities however they are still burdened by their degenerate culture. I will criticize blacks if necessary
Im critical of black people too but I don't hate them. Blacks today are being given more opportunities however they are still burdened by their degenerate culture. I will criticize blacks if necessary
do you ever struggle to not give a shit about what others think or do? i struggle with it sometimes and i want to know if maybe you can give me any tips to just not give a shit about anything because i need to not care anymore to heal my messed up, violent mind.
Im critical of black people too but I don't hate them. Blacks today are being given more opportunities however they are still burdened by their degenerate culture. I will criticize blacks if necessary
You cannot put African in Germany and expect them to be a German. Kinda defeats the point when every ethnicity differs from each other. The same for Indian in Canada, you will never be able to turn them to White or Asian to blacks in fucking Chad.

It defeats the whole purpose of evolution.
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do you ever struggle to not give a shit about what others think or do? i struggle with it sometimes and i want to know if maybe you can give me any tips to just not give a shit about anything because i need to not care anymore to heal my messed up, violent mind.
Just forget about race and politics. When those things are off your mind, you will feel better
You cannot put African in Germany and expect them to be a German. Kinda defeats the point when every ethnicity differs from each other. The same for Indian in Canada, you will never be able to turn them to white or Asian to blacks in fucking Chad.

It defeats the whole purpose of evolution.
I never said you can make them white
Ok but it's all about looks in the end
Just forget about race and politics. When those things are off your mind, you will feel better
thats what ive been doing since yesterday, but these thoughts always creep back into my head when you want them gone, you know, or if something outside reminds you of the retarded stuff in your head like it does to me.

i just wanna be normal. incel since it was never my choice but a normal one, not a violent, evil one like i used to be :cryfeels:
I never said you can make them white
Im saying they are the rotten carcasses of American culture. And due to globalism, it is spreading to the whole fucking world, kinda like kpop in a sense
Ok then it's all about status and looks in the end
yes, but even sub 5s who statusmaxx like a motherfucker can pull a bunch of bitches due to their high ranking status. thing is it’s not always the easiest choice either, requires lots of luck, and the ones who are already at the top are gonna do whatever they can to keep up and comers at the bottom at all costs to protect their positions.
yes, but even sub 5s who statusmaxx like a motherfucker can pull a bunch of bitches due to their high ranking status. thing is it’s not always the easiest choice either, requires lots of luck, and the ones who are already at the top are gonna do whatever they can to keep up and comers at the bottom at all costs to protect their positions.
Being an incel is a political statement in itself by inherent value. Just asks United Cuckdom, and they will gladly throw you to the jail cell for being eccentric or weird lmao, imagine if you are ugly and a virgin.
10 years for you.
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