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Blackpill [LIVESTREAM] This is what normies are doing right now.

Do you wish you were there?

  • Yes. Maybe one of those sluts would give me a chance to ascend out of pity.

  • No. I hate party/clubbing culture. I want nothing to do with these people.

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Still a comfy NEET
Mar 20, 2020

is what normies are up to on Sunday night—the day of our lord and savior—while we rot.

Borderline prostitutes walking around the house in nothing but bras and mini skirts, designated shelves for sniffing cocaine in the bathroom, arrogant dudebros jestermaxxing for clout and walking around like they're god's gift to earth. Tell me this isn't literally just Epstien's playhouse 2.0.
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I don't like people, so I pass, but this is only because I wasn't born Chad. If I had positive reinforcement, all my life, things would have played out differently.
I don't like people, so I pass,
I would say same, but if I told you I hated normies, I'd be lying to both you and myself because I can't stop watching this stream. It's like observing a completely different reality that I will never get to experience. It's honestly fascinating to me.
but this is only because I wasn't born Chad. If I had positive reinforcement, all my life, things would have played out differently.
That's the funny thing though, if you look at any of the dudes at this party, you'll notice that there isn't a single chad in sight. Most of them are dead average.
livestreams are cuck trait
Why watch this stuff to torture yourself? Its a reality I will never have so I don't want to add to the pain seeing stuff like this.
That's the funny thing though, if you look at any of the dudes at this party, you'll notice that there isn't a single chad in sight. Most of them are dead average.
Chads are rare all you need is being tallfag and NT
I would say same, but if I told you I hated normies, I'd be lying to both you and myself because I can't stop watching this stream. It's like observing a completely different reality that I will never get to experience.
Personally, I got bored within a few minutes; I didn't see anything interesting beyond "Oh, this is what normies do, that's neat, I guess."
That's the funny thing though, if you look at any of the dudes at this party, you'll notice that there isn't a single chad in sight. Most of them are dead average.
True, but they have infinitely better social skills than me, as I'm a total "weirdo" and "creep," not only due to my sperg nature but my poor looks as well. Even as normies, they mog me completely.
I don't like people, so I pass, but this is only because I wasn't born Chad. If I had positive reinforcement, all my life, things would have played out differently.

^ THIS is what normies are up to on Sunday night—the day of our lord and savior—while we rot.

Borderline prostitutes walking around the house in nothing but bras and mini skirts, designated shelves for sniffing cocaine in the bathroom, arrogant dudebros jestermaxxing for clout and walking around like they're god's gift to earth. Tell me this isn't literally just Epstien's playhouse 2.0.
Most of the whores there are average
It seems boring, for non NT person it would be like a fish out of water.
Males seem low tier and girls are there for free drugs. Guy in red shirt is so cringe, it's always like that when someone tries to larp as NT person.
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livestreams are cuck trait
Why watch this stuff to torture yourself? Its a reality I will never have so I don't want to add to the pain seeing stuff like this.
I've just always enjoyed observing humans from afar in a detached sense, and irl livestreams are the perfect vehicle for me to do it. The reason why I find them entertaining rather than suifuel-inducing is because I don't envy normies at all. In fact, if anything, I feel bad for them. Most of these people are drug addicts, literal prostitutes, alcoholics, slaves to clout, etc. Their lives aren't something I would ever envy.
Chads are rare all you need is being tallfag and NT
True. I feel like most people here don't even realize this though. Chad is insanely rare irl.
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Chads are rare all you need is being tallfag and NT
That and white. As long as you're not obviously ugly, then being tall, white, and NT is good enough to secure a decent girl. No Stacy but normie tier.
I don't envy normies at all. In fact, if anything, I feel bad for them. Most of these people are drug addicts, alcoholics, slaves to clout, etc. Their lives aren't something I would ever envy.
Yes, this is how I feel. I don't see anything worth being envious of. Their lives are better than mine in certain aspects but worse in others. I would rather just LDAR than deal with anything they have.
Yes, this is how I feel. I don't see anything worth being envious of. Their lives are better than mine in certain aspects but worse in others. I would rather just LDAR than deal with anything they have.
such people are actually at fault of their own for destroying their own lives, being addicts of any kind
Personally, I got bored within a few minutes; I didn't see anything interesting beyond "Oh, this is what normies do, that's neat, I guess."
See, that's the normal thing to think. But for some reason, I can't stop watching irl streams. I almost always have them on in the background.
True, but they have infinitely better social skills than me, as I'm a total "weirdo" and "creep," not only due to my sperg nature but my poor looks as well. Even as normies, they mog me completely.
True. Being NT, sociable, and low inhib is indispensable to the average non chad's quality of life. As long as you don't have a particularly noticeable flaw, such as being short or below average, I think being NT and extroverted will have a greater impact on your overall well-being.
such people are actually at fault of their own for destroying their own lives, being addicts of any kind
Perhaps, but sometimes life is too hard even for the normies. Although they definitely have fewer excuses than any of us.
Obnoxious shitheads. I'd rather attend a tour of Dachau.
Yes, this is how I feel. I don't see anything worth being envious of. Their lives are better than mine in certain aspects but worse in others. I would rather just LDAR than deal with anything they have.

I would take the comfy NEET LDAR life over the burden of having to constantly be obliged to keep up with annoying text messages from acquaintances I don't care about, getting incessantly pressured to be involved in meaningless social gatherings, and forcing myself to pretend like I'm interested in other people. Having to manage a social life and keep up appearances sounds exhausting, and more than anything, a huge waste of time.
If I come to Florida will you let me stay at your house
See, that's the normal thing to think. But for some reason, I can't stop watching irl streams. I almost always have them on in the background.
Mmm, interesting. There are times when I wonder how my life would have played out if I was NT or simply better looking so I suppose that would help me visually it better.
True. Being NT, sociable, and low inhib is indispensable to the average non chad's quality of life. As long as you don't have a particularly noticeable flaw, such as being short or below average, I think being NT and extroverted will have a greater impact on your overall well-being.
Yep. Our lives, if I'm not going too far, would have been better, frankly, if we were normal, not just in our looks but mine and attitudes. That's what normies value; other normies or people who are exceptional but in a positive way, such as Chads and Stacys. When they are weird or alone, it's fine because they're good-looking, but inkwells don't get that positive trait because we are Sub-Five males. Brutal, but such is reality.
Most of the whores there are average
Wipe the fakeup off their faces and most of them become our looksmatches kek
Males seem low tier and girls are there for free drugs. Guy in red shirt is so cringe, it's always like that when someone tries to larp as NT person.
Tbh I think the guy in the red shirt is funny and entertaining, which is why I'm even watching this degeneracy in the first place. Wish I was as low inhib as him :fuk:

I would take the comfy NEET LDAR life over the burden of having to constantly be obliged to keep up with annoying text messages from acquaintances I don't care about, getting incessantly pressured to be involved in meaningless social gatherings, and forcing myself to pretend like I'm interested in other people. Having to manage a social life and keep up appearances sounds exhausting, and more than anything, a huge waste of time.
Yep. I agree one hundred percent. I would rather just have a few million dollars and a private piece of land all to myself than deal with the average day life. I used to want a family and such, but after being a NEET inkwell for so long, I've changed my mind. I just want to be left alone as I cope with my reality before I drop whenever that may be.
Wish I was as low inhib as him
Same, all of his confidence comes from his height and probably money. The short brunette in white bra is cute, girls are not bad looking at all.
That and white. As long as you're not obviously ugly, then being tall, white, and NT is good enough to secure a decent girl. No Stacy but normie tier.
Same for blacks. Blacks can be ugly but as long as they're NT and thugmaxxed they slay
I've just always enjoyed observing humans from afar in a detached sense, and livestreams are the perfect vehicle for me to do it. The reason why I find it entertaining rather than suifuel-inducing is because I don't envy normies at all. In fact, if anything, I feel bad for them. Most of these people are drug addicts, alcoholics, slaves to clout, etc. Their lives aren't something I would ever envy.
That is an interesting way to see things that I did not think of. Its kind of like watching people be bad at surfing. The wave represents the current trend that all normies try to latch themselves onto to become popular/cool or "surf" but most of the time it ends in them being wiped out.

Its still kind of hard for me to watch as it shows foids acting somewhat normal with normies yet whenever I am near or have to work with one they are all ways either cold and resentful for no reason.
Same for blacks. Blacks can be ugly but as long as they're NT and thugmaxxed they slay
Yes, but their girls aren't loyal though. But then again, even celebrities have divorces, so not even Chad is secure. So just do what Leo is doing and date 20 year olds.
Yes, but their girls aren't loyal though. But then again, even celebrities have divorces, so not even Chad is secure. So just do what Leo is doing and date 20 year olds.
Nobody is loyal anymore, unless you go to some rural christian town in the deep South or some mountain state
Nobody is loyal anymore, unless you go to some rural christian town in the deep South or some mountain state
Yes, just Amish max. But even then, deep down inside, the girls have their biological urges to fuck Chad; it never ever stops, no matter where you go.
Yes, just Amish max. But even then, deep down inside, the girls have their biological urges to fuck Chad; it never ever stops, no matter where you go.
What race are you
If I come to Florida will you let me stay at your house
:lul: maby
Mmm, interesting. There are times when I wonder how my life would have played out if I was NT or simply better looking so I suppose that would help me visually it better.

Yep. Our lives, if I'm not going too far, would have been better, frankly, if we were normal, not just in our looks but mine and attitudes. That's what normies value; other normies or people who are exceptional but in a positive way, such as Chads and Stacys. When they are weird or alone, it's fine because they're good-looking, but inkwells don't get that positive trait because we are Sub-Five males. Brutal, but such is reality.
Besides surgerymaxxing in the future, one of my personal objectives in life is to unironically develop into an NT, outgoing, and jovial person because I hate that I've always been that one quiet kid who nobody cares about. So in a way, this guy's streams help show me what a funny jestermaxxed nigga is actually like irl.

Normies—or anyone, really—who flaunt their introversion as if it's a quality that makes them anymore unique or different are retarded tbh. The people who get the most out of life are extroverts. Other than my looks and height, I definitely think being giga high inhib and socially anxious is the biggest thing holding me back in life.
Same, all of his confidence comes from his height and probably money. The short brunette in white bra is cute, girls are not bad looking at all.
Yeah, if he wasn't 6'2 and moneymaxxed, he would probably be flipping burgers instead because he was a literal heroin addict for 10 years lmao. The only girl who I didn't find unattractive was that one petite blonde girl from earlier, which is weird because I don't typically like blondes.

It seems the content has died down because everyone bounced to go to a different party or something. lol some friends they are.
This applies to spics as well to a certain degree
That may be so, but I don't have any social skills or thugmaxxing to back it up so it won't do diddly for me.
Man you told me i could come to your house 3 years ago do you remember who I am?
I do remember telling someone here something like that for some reason, probably as a joke. But you have to remember... that was like 3 years ago. Nigga I'm not even sure how much longer I'll be able to stay in the crib myself. Plus, it's my mom's, so realistically you would have to take up those concerns with her, not me :feelshaha:
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I do remember telling someone here something like that for some reason, probably as a joke. But you have to remember... that was like 3 years ago. Nigga I'm not even sure how much longer I'll be able to stay in the crib myself. Plus, it's my mom's, so realistically you would have to take up those concerns with her, not me :feelshaha:
I'm liszt and it's alright I can sleep in the backseat of your hellcat
Over for Floridacels.
Besides surgerymaxxing in the future, one of my personal objectives in life is to unironically develop into an NT, outgoing, and jovial person because I hate that I've always been that one quiet kid who nobody cares about. So in a way, this guy's streams help show me what a funny jestermaxxed nigga is actually like irl.
Yeah, surgerymaxxing is not on the table for me as I'm poor af. Good luck with your ambitions, but personally, I'm just going to NEET as much as possible before I can't any longer. I would like to be "normal" and extroverted as well, but I just don't see it happening for myself. Still, I wish to the best for you.

Normies—or anyone, really—who flaunt their introversion as if it's a quality that makes them anymore unique or different are retarded tbh. The people who get the most out of life are extroverts. Other than my looks and height, I definitely think being giga high inhib and socially anxious is the biggest thing holding me back in life.
Yes, that's also a big problem for me. I just can't and also don't like socializing with people in general. I find it to be a chore and a pain. I just wish I could find an occupation that I could do on my own and paid decently well.
Tell that to @Logic55 .


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