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Literally Over For Ethnic Men



Mar 10, 2021
Just saw this pic about a frat/sorority at a school in California.

Ethnic women with just White guys. The White girls are with gigachads of course.
Screenshot 353
Another reason to kill myself.
JBW is the rule of cosmos.
It literally blows my mind how boomer administrators do this. Are they literally trying to get ethnic men to rope or are they extremely out of touch?
Ethnic men are hated, so I wouldn't be surprised it they want us dead. I'm half white and they still want me out of the game, these days it's white only (ofc this doesn't apply to ethnic chads, just to sub5 ethnic males).
Ethnic men are hated, so I wouldn't be surprised it they want us dead. I'm half white and they still want me out of the game, these days it's white only (ofc this doesn't apply to ethnic chads, just to sub5 ethnic males).
I don't understand how White people can be so cruel. At least let us gentle ethnics have the ethnic women.
The 2 guys are sub 7 normie tier, but they look at least 5'9" .

They will have little problem getting at least 3 to 5 sex partners per year so up to 20 foids in 4 years at college if they do so choose.

Cant say the same for a 5' 9" non white guy.
The 2 guys are sub 7 normie tier, but they look at least 5'9" .

They will have little problem getting at least 3 to 5 sex partners per year so up to 20 foids in 4 years at college if they do so choose.

Cant say the same for a 5' 9" non white guy
I am a 5'9 white guy in uni and I get 0 pussy
I am a 5'9 white guy in uni and I get 0 pussy
You are prolly sub 5 in face then. Those 2 guys look to be at least 5.5 in face and statusmaxx as fraternity members
whites have the highest social status
When I was in college, as a skinny 5'6 Asian dude, foids literally avoided me. Doesn't matter if it was in the dorms or in classes. It was very consistent. They would give me the typical white foid look where they have there head turned straight but their eye balls kind of off to the side looking at me in a bad way like if I'm some kind of boogeyman pedo rapist. I was just a typical Asian dude like most Asian dudes. Just keeping to ourselves for the most part. Yet the 5'9+ frat jocks I seen were way more aggressive and rowdy to foids and they totally got away with it. Had I tried that, they would laughed and brushed me off as a short ethnic subhuman trying too hard. If I tried harder they woulda called the cops.

Foids always ostracize Asian dudes in college.

Its funny because most colleges indoctrinate the students to be left leaning yet how many white foids do you see dating Asian dudes compared to the reverse? Almost none while the reverse is literally everywhere.

You should fckin see how Berkeley looks like. Its pure suifuel for Asian dudes and noodle pussy heaven to white dudes of all looks levels.
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Ethnic men are hated, so I wouldn't be surprised it they want us dead. I'm half white and they still want me out of the game, these days it's white only (ofc this doesn't apply to ethnic chads, just to sub5 ethnic males).
I don't understand how White people can be so cruel. At least let us gentle ethnics have the ethnic women.
T. Shitskin invaders in the west

This victim complex is ridiculous coming from people living off of my ancestors country. Ethnics are not hated, they are propped up by the Jewish system. If you were hated, you wouldn’t (and shouldn’t) be here. I wish the ruling jewish class wanted you dead, but you’re here and you can claim racism whenever you want like a privileged toddler.
B8E6EB09 C6FC 4862 A3AB A4DB5E45FF77

You can’t be serious. You’re claiming we have a victim complex while whining about the Jews lowering your precious IQ levels in the same thread. JFL. You keep using the Jews as a scapegoat for all of your life problems, and acting like a victim of some evil Jewish propaganda, while simultaneously thinking that your race is the superior one. If you’re sooooo superior how come you're getting cucked by the Jews?

This victim complex is ridiculous coming from people living off of my ancestors country
"Wah Wah the evil nigger is taking over my country"

Ancestors country? Your ancestors literally took the land by force from the natives. If there’s anyone living off of some else’s county, it’s your ancestors. Your ancestors are not better than the Jews you’re always on about; both took someone else’s land by force. Moreover, if we want to go by your logic (which I don’t agree with) the country is mine just as it's yours since my dad is white. But shit doesn’t work that way.

Ethnics are not hated, they are propped up by the Jewish system
Only one ethnic minority is propped up by the system; and it’s the Blacks. Which I’m sure you also whine about from time to time.
If you were hated, you wouldn’t (and shouldn’t) be here
That’s not how hatred works jfl. Your beloved Nazis are hated almost everywhere. Yet, they still congregate and protest whenever shit doesn’t go their way.
I wish the ruling jewish class wanted you dead, but you’re here and you can claim racism whenever you want like a privileged toddler.
We claim racism cuz it’s rampant in the West. Look at all the hate crimes against ethnic minorities. Look at the new wave of hate crimes against Asians. You keep whining about how things are being taken from you by the evil Jews, but in reality, you’re just a bunch of basement-dwelling neckbeards with no achievements whatsoever to the point where you have nothing to be proud of. So your proud of your shitty heritage. And just like your ancestors, you're the losers of society. Your entire comment reeks of racism. But sure, we're the bad ones jfl. It's funny how you Nazis talk shit online but in real life you shit your pants whenever an ethnic dude walks by. You are scared to leave your little suburban areas because of us. Superior race jfl.
“MUH SUPERIOR WHITE IQ”View attachment 424102

You can’t be serious. You’re claiming we have a victim complex while whining about the Jews lowering your precious IQ levels in the same thread. JFL. You keep using the Jews as a scapegoat for all of your life problems, and acting like a victim of some evil Jewish propaganda, while simultaneously thinking that your race is the superior one. If you’re sooooo superior how come you're getting cucked by the Jews?
Because of people like you and it being a centuries old plan? if they weren’t importing millions of niggers we would t have this problem, but the NAACP and women’s right ping pong off eachother.
A68B1193 CA82 4B73 AF79 551AC6EB9206

"Wah Wah the evil nigger is taking over my country"

Ancestors country? Your ancestors literally took the land by force from the natives. If there’s anyone living off of some else’s county, it’s your ancestors. Your ancestors are not better than the Jews you’re always on about; both took someone else’s land by force. Moreover, if we want to go by your logic (which I don’t agree with) the country is mine just as it's yours since my dad is white. But shit doesn’t work that way.
America was not founded by Indians. We are not living in the Iroquois confederacy retard. We turned some shithole mud huts into the biggest industrial centers on earth, we deserve this land. WE developed this land and we cultivated it. Before us America was not America. It was a Stone Age shithole. Look at the founding fathers. All white men, no niggers, chinks, etc. just white men. THATS who this country was built for.
Only one ethnic minorities are propped up by the system; and it’s the Blacks. Which I’m sure you also whine about from time to time.
All of them are propped up. If they weren’t they wouldn’t be here. Every single minority is getting varying degrees of power because they’re a minority.
That’s not how hatred works jfl. Your beloved Nazis are hated almost everywhere. Yet, they still congregate and protest whenever shit doesn’t go their way.
Yeah and they are also calling for the killing of nazis in open TV and criminalized being a Nazi in many countries. They don’t criminalize being an invader (nonwhite minority).
We claim racism cuz it’s rampant in the West. Look at all the hate crimes against ethnic minorities.
Look at the new wave of hate crimes against Asians.
Leave. You won’t because America, founded by the white man, is better than the shithole you came from.

You keep whining about how things are being taken from you by the evil Jews, but in reality, you’re just a bunch of basement-dwelling neckbeards with no achievements whatsoever to the point where you have nothing to be proud of. So your proud of your shitty heritage. “
Crying more, I am proud of my heritage unlike you mutt. You have no heritage or culture because you are a mutt
And just like your ancestors, you're the losers of society. Your entire comment reeks of racism. But sure, we're the bad ones jfl. It's funny how you Nazis talk shit online but in real life you shit your pants whenever an ethnic dude walks by. You are scared to leave your little suburban areas because of us. Superior race jfl.
>you have black people!!! You must secretly be beat up/your mom fucked/your oneitis fucked/get scared by black guys!!
Wow, how original. Do you know how many nonwhite spergouts type EXACTLY like you? Almost like you people are a progressive brainwashed hive mind.
Has it ever occurred to you nonwhites statistically ruin the US?
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Because of people like you and it being a centuries old plan? if they weren’t importing millions of niggers we would t have this problem, but the NAACP and women’s right ping pong off eachother.
If you’re going to attack me, at least get your facts straight. I’m not Black.

America was not founded by Indians. We are not living in the Iroquois confederacy retard. We turned some shithole mud huts into the biggest industrial centers on earth, we deserve this land. WE developed this land and we cultivated it. Before us America was not America. It was a Stone Age shithole.
You don’t know how it would’ve been, and now we never would because your greedy ancestors took it by force from them. Industrial societies are not a white man thing. Asia is years ahead of you in terms of technological and industrial advancements. And if it wasn’t for the “niggers” you’ve imported the country would still be a 3rd world shithole. You think white people built every Western nation single-handedly? The Germans had to import millions of Turks to rebuild Germany.
All of them are propped up. If they weren’t they wouldn’t be here. Every single minority is getting varying degrees of power because they’re a minority.
I’m not getting any special treatment. That’s just a fantasy you’ve constructed in your head. Whites are privileged in many aspects as well. Not to mention, the reason these minorities are disadvantaged in the first place stems from your racism. The entire system is built on racism. You just love playing the victim, don't you? "they're getting better treatment than me wah wah wah".
Yeah and they are also calling for the killing of nazis in open TV and criminalized being a Nazi in many countries. They don’t criminalize being an invader (nonwhite minority).
And the Nazis are calling for the death of ethnic minorities. What’s the difference? Both groups get to voice their opinions. Nazis are not considered criminals they have political parties. The alt-right is one, and in Europe the Neo-Nazi is running for elections.

I’m not leaving. I was born here, and so were my parents. Where my great great great grandparents lived is irrelevant. If we keep tracing back the lineage we’d both (me and you) end up in Africa. After all we are all Africans.

Leave. You won’t because America, founded by the white man, is better than the shithole you came from.
I do whatever I please. If you don’t like the way things are, you’re more than welcome to leave. I’m sure Germany would welcome you with open arms.

Crying more, I am proud of my heritage unlike you mutt. You have no heritage or culture because you are a mutt
Unlike you, I’m proud of my own achievements. Not those of people I’ve never met or seen.

>you have black people!!! You must secretly be beat up/your mom fucked/your oneitis fucked/get scared by black guys!!
“I don’t have an argument so I’m going to throw an ad hominem”.

Has it ever occurred to you nonwhites statistically ruin the US?
Has it ever occurred you to stop buying into the alt-right crap? If Mexican immigrants who don't speak English are taking your job, then it's your incompetence that's standing in the way, not the immigrants.
T. Shitskin invaders in the west

This victim complex is ridiculous coming from people living off of my ancestors country. Ethnics are not hated, they are propped up by the Jewish system. If you were hated, you wouldn’t (and shouldn’t) be here. I wish the ruling jewish class wanted you dead, but you’re here and you can claim racism whenever you want like a privileged toddler.
View attachment 424095
"Your ancestors country" btw.
If you’re going to attack me, at least get your facts straight. I’m not Black.
You’re all black to me. I just don’t know the specific helping group for your race like with the NAACP for blacks or the LULAC for Mexicans.
You don’t know how it would’ve been, and now we never would because your greedy ancestors took it by force from them.
Yes we do. We know because Native Americans already had millions of years to develop. Africa and America would never be technologically advanced because we left them for 10 mil years and they sat around in the Stone Age. We advanced them literally
Industrial societies are not a white man thing. Asia is years ahead of you in terms of technological and industrial advancements.
Yeah and it happened as soon as europe got jewe’d and filled up with minorities. WE REKT CHINA WHEN EUROPE WAS WHITE. THE OPIUM WARS SON.
And if it wasn’t for the “niggers” you’ve imported the country would still be a 3rd world shithole. You think white people built every Western nation single-handedly? The Germans had to import millions of Turks to rebuild Germany.
That’s a cope. “Work immigrants” is Jewish casus beli. None of those Turks did work, they came and got free housing because Jews put them there to displace whites. You don’t just import that many people to do some fucking construction and then NOT SEND THEM BACK.
5BF40315 4CF9 4C18 AB73 979FF5A24E6B

I’m not getting any special treatment. That’s just a fantasy you’ve constructed in your head.
Call someone racist and you’ll see.
Whites are privileged in many aspects as well.
Yeah like how BLM, the pride of the United States, is saying to “abolish whiteness” or how the US went from 80 to 60% white in 60 years.
Not to mention, the reason these minorities are disadvantaged in the first place stems from your racism. The entire system is built on racism. You just love playing the victim, don't you? "they're getting better treatment than me wah wah wah".
>the entire system is built on racism
OH MY PROGRESSICUCK, YOU THINK ANTI NONWHITE SYSTEMIC RACISM EXISTS? Like “black lives matter” wasn’t the fucking most popular thing this year. I wish we were racist, but we still take you fucks in at the border. if we were systematically racist your ass would be on the first trip to wherever you came from.
And the Nazis are calling for the death of ethnic minorities. What’s the difference? Both groups get to voice their opinions. Nazis are not considered criminals they have political parties. The alt-right is one, and in Europe the Neo-Nazi is running for elections.
No, look it up. Holocaust denial and hate speech.
I’m not leaving. I was born here, and so were my parents. Where my great great great grandparents lived is irrelevant. If we keep tracing back the lineage we’d both (me and you) end up in Africa. After all we are all Africans.
No we’re not. Homo sapiens Didn’t come out of africa, homo erectus did. Which is why black people are homo erectus and not homo sapien

I do whatever I please. If you don’t like the way things are, you’re more than welcome to leave. I’m sure Germany would welcome you with open arms.
No, because America is a white country founded by whites. We are the next extension of anglo-teutons.
“I don’t have an argument so I’m going to throw an ad hominem”.
Yeah that is what you did when you said I hated minorities for some shitty reason like that.
Has it ever occurred you to stop buying into the alt-right crap? If Mexican immigrants who don't speak English are taking your job, then it's your incompetence that's standing in the way, not the immigrants.
Sound like you’re straight from reddit. Mexican immigrants are being paid to come across the border to ethnically displace the white population. It’s called the KALERGI PLAN
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You’re all black to me. I just don’t know the specific helping group for your race like with the NAACP for blacks or the LULAC for Mexicans.
I’m half white half sand (Semitic)! Not remotely Black.

Yes we do. We know because Native Americans already had millions of years to develop. Africa and America would never be technologically advanced because we left them for 10 mil years and they sat around in the Stone Age. We advanced them literally
Just because they lost the war doesn’t mean they weren’t developed. The Nazis lost the war despite being developed. You’re acting as if white people are some sort of authority lol. Maybe the Native Americans are not the best example here since they adhere to fucked up religions and worship non existent Gods, but look at other places the white man invaded. They all had the chance to become something but their growth was blocked by the white man's greediness.

Yeah and it happened as soon as europe got jewe’d and filled up with minorities. WE REKT CHINA WHEN EUROPE WAS WHITE. THE OPIUM WARS SON.
Here we go with blaming the Jews again. If your race is superior it’d be in control of everything. It wouldn’t be under the mercy of the Jews. Also, the past is the past. You’re on the losing side now, and what are you doing about it? You’re whining about it. I’m not saying you should go out and kill people, just accept the fact that white people (a group you proudly identify with) are no longer the only relevant race. Tbh, the idea of identifying with a group based off of race is utterly ridiculous imo. Finally, you know that white women would rather fuck a nigger over you, right? White people are not a monolith. Most of you are actually cucked. The rise of feminism, wokeness, etc. are all your fault, you facilitated it. The mass immigration your keep crying about was instigated by white politicians. Your own race is cucking you. That’s why you’re losing. Ik you're going to blame the Jews for it, but at the end of the day it was white people who opened the doors for immigrants.

No, because America is a white country founded by whites. We are the next extension of anglo-teutons.
Your great great grandparents didn’t come from here either, they were European, right? Why don’t you go back there if you’re dissatisfied with the status quo. I’m not the one bitching about the Jews all day. I accept shit for what it is. The entire West is heading to oblivion, and it’s the white leftists’ fault (and to a certain extent the Jews' fault). Again, “your people” are behind all the chaos.

Plus, with the way things are going, America is not going to be white country in a few decades.

No, look it up. Holocaust denial and hate speech.
I can find similar instances for hate speech made by every race. Moreover, the holocaust thing is not confined to white people. Anyone who denies it, regardless of their race, would be jailed for hate speech in some countries, and ostracized in others.

As I said, the Neo-Nazi party is running for elections. Are they hated for it? Yeah, but they can still do it regardless:
1. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-49632409
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_F85yjaA3Hk

That’s a cope. “Work immigrants” is Jewish casus beli. None of those Turks did work, they came and got free housing because Jews put them there to displace whites. You don’t just import that many people to do some fucking construction and then NOT SEND THEM BACK
Any evidence for that? Or you’re going to quote another Israeli?

Call someone racist and you’ll see.
I’m too light-skinned that most people lump me in with you. I can’t use that privilege. I don’t deny that blacks can call anyone racist without having to justify it, but whites are privileged in many aspects of life (e.g. dating).

Yeah like how BLM, the pride of the United States, is saying to “abolish whiteness” or how the US went from 80 to 60% white in 60 years.
White nationalism is just as retarded as BLM tbh. Anyone who supports BLM unironically is either a self hating leftist or a low IQ ghetto-dwelling idiot. White hate went up cuz movements like the alt-right made it to the mainstream, and also because Trump has won. You're begging to be hated, and we've given you exactly what you asked for.

>the entire system is built on racism
OH MY PROGRESSICUCK, YOU THINK ANTI NONWHITE SYSTEMIC RACISM EXISTS? Like “black lives matter” wasn’t the fucking most popular thing this year. I wish we were racist, but we still take you fucks in at the border. if we were systematically racist your ass would be on the first trip to wherever you came from.
Depends on how you define it. If you use the common definition most leftists use these days, then no it doesn’t exist. But you look back at the laws that were put in place that put certain groups at a huge disadvantage due to their race, then definitely. You won’t take me at the border, you moron cuz I’m not an immigrant. I see you’re using the leftist definition of systemic racism to attack a nonexistent strawman. Systemic racism is not tantamount to total extermination. And again, it’s “your people” that started this whole systemic racism thing.

No we’re not. Homo sapiens Didn’t come out of africa, homo erectus did. Which is why black people are homo erectus and not homo sapien
Any evidence for that? I’m sure if I link evidence you’re going to regard it as jewish propaganda and then dismiss it.

Yeah that is what you did when you said I hated minorities for some shitty reason like that.
Because you started it. You claimed we had a victim complex.

Sound like you’re straight from reddit. Mexican immigrants are being paid to come across the border to ethnically displace the white population. It’s called the KALERGI PLAN
“I don’t agree with you, so you must be a leftist cuck”

That’s not how it works. My political views are closer to yours than to those of leftists, but I’m not on board with the alt-right crap you keep spewing. The kalergi plan is just a conspiracy theory with no merit, but paid or not, if you’re losing to them in the job market it means you’re incompetent. Don’t you get tired of playing the victim card? You act as if being white makes you special when in reality you’re one of the most cucked races to have ever existed. For example, only white women fuck dogs.

And you know what? I hope Whites mix with Mexicans, maybe that will reduce the number of shitty ass racists - you're not better than the foids. The world doesn’t revolve around white people, get over it.

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I’m half white half sand (Semitic)! Not remotely Black.

Just because they lost the war doesn’t mean they weren’t developed. The Nazis lost the war despite being developed. You’re acting as if white people are some sort of authority lol. Maybe the Native Americans are not the best example here since they adhere to fucked up religions and worship non existent Gods, but look at other places the white man invaded. They all had the chance to become something but their growth was blocked by the white man's greediness.

Here we go with blaming the Jews again. If your race is superior it’d be in control of everything. It wouldn’t be under the mercy of the Jews. Also, the past is the past. You’re on the losing side now, and what are you doing about it? You’re whining about it. I’m not saying you should go out and kill people, just accept the fact that white people (a group you proudly identify with) are no longer the only relevant race. Tbh, the idea of identifying with a group based off of race is utterly ridiculous imo. Finally, you know that white women would rather fuck a nigger over you, right? White people are not a monolith. Most of you are actually cucked. The rise of feminism, wokeness, etc. are all your fault, you facilitated it. The mass immigration your keep crying about was instigated by white politicians. Your own race is cucking you. That’s why you’re losing. Ik you're going to blame the Jews for it, but at the end of the day it was white people who opened the doors for immigrants.

Your great great grandparents didn’t come from here either, they were European, right? Why don’t you go back there if you’re dissatisfied with the status quo. I’m not the one bitching about the Jews all day. I accept shit for what it is. The entire West is heading to oblivion, and it’s the white leftists’ fault (and to a certain extent the Jews' fault). Again, “your people” are behind all the chaos.

Plus, with the way things are going, America is not going to be white country in a few decades.

I can find similar instances for hate speech made by every race. Moreover, the holocaust thing is not confined to white people. Anyone who denies it, regardless of their race, would be jailed for hate speech in some countries, and ostracized in others.

As I said, the Neo-Nazi party is running for elections. Are they hated for it? Yeah, but they can still do it regardless:
1. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-49632409
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_F85yjaA3Hk

Any evidence for that? Or you’re going to quote another Israeli?

I’m too light-skinned that most people lump me in with you. I can’t use that privilege. I don’t deny that blacks can call anyone racist without having to justify it, but whites are privileged in many aspects of life (e.g. dating).

White nationalism is just as retarded as BLM tbh. Anyone who supports BLM unironically is either a self hating leftist or a low IQ ghetto-dwelling idiot. White hate went up cuz movements like the alt-right made it to the mainstream, and also because Trump has won. You're begging to be hated, and we've given you exactly what you asked for.

Depends on how you define it. If you use the common definition most leftists use these days, then no it doesn’t exist. But you look back at the laws that were put in place that put certain groups at a huge disadvantage due to their race, then definitely. You won’t take me at the border, you moron cuz I’m not an immigrant. I see you’re using the leftist definition of systemic racism to attack a nonexistent strawman. Systemic racism is not tantamount to total extermination. And again, it’s “your people” that started this whole systemic racism thing.

Any evidence for that? I’m sure if I link evidence you’re going to regard it as jewish propaganda and then dismiss it.

Because you started it. You claimed we had a victim complex.

“I don’t agree with you, so you must be a leftist cuck”

That’s not how it works. My political views are closer to yours than to those of leftists, but I’m not on board with the alt-right crap you keep spewing. The kalergi plan is just a conspiracy theory with no merit, but paid or not, if you’re losing to them in the job market it means you’re incompetent. Don’t you get tired of playing the victim card? You act as if being white makes you special when in reality you’re one of the most cucked races to have ever existed. For example, only white women fuck dogs.

And you know what? I hope Whites mix with Mexicans, maybe that will reduce the number of shitty ass racists - you're not better than the foids. The world doesn’t revolve around white people, get over it.

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What progressivism does to your brain
>native Americans were just as advanced as Europeans, how can you say they weren’t?
What progressivism does to your brain
>native Americans were just as advanced as Europeans, how can you say they weren’t?
What white nationalism does to your brain.
> doesn't understand the argument
> resorts to ad hominem

Superior IQ my ass.

I didn't say that. But just because they're not as advanced doesn't mean they didn't have potential. I'm not a leftist, not by any means. But I see that reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, so you decided to build a strawman and attack it again.
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T. Shitskin invaders in the west

This victim complex is ridiculous coming from people living off of my ancestors country. Ethnics are not hated, they are propped up by the Jewish system. If you were hated, you wouldn’t (and shouldn’t) be here. I wish the ruling jewish class wanted you dead, but you’re here and you can claim racism whenever you want like a privileged toddler.
View attachment 424095

This always sounded fake to me. How exactly do the Jews deal with China then? Anyways, the destruction of White Chads is actually good for Asians.
This always sounded fake to me. How exactly do the Jews deal with China then? Anyways, the destruction of White Chads is actually good for Asians.
Asia has been dealt with. Their birth rates are unsustainable, their men live in 5x5 apartment boxes, and they’re either in poverty or alone jerking off to anime. the only difference is they’re not getting the immigration flood yet (and even then they’re still getting untalked about globalist migrations). Most of the nations have had a history of US occupation and they’re all degenerate.
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Asia has been dealt with. Their birth rates are unsustainable, their men live in 5x5 apartment boxes, and they’re either in poverty or alone jerking off to anime. the only difference is they’re not getting the immigration flood yet (and even then they’re still getting untalked about globalist migrations). Most of the nations have had a history of US occupation and they’re all degenerate.
That just sounds like cope to me. The vast majority of people in Asia, and definitely not in East Asia, don't live in 5x5 apartment boxes. Lower birthrates are not strictly a bad thing and Japan had experienced lowering birthrates in the the pre industrial age as well.

I mean China's influence is growing regardless of everything you might claim.
Because of people like you and it being a centuries old plan? if they weren’t importing millions of niggers we would t have this problem, but the NAACP and women’s right ping pong off eachother.
View attachment 424103

America was not founded by Indians. We are not living in the Iroquois confederacy retard. We turned some shithole mud huts into the biggest industrial centers on earth, we deserve this land. WE developed this land and we cultivated it. Before us America was not America. It was a Stone Age shithole. Look at the founding fathers. All white men, no niggers, chinks, etc. just white men. THATS who this country was built for.

All of them are propped up. If they weren’t they wouldn’t be here. Every single minority is getting varying degrees of power because they’re a minority.

Yeah and they are also calling for the killing of nazis in open TV and criminalized being a Nazi in many countries. They don’t criminalize being an invader (nonwhite minority).


Leave. You won’t because America, founded by the white man, is better than the shithole you came from.

Crying more, I am proud of my heritage unlike you mutt. You have no heritage or culture because you are a mutt

>you have black people!!! You must secretly be beat up/your mom fucked/your oneitis fucked/get scared by black guys!!
Wow, how original. Do you know how many nonwhite spergouts type EXACTLY like you? Almost like you people are a progressive brainwashed hive mind.
Has it ever occurred to you nonwhites statistically ruin the US?
Why should I care about my race when they have let me down the most in my life.

you do you bro, but simping for your own race isn’t going to make you any much happier, you could go to a ‘shithole’ and find a gf and that relationship would outweigh all your years of isolation, misery and larping on the internet as a nazi.
Why should I care about my race when they have let me down the most in my life.

you do you bro, but simping for your own race isn’t going to make you any much happier, you could go to a ‘shithole’ and find a gf and that relationship would outweigh all your years of isolation, misery and larping on the internet as a nazi.
That's what I never understood about incels that simp for their own race. No one in their race gives a fuck about them anyways. The ironic part is that some noodlewhore would probably give him a chance while a Stacy would cry if he looked at her.
That just sounds like cope to me. The vast majority of people in Asia, and definitely not in East Asia, don't live in 5x5 apartment boxes. Lower birthrates are not strictly a bad thing and Japan had experienced lowering birthrates in the the pre industrial age as well.

I mean China's influence is growing regardless of everything you might claim.
China is Jewish owned retard. Literally communist.
Why should I care about my race when they have let me down the most in my life.

you do you bro, but simping for your own race isn’t going to make you any much happier, you could go to a ‘shithole’ and find a gf and that relationship would outweigh all your years of isolation, misery and larping on the internet as a nazi.
You go to a shithole and find a gf retard. JFL, you think going to some place where the average height is 5’2 and everyone has 6 pennies to get a some buck tooth piss colored whore is for whites only? Anyone in the west with a green card can do it and such things have been proven.
China is Jewish owned retard. Literally communist.

You go to a shithole and find a gf retard. JFL, you think going to some place where the average height is 5’2 and everyone has 6 pennies to get a some buck tooth piss colored whore is for whites only? Anyone in the west with a green card can do it and such things have been proven.
Massive cope lmao. I'm not even Chinese and I can see it.

"Jewish owned" "Literally communist" JFL
Massive cope lmao. I'm not even Chinese and I can see it.
>communist chinese
>”how are the Chinese under Jewish influence”

no anon they just decided after 10,000 years of dynasties to become communist on their own accord despite communism being filled with Bolshevik Jews and Marx’s father being a rabbi and etc etc.
China is Jewish owned retard. Literally communist.

You go to a shithole and find a gf retard. JFL, you think going to some place where the average height is 5’2 and everyone has 6 pennies to get a some buck tooth piss colored whore is for whites only? Anyone in the west with a green card can do it and such things have been proven.
Come off it.

imagine being black in China and trying to pick up girls. That’s a good way to get your organs harvested. White people are afforded the luxury of going to any country in this world and being highly respected ,looked up too and barely facing any racism.
Come off it.

imagine being black in China and trying to pick up girls. That’s a good way to get your organs harvested. White people are afforded the luxury of going to any country in this world and being highly respected ,looked up too and barely facing any racism.
Well yeah because we fucking rekt those retarded faggot subhumans under based colonialism but there’s places that do the opposite and kill you because of the colonial history, like Zimbabwe. Why don’t you go to Zimbabwe then? You got a western passport and money and if I tried going over there they would think I’m magical and try to eat me
>communist chinese
>”how are the Chinese under Jewish influence”

no anon they just decided after 10,000 years of dynasties to become communist on their own accord despite communism being filled with Bolshevik Jews and Marx’s father being a rabbi and etc etc.
Right because a dynastic system would obviously be able to compete in the modern world so they changed to communism only because of Jews.

You claim that America, which is capitalist, is Jewish controlled and China which is communist, is Jewish controlled. Communism is obviously not an criteria to determine if something is Jewish controlled.
Right because a dynastic system would obviously be able to compete in the modern world so they changed to communism only because of Jews.

You claim that America, which is capitalist, is Jewish controlled and China which is communist, is Jewish controlled. Communism is obviously not an criteria to determine if something is Jewish controlled.
because both are Jewish, you need in the middle on economics. Destroy the monopolies to stop corporate autocracy but don’t have everything in the govt controlled by 5 government guys.

Lenin was Jewish. Marx was Jewish. Trotsky was Jewish. Communism is Jewish and a Rothschild helped the communist Chinese win
because both are Jewish, you need in the middle on economics. Destroy the monopolies to stop corporate autocracy but don’t have everything in the govt controlled by 5 government guys.

Lenin was Jewish. Marx was Jewish. Trotsky was Jewish. Communism is Jewish and a Rothschild helped the communist Chinese win
Yeah the majority of influential people from Europe in the past 2 centuries were Jewish.

I mean those are all different and individual people. Are you really implying that Jews, with a hive mind to take over the world, created both monopolistic capitalism and communism?

I think it is more likely that some Jews branched out towards a capitalistic side and other Jews branched towards a communist side.

Don't get me wrong, I don't trust Jews at all, but the idea that they're a super people controlling every aspect of the world is ridiculous to me.
where is the chads? all I can see is mid-high tier normies
I'm a slavic ethnic nigger.

Daily reminder slavs are not white.

We write cool books about nihilism tho
I'm a slavic ethnic nigger.

Daily reminder slavs are not white.
To be fair there are many men of Slavic descent that are very popular.

John Krasinski, Peter Serafinowicz, etc. If slavs had money, they would be Chad as well.
Yeah the majority of influential people from Europe in the past 2 centuries were Jewish.
Not true at all. Literally only the ones that became gay like communists, pan European people, pro gay pro minority etc. in every other field no Jews were there
I mean those are all different and individual people. Are you really implying that Jews, with a hive mind to take over the world, created both monopolistic capitalism and communism?
Yes because the end goal is the same. The government (either the monopolies controlled by Jews or the government which is a puppet of Jews) takes full power. It’s like the Democrats vs Republicans. It’s just a charade
I think it is more likely that some Jews branched out towards a capitalistic side and other Jews branched towards a communist side.

Don't get me wrong, I don't trust Jews at all, but the idea that they're a super people controlling every aspect of the world is ridiculous to me.
Not true at all. Literally only the ones that became gay like communists, pan European people, pro gay pro minority etc. in every other field no Jews were there
Right is that how they ended up controlling the entire world then? With communists, pan European, pro gay, pro minority positions. They didn't need the finance industry, tech industry, media industry, or etc.

I mean it's your own belief that the Jews control everything.
Right is that how they ended up controlling the entire world then? With communists, pan European, pro gay, pro minority positions. They didn't need the finance industry, tech industry, media industry, or etc.
it was a centuries long plan that involved all of those things. Jews got finance, big tech etc. hegemon to enforce their pan European pro niggerlicious agenda
it was a centuries long plan that involved all of those things. Jews got finance, big tech etc. hegemon to enforce their pan European pro niggerlicious agenda
How exactly would they coordinate all of that though. If these people are really that smart then I wouldn't even be mad about them taking over the world and it seems like we couldn't stop it anyways.

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