Told I am not nearly as happy as I used to be, asked where happy me went (by many people)
I am unbothered by insults, because it happens to me so much, which made me perfect for customer service (insult central)
I don't have any hobbies
I give people fake political opinions I hold, joined a centrist party to divert attention from how radical I secretly am.
I have notes on my door telling me not to interrupt people etc. to remind myself on the way out.
Nobody has ever seen my flat since I moved out in 2022.
The 2 people who saw it said I lived like a dying migrant worker (I'm white)
I have a desk I never sit at, prefer to be in bed.
I haven't had a single friend since age 11 and never asked anyone to do anything, expecting a no.
I don't know what normal people genuinely like, despite talking to them daily.
I don't chase women, don't bother, no dating apps or social media (IG/Tiktok) either
I find it harder and harder to face my relatives.
I don't check my whatsapp ever, if I get a message I don't open it, including from family