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Serious Lifting weights - Blackpill, Redpill and Bluepill.



May 12, 2019
Bluepill Lifters
You don't need roids, that's for cheaters! just so long as I lift weights for 10 years I will look like 'Zyzz' no problem! its just a matter of time, that's it!, try hard - no excuses bro! I'm going to be so popular with the ladies!

Redpill Lifters
So long as I stick to my calories, macros, weight all my food out properly on kitchen food scale, do a scientifically based routine, progressively overload, sleep 8-10 hours per night, take vitamin D, creatine and fish-oil, my calculations show that I will look like "Zyzz" in approximately 3.7869 years, there is 0% chance of me failing.
I'm going to be so popular with the ladies!

Blackpill Lifters
It doesn't matter what you do, it honestly fucking doesn't, guys can do everything perfectly and get 0 fucking results, while other guys (Chads) can simply fucking around in the gym, have the worst diet, drink alcohol, do drugs, have terrible sleep, and still be more jacked and shredded than you will ever be, while putting in 1/1000th of the mental focus, brain power and thoughts into his diet and routine that you the Bluepill and Redpill lifter does. Also - lifting wont get you ladies, everything you need to get ladies is something you already have or don't have, lifting weights will not help this.

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based as fuck, high iq
brutal but true
I would use roids if i had the money and knowledge, it's bullshit that they are illegal. Anyway, maybe it's for the best, i'm a manlet, if i had many muscles i would look like a Max Steel action figure.
I'd say 95% of gym-cels are delusional as fuck.

I honestly can't think of any group of people who are more delusional.
based as fuck, high iq
I have been analyzing the bodybuilding and fitness communities online for the last 8 years, I guess you can consider that high IQ, but its just trends I have noticed.

brutal but true

I wish it wasn't true, I don't like the blackpill reality, but its the fucking reality, I dont sit around WISHING all this blackpill shit was true, If anything I wish it all wasn't true, that the Redpill was right about lifting, that you could "out-science" your shit genetics with following a strict and autistic nutritional plan, and a strict and perfect scientific based lifting routine, and the reality is your results wont be much different between doing bro-science shit and doing science shit! People really dont understand how hard it is to manipulate the human body if your just simply not genetically predisposed to look a certain way or be a certain strength level.

Within the REDPILL lifting community, the way they talk about nutrition and routines, the logic is assuming that they could all become World Class Olympic level lifters, bodybuilders and powerlifters, by just applying all the knowledge they have about nutrition and routines, but why aren't they?

Just go speak to any aesthetic guy at your gym, he will be doing some random stupid routine thats considered WORTHLESS that will give you ZERO gains, and yet he MOGS the entire gym. Now ask another aesthetic guy, hey bro, whats your macros? And HE WILL LOOK AT YOU LIKE YOURE FUCKING CRAZY, HE DOESNT EVEN KNOW WHAT A MACRO IS, YET HE WILL HAVE A SHREDDED FUCKING 8 PACK.

I've seen NEW GUYS come into the gym, looking like any guy off the street, then within 6 MONTHS ,THEYRE MORE AESTHETIC THAN OTHER GUYS WHOVE BEEN IN THE GYM FOR THE LAST FUCKING DECADE!!!!!!!!!

Gymcelling is literally going to make you look even more pathetic than before, if you're under 5"10 or have shit frame.
I'd say 95% of gym-cels are delusional as fuck.

I honestly can't think of any group of people who are more delusional.

I have theories as to why this is the case, but I dont want to make a post about it without listing every single reason why theyre so delusional, and its not just delusional, there's something else to it as well, its like, they see it as a cure, or an answer to something, and when you tell them its not the cure, or answer, and that they over-thinking and misunderstanding how results from lifting occur, they lash out in anger, they dont want to hear it, they dont want to be told.

The thing is, you cannot escape this - eventually they will learn, they will wake up one day and ask themselves, how come I dont look like Zyzz yet? How come that new to the gym already looks better than me, he was DYEL a earlier this year!!? Im doing everything I should be doing, and yet I dont get the results? Ok fuck this I quit, and they fall off the face of world, you never see them lift again, but these people are replaced by a new generation of delusionals looking for a cure/answer, so its a never ending cycle.

The only ones left in the gym are the autistic guys who cant quit from autism, the genetically elite who gets very good results, and in between that (the 95% of the lifting population) you get a never ending cycle of new delusional blue/redpilled normies coming into the gym thinking theyre going to be the next Zyzz.
i just lift to not use drugs when im bored to death
Also - You will not find any Blackpilled places on the internet for lifting, they dont exist. Its because the Blue/Redpilled lifter usually quits lifting once they realize "hardwork" and "dedication" does NOTHING, and they silently move on, all to be replaced by a new stock of people who fall into the same trap.

Steroid forums are NOT Blackpilled, they're full of guys with TERRRRRRRRRRIBLE genetics who look like shit. You will get a guy here and there who unlocked some giga-chad mode from roids, but that is the extreme exception, most guys just look like dog shit on steroids. If everyone could just get on steroids and be an aesthetic god, then there would be ZERO money in the fitness industry, there would be no way to sell diets or routines to people if they could just take steroids and all turn into Zyzz. The reality is fitness models and aesthetic "brahs" get into that position and make a business out of it, by being the top 1% of the top 1%, they're not your random average steroid user, they're not your average genetics, they're the top genetics combined with top genetic response to steroids, thats their secret, nothing else. You cannot replicate that besides from having different parents and different DNA.
Once again a gym-related thread attracting swarms of bluepillers.

I have to roll my eyes when people think there's some magical strength standard where they'll not look like shit if they can only reach it. Not completely their fault, since the current fitness climate seems to favor routines that are subpar for hypertrophy, but the truth is assuming they have at least average frame and insertions and at least novice level muscular development, the only thing really keeping them from being aesthetic is high body fat, something only advanced lifters with amazing genetics can pull off, and even then it's only to a certain extent.
the only thing really keeping them from being aesthetic is high body fat, something only advanced lifters with amazing genetics can pull off, and even then it's only to a certain extent.

False. Its not just bodyfat.

Its frame, insertions, muscle bellies, height, shoulder width, arm length, leg length, waist size, lat insertions and a thousand other factors with insertions, and overall how your body responds to a training a specific training stimulus. The "aesthetic" person generally has the majority of these factors lined up well (genetics) to create the aesthetic body, if you dont have these GENETIC traits you cannot appear aesthetic, no matter what, not even steroids can help, nor can low bodyfat.

It is like any other physical endeavor, there are specific body-types and genetics that are suit for X or Y activity, lifting is one of those kinds of activities. The example is that you can have an Olympic Weight Lifter who looks like a skinnyfat couch potato, but has the genetics to have insane speed and power, but would never be able to do bodybuilding to save his life, and you will have an extremely aesthetic bodybuilder, who genetically can't get the speed and power to be an Olympic lifter. You can apply this to marathon running or sprinting, marathon running attracts a certain type of body make up and genetics, and sprinting attracts a different type of genetics.
Also - You will not find any Blackpilled places on the internet for lifting, they dont exist. Its because the Blue/Redpilled lifter usually quits lifting once they realize "hardwork" and "dedication" does NOTHING, and they silently move on, all to be replaced by a new stock of people who fall into the same trap.

Steroid forums are NOT Blackpilled, they're full of guys with TERRRRRRRRRRIBLE genetics who look like shit. You will get a guy here and there who unlocked some giga-chad mode from roids, but that is the extreme exception, most guys just look like dog shit on steroids. If everyone could just get on steroids and be an aesthetic god, then there would be ZERO money in the fitness industry, there would be no way to sell diets or routines to people if they could just take steroids and all turn into Zyzz. The reality is fitness models and aesthetic "brahs" get into that position and make a business out of it, by being the top 1% of the top 1%, they're not your random average steroid user, they're not your average genetics, they're the top genetics combined with top genetic response to steroids, thats their secret, nothing else. You cannot replicate that besides from having different parents and different DNA.

I said most roid users look like shit a few times as well.

Steroids bloat your face up, even while shredded if you use moderate or higher doses. Most guys don't have the genes or discipline to get lean and stay lean on roids.

End result: A balding, fat, bloated mess who looks much worse than natural

ironically only those with elite genetics usually benefit from roids
I wonder how hilarious I would look like if I hit the gym. I have pectus excavatum (basically a giant dent in my chest).
Truth is most guys can build an aesthetic physique as natural lifters. While it is not guaranteed to get you laid, itll certainly improve your SMV and the results would depend on how sub human your face is. Also, when starting out as a natural lifter, you need to set realistic standards. The Zyzz physique is next to impossible to achieve as a natural, regardless of how long you train.

A natural lifter with average genetics has the potential to gain around 40 lbs of muscle in his entire lifespan.
Its frame, insertions, muscle bellies, height, shoulder width, arm length, leg length, waist size, lat insertions and a thousand other factors with insertions,
Jfl, you just completely glossed over the part where I said assuming these things are at least average.
I said most roid users look like shit a few times as well.

Steroids bloat your face up, even while shredded if you use moderate or higher doses. Most guys don't have the genes or discipline to get lean and stay lean on roids.

End result: A balding, fat, bloated mess who looks much worse than natural

ironically only those with elite genetics usually benefit from roids

Yeah. They dont realize that guys like Zyzz already had a 6 pack before lifting weights, he was tall, and had good insertions (very good traps for being a non-lifter). How many guys have a starting-base like Zyzz with his NON LIFTING insertions?




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The redpill description is the most accurate when it comes to muscle gains tbh. The rate you gain muscles isn't very correlated to your SMV, there are plenty of people that are shredded and big but are incel due to being short or having an ugly face. Eating right, working out, and sleep is unironically more important than genes for this. Ofc your body might still look like trash because you have shitty muscle insertions or frame.

But that "(Chads) can simply fucking around in the gym, have the worst diet, drink alcohol, do drugs, have terrible sleep, and still be more jacked and shredded than you will ever be " is not true for most cases.
The redpill description is the most accurate when it comes to muscle gains tbh. The rate you gain muscles isn't very correlated to your SMV, there are plenty of people that are shredded and big but are incel due to being short or having an ugly face. Eating right, working out, and sleep is unironically more important than genes for this. Ofc your body might still look like trash because you have shitty muscle insertions or frame.

But that "(Chads) can simply fucking around in the gym, have the worst diet, drink alcohol, do drugs, have terrible sleep, and still be more jacked and shredded than you will ever be " is not true for most cases.

When I say "Genetics" I dont just refer to Bodyfat, or ability to Build Muscle - I refer most importantly to HOW YOU LOOK with all that muscle and having a low bodyfat. Like when you have gained 15kg or 20kg of muscle, and then you have cut down to <10% bodyfat, and then you still look like SHIT, because your insertions are DOG SHIT, insertions are genetics, thats how I refer to genetics.

It appears many people assume "Genetics" just means bodyfat and muscle mass, and its just not the case, it means EVERY aspect of what makes an individual "aesthetic". You can have a low amount of muscle mass, but have very good insertions, and still look extremely AESTHETIC, compared to someone who has a ton more muscle, but terrible insertions and proportions who just looks like SHIT.
The redpill description is the most accurate when it comes to muscle gains tbh. The rate you gain muscles isn't very correlated to your SMV, there are plenty of people that are shredded and big but are incel due to being short or having an ugly face. Eating right, working out, and sleep is unironically more important than genes for this. Ofc your body might still look like trash because you have shitty muscle insertions or frame.

But that "(Chads) can simply fucking around in the gym, have the worst diet, drink alcohol, do drugs, have terrible sleep, and still be more jacked and shredded than you will ever be " is not true for most cases.
A lot of these genetically blessed people who walk around with six-packs despite not knowing even the bare basics are in competitive sports and have coaches who know 10x as much as even the most well-read gymcels on this forum and do all the thinking for them.
A lot of these genetically blessed people who walk around with six-packs despite not knowing even the bare basics are in competitive sports and have coaches who know 10x as much as even the most well-read gymcels on this forum and do all the thinking for them.

Nope, even then its genetics.

There are big coaching companies who have many coaches and clients, who lay claim to elite level bodybuilders and powerlifters, but what they don't tell you is that they also have thousands of other clients, whose results are just as shit as your average gym goer, the ELITE guys that they coach aren't ELITE because of the COACHES, theyre ELITE because they have ELITE GENETICS, they're ELITE IN SPITE of the coaching they receive, a literal brain dead guy on life support could "coach" an genetically elite freak and his results would be barely noticeable from some $50k/year elite coaching.

What you have is, a well know Coach will end up with a few genetic freaks, and other genetic freaks will end up in this guys circle, and what you have appearing is that this Coach has some secret special coaching technique, when in reality the guy just picks the right people with elite genetics that makes him look like he has the secret formula, yet he'll have 100s or even 1000s of other people using his services, who look like shit, I wonder why....funny how the super elite special coaching on works on a select few individuals, funny that.
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Nope, even then its genetics.

There are big coaching companies who have many coaches and clients, who lay claim to elite level bodybuilders and powerlifters, but what they don't tell you is that they also have thousands of other clients, whose results are just as shit as your average gym goer, the ELITE guys that they coach aren't ELITE because of the COACHES, theyre ELITE because they have ELITE GENETICS, they're ELITE IN SPITE of the coaching they receive, a literal brain dead guy on life support could "coach" an genetically elite freak and his results would be barely noticeable from some $50k/year elite coaching.

Strongly agree. Coaching in "bodybuildy" is a complete scam. Your insertions, ability to get and stay lean, and most importantly your skeleton determine everything.

I mean maybe if you kill yourself with a shit ton of drugs and low calories you might look 1% better, but in the end it's not noticeable compared to a guy with elite genes.
When I say "Genetics" I dont just refer to Bodyfat, or ability to Build Muscle - I refer most importantly to HOW YOU LOOK with all that muscle and having a low bodyfat. Like when you have gained 15kg or 20kg of muscle, and then you have cut down to <10% bodyfat, and then you still look like SHIT, because your insertions are DOG SHIT, insertions are genetics, thats how I refer to genetics.
Yes I agree with that, but the way you phrased it in your OP it seemed like you were saying that Chad somehow gets muscular and low bodyfat for free and that an incel couldn't do it which is very inaccurate. Everyone can gain muscles and get shredded, it has little to do with genetics.
Yes I agree with that, but the way you phrased it in your OP it seemed like you were saying that Chad somehow gets muscular and low bodyfat for free and that an incel couldn't do it which is very inaccurate. Everyone can gain muscles and get shredded, it has little to do with genetics.

Ah no sorry, again, very untrue.

Some men can maintain 10% bodyfat without any impact on their life, they dont get hungry, they arent "food focused" and its easy to maintain. But most guys at 10% bodyfat are going to have food on their mind 24/7, their life will suffer in many ways, they will become very food focused, and it will be a pain in the ass for them to maintain it.

Just because a guy with shit genetics can get to 8% bodyfat doesn't mean he can maintain it, and most guys can't, they just crack under the stress of it, and binge, and get back upto 20% bodyfat within a very short period of time.

The difference is Chad Genetics can do 8% bodyfat, maintain it, and not have it take over their life, where as the Incel Genetics, yes you can get 8% bodyfat, but you'll be spending every waking moment thinking about food and your next meal, and you'll be constantly on the edge and any moment from a massive binge, and the rest of your life will go to shit. Meanwhile Chad Genetics @ 8% is just happily enjoying life and going bout his business like its nothing.
Strongly agree. Coaching in "bodybuildy" is a complete scam. Your insertions, ability to get and stay lean, and most importantly your skeleton determine everything.

I mean maybe if you kill yourself with a shit ton of drugs and low calories you might look 1% better, but in the end it's not noticeable compared to a guy with elite genes.

Yeah. I know guys who are natural that look far more aesthetic than actual steroid users. Imagine taking steroids, and being mogged by a natty?

Yeah the roider has far more muscle, but the guys look like a block, no aesthetics, just block. Meanwhile natty with good genetics actually has a good body, and if that natty got on roids he'd fucking mog the roider even more, straight mogged into another galaxy.
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I'd say 95% of gym-cels are delusional as fuck.

I honestly can't think of any group of people who are more delusional.
They'll always say "I do it for myself and my health bro!!!!!" Which is obviously a load of massive horse shit. if you don't play a sport going to the gym is worthless outside of looking better, to maintain good health just eat better and maybe occasional cardio. I can't tell if they're lying to me or to themselves as well. It's the exact same as women claiming they put on makeup "for themselves".
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Im glad people are stopping with this bluepilled nonsense about getting ripped. Unless you take drugs, or have natural genetics (skeletal frame, androgen recoptor density, fat retention / distribution genes) , its not happening. Every cunt in the gym who looks swole is one or the other, probably both. Every cunt on youtube telling you just get big brah is a liar, lies about being natty, lies lies lies.

I think its @Doug who knows about this stuff from what I've read, unless I'm mixing him up with another user.

Its not to say you can't put on muscle and look better, but its vastly diminishing returns for a marginal improvement, and you will go insane from people gaslighting you and lying about it.
Nope, even then its genetics.
Holy fuck you're obtuse. Genetics are powerful, and they're the main reason these people have coaches in the first place, but they aren't magic jfl, you are coping so hard.
Its not to say you can't put on muscle and look better, but its vastly diminishing returns for a marginal improvement, and you will go insane from people gaslighting you and lying about it.

The diminishing returns for lifting are HUGE. If you did everything right in your first year (hard not to, with all the information available online) you will gain a huge amount of your maximum possible gains. So you will be able to tell within the first year if you have the genetics to be aesthetics.

The Diminishing Returns PILL is BRUTAL in weight lifting.


There are guys in their 5th, 7th, 9th, and even 15th year of training who are thinking their aesthetics are coming "any moment now, anyyyyyy moment now"
The diminishing returns for lifting are HUGE. If you did everything right in your first year (hard not to, with all the information available online) you will gain a huge amount of your maximum possible gains. So you will be able to tell within the first year if you have the genetics to be aesthetics.

The Diminishing Returns PILL is BRUTAL in weight lifting

View attachment 168308
Even the data on that table is pretty optimistic. The Alan Aragon model sets the rate of potential muscle gain as a percentage of body weight (assuming normal weight and body composition) while Casey Butt did the math on peoples' natty potential based on their wrist and ankle sizes. It's funny how you say bodybuilding is pretty much all genetics, then turn around and give a fixed rate of muscle growth for everyone regardless of their genetic makeup.
Even the data on that table is pretty optimistic. The Alan Aragon model sets the rate of potential muscle gain as a percentage of body weight (assuming normal weight and body composition) while Casey Butt did the math on peoples' natty potential based on their wrist and ankle sizes. It's funny how you say bodybuilding is pretty much all genetics, then turn around and give a fixed rate of muscle growth for everyone regardless of their genetic makeup.

Again, its how that muscle ends up looking on your frame. Thats all that matters. And its entirely GENETIC.

Guys will try to focus on building up specific bodypart thats considered "aesthetic", like Alphadestiny, doing rack pulls to try make traps look huge (has anyone even built their traps up doing rackpulls since Alphadestiny started forcing that meme? its been a few years now, surely we should be seeing gymcels with huge traps everywhere), meanwhile look at Zyzz's traps, before he even started lifting.
I'd say 95% of gym-cels are delusional as fuck.

I honestly can't think of any group of people who are more delusional.
I agree, I used to be one of them.
They'll always say "I do it for myself and my health bro!!!!!" Which is obviously a load of massive horse shit.

Lol at being healthy. I do it because I want to hurt myself.
Again, its how that muscle ends up looking on your frame. Thats all that matters. And its entirely GENETIC.

Guys will try to focus on building up specific bodypart thats considered "aesthetic", like Alphadestiny, doing rack pulls to try make traps look huge (has anyone even built their traps up doing rackpulls since Alphadestiny started forcing that meme? its been a few years now, surely we should be seeing gymcels with huge traps everywhere), meanwhile look at Zyzz's traps, before he even started lifting.
I said right off the bat frame and insertions matter for aesthetics, so I don't even disagree with this point that you're arguing extremely poorly. Rack pulls are a shit exercise in general lol.
It's just like being tall making an ugly person stand out but worse.

Now, I totally support cardio. It helps a lot with depression as it releases feel-good hormones. Lifting mainly just helps looks.
I go to the gym to get stronger, I honestly don't give a shit what I look like. People don't fuck with you if you're strong, and you can fuck with people if you want to.
I go to the gym to get stronger, I honestly don't give a shit what I look like. People don't fuck with you if you're strong, and you can fuck with people if you want to.

Hormones and genetics are everything in order to build muscle. I have high T and broad shoulders so I had solid results. Still didn't change my sexless life.
Also - You will not find any Blackpilled places on the internet for lifting, they dont exist. Its because the Blue/Redpilled lifter usually quits lifting once they realize "hardwork" and "dedication" does NOTHING, and they silently move on, all to be replaced by a new stock of people who fall into the same trap.

Steroid forums are NOT Blackpilled, they're full of guys with TERRRRRRRRRRIBLE genetics who look like shit. You will get a guy here and there who unlocked some giga-chad mode from roids, but that is the extreme exception, most guys just look like dog shit on steroids. If everyone could just get on steroids and be an aesthetic god, then there would be ZERO money in the fitness industry, there would be no way to sell diets or routines to people if they could just take steroids and all turn into Zyzz. The reality is fitness models and aesthetic "brahs" get into that position and make a business out of it, by being the top 1% of the top 1%, they're not your random average steroid user, they're not your average genetics, they're the top genetics combined with top genetic response to steroids, thats their secret, nothing else. You cannot replicate that besides from having different parents and different DNA.
http://nattyornot.com is a black pill site for fitness , is very good , this site have a lot of posts like this http://nattyornot.com/why-pick-up-a...ote-lifting-as-one-of-the-ultimate-solutions/ please read it and tell me what you think
I said most roid users look like shit a few times as well.

Steroids bloat your face up, even while shredded if you use moderate or higher doses. Most guys don't have the genes or discipline to get lean and stay lean on roids.

End result: A balding, fat, bloated mess who looks much worse than natural

ironically only those with elite genetics usually benefit from roids
Steroids actually bloat the actual bones in your face by the way, not just the tissue. see joe rogan
Again, its how that muscle ends up looking on your frame. Thats all that matters. And its entirely GENETIC.

Guys will try to focus on building up specific bodypart thats considered "aesthetic", like Alphadestiny, doing rack pulls to try make traps look huge (has anyone even built their traps up doing rackpulls since Alphadestiny started forcing that meme? its been a few years now, surely we should be seeing gymcels with huge traps everywhere), meanwhile look at Zyzz's traps, before he even started lifting.
What are traps?
http://nattyornot.com is a black pill site for fitness , is very good , this site have a lot of posts like this http://nattyornot.com/why-pick-up-a...ote-lifting-as-one-of-the-ultimate-solutions/ please read it and tell me what you think
This site is awesome and does a very good job of deconstructing the natty powerbuilding ego-lifting gymcel mindset and shitting all over it. Gets a thumbs-up from me.

What are traps?
Trapezius, that triangular-looking muscle in the back of your neck. It helps you pull stuff upward.
No Gym for your face, height or autism. Gymceling to ascend is cope. You should gymcel to strengthmog normalfaggots and intimidationmaxx.

Would you rather be 5'8" 135lbs weak DYEL(around 10% bf) or 5'8" 165-169lbs Gymcel (around 13-15% bf). The more intimidating you are, the more normalfaggots will leave you alone, not try to walk all over you, and not try to pick fights with you. The more normalfaggots leave you alone, the better. Better = happier.

Yeah you wont ascend (BLUEPILLED IF YOU THINK YOU WILL) but you will at least be able to basic things in peace (school, work, grocery shopping, etc) and not have normal faggots bother you all the time and live in fear.

Also trying to get new PRs is fun (imo)
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I've accepted my shite genes I just do pull ups and push ups daily now to have good upper body strength
I've accepted my shite genes I just do pull ups and push ups daily now to have good upper body strength

Pretty much this, I count out pull/pushup anyone I know yet I look like I don't work out because I have crap bones, tiny wrists, weird muscle positioning (not sure what term for this is, its where your biceps kind of sag to the side at an angle instead of popping up and out)

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