Interesting observation.
But yeah, I guess the nu-heroes aren't made for beta males anymore but for women - for the cunts and their cucks.
It's not about a means of escapism anymore that provides betas, nerds, incels and the like an opportunity to cope with their situation, but about female-friendly entertainment. And women don't want to see ugly men with superpowers. They HATE the idea of having to be grateful to ugly men. So if you want to turn them into female-friendly entertainment, you have to remove this element.
Maybe this is also one of the reason why Marvel has become so popular now, more popular than DC: because except for Spider-Man, Marvel heroes are not that concerned about keeping a secret identity. And women want to BRAG, of course, how much of a high-status their Chad boyfriend is. Women hate the idea of a secret identity, because they want to show everyone that their boyfriend is a high-status Chad. So being a superhero only in secret is confusing for women. They like the idea of Super-Chad being open about his identity ... and his relationship.