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LifeFuel Lifefuel for doomercels, Pelosi has landed in Taiwan just now. Get ready for all hell to break loose. WW3



Mar 8, 2020
The only question now is, what will China do? Probably nothing lulz. Remember, Nancy Pelosi is from SF. She knows we rice men in her city are a bunch of high inhibition oppressed cucks lol. Over...

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWOwrr8_6YY
Aren't you niggas afraid to be forcibly drafted and killed?
She is basically the Vice vice president as the house speaker. If both the president and VP somehow die, she is next in line to takeover as president basically. So this is no joke and a very serious matter to China. Its like a really massive provocation/insult to China.
The Chinese are not about that life; they’re a bunch of weak cucks. They will do nothing.
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The Chinese are not about that life; they’re a bunch of weak cucks. They will do nothing.
this. they are low T Cucks who won't do shit. They are beating a dead horse. You've hand it to Russia, at least they stuck their word and actually invaded Ukraine instead of fucking around like China.
I am ready for nuclear winter
cant wait for the fuck shit :ahegao:
Can't wait to play Fallout IRL

it was nice knowing you all
Chinks are weak cucks who won't so shit, if WW3 starts it starts in Europe
Aren't you niggas afraid to be forcibly drafted and killed?
I'm too old (41) to be drafted. A lot of us have mental illnesses that would prevent us from being drafted. A lot of us are too overweight to pass the Army physical even if we were drafted.

When a lot of men are killed in a war, making it so that there are a lot more women than men in society, it makes women more willing to date short men. I was damn glad when the Second Persian Gulf War started. I followed the casualty counts enthusiastically.
If I die in a nuclear war because some old bat wanted to make more money off her Nvidia stocks I'mma be pissed.:lasereyes::lasereyes:
Have we all died in ww3 yet?
Tell her to stay their
@mistersinister is going to defect to the PRC side and gun down tall changs in his town.
Nah the Chinese are smart enough to not shoot an air to air missile at Pelosi's plane. That would be a legit act of war to kill the 2nd or 3rd highest leader of America.

America would start a small scale naval/air war if that were to happen. The pretext of this small naval war would be "Chinese aircraft engaged American naval aircraft conducting patrols". After a bunch of air to air engagements between China and America, hostilities would cease soon after when China starts deploying its hypersonic carrier killer missiles. Then the world would enter into a dark age because all economic ties between America and China would be cut off. The American navy would takeover all trade routes to prevent any shipping headed to China. If America penetrates Chinese airspace with F-35s and starts killing civilians, then yea, the world would get into a Cuban Missile crisis like scenario where the world awaits nuclear winter. Mass rapes, killings, starvation, cannibalism, and mass looting will be commonplace during the nuclear winter. The world would reset. The elite billionaires will have armored and mobile killer AI robots protecting their bunkers.

The luckiest places to be during this time are remote places in Burma, Nepal, Canada, Alaska. If people see your smoke from your fire in the woods, they are headed towards YOU and your homestead. They will scout your place and devise plans to assault your cabin when you are asleep.

Anyways... China knows that it is much more powerful now than in the mid 90s where they couldn't do jack squat when an American aircraft carrier showed up at the Taiwanese straight. But still, they know that they are not quite powerful enough yet to take on the American navy.
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I'm too old (41) to be drafted. A lot of us have mental illnesses that would prevent us from being drafted. A lot of us are too overweight to pass the Army physical even if we were drafted.

When a lot of men are killed in a war, making it so that there are a lot more women than men in society, it makes women more willing to date short men. I was damn glad when the Second Persian Gulf War started. I followed the casualty counts enthusiastically.
I don't know man, but the only reasons to not be drafted are officially diagnosed mental illness, age of 60+ or lethal cancer/being crippled. Noone will care if you are fat, or if you are 40+ or that you are unofficially diagnosed with some mental problems, as long as army's doctor says you are fine, you are fine.
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they know that they are not quite powerful enough yet to take on the American navy.
America has 10 times more expensive army than China and God only knows what new technology USA is still hiding. China is not even close to be able to fight USA. Noone is for that matter. Only reasonable war with USA is nuclear war, because maybe then it will be a tie if everyone dies.
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Burn the witch.
Of course China won't do anything, the US won't do shit either. She's just trying to mobilize her voters by showing she's tough on chyna. Nobody is dumb enough to start a nuclear war.
Shoot a 12 inch long anti air schlong at her plane, even if it misses the plane she'll take it in her ass or throat and die choking :feelsthink:
This shit is political theater and china doesn't got the juice like that
I don't know man, but the only reasons to not be drafted are officially diagnosed mental illness, age of 60+ or lethal cancer/being crippled. Noone will care if you are fat, or if you are 40+ or that you are unofficially diagnosed with some mental problems, as long as army's doctor says you are fine, you are fine.
In America, only men 18-26 are registered with the selective service. I am 41 years old.
In America, only men 18-26 are registered with the selective service. I am 41 years old.
Ok Im from Eastern Europe, but I guess selective service is not war, and war means every man younger than 60 goes to army.
Ok Im from Eastern Europe, but I guess selective service is not war, and war means every man younger than 60 goes to army.
It wouldn't be that way in America.
Just invade Taiwan already for fucksake they can mobilise an army of 500 million if they want too
I just wish China and Russia would launch the nukes already, let the degenerate west burn and my miserable life with it!
I just wish China and Russia would launch the nukes already, let the degenerate west burn and my miserable life with it!
Former Russian president on the West.


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