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LifeFuel Lifefuel for blackcels: Stacy and chad get kicked out of high school due to racist tiktok



卐 卍࿕࿖࿗࿘ꖦ
Oct 12, 2018

Racism is cool and all tbh imo, but the jokes they made were kind of old, used up stupid ones (le freid chiken an waturmelon). Normie-tier jokes always are shitty and behind, even in le edgy racist ones.
They legit look like chad and stacy steryotype jfl
Lifefuel for niggers tho

The chad was a wrestler and he got kicked out jfl and the foid was also into sports. :lul: :lul: :lul:
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tiktocks is gay
how low iq do you have to be to post racist shit on the internet with your face in it
how low iq do you have to be to post racist shit on the internet with your face in it
They probably thought nothing would happen as they get enormous validation from their peers.
@Colvin76 should film racist foids in his high school
too late now. corona shut down my school a month ago.

Goddamn it I wish I recorded. fuck
too late now. corona shut down my school a month ago.

Goddamn it I wish I recorded. fuck
u wud ded srs fuck them all over cuz they said nigger xd
How is this lifefuel??? They will still fuck everyone they want in their white privilege bubble. If anything, this is lifefuel FOR THEM, because any minorities they already despise will start to avoid them. They will live HUUUWHITE lives like a fucking Friends episode like they've always wanted. These are exactly the kinds of Chads and Staceys we dream of going ER on.

I don't even understand what they did as a concept. Why did they make cards, and pour water into a sink?
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You think this is lifefuel but in reality these guys will go on to be successful in careers even without a GED due to the power of the halo effect + being trust fund babies and experience full lives while blackcels will rot.

Its so fucking over, chad always wins.
TikTok is a pool of intellectual cancer
Only good thing about tiktok is watching the little girls dance
You think this is lifefuel but in reality these guys will go on to be successful in careers even without a GED due to the power of the halo effect + being trust fund babies and experience full lives while blackcels will rot.

Its so fucking over, chad always wins.
it's absolutely hilarious anyone would think this would stop chad in his tracks. if my bullies could get through life being pieces of shit to people lower than them and end up in high paying successful career what the fuck is going to stop this guy? some stupid racist joke? yeah, that'll only stop some poor ugly incel who tried to fit in, for chad it was just a mistake he made when he was young, he'll get a second chance
I do not understand. Is this supposed to be funny or smth?
how low iq do you have to be to post racist shit on the internet with your face in it
this. just lol at them. dumbfucks should have used Snapchat or riot server at the least. their employment prospects likely permafucked too.
Racism is ok but these braindead fucktards can't even come up with some new jokes. They are still using the same old bullshit.
lowest IQ shit I've ever seen. imagine winning the genetic lottery and you still manage to fuck up your life just by being a complete retard with no concept of consequences or introspection.
too late now. corona shut down my school a month ago.

Goddamn it I wish I recorded. fuck
At least you don’t have to be at school anymore.
Kicked out of high school?

They do that?

I was stabbed in high school and they didn’t kick the guy out jfl
That was supposed to be funny?
They probably thought nothing would happen as they get enormous validation from their peers.
lowest IQ shit I've ever seen. imagine winning the genetic lottery and you still manage to fuck up your life just by being a complete retard with no concept of consequences or introspection.
What a couple of ridiculous normie clowns. The fact they are getting laid and living life when there are so many cool & wise incels rotting alone is the most frustrating part by far.
too late now. corona shut down my school a month ago.

Goddamn it I wish I recorded. fuck
Why did you change the profile pic? Just changing things up?
I might change it back idk
The old one was more distinctive. Not necessarily better or worse. Or maybe I was just really used to it.

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