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Story Life is such a joke that its genuinely funny to me now



May 9, 2024
Today was a reminder of how fucked I am
Its getting to comedic levels now

I had to go to the dentist today and my mum came with me because I'm too autistic and retarded to go on my own
my nephews also came with us because my mum was taking care of them for today

I was speaking to the people at the desk and then I swear to god
the mum of my old oneitus walks in to the desk too

I literally mentioned her daughter on .is recently and I haven’t thought of her since I stopped having a crush on her which has been years at this point
I haven’t seen her or heard of her in years
But as soon as I speak about her its like her existence is brought back into reality again and her mum is summoned into my vicinity to fuck with me

My mum said hi to her because they used to work together in the school I went to as a kid
she didn't even recognise me she thought I was way younger then I am because of my undeveloped face and short framecel body
She thought that I was my sisters kid ffs :feelskek:
This shows how subhuman Ive become because I looked somewhat normal as a kid and now she thinks Im a completely different person

my mum thought I didnt even know who she was because I cba talking to her and basically ignored her

After she left my mum said to me “ thats lydias mum do you remember her she used to go to your school” so I said I remembered her while thinking “of course I remember her I wanted to fuck her for years ffs :feelskek:

After that I went to see the dentist and to my surprise there was nothing wrong with my teeth
I havent been brushing them as much lately because of how much worse my depression has become
I thought he was going to tell me they were completely fucked

When I left the dentists room I had to go arrange the next meeting and sign some papers and there were these two blonde girls with big tits and nice bodies sat behind me with their mum
They looked like they were both around 18
They were both like a 5.5/10 but Idk for sure because I was trying to ignore them so I didn’t get a good look at their faces
I could see they had good bodies though
I swear every young bitch in there looked decent they were all blonde and kind of aryan looking too

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Anyway I was signing this fucking paper and In the corner of my eye I can see them looking at me and I hear these cunts laughing and whispering
I don’t know what they said because I couldn’t hear but they were definitely saying something about me because I could see they kept turning to look at me
This obviously annoyed me but I wasn’t surprised
I was the most subhuman there
Everyone mogged me even this fat guy who worked the desk
if he wasnt such a fat cunt he would look normal but I stick out for how weird I look despite not being fat

At this point I find it funny when this sort of shit happens because my life is just fucked
It’s obviously still brutal but you get to a point where you have to laugh at how shit your life is because its actually crazy how it could be like this

There are so many average people living normal lives
yet Ive been fucked over
I have so many disadvantages in life compared to the average person
I have low iq with learning difficulties and bad looks with small height and frame

the chances of me being this unfortunate In life were probably very small

Sure it could have been worse but this is still a very shitty life
Not only was I born with subhuman looks But Ive also had a shitty life in general always unfortunate in fucking everything

It reminds me of how arthur fleck saw his life as a comedy because his life was fucked too
Lady Gaga Dc GIF by Warner Bros. Pictures

Its been awhile since I last went out in the day so I forgot how bad it is
I barely go out any more And if I do its with my friends and we always meet fairly late at night

You get to a point where your rotting so much you forget how bad you have it

As soon as I got out of the car to go to the dentists It hit me how fucked I am
how fucking subhuman I am
I stick out in the crowd
Everyone including women frame mogged me
My frame is just too fucking small man its so brutal
At best I look like a 14 year old as a “grown” man
Subhuman is such a perfect term for it I never thought about it much until today
I don’t feel fucking human this isn’t how people should live

This is why people become hermits because that is the way in life Im going now and If this is how its going to be everytime I go out I have no problem with it

I cba getting this treatment from these fucking assholes
Fuck all of these people I want nothing to do with them
I don't even want to see them in the fucking street

Anyway after this shit We went to asda to get some food because I was hungry

everyone yet again mogged me
I must genuinely be close to the bottom percentage of genes
Im not exaggerating everyone in there mogged me apart from oldcels and I only youth mog them

I felt like all of these people were judging me for even thinking I could come outside
Not like I fucking wanted to be out there or anywhere near these cunts anyway
But of course Im not good enough to exist so they have to try to make me uncomfortable
Staring at me constantly

I bought a krispy kream donut because they are new there and Ive never had one

We left to go back to the car and we hear this massive slamming sound everyone in the carpark came to a halt and looked worried and started looking to try and see what happened
I didnt really care tbh I just wanted to get this over with and go home

some asshole on a bike got hit by a car

We kept walking to the car because we needed to get my nephews in to it so we could leave

me and my one nephew got to the car and I was just glad to be leaving but then my mum stopped and was trying to look at what happened because she was worried for the guy
I swear to god it felt like it went on for so long

I got annoyed and told her to just get in
It was making me a bit angry to see this shit
all these mfs looked so worried for this fucking asshole

do you think these same fucking people care and have the same empathy for anyone like us though??

Fuck no
they dont give af
Not even 5 minutes before this they were all looking at me like A fucking bug but Now they are like empathetic angels

They are so worried and empathetic for this guy
but When they see us being bullied or treated like shit they do nothing or take part in it
These are the people that have treated us like shit and made our lives so hard
But they have such empathy for this fucking asshole on the bike who is probably some chavvy piece of shit

I wish I could have seen that fucking guy mangled in the street
My mum was saying I should have more empathy for people
“that could be someones son Or someones husband he could be crippled or a vegetable now “
She said how she would probably be thinking about whether he was okay all night now :feelskek:
Veggie Tales Thinking GIF

The funny thing is I probably have more empathy then the cunt who got hit I just give my sympathy to the people who deserve it
Why should I give af about that asshole

What difference to my life does it make if hes a fucking cripple or not
Would he give af if I was a cripple?? I doubt it

Would he give me or the people like us sympathy for the lives we have because of our shit genes??
I doubt it He would probably mock us like pretty much every other normie

I guess theres One less asshole I have to deal with in my town
Season 8 Hospital GIF by The Simpsons

I just ate that krispy kreme donut
I have no idea how that became a known brand It is literally just a normal donut
Krispy Kreme Breakfast Sticker by Little Caesars Chile
Anyway I was signing this fucking paper and In the corner of my eye I can see them looking at me and I hear these cunts laughing and whispering
I don’t know what they said because I couldn’t hear but they were definitely saying something about me because I could see they kept turning to look at me
Brutal. Should have stared them down.
Brutal. Should have stared them down.
What would I have gained from that

It would have been painfully awkward and It would have given them something else to laugh at
Imagine an unintimidating short framecel trying to death stare you

I just try to act like a ghost now Im in and out of wherever I go
Bit TLDR but I can relate to the "mom of old friend bit."

It's strange that our parents expect us to care about people who never cared about us.
Like they always say: "You either fuck like Chad or see yourself die a virgin loser" or something like that the quote goes
Can someone tell me if this is worth reading ?
Today was a reminder of how fucked I am
Its getting to comedic levels now

I had to go to the dentist today and my mum came with me because I'm too autistic and retarded to go on my own
my nephews also came with us because my mum was taking care of them for today

I was speaking to the people at the desk and then I swear to god
the mum of my old oneitus walks in to the desk too

I literally mentioned her daughter on .is recently and I haven’t thought of her since I stopped having a crush on her which has been years at this point
I haven’t seen her or heard of her in years
But as soon as I speak about her its like her existence is brought back into reality again and her mum is summoned into my vicinity to fuck with me

My mum said hi to her because they used to work together in the school I went to as a kid
she didn't even recognise me she thought I was way younger then I am because of my undeveloped face and short framecel body
She thought that I was my sisters kid ffs :feelskek:
This shows how subhuman Ive become because I looked somewhat normal as a kid and now she thinks Im a completely different person

my mum thought I didnt even know who she was because I cba talking to her and basically ignored her

After she left my mum said to me “ thats lydias mum do you remember her she used to go to your school” so I said I remembered her while thinking “of course I remember her I wanted to fuck her for years ffs :feelskek:

After that I went to see the dentist and to my surprise there was nothing wrong with my teeth
I havent been brushing them as much lately because of how much worse my depression has become
I thought he was going to tell me they were completely fucked

When I left the dentists room I had to go arrange the next meeting and sign some papers and there were these two blonde girls with big tits and nice bodies sat behind me with their mum
They looked like they were both around 18
They were both like a 5.5/10 but Idk for sure because I was trying to ignore them so I didn’t get a good look at their faces
I could see they had good bodies though
I swear every young bitch in there looked decent they were all blonde and kind of aryan looking too

View attachment 1206253
Anyway I was signing this fucking paper and In the corner of my eye I can see them looking at me and I hear these cunts laughing and whispering
I don’t know what they said because I couldn’t hear but they were definitely saying something about me because I could see they kept turning to look at me
This obviously annoyed me but I wasn’t surprised
I was the most subhuman there
Everyone mogged me even this fat guy who worked the desk
if he wasnt such a fat cunt he would look normal but I stick out for how weird I look despite not being fat

At this point I find it funny when this sort of shit happens because my life is just fucked
It’s obviously still brutal but you get to a point where you have to laugh at how shit your life is because its actually crazy how it could be like this

There are so many average people living normal lives
yet Ive been fucked over
I have so many disadvantages in life compared to the average person
I have low iq with learning difficulties and bad looks with small height and frame

the chances of me being this unfortunate In life were probably very small

Sure it could have been worse but this is still a very shitty life
Not only was I born with subhuman looks But Ive also had a shitty life in general always unfortunate in fucking everything

It reminds me of how arthur fleck saw his life as a comedy because his life was fucked too
Lady Gaga Dc GIF by Warner Bros. Pictures

Its been awhile since I last went out in the day so I forgot how bad it is
I barely go out any more And if I do its with my friends and we always meet fairly late at night

You get to a point where your rotting so much you forget how bad you have it

As soon as I got out of the car to go to the dentists It hit me how fucked I am
how fucking subhuman I am
I stick out in the crowd
Everyone including women frame mogged me
My frame is just too fucking small man its so brutal
At best I look like a 14 year old as a “grown” man
Subhuman is such a perfect term for it I never thought about it much until today
I don’t feel fucking human this isn’t how people should live

This is why people become hermits because that is the way in life Im going now and If this is how its going to be everytime I go out I have no problem with it

I cba getting this treatment from these fucking assholes
Fuck all of these people I want nothing to do with them
I don't even want to see them in the fucking street

Anyway after this shit We went to asda to get some food because I was hungry

everyone yet again mogged me
I must genuinely be close to the bottom percentage of genes
Im not exaggerating everyone in there mogged me apart from oldcels and I only youth mog them

I felt like all of these people were judging me for even thinking I could come outside
Not like I fucking wanted to be out there or anywhere near these cunts anyway
But of course Im not good enough to exist so they have to try to make me uncomfortable
Staring at me constantly

I bought a krispy kream donut because they are new there and Ive never had one

We left to go back to the car and we hear this massive slamming sound everyone in the carpark came to a halt and looked worried and started looking to try and see what happened
I didnt really care tbh I just wanted to get this over with and go home

some asshole on a bike got hit by a car

We kept walking to the car because we needed to get my nephews in to it so we could leave

me and my one nephew got to the car and I was just glad to be leaving but then my mum stopped and was trying to look at what happened because she was worried for the guy
I swear to god it felt like it went on for so long

I got annoyed and told her to just get in
It was making me a bit angry to see this shit
all these mfs looked so worried for this fucking asshole

do you think these same fucking people care and have the same empathy for anyone like us though??

Fuck no
they dont give af
Not even 5 minutes before this they were all looking at me like A fucking bug but Now they are like empathetic angels

They are so worried and empathetic for this guy
but When they see us being bullied or treated like shit they do nothing or take part in it
These are the people that have treated us like shit and made our lives so hard
But they have such empathy for this fucking asshole on the bike who is probably some chavvy piece of shit

I wish I could have seen that fucking guy mangled in the street
My mum was saying I should have more empathy for people
“that could be someones son Or someones husband he could be crippled or a vegetable now “
She said how she would probably be thinking about whether he was okay all night now :feelskek:
Veggie Tales Thinking GIF

The funny thing is I probably have more empathy then the cunt who got hit I just give my sympathy to the people who deserve it
Why should I give af about that asshole

What difference to my life does it make if hes a fucking cripple or not
Would he give af if I was a cripple?? I doubt it

Would he give me or the people like us sympathy for the lives we have because of our shit genes??
I doubt it He would probably mock us like pretty much every other normie

I guess theres One less asshole I have to deal with in my town
Season 8 Hospital GIF by The Simpsons

I just ate that krispy kreme donut
I have no idea how that became a known brand It is literally just a normal donut
Krispy Kreme Breakfast Sticker by Little Caesars Chile
I like the hotline Miami pfp
You've had a busy and eventful day. It was a good read.
I didnt even know you still used the site I haven’t seen you on here for awhile

Was it you that was going to pissmax awhile ago??
How did that go
I didnt even know you still used the site I haven’t seen you on here for awhile

Was it you that was going to pissmax awhile ago??
How did that go
I'm not the real Knajjd, I just took on his name when it became free in support of his deep insights into the human condition.

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